The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 324: Ran Xiwei's ending

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

After Ran Xiwei stamped out the cigarette butts on the ground with his feet, he picked up the cup and wanted to drink, but found that the cup had been empty.

Ran Xiwei anxiously put down the cup and circled around the room.

This dilapidated small hotel is located in a corner of the old city.

Here is full of all kinds of public security violence all year round, Ran Xiwei really does not want to come here.

But she couldn't think of a better way besides coming here to avoid the wind.

The big hotels outside are required to register ID cards. She is worried that she will be recognized, and she does not want to be recognized.

Especially her unshaven look, she didn't want to see her own side, let alone others.

When she washed her face this morning, she reached out and touched the position of her throat, which seemed to show signs of protruding out.

This discovery made Ran Xiwei very uneasy.

At that time, in order to achieve the effect of the operation and to complete the operation as soon as possible, she chose conservative surgery.

Therefore, the throat knot is not completely cut off.

In other words, if the male hormone in her body raised her head again and overwhelmed the female hormone in her body, she would continue to develop towards the man.

This is the ending she doesn't want to see at all.

Yin Sichen's perfect face, to the extreme of her heart, has become a nightmare.

She craves such a man more than anyone else.

However, this man stayed beside the woman named Gu Xixi.

She hates...

A row of cars stopped outside the shantytown.

As soon as these cars appeared, they drew the attention of the residents of the entire shanty town.

Because the value of one of these cars is enough, it is enough to match the income of all the shantytowns for one year.

Soon, a group of bodyguards immediately got off the other cars, quickly dispersing the residents here, leaving a road for people to drive straight into.

The door opened, and a man with a weak academic appearance quickly got out of the car and opened the back door respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic, dignified and handsome man who was so handsome that everyone in the room instantly attracted attention slowly got out of the car.

The man only needs to glance around, and those who are staring at him can perceive the body's subconscious reaction in an instant: the psychic shivered.

Everyone is guessing the identity of this man.

Why does such a distinguished man appear in such a place?

The man frowned slightly and turned his head slightly to ask: "Is she really here?"

Xiao a stood upright and replied respectfully, "Yes, President."

Yin Sichen nodded gently and said, "Then let's go, it's time to give her a ride."

The bodyguard opened the way in front, and Yin Sichen slowly walked behind.

Although there are still many people watching, no one dared to get close.

None of those bodyguards are vegetarian.

Ran Xiwei was walking back and forth anxiously in the room. This small room was only about Qibaping. Put down a **, and besides a table, there was not much room for activity.

Although this small hotel is simple, it is convenient.

Living here does not require any identity verification, and can be called out from some small restaurants nearby with simple signboards.

This is undoubtedly the best place for Ran Xiwei who can't show her head for the time being.

Since the doctor said that the operation cannot be performed temporarily, she must find another doctor and hospital as soon as possible!

She can't wait any longer!

Otherwise, she was afraid that she would not be able to suppress the changes in her body!

Ran Xiwei thought about it, but decided to go out.

She must now go abroad as soon as possible.

Ran Xiwei quickly turned around and pulled a box from the bottom.

Open the box, which contains several passports.

The identity of each passport is different. These passports are the last retreat of Ran Xiwei.

Fortunately, she has money, even if she can't have surgery, she can survive on the money as a man abroad.

This is the most compelling option.

Ran Xiwei packed his things and opened the door, just about to leave.

As soon as he looked up, Yin Shichen, who was slender and handsome, was standing outside the door, looking at her with a smile...

"You... why are you..." Ran Xiwei cried out in panic.

Her voice is now more and more masculine.

Yin Sichen's eyes flickered and took a step forward after hearing Ran Xiwei's voice.

Ran Xiwei stepped back subconsciously and suddenly retreated into the room.

Yin Sichen continued to walk in and looked up at the surrounding environment, smiling more deeply: "In such an environment, you can stay?"

Ran Xiwei suddenly remembered what he was like, and suddenly pulled up the collar of his clothes, covering the stubble on his chin.

Ran Xiwei looked at Yin Sichen uncertainly, although she didn't want to speak, but the situation had forced her to say so: "What do you want?"

Xiao a moved a chair from outside and placed it in the doorway.

Yin Shichen Shi Shiran sat down, then looked at Ran Xiwei and said: "I heard that you have prepared 50 million to go abroad for surgery?"

Ran Xiwei looked away from Yin Shichen.

She had long known that she had nothing to hide from Yin Sichen.

"You deliberately ridiculed me?" Ran Xiwei asked indifferently.

