The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 312: Follow Ran Xiwei

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi's eyelashes quivered quickly.

She wanted to look away, but it was hard.

Because those eyes are almost like a black hole in the universe, there will always be a magic power that devours everything.

Her perseverance, her resistance, had no resistance in front of these eyes.

Gu Xixi stared at the enchanting face, and slowly approached...close...

The body seemed to be tried by Sun Monkey, and he couldn't move.

Can only look at the face familiar with the beauty in this way, a little closer.

Gu Xixi couldn't help but swallow a saliva, she suddenly found that facing such Yin Sichen, even swallowing a saliva was a very difficult act.

"" Gu Xixi couldn't even speak.

Yin Sichen's beautiful face pressed down again, approaching.

Gu Xixi wanted to retreat, but his body seemed to have lost his ability to control.

Ah, it's a shameful reaction!

Yin Sichen's face finally overwhelmed the position almost parallel to Gu Xixi. Just when Gu Xixi thought that Yin Sichen was about to kiss, Yin Sichen suddenly rubbed Gu Xixi's ear and glanced over, He said in a light and light tone: "Yeah, it's wrong... that person really looks like Ran Xiwei."

Gu Xixi stayed, stayed again, stayed again...

After a full minute, Gu Xixi reacted, and he was being fooled!

He was even fooled by Yin Sichen!

Gu Xixi suddenly looked up and wanted to find Yin Sichen to settle the bill.

Unexpectedly, Yin Sichen suddenly said: "Guerlain perfume? Well, it should not be the latest."

"Uh?" Gu Xixi stunned and reacted immediately.

He wants to play himself again!

Gu Xixi reached out and pushed Yin Sichen's chest fiercely. Yin Sichen followed Gu Xixi's strength and pulled away from Gu Xixi.

Yin Sichen's chest shook slightly, and his smirk was severely suppressed.

"It's fun to play me?" Gu Xixi looked up at Yin Sichen angrily.

"Huh." Yin Sichen admitted honestly.

Gu Xixi squinted, he would avenge Xuefen.

A paper bag suddenly appeared in front of Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi's sight fell on the logo of the belt, which is the logo of a French private custom perfume.

This perfume can not be bought with money.

This perfume is only available to the royal family in limited quantities. In other words, unless the royal family is concerned, don't want to get it if you have money.

"The latest fragrance is the only one in China." Yin Sichen's narrow and long eyes are particularly attractive, saying: "This is a fragrance customized for you alone, it is the one you like. "

Gu Xixi looked at the gift Yin Sichen handed to herself, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Continue to be angry and grumpy?

But I was more curious about this perfume.

Is it just so free to let this guy who played with himself?

Huh, how is it possible!

Yin Sichen deliberately pretended not to see the struggle of Gu Xixi's eyes, and stuffed the bag in Gu Xi's hand.

Gu Xixi looked down at the paper bag in his hand.

Hey, people's mouths are soft and their hands are short.

Now I have accepted the perfume from the other party, can't this fire be sent?

"I have already greeted the crew, you are free for the next time." Yin Sichen pulled Gu Xixi's hand on the car and fastened Gu Xixi's seat belt.

After doing this, Gu Xixi reacted, and he was taken away!

Isn't it good to follow Ran Xiwei?

"Hello, where are we going?" Gu Xixi couldn't help asking.

"Of course it is to follow." Yin Sichen smiled very happy, and finally gave this gift to Gu Xixi's hand, so happy!

"Who is following?" Gu Xixi was still at a loss: "Ran Xiwei is still in the crew!"

"Anyway, they are going to meet tonight, so we only need to stare at a person." Yin Sichen turned the front of the car, a super handsome drift came, and took Gu Xixi away quickly: "At this point, the surname Zhu should have gone to the resort."

"How do you know?" Gu Xixi looked surprised.

Yin Sichen turned his head slightly, glanced at him, and took a right look: "Because I let him go!"

Gu Xixi almost bit his tongue!

Fool it!

I was fooled again!

Yes, as a company director, the surnamed Zhu is naturally part of the company.

As a member of the Yin's consortium, it is natural to obey the president's arrangement!

Say good surveillance?

Watch your sister!

Even where the other party is going, Yin Sichen knows, do you still need to monitor? do you need? !

Gu Xixi rolled his eyes violently.

Sure enough, he still broke the pattern, and was tricked by Yin Sichen three times in the same period!

Has your IQ degenerated so much?

Where does Ran Xiwei and his surname Zhu need to be tracked! Where to monitor!

As long as Yin Sichen has a phone call, everything will be known!

And I still know that I am fair and honest!

In Gu Xixi's heart, like the rain of three months, it was cold and cold.

