The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 339: Young Master Yin flared

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi couldn't help laughing: "It's not necessary to hold your breath with a girl."

Yin Sichen shook his head and said: "In Syria, three-year-old children will kill people. Well, you can leave this matter alone, I will deal with it."

Gu Xixi didn't have time to say anything, Yin Sichen already held Gu Xixi's hand and walked back again.

Gu Xixi was a little depressed. How many times did she enter and leave Mrs. Yin’s living room today?

The people in the room did not expect Gu Xixi to go back and return again, and it was still so fast, so some words were not taken away, and they were spoken directly.

"Grandma, what is Gu Xixi? What dare to say to me! I'm a serious lady of the Yin family. She's just a poor and sour person and dare to talk to me like this. This is obviously contempt for our Yin family! "Yin Xuemo accused Mrs. Yin of adding oil and vinegar: "Grandma, don't let her come back in the future. I'm back from Norway now. Let me be filial grandma in the future!"

Mrs. Yin just smiled and said nothing.

Although she is older, she is not confused.

She wanted to hit Gu Xixi with Yin Xuemo, so that she should not think that she had coaxed Mrs. Yin, she thought she could get the Yin family.

She wanted Gu Xixi to understand that now the Yin family is in charge of her, not Madam Yin Xue!

Therefore, she just needs to beat Gu Xixi, but she will not tend to Yin Xuemo.

What is Yin Xuemo?

Even if it is the descendant of the elder sister's daughter, what is it compared to the Yin family's century-old foundation?

Seeing that Mrs. Yin did not speak, Yin Xuemo thought that her words had won Mrs. Yin's heart, and continued: "Brother Sichen doesn't know what is going on. He would want such a woman on the countertop to be his wife. If I were him, Don’t be too embarrassing! That kind of small family is disgusting to watch! How can you match the taste of the low family with the high profile of the Yin family?”

Gu Xixi stood at the door and looked up at Yin Sichen.

Meaning, did you hear it? I have never bullied your Yin family, but your Yin family has been bullying me.

Yin Sichen's fingers tightened, and he used his eyes to signal Gu Xi and feel restless.

The voice of the second aunt echoed from the room: "Yeah, aunt. Xuemo came back from Norway this time, just to be filial to you! Xuemo has been nagging you all over the world all these years, saying everything Come back and do filial piety in your knees, I can't stop it!"

The second uncle also painted his daughter in various ways: "Yes, old lady, Si Chen has no sisters. Although Xue Mo is a little farther away, it is your granddaughter who hasn't made five blessings yet. Xue Mo is hardworking, you If there is a need, just ask."

Gu Xixi listened to all kinds of hearts.

What family is the Yin family? Need a young lady who does not touch the spring water with her fingers? When those servants and servants who do service work die?

Yin Sichen also laughed softly, and said in a calm voice: "It's a great luck that the second uncle is so filial grandma! It's just that the second uncle also has a biological mother and is healthy. The second uncle went to Do filial piety here, have you ever asked Qi***'s opinion? Or that grandmother Qi has already died as the second uncle, does not need the second uncle to perform filial pie in front of grandmother seven?

Yin Sichen is Yin Sichen. He never considers whether his words sound good or not, and only needs to be happy.

Gu Xixi used to think Yin Sichen had a bad tongue, but now it sounds so pleasant.

Yeah, the second uncle's family cut their brains and acted in front of Mrs. Yin. Have you ever thought about his real mother?

The two uncles and two aunts were originally going to be angry, but when they turned around and saw it was Yin Sichen, they suddenly fell away!

They did not forget what kind of means Yin Sichen used to send the two uncles to the mental hospital!

They have not forgotten what kind of attitude Yin Sichen used to take away the wealth from their hands!

Uncle barely squeezed his smile, Pi Xiaoluo smiled and replied: "Si Chen is still kidding like he used to be."

Mrs. Yin's smile was more and more faint.

"Grandma, I came back late." Yin Sichen said with a pun: "I didn't expect grandma that so many people here don't want to see my wife. If grandma said directly, we would never come back after a big deal, save Let Grandma watch her heart."

Yin Sichen's words made Mrs. Yin's eyelids jump violently.

Mrs. Yin knew her grandson was angry.

Mrs. Yin also knew that she had played too much today.

"You kid, what nonsense!" Mrs. Yin finally couldn't keep silent, and said to Gu Xixi: "You too are your kid, your second uncle and second aunt are joking with you, why are you angry?"

Gu Xixi hadn't spoken yet, Yin Sichen suddenly laughed: "Joke?"

As soon as the words fell, Yin Sichen suddenly turned around and lifted his feet to kick his uncle's legs!

Slap-The second uncle, like a ball, was kicked by Yin Sichen!