"No, I'm here to give you a ride." Yin Sichen smiled very heartily: "After all, you helped me a lot, not only did Yin Siyao completely lose the ability to jump on the Yin family, but also let I always wanted to nibble but couldn't find the bones under my mouth. Obediently took the stock and hand over it. So, how can I let you go alone?"

Although Yin Sichen said these words very politely, Ran Xiwei heard something else, and a chill came out of her heart.

Ran Xiwei knew very well that Yin Sichen never spoke of any affection to those who betrayed him.

And none of these things she did did not betray!

"Are you going to kill me?" Ran Xiwei's throat hoarse and looked up at Yin Sichen.

Yin Sichen did not deny that, just looked at Ran Xiwei.

A trace of despair flashed in Ran Xiwei's eyes, and then looked at Yin Sichen: "Auntie will not agree to let you kill me!"

"If you were the former Ran Xiwei, she would naturally not agree. But you have betrayed her. Coincidentally, she is also a person who can never tolerate betrayal. When my father betrayed her, she did not hesitate to die with her father. Now You betrayed her, how could she plead for you?" Yin Sichen's words were calm, but also cruel: "Especially I told her all your behaviors over the years. Guess what she would say?"

Ran Xiwei's face was finally completely pale, and a stunned man was sitting on the edge of **.

Yin Sichen stood up: "Do you still have something to tell me?"

Ran Xiwei closed her eyes deeply: "You were..."

"Don't mention the words back then. I'm gone." Yin Sichen interrupted Ran Xiwei's remarks.

"I have nothing to say." Ran Xiwei opened his mouth, raised his head, and saw the strange self in the mirror.

Ran Xiwei reached out and stroked his face. The once white tenderness no longer existed, and instead became a strange face with male characteristics.

Perhaps, it really should be over.

Then it is over.

Yin Sichen took the people and left the shantytown.

At the moment everyone got on the bus, an explosion broke out in the small hotel where Ran Xiwei lived.

The huge tongue of fire swept through the small hotel in an instant.

The houses in shantytowns are mostly dilapidated and flammable.

Everyone couldn't wait to watch the man like the god's mansion, and went to save the fire one after another.

Yin Sichen was sitting in the car, thinking about Ran Xiwei’s last words: "Maybe you won’t believe that you are indeed the only man I loved. I know I’m too late to say anything, your My heart has also changed. The reason why you choose Gu Xixi is not because Gu Xixi is stubborn, is it really like me?

Yin Sichen irritatedly unbuttoned her neckline and her extremely **** throat slipped up and down.

Where is she qualified to compare with Xi Xi?

She can't compare to anything!

In front of the small a suddenly answered the phone, said a few words, quickly hung up.

When Xiao a reported to Yin Sichen, she already had a faint smile: "President, the young grandma just called."

When Yin Sichen heard Gu Xi's phone call, he was refreshed.

"The young grandma said she made a hearty lunch for you at home." Xiao a smiled brightly: "The young grandma also said that she would hold a small birthday party for Xiao Wang at home."

Yin Sichen suddenly smiled: "As long as she likes, everything is fine."

Yin family at this time.

Assistant Xiao Wang looked at Gu Xixi anxiously: "Young grandma, I really don't have to trouble! Really!"

Since Gu Xixi learned that Assistant Xiao Wang's birthday is next Monday, he said that all assistants should be called home and give Xiao Wang a birthday together.

After Gu Xixi called Xiao A, he published the news directly in the assistant's group.

The assistants saw that the young grandma was going to invite everyone to the house and give Xiao Wang a birthday together. Everyone was so excited.

You know, this is the first time you have encountered this kind of thing!

Other people's assistants, but there is no such good treatment!

Although their master is Yin Sichen, they all know that in front of the young grandmother, the president directly retired to the second-tier leadership position!

Aunt Zhang also likes to be busy at home, so after Gu Xixi issued the order, Aunt Zhang and the housekeeper quickly prepared.

When Yin Sichen came back, he saw that his little wife was holding a big belly, and she was happily directing the servants at home to reorganize a parlor into a banquet hall.

Under the direction of Gu Xi, the maids removed all the original furnishings, and the entire room was laid out in accordance with the long, long table in Harry Potter.

You know, Yin Sichen's assistant team is very much.

Only on the bright side is from a to z.

This is not considered secretly.

Gu Xixi also knew that Yin Sichen had a group of assistants who never appeared in front of others, but when it was critical, he was always able to get out of his way and bring surprise effects.

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