The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 334: Smart people do smart things

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi's words are a little unkind.

However, you have to admit that all she said is facts!

When Yin Siyao first returned to Yin's house, he was indeed full of ambitions.

However, after seeing Yin Sichen's means one after another, and secretly hearing Ran Xiwei's ending, Yin Siyao suffocated at home for three days and three nights.

Since then, when Yin Siyao looked at Yin Sichen, the look of fear in her eyes never subsided.

What a man it is!

As if there were nothing in City n that he didn't know, as if there was nothing he feared!

As long as he wants to do something, there is nothing he cannot do.

Now Gu Xixi reminded him that Yin Siyao certainly wouldn't think Gu Xixi was aimless.

Yin Siyaoding’s room is not far away, the first room across the corridor.

Gu Xixi and Yin Siyao walked into the room, Assistant Xiao Wang followed, and everyone else stayed outside.

Gu Xixi's body is inconvenient, so Assistant Wang is always looking after him.

Yin Siyao looked at Gu Xixi's belly, and his eyes flashed.

Gu Xixi also looked down at her stomach and pondered for a moment, saying, "How do you return to the Yin family, you must have known it already?"

Yin Siyao's complexion immediately became strange, but he nodded.

Gu Xixi continued: “It stands to reason that we should not ask about the grudges of the previous generation. However, there are many things that you can’t really do without just asking. It is true that Si Chen brought you back to the Yin family These goals are also related to me, but it is undeniable that you have indeed benefited. You can invite me to dinner with Si Chen today, you can see that you are a smart person. The reason why Si Chen will come later, among them You can probably guess the reason for this."

Yin Siyao's face was slightly paler, but he nodded.

"These methods must have been learned by Si Chen these days. The rest, I don't think I need to say more?" Gu Xixi said with a slight smile: "It seems that the year is passing, and after the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, This day is getting closer day by day. At the Yin family, you said that people who can rely on it, in addition to grandma, have you thought about other retreats? You have to know that it won't take long for grandma to really abdicate. In the hands of the Yin family’s future destination, you should also be clear. So, since it is a smart person, don’t be stupid."

"Thank you, Sister-in-law." Yin Siyao's eyes flashed and seemed to decide: "Sister-in-law can say these things to me, which shows that Sister-in-law does not treat me as an outsider, and I know what to do."

If Yin Siyao didn't know Yin Sichen's method before, but after Ran Xiwei's death, Yin Siyao secretly heard the news, which was enough to cool his heart into the bone marrow.

It turned out that Yin Sichen allowed Ran Xiwei to trample for so long, not because of the unfathomable previous feelings, but to use Ran Xiwei to pull out the nails he was looking at.

The ridiculous and pitiful Ran Xiwei thought that she was the winner.

But did not know that everything is in the other party's eyes, nothing to hide.

After Gu Xixi finished these words, seeing Yin Siyao's thoughts, he stopped talking about this topic and turned to other aspects: "I heard that you recently asked for grandma and asked you to go to Tenghao branch. Serve?"

Yin Siyao nodded.

"Since it's a job, except for salary, there is no dividend." Gu Xixi took the cup in his hand and took a sip of water.

"I know." Yin Siyao answered dumbly.

The two fell into silence instantly, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, a slight footstep sounded outside.

The next door was opened gently, and Yin Sichen walked in with Xiao a.

"Have you all arrived early?" Yin Sichen said with a smile.

Gu Xixi saw Yin Sichen coming and was relieved.

Yin Sichen's eyes gleamed with a gentle smile, and he quickly walked to Gu Xixi's side and reached out to touch Gu Xixi's head: "It's hard."

"Fortunately." Gu Xixi reached out and took Yin Sichen's finger. Fortunately, he understood himself.

These words, Yin Sichen will not speak to Yin Siyao.

How proud of him!

And he didn't need to attract Yin Siyao.

To put it bluntly, Yin Siyao is a chicken rib.

If you run to death, you will run to death without much loss.

It doesn't matter if you support it.

But he would never say such words.

Since he doesn't say it, Gu Xi is the best person to say these things.

As the sister-in-law, teaching young uncle is also the past.

Therefore, Yin Sichen was deliberately late for a while, just to let Gu Xixi put these words clearly.

Yin Siyao knows what to do if she is sensible.

If not sensible, Yin Sichen would not mind sending him to be his companion to Ran Xiwei.

When Yin Sichen came in, her eyes swept across Yin Siyao's face. From Yin Siyao's slightly stiff expression and slightly embarrassed eyes, Yin Sichen knew that Gu Xixi had already said everything he should say Finished.

"Big... Brother." The moment Yin Sichen entered, the whole person's momentum was suppressed.

Although he was very dissatisfied, he still had to admit that the imperial domineering from the soul was beyond his lifetime.

Yin Sichen's methods are also beyond his control in his life.