"Ah!--" Aunt Er and Yin Xuemo suddenly screamed and ran towards Uncle.

Yin Sichen, as if nothing had happened, said to his uncle, "Uncle. I'm kidding you, don't you mind?"

In a word, let the people present shut their mouths!

Yin Sichen, you are ruthless!

Even Mrs. Yin closed her mouth fiercely!

Six years ago, Yin Sichen started fiercely. How can he be a sheep now?

Are you kidding me? Then I'm just kidding!

Gu Xixi couldn't bear to look at it. Anyway, the second uncle was in his forties.

Yin Xuemo couldn't help it: "Yin Sichen, what do you mean? My dad is your elder after all!"

"My dad is the only child, and so am I." Yin Sichen squinted Yin Xuemo: "He is your elder, but not my elder! Want to be Miss Yin's, do not pour urine to take photos of virtue? Just you This stupid look, too? Who put them in today?"

When Yin Sichen finished his last sentence, the body's momentum suddenly bloomed, and the people in the room were terrified.

The butler heard the voice and hurried over. As soon as he saw Yin Sichen's momentum, he secretly complained, and quickly said, "Master, it's my fault! It's me..."

"I let them in." Mrs. Yin also knows that this matter can't be good anymore and can only come forward on her own: "Your second uncle, they came to see me just after they came back from Norway!"

"Then grandma wants to protect them?" Yin Sichen asked politely.

Mrs. Yin was suddenly dumb.

She just wanted to use them to deter Gu Xixi, who is close to who is estranged, she is still clear.

Seeing that Mrs. Yin did not answer, Yin Sichen nodded and said, "Since Grandma doesn't protect them, is it the grandson's disposal?"

Mrs. Yin was silent.

At this time, the second uncle reacted and crawled towards Yin Sichen.

"Si Chen nephew, I was wrong! I really knew it was wrong! I don't mean that!" The second uncle suddenly understood the form.

This is not the form they had before going abroad.

This grandma's grandma who appeared out of thin air really got the eyes of the grandma Yin.

It's good to offend anyone, but you can't offend the grandmother Yin Family!

The second aunt also came to her mind, pinched Yin Xuemo fiercely, and then cried out: "Si Chen nephew, we are sincerely looking at the old lady!"

Yin Xuemo turned to look at Gu Xixi's eyes, more resentful!

Why is it that a civilian who is totally useless has transformed into a position higher than her?

Gu Xixi saw the hatred in Yin Xuemo's eyes and couldn't help but sigh.

Because of his ordinary background, so many people have been envied.

Why would you want to be like this?

Yin Sichen wasn’t Gu Xixi’s such a good finisher. He looked down and looked at his uncle and begged himself like a dog. He said slowly: “Today is New Year’s Eve, will his uncle give me a big gift? Yin family But it was a rule. The second uncle gave me such a big courtesy, how should Si Chen return the gift?"

Yin Sichen's words came with a trace of threat and a trace of warning.

The second uncle really slammed his hand as if he were ironing his hand.

Yin Sichen looked at his trousers with disgust, and said to Xiao a: "Go get me clothes."

Xiao a immediately ordered to turn around and leave.

Yin Sichen has a clean taste, except Gu Xi, anyone who touches his clothes will throw it away!

This sentence hit the face clearly, but the second uncle dare not put a word!

Yin Sichen continued slowly: "The second uncle likes my carpet so much? Would you like your grandma to give you a pair?"

The second uncle's family had a sad face.

No one is beaten to this extent.

"My unsuccessful younger brother recently fell in love with the second uncle's company without knowing how. What is the opinion of the second uncle?" Yin Sichen's sense of oppression was the strongest.

The second uncle shivered, could he refuse? Dare he refuse?

If it is normal, he can still fight haha, refused Yin Sichen to crow in his company.

But now he still has room to refuse this situation?

Guarding Mrs. Yin dare dare to kick people, not to mention the time when not guarding?

"Si Chen's nephew laughed and let Si Yaoxian's nephew get into his eyes, wouldn't Uncle dare refuse it? You can rest assured that I will cultivate Si Yaoxian nephew well!" Ershu wiped the sweat beads on his forehead Said.

Yin Sichen showed a satisfied smile, and turned to Mrs. Yin: "Grandma, can you still be satisfied?"

Yin Sichen beat the second uncle, but asked for a benefit for Yin Siyao. What else could Mrs. Yin say?

Mrs. Yin rubbed her forehead and said, "I'm a little tired. You guys are all busy."

With Mrs. Yin's statement, everyone quickly retreated.

When leaving, Yin Sichen still did not forget to pull Gu Xi's finger. When walking, the high head showed that he was in a good mood at this time.

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