The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 329: Surprising discovery

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

The voice of a strange girl uploaded: "Brother Si Yao, why do you want to come back? Are we not very good in the county? Is the wealth of the Yin family blinding your eyes and making you forget your roots?" ?"

"No!" Yin Siyao's voice suddenly became rough: "Yingying, I have never forgotten what my goal is! Because of this, I must stay with Yin's family! Otherwise, I will Years of preparation have been in vain!"

The girl named Yingying cried suddenly: "Brother Si Yao, let's not be so wealthy. Let's go back and spend our days?"

There was silence in the headphones.

After a long time, Yin Siyao's voice slowly sounded: "My elder brother has always arranged people to stare at me, although I don't know where those people are, but they must exist. This car was bought by me just yesterday It’s estimated that other cars are installed with monitors. Don’t come to see me in the future, it’s too dangerous! If you let others know that you are my sister, you will be in danger.”

This conversation, people who were present were stunned!

Yin Siyao is always acting crazy and silly!

This girl named Yingying turned out to be his sister!

Wait, she is Yin Siyao's younger sister. Does she have anything to do with Yin's family?

Gu Xixi glanced at Mu Ruona, but did not expect a curiosity, but overheard a big secret!

Gu Xixi said directly to Assistant Xiao Wang: "Tell over there, pay attention to Yin Siyao, there is a situation."

Assistant Xiao Wang didn't hear the conversation in Yin Si's medicine car, and saw Gu Xixi's expression and knew that something was wrong.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Wang immediately notified there.

Now, Yin Siyao's conversation with Yingying has been heard by all the people listening.

Yingying's voice sounded intermittently: "Brother Si Yao, does your mother think so? Is the wealth of the Yin family more important than our family together?"

Yin Siyao's voice said very solemnly: "Yingying, you must know that for your safety, from the moment you were born, you were sent to your uncle's house to raise up, the purpose is to protect you from any harm. I sent you to my uncle's house, maybe because my mother couldn't afford you at all. Later, when someone came to the house to send money and give things to me, when I said that I was Master Yin's family, I knew those people, and I didn't feel well at all!"

Yingying burst into tears sadly: "Brother Si Yao, do you really want me?"

Yin Siyao said anxiously, "Okay, didn't I say that? I came to the Yin family just to get my belongings back! Since my surname is Yin, I am the heir of the Yin family! Why should the Yin family want everything? It belongs to the eldest brother? Even if I am a son, my surname is Yin! Yingying, as long as I get what I want, no one can bully you! You know? Those **** who want to hit your mind, I can't bully you anymore!"

Yingying covered her mouth and tried not to cry herself, but she couldn't hold back no matter how she covered it: "Brother Si Yao, I can't go back..."

There was a sound of sudden braking in the headphones.

After a while, Yin Siyao's voice rang again: "What did you say? What does it mean if you can't go back?"

Yingying said grievously: "The cousin's friends are all nonchalant people, they, they..."

"What's wrong with you?" Yin Siyao asked irritably.

"They said that if I didn't give him a girlfriend, they would let me stay in the county! They took advantage of drinking too much and took advantage of me. When I was angry, I grabbed a wine bottle and knocked on each other. My head was up and there was a lot of blood. My cousin said that the person I hit was the son of the county finance bureau chief. Brother Si Yao, I can't go back." Yingying explained while crying.

Next came a long silence.

There was also a silence on the monitoring side.

Gu Xixi felt a little dumbfounded.

What is happening now is a bit beyond my expectations.

Mu Ruona immediately said: "I suddenly remembered that I had an appointment with someone to go to the car dealer to see the car today. Come on, today I can't continue shopping with you."

Gu Xixi nodded silently, she knew that Mu Ruona was avoiding suspicion.

Because what happened today has involved the secrets of the Yin family.

Gu Xixi did not save Mu Ruona, and directly directed the driver to drive home.

When Gu Xixi came back, he found that Yin Sichen had also returned.

Gu Xixi hadn't spoken yet, Yin Sichen said: "I know it all, it seems that we all underestimated this Yin Si medicine. If it wasn't fortunate to see you today, maybe I will be deceived for a while. . Yes, I thought it was a waste, it had a little value."

Under the eyes of Yin Sichen, a bloodthirsty light flashed by.

It’s been a long time since there was such an interesting toy.

Gu Xixi couldn't help saying, "That girl..."

Yin Sichen stretched out his hand and took Gu Xixi's finger and said softly, "Come, come with me to the study."

Gu Xixi followed Yin Sichen and slowly came to the study.

The door was closed as soon as the two entered.

