The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 332: I invite you to apologize for dinner

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi saw Xiao Wang coming, and his face slowly returned to normal.

"Xiao Wang, send this picture to Mom. Some time ago, I saw that she was very interested in the Tang Dynasty ladies' pictures. This picture was a new year gift for her." Gu Xixi directly ordered Xiao Wang to say: " I’m a little tired. I’ll go home and take a break first.

Xiao Wang looked at Gu Xi anxiously, and then looked at his cousin, tears in his heart.

Cousin, cousin, don’t make your grandma angry!

The young master is almost eight months old, absolutely not to provoke!

Xiao Heng heard that Gu Xixi was going home, and immediately turned around to drive over. Xiao Wang helped Gu Xixi get in the car and left, then took a taxi to the Yin Family Mansion and sent the painting that Gu Xixi had just taken to the past. .

When Mrs. Yin got this picture of a lady from the Tang Dynasty, she always had a softness on her hard and proud face.

She did not look down on this daughter-in-law before.

Even after Gu Xixi got so many shares with the help of Yin Sichen, she still had a prejudice against Gu Xixi.

But after seeing Gu Xixi's filial piety to Jian Xiao, she suddenly envyed Jian Xiao.

Just a foster mother, Gu Xixi is willing to pay so much to maintain.

What's more, Yun's biological parents?

Because of Gu Xixi's filial piety and perseverance, Yin Sichen's **** boy, who has always tried to kill, has shown mercy to the Yun family.

How can Mrs. Yin not be envious?

After dealing with the Yun family's affairs, Gu Xixi often asked Xiao Wang to send something over.

Sometimes it is a soup stewed by Gu Xixi himself, and sometimes it is a well-designed set by a famous designer.

Although the things are very small, but the careful filial piety is still very useful to Mrs. Yin.

Gu Xixi will not coax her like ran Xiwei, but will do a good job in advance in some small things.

Just like this picture of a lady of the Tang Dynasty, Mrs. Yin just bought a book because she was interested. Gu Xixi remembered it in her heart and asked a few local photographers to see if she had a picture of a lady of the Tang Dynasty. Paintings.

As soon as I heard that there was a film, without saying anything, I went to film it and sent it over.

Although these things are not said, it does not mean that they do not know.

Gu Xixi's move made many people in the Yin family very satisfied.

Yin Sichen naturally needless to say.

He certainly knows these days, Gu Xixi has been racking his brains thinking about gifts, not only Mrs. Yin, but also Mrs. Yin.

Of course, there are also Yun parents and Jian Xiao.

Yin Sichen has never spoken, he just looks forward to what his gift will be...

Gu Xixi gave Mrs. Yin a gift, which made Mrs. Yin still jealous for a while.

The same is the daughter-in-law, the gap between the daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law should not be too big...

Xiao Wang put down the gift and was about to say goodbye. Mrs. Yin suddenly said: "I just got a 800-year-old mountain ginseng here, although it is not a very precious thing, but it is snow mountain ginseng at an altitude of three kilometers. You Take it back to Xixi, and now there is more than a month to be born. It is time to solidify and cultivate the body. At this time, the body will be well adjusted and will be innocent when born."

Xiao Wang froze for a moment, and immediately reacted: "Yes, ma'am."

Mrs. Yin immediately asked her assistant to hand over an exquisitely packed box to Xiao Wang. Then, without any unnecessary nonsense, she pushed the wheelchair and turned away.

Xiao Wang holding this snow mountain ginseng, almost excited!

This is the first time that Mrs. gave back to Shao***!

Grandma knows that she will be happy and broken, right?

Will Gu Xixi be happy? It's a while. Right now, Gu Xixi doesn't mean to be half happy, because Xiao Heng has been cold-faced!

Hey, it's really tiring to have such a black-faced assistant.

But other people did save themselves just now, they can't say anything.

Xiao Heng's car drove quickly, but it was stable.

In less than half an hour, I arrived at the door.

Xiao Heng opened the car door for Gu Xixi. Because Gu Xixi had a big belly and had difficulty moving, Xiao Wang always helped Gu Xi get out of the car.

Now Xiao Wang was sent by Gu Xixi to the Yin Family Mansion. The people in the house did not know that Gu Xixi would come back at this point, so no one came out to greet him.

Xiao Heng thought for a while, and although he felt a little stubborn, he extended his hand to Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi froze for a moment, and then reacted. The other party wanted to help himself.

Gu Xixi's eyes fell on Xiao Heng's big hand, hesitating for a moment, he still put his hand up. Xiao Heng is tall and strong, and this hand is like Pu Fan. With Gu Xixi's hand, it's just... pockets can no longer be pocketed.

Xiao Heng looked down, and the hand on the palm of his hand was small and delicate... just like a small doll, Xiao Heng's black face gradually eased.

Sure enough, she is a woman!

Xiao Heng thought silently.

Gu Xixi thought: Xiao Heng spent six years in underground boxing abroad. This temperament is estimated to be unchangeable in a while and a half. Forget it, I don’t care about him.