Even if Yin Siyao didn't want to admit it, he was destined to survive under Yin Sichen's aura.

Yin Sichen's smile at the corner of his mouth made Yin Siyao's head bowed down.

"Well, there is intention." Yin Sichen replied lowly, sitting by Gu Xixi's side.

Xiao a and Xiao Wang stood a little further away, waiting for the master's orders at any time.

Yin Siyao took courage, looked up at Yin Sichen, stuttered and said: "I... I just thought about it, it's almost New Year, we are always a family, so I just wanted to ask my brother-in-law to come out and eat rice."

Yin Sichen's long fingers gently tapped the back of the chair, his head slightly bowed, and his narrow eyes narrowed gently.

His sitting posture was unusually relaxed, but in the eyes of Yin Siyao, it was so impeccable.

Yin Siyao's words, under this pressure, could not continue immediately.

"Have you ever found your grandma and said you want to go to work?" Yin Sichen actively opened the topic.

"Yes..." Yin Siyao felt a sweat bead on his forehead, but he dared not reach out and wipe it.

"Teng Hao branch, but the second uncle's site." Yin Sichen smiled at Yin Siyao meaningfully.

Yin Siyao stuttered and said, "I...I just think that there is the site of the second uncle, so I want to take a look for the older brother."

"Oh?" Yin Sichen raised her mouth slightly: "Is it?"

"Brother!" Yin Siyao gritted his teeth, holding back the sour sweat on his back, and summoned the courage to say, "I already know that I am wrong! I will never do anything against you again! I know, brother has always been very good Dissatisfied with the second uncle under the banner of the Yin family Yaowu Yangwei! I am willing to be the striker of the elder brother, go to the second uncle's site, remove all obstacles!"

The smile in Yin Sichen's eyes grew thicker.

Teng Hao Branch was placed under the jurisdiction of the Second Uncle more than ten years ago.

This second uncle was not Yin Sichen's pro second uncle, but the uncle's second uncle.

In other words, it is a branch of the Yin family.

When Yin Sichen was competing for the Yin clan consortium, this second uncle had joined forces with other uncles to contend with Yin Sichen.

Under Yin Sichen's thundering means, two other uncles were directly sent to the mental hospital by Yin Sichen.

With Yin Sichen's hand, the others immediately stopped, and no longer dared to challenge Yin Sichen, successfully let Yin Sichen take over the Yin family.

At that time, Yin Sichen was busy taking over the huge Yin family, so he did not deal with others temporarily.

Now, the entire Yin family is already in his applause, and he will start to liquidate the accounts.

Unexpectedly, this Yin Si Yao was quite smart, keenly aware of Yin Si Chen's meaning, and actively invited Ying to go to Teng Hao branch to act as Yin Si Chen's pioneer force.

"I know, I used to be too overstretched, and even fantasized... to control the Yin consortium. These days, I have learned about the hugeness of the Yin consortium, and it is not the existence that I can control. So, I have been profound I realized that I was naive and naive. Brother, as we are all a family, please give me this opportunity?" Yin Siyao seemed to make up his mind and stood up all at once and gave Yin all at once Si Chen knelt down.

Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi did not move.

The Yin family is a traditional family with elder brothers as fathers and elder sisters as mothers.

Therefore, Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi could bear this kneel.

"Brother, sister-in-law, I will prove everything with actual actions!" Yin Siyao wilfully ran across the cold sweat on his forehead, and gave the two people a kowtow.

"Okay, you're still smart." Yin Sichen's voice with a trace of Qing Yue and coldness, but the next words made Yin Siyao completely relieved: "For your fair share, Ma Yingying will be fine."

Gu Xixi turned to look at Yin Sichen at once.

Yin Sichen's eyes flickered, and his eyes slipped in Gu Xi's direction, giving Gu Xixi a slightly restless look.

Yin Siyao suddenly awakened after Ma Yingying told him what happened this morning.

He thought he was hiding Ma Yingying very well, but in n city, there is a person next to him, how could Yin Sichen not know?

Ma Yingying is Ma Yan's daughter, but not Yin's daughter!

The Yin family does not recognize Ma Yan as one thing, Ma Yan dare to confuse the Yin family lineage is another thing!

Therefore, Ma Yingying will die!

The former Yin Siyao might not think about it here, but when he remembered that Ran Xiwei had made so many retreats, he was cut off by Yin Sichen one by one, and after the cats and mice generally played to kill Ran Xiwei, he suddenly woke up, Ma Yingying in danger!

The Yin family will never let go of Ma Yingying!

If Ma Yingying has been in the county town of the countryside, then the Yin family will just sit back and ignore it as if they did not know it!

But Ma Yingying came to the n city and came under the eyes of the Yin family, then the Yin family would not sit back and watch!

After thinking about it, Yin Siyao decided to surrender to Yin Sichen in order to save Ma Yingying.

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