Yin Sichen settled down with Gu Xixi and said immediately: "I really want to see how Yin Siyao takes the inheritance right from me. This is a very interesting game, isn't it?"

Gu Xixi opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

"When the scandal broke out, we were all grown-ups. This girl is eighteen years old, and it can be seen that he was not around for a long time, so the person who went to gather information even missed this little girl. Plus, my mother again She was a proud person. When she discovered Ma Yan and Yin Siyao, she was already thundered, so she didn’t let anyone go to investigate.” Yin Sichen continued: “This is just sent by Xiao a The full set of materials over here, you will find that there is a lot of more interesting information."

Gu Xixi didn't expect Xiao A's efficiency to be so fast, he reached out and opened a portfolio.

After reading the above information page by page, after Gu Xixi finished reading it, he suddenly became speechless.

She doesn't know what to say about Ma Yan.

Yingying is indeed Ma Yan's daughter and Yin Siyao's sister, but not Yin Sichen's sister.

In other words, Yingying has nothing to do with the Yin family.

In other words, Yingying is the daughter of Ma Yan and another man.

No wonder the daughter was sent to someone's home to grow up as soon as she was born.

For so many years, Ma Yan rarely paid attention to this daughter.

When Ma Yan and Yin Sichen's father secretly communicated the music, they were not very peaceful.

When Mr. Yin was away, Ma Yan immediately came together with other men, and unexpectedly had Yingying.

Ma Yan knew that if Mr. Yin knew of Yingying's existence, then she would never have any hope of entering the Yin family's gate.

So the child was sent to the brother's house at the moment of birth and asked the brother to help her raise the child.

After waiting for two years, Ma Yan finally couldn't hold back and took the initiative to let Mrs. Yin Jiang Xue know their relationship, so a series of things happened later.

Xiao a's ability to collect intelligence is simply against the sky, not only has the grudges of that year, but also a complicated relationship table of characters, and also has the entire life of Yingying.

Ma Yingying, 18 years old, high school education.

The appearance is pure and beautiful, and it is also a pretty girl in the county.

Ma Yingying's cousin, the son of Yin Siyao's uncle's family, who has been eating and drinking with Yin Siyao for many years, can be regarded as having friendship with some local officials.

Inadvertently, the head of the Finance Bureau accidentally fell in love with Ma Yingying and said that he should let Ma Yingying be his girlfriend.

Then the rest of the information did not differ from what Ma Yingying said. Ma Yingying really picked up the wine bottle and opened the other person's head.

Gu Xixi didn't expect such a quiet girl to do such a thing.

It seems that human potential is really unlimited.

After Gu Xixi finished reading, he sighed for a long time before slowly saying: "Why is it so unexpected?"

Yin Sichen smiled, narrow eyes narrowed, his eyes gleamed with a playful coldness: "This may also be considered, harming people and harming themselves."

"At that time, Ma Yan took the initiative to clarify the relationship. My mother was so arrogant and naturally unable to bear this kind of provocation. Especially the provocation on my tenth birthday has climbed to the top. Therefore, my mother will be under anger , Did a lot of wrong things. At the moment when Ma Yancao's father took them back to the Yin family, my mother was officially blackened and intended to die with her father. As a result, no one died in the end, and the father disappeared in a car accident. My mother was amputated, and I was lucky. My mother had already started to arrange it before going to South America, which led Yin Siyao to go wrong. I’ve almost been cheated of the three points of the entry into the wood.” Yin Sichen smiled softly: “It really is the person with the blood of the Yin family. At this point, he is not insulting this lineage.”

"It's just a pity that he is fighting alone. Ma Yan, a woman, is only eager to enjoy, and does not care about her son's growth. Therefore, Yin Siyao can't even hide Ma Yan's eyes. On the surface, it is an inexperience. The dude who walks the dog and fight the **** secretly has been waiting for the opportunity to return to the Yin family. He thought that he had concealed everyone, and it is estimated that he had never concealed his eyes. For me, Yin Siyao’s qualification to fight me None, so I didn’t send someone to investigate his background in detail at the time, so there was an omission this time."

"If I had no accidents, my grandmother should have known about Ma Yingying. When Ma Yanying was not willing to be lonely, she gave birth to a daughter who had a good relationship with other men. Ma Yan didn't dare to admit it, so she could only throw it to her brother's family. Her brother’s family is not a good person. The son she raised, who followed Tian Siyan every day behind Yin Siyao’s ass, eventually hurt Ma Yan’s own daughter."

"I'm a little curious now, how can Yin Siyao get the inheritance right of Yin's family in the absence of everything?" Yin Sichen finally smiled arrogantly: "Compared to Ran Xiwei, I look forward to Yin Siyao's next step Action."

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