Gu Xixi slowly got out of the car with Xiao Heng's strength.

After getting off the car, Gu Xixi withdrew his hand and walked ahead.

Xiao Heng froze, looked down at his palm.

The feeling that she held her finger just now seemed to be brushed by feathers, and a strange feeling that couldn't be spoken suddenly came to her mind.

Xiao Heng realized at this moment that Gu Xixi was really a weak woman.

Not the rough guys he sees in boxing every day, nor the female fighters who are confined to the weak, actually sturdy fighters on the surface of boxing.

She seems to be really fragile.

Xiao Heng suddenly began to reflect on his attitude today.

If it was six years ago, he would definitely not make such mistakes.

Six years ago, he was also a gentle and dignified assistant.

It was just six years of inhumane melee combat that made his once gentle and gradually replaced by fierce.

So forgotten that normal ordinary people are actually not so strong.

When Gu Xixi faced his accusation, he only showed a helpless expression, but did not get angry or sued because of his accusation.

In fact, the woman Gu Guxi is really good.

There is enough capacity, but also enough perseverance.

If you change to another woman, it is estimated that you either rely on your identity to accuse and scold, or turn around and report it to you?

Xiao Heng slowly calmed his mind and turned to look at Gu Xi who was walking in front.

Although she was pregnant for nearly eight months, although she was weak, she only needed one finger to crush it.

But at this time, Xiao Heng still saw something else in Gu Xixi's back.

Gu Xixi walked to the door, swiped her fingerprints and opened the door lock. Hearing no sound behind her, she turned her head back slightly, but saw Xiao Heng standing staring at her in a daze.

Because it was a little far away, Gu Xixi couldn’t see Xiao Heng’s expression. He thought he was still angry that he didn’t bring many bodyguards and caused almost injury. He said helplessly, “Xiao Heng. You apologize. That's good, it's noon now. I will make a table dish by myself and apologize to you, okay?"

Xiao Heng's mind was suddenly pulled back, but then he was shocked by Gu Xi's words.

what did she say? She apologizes for cooking for herself?

How can this be!

She is the master!

Xiao Heng left quickly, threw the car key in his hand to the doorman, asked him to park, and followed Gu Xi's footsteps.

When he walked to the door of the house, Xiao Heng's eyes were a little awkward and said, "Young grandma is too polite, I can't be afraid. Xiao Heng took the order of the young master to take care of protecting the young grandma. As long as the young grandma doesn't go into trouble and do not have an accident, I will be satisfied. "

Gu Xixi sighed, the assistant was still angry!

Well, I admit that I was just too dangerous!

If one is not careful, I'm afraid I'm about to give birth prematurely!

Gu Xixi didn't speak, and when she entered the room, she saw Aunt Zhang greeted him: "Young grandma, you came back so quickly? Doesn't it mean that you won't come back at noon today?"

Gu Xixi waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. When I go out, I feel tired, so I want to come back. By the way, is there anything to eat at home?"

Aunt Zhang immediately replied: "I will let the chef prepare the food right away, ah, yes, I baked some snacks in the morning. If the grandma is hungry, do you want to eat some pads first?"

Gu Xixi waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let me see what's in the kitchen. I'll just make some food. Isn't Lao Meng asking for leave today?"

Lao Meng is one of the cooks at home and has always been in charge of Gu Xi's diet.

Aunt Zhang remembered it and said, "Then I will do something."

Gu Xixi stretched her hand to hold Aunt Zhang: "Forget it, let me go. Have you all eaten it?"

"Well, we have already eaten it." Aunt Zhang replied.

"That line, I know." Gu Xixi washed his hands and went straight into the kitchen.

Aunt Zhang laid down Gu Xixi next to her, and Gu Xixi quickly made a few dishes.

In less than twenty minutes, a simple lunch was released.

"Sit down and eat together?" Gu Xixi said to Xiao Heng with her stomach upright: "This light meal is not worth much, it is my apology for your compensation, OK? I will learn from it in the future and bring a few more bodyguards !"

Xiao Heng's anger suddenly disappeared inexplicably.

A master apologizes to an assistant. This kind of thing is probably not much.

Fortunately, Xiao Heng's face was thick and rough, otherwise he would be found flushed.

Xiao Heng stuttered and said, "I...I don't mean that..."

Gu Xixi sighed.

Did she not know that Xiao Heng couldn't get used to herself?

She has worked hard to ease the relationship!

It is precisely because he knew that Xiao Heng meant different things to Yin Sichen, so he tried so hard to win the recognition of the other party.

But the other party just doesn't accept his kindness, but how?

"They've all eaten it. I'm going to dump it if I can't finish it alone. You have been bidding with me for so long. If you haven't eaten or drank, you might as well sit down and eat together. Aunt Zhang, you sit down too Let’s eat together.” Gu Xixi greeted Aunt Zhang: “This is not the Yin Family Mansion, the rules over there can be released first.”

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