The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 341: Shang Ke and Jiang Huiyin

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yin Sichen froze for a while, and suddenly laughed: "I'm really looking forward to what will happen between them!"

Gu Xi in the room had already let Xiao Wang go home for the holiday.

On such an important day, how can one make people work around them?

However, Gu Xixi was not idle, holding a mobile phone to chat with Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan.

The three of them have a small group, and they whisper in the group.

Mo Zixuan went online suddenly, all kinds of misery: "I really regret returning home so early! I can't stand it anymore!"

"What's the matter? What happened to me? What I said made me happy." Mu Ruona spoke very happy.

Sure enough, there was no surprise to get an expression package that rolled his eyes.

Then the two began to bomb the emoji.

Gu Xixi couldn't help it: "Hey, you two are enough! You can send red envelopes when you have time to express your love package!"

Mo Zixuan and Mu Ruona simultaneously expressed their disdain for Gu Xi.

"Speaking, Zi Xuan, what the **** happened?" Mu Ruona was lying on the sofa at this time, listening to the Spring Festival Evening, and talking on the phone in her hand.

"I was trained again!" Mo Zixuan said with a gritted teeth: "Did I just escape the marriage once? As for grasping this question, did I say so many times?"

"Escape marriage? Wow, I like such a hot topic!" Mu Ruona's heart of gossip and Gu Xi's lungs of gossip burned up instantly: "Hurry, what time? Who is the object of marriage?" "

Gu Xixi also nibbled snacks and gossip: "Yeah, why haven't you heard about your escape from marriage before? I always think this is a good gossip."

Mo Zixuan said pitifully: "Don't mention it. I have never seen a baby kiss since I was a kid. Of course I have to escape marriage! Why should I marry someone I've never seen before? Who knows? What does he look like? What can I do in case of a stumpy head and a stubborn body? I can't build my happiness on an unreliable doll! So I promised to go abroad. Married, in fact, I fled the flight and fled."

Mu Ruona and Gu Xixi grew their mouths: "Kneel!"

"In other words, who is that fiance?" Mu Ruona couldn't help gossip.

"Listening to my brother, it seems to be an English aristocrat. However, I don't have any interest in the aristocracy, but when I mention the aristocracy, I think of vampires. I think about it. Humans are very good. Zi Xuan replied with a smile.

Mu Ruona and Gu Xixi: "Kneel again!"

Speaking of which, Mo Zixuan suddenly said, "Right, Ruona, do you know what Shang Ke and Jiang Huiyin want to date?"



Mu Ruona and Gu Xixi sprayed at the same time.

"Don't make trouble." Gu Xixi said: "How is it possible? Jiang Huiyin is brother-controlled, and feels that all men in the world are not as good as her brother."

"You have to believe the information channels and fidelity of our Mo family." Mo Zixuan said with a despised look: "This is the afternoon, the two just decided things, Xi Xi, do not believe you to ask Yin Sichen , He must have known."

Gu Xixi thought about it and said to Mu Ruona: "What do you think of this?"

Mu Ruona was silent for a few seconds, and slowly said: "Just do it with him. This kind of thing, I love you, there is nothing wrong with it. Although Miss Jiang's family is a fake money, but Jiang's family has always been a man and a man The woman put together a good word, and in the absence of the real Missy, Jiang Huiyin is Miss Jiang’s Miss. Jiang’s and Shang’s are also right.”

Mo Zixuan and Gu Xixi were silent for a while, and said in unison: "Do you really... don't mind?"

Mu Ruona smiled: "Hey, I said the two of you, can you not make an expression that makes me grappling for me? I have never thought of Shang Ke before, but I have always been Just treat him as my boss, my leader. If it’s not because of things, maybe I don’t even know what he thought before. So, can you both do it? I Mu Ruona is So easy to be injured, so easy to be bullied? Please, okay, now I refuse Shang Ke, not Shang Ke refuse me!"

Mu Ruona said so, Mo Zixuan and Gu Xixi thought about it too, so there was much more in my heart.

Everyone's topic slowly diverged.

There's nothing wrong here, but there's nowhere to go.

Jiang Huiyin was forcibly brought home by Jiang Yihai and placed under house arrest. After a few hours, he announced that Jiang Huiyin would meet with Shang Ke.

Compared to the punitive blind dates arranged by Yin Sichen, this time it was formal and serious.

If there is no accident, Jiang Huiyin has no right to refuse.

Although the Jiang family is also a big name, compared with the Shang family, the details are still slightly worse.

You know, even if it is a high society, it is divided into three, six, and nine.

As the Shang family at the top of the upper class, it is natural to pick and choose the Jiang family.

At this time, Shang Ke was vigorously rejecting the arrangement from his mother: "This blind date, whoever loves who will go, I will not go anyway!"