With such a black-bellied president and colleagues of the Yin Family, you have worked hard!

Yin Sichen didn't miss Gu Xixi's wonderful expression, from surprise to awakening, to shock, to life.

Gee, the expression of the little mole became more and more fun.

Do you want to secretly take pictures and make them into emoticons?

Well, forget it, let the little moles enjoy the fun.

Other men, do not want to see these!

Gu Xixi finally recovered, and when she saw Yin Sichen driving forward, she couldn't help but ask, "Where is this going?"

Yin Sichen finally did not care about this time, and directly answered the question: "Go to the resort. After the discussion of the surname Zhu, it is probably about 7 or 8 in the evening. The resort is located in a remote place, which is suitable for ** A good place for dating. Hidden and safe, the surnamed Zhu will not move the nest. Ran Xiwei finished the film and will rush over, so we just need to stay here and wait for the rabbit."

Ha ha ha, I knew it was so simple, what am I doing with it?

Gu Xixi's heart is almost huh.

However, since I have already followed, I want to go back halfway without a car.

This place is too remote, and it is difficult to get a taxi.

Such a cold day, standing on the side of the road waiting for the bus.

That kind of sourness is enough to think about it.

Since Gu Xixi can't go back alone, tonight, it seems that he can only follow Ran Xiwei with Yin Sichen.

The location of this resort in the suburbs, n city is a second-tier city, the area of ​​the urban area is naturally self-evident.

Fortunately, the elevated speed is not too slow.

When the two drove outside of the resort, more than two hours had passed.

Yin Sichen parked the car, adjusted the seat, and said lazily: "Now just wait here. It is estimated that it won't take long for Ran Xiwei to come over."

Gu Xixi nodded, and it took a while to react.

What do you do during this period of time?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh with that

Then the two people stared so big?

Probably feeling Gu Xixi's awkward thought, Yin Sichen smiled and slowly leaned over.

Yin Sichen's movement suddenly surprised Gu Xi jumped.

Just when Gu Xixi thought that Yin Sichen wanted to treat her like this, she saw that Yin Sichen had just adjusted the seat for her.

It's just...adjusting the seat...

Gu Xixi thought of it just like when she sent the perfume just now...

Hey, what's wrong with you today?

Why are you thinking about it?

Yin Sichen saw Gu Xixi's twinkling eyes and suddenly guessed what Gu Xixi was thinking.

However, he pretended not to see anything, and lay back to his place again.

Gu Xixi took a peek at Yin Sichen and saw that his beautiful and beautiful profile was so close and close in his sight that Gu Xixi felt that his throat was a little dry.

Male color is wrong!

Gu Xixi didn't dare to look with two eyes, and quickly closed his eyes as if to rest.

Perhaps the atmosphere in the car was too good, or because Yin Sichen was beside, Gu Xixi was pretending to be resting, but in the end pretending to be dressed...well, really fell asleep.

Yin Sichen heard the uniform breathing sound from the side, and she was still a little unbelievable!

Guarding such a handsome self, can even sleep?

Yin Sichen suddenly felt unbalanced.

In order to appear handsome in front of Gu Xixi, he took a special shower before coming, made a hairstyle, and then carefully decorated it.

As a result, she fell asleep?

Yin Sichen suddenly felt frustrated.

Are you not as handsome as before?

No, I have been keeping fit and exercising all the time, and I have been maintaining it!

Yin Sichen turned to look at Gu Xi's sweet sleep, and couldn't help sighing.

This little mole rat...

Slender fingers gently brushed her cheeks for broken hair, clenched her teeth secretly, or took the blanket and covered her carefully.

Yin Sichen turned around and looked at Gu Xi so much.

Even if she doesn't do anything now, just watching her sleep like this, she feels satisfied.

I was really saved.

In this world, no one but her can see...

Time went by one minute and one second, and Yin Sichen didn't know how long he had looked at Gu Xixi's sleepy face so indifferently.

It wasn't until I recovered that I saw the sky outside was dark.

At this time, the phone jumped faintly. Yin Sichen picked up the phone and saw the message sent by Xiao A: "President, Ran Xiwei has already set off. It is about half an hour before he arrives at the manor. Dinner will be delivered to you In the past?"

Yin Sichen turned his head, and looked at Gu Xixi drunkly. He quickly responded to the message: "I see, I am not in a hurry for dinner. I will make a spare first."

After receiving the reply, Xiao A sent a message again shortly afterwards: "Mr. Shang has already blocked Mr. Mu in the office at Odyssey. Mr. Mu will not appear tonight."

Yin Sichen smiled silently.

It seems that I can enjoy my own tonight.

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