It's clearly New Year's Eve, and it's clearly a family and peaceful meal to have a reunion dinner, but such a bad thing happened.

Shang Ke is absolutely indebted to Jiang Huiyin.

Jiang Huiyin could not understand what virtue was.

How could he choose such a woman?

What a joke!

Mrs. Shang rubbed her eyebrows, and was obviously upset by Shang Ke: "Are you still thinking about that coquette?"

"Mom, Ruo Na is not a vixen!" Shang Ke retorted immediately.

"Huh, it's so fairy-like, and it's not a vixen? Isn't it a vixen? How can you make her fall into love?" Mrs. Shang said dissatisfiedly: "Jiang Huiyin, you can see, you can see. Although she is not the bloodline of the Jiang family, but the Jiang family is also the mainstay of the upper class. Girls of your age can either not return abroad or already have a marriage contract. Shang Ke, you are both big and big, you are a monk Heir of the family, when are you going to drag it?"

Shang Ke stood up suddenly, his face green: "Mom, I'm a little tired, I'm going to rest first!"

After leaving this sentence, Shang Ke turned and left, completely disregarding Mrs. Shang's hysterical anger behind him.

Shang Ke sighed softly in his heart, and the New Year's Eve was destroyed.

I don’t know if Mu Ruona, how are you today?

This New Year's Eve, a few happy and a few sad.

Gu Xixi fell asleep early.

Since she became pregnant, Gu Xixi seldom stayed up late, always resting on time and starting from time to time**.

As long as it is for the good son in the belly, no matter what the cost, Gu Xixi is willing to eat.

When he woke up early in the morning, Yin Sichen had already gotten up early.

Gu Xixi knew that as the heir of the Yin family, he naturally had many things to do.

According to common sense, Gu Xixi, as the eldest daughter-in-law, should also follow.

However, now the whole family understands the inconvenience of Gu Xi, so there is no compelling Gu Xi.

In addition, Mrs. Yin is now towards her daughter-in-law, and yesterday Mrs. Yin also knew that she was responsible, so this morning everyone agreed that Gu Xixi could be absent from the collective meeting on the first day of the Yin family's New Year.

However, at the end of the final highlight, Gu Xixi still had to appear.

Otherwise, how to show her grandson-in-law's status?

Gu Xixi took the incense handed over from Mrs. Yin, respectfully adorned the Yin family's ancestors, and bowed the head in accordance with the rules to salute him. He was immediately supported by Assistant Xiao Wang.

Looking at the tired look in Gu Xixi's eyes, Mrs. Yin asked, "Did you rest well last night?"

Gu Xixi gently shook his head and said: "Nothing, just a night dream."

What Gu Xixi didn't say was that she dreamed of Yun He last night. In the dream, Yun He seemed a lot happier. She kept thanking Gu Xixi and took care of Jiang Yihai for her.

After Gu Xixi woke up in the middle of the night, he couldn't sleep anymore.

During this time, the problems that were forced on her back were all at this moment, and they all came to mind.

With the money in the account, it is enough for Yunjia to rise.

However, the Yun family has basically moved to a small island in Indonesia, and will not return in a short time.

The Yun and Yin families have become enemies.

I am afraid that the words I said during the day may not be so easy to realize.

Not to mention that Yin Sichen's crazy suppression of the Yunjia brought a fatal blow to the Yunjia.

The Yun family will not easily forgive Yin Sichen. Even if the hundreds of billions are returned to the Yun family, they may not be able to get the Yun family's forgiveness.

Let’s say it’s the Mo family. With the pride of the Mo family, you can accept a second-in-law daughter-in-law, but not necessarily a test-tube baby.

The glory of the Mohist family is absolutely not allowed to happen.

How many royal families in the world have the prince's descendants?

Because of this problem, Gu Xixi turned over and over and did not fall asleep for a long time.

I am only one month away from production.

When the time comes, can you really think of an effective solution?

Gu Xixi did not know at this time that this problem was indeed solved after her production.

It was just the solution, the severity of which was the pain that she could not bear all her life.

The kind of heartbreaking pain almost killed her.

This is something that I will not mention for the time being.

Gu Xixi saw that his family members were all concerned, so he had to make an excuse casually: "It may be that the belly is too big and the child is naughty again. , Now more and more powerful, sometimes it can kick for a long time."

Hearing Gu Xixi say this, the rest of his face showed a reassuring smile.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Mrs. Yin's mouth: "When I was pregnant with Si Chen, Si Chen was also very naughty. I remember that when I was about to give birth, he often gave him a stomachache that kicked. Unexpectedly, this little **** grows After he was big, he also made his stomach hurt!"

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