The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 310: Ruona cleans up Ran Xiwei

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Qiao Qi laughed when Yin Sichen said this.

Ha ha, hitting Qiao Qi on his body is really not a good choice...

Qiao Qi is a real playboy, not comparable to Yin Si Yao.

Want to play tricks in front of Qiao Qi, really die.

Qiao Qi said indifferently: "As long as she knows what tricks she wants to play, I'm not a fool. However, if you say that, I'm interested in asking her to play a small role in my drama. I promised After Mu Ruona, let her take revenge."

Looking at Qiao Qi's grudge, Yin Sichen also thought of Gu Xi.

When I thought about the things in my hands after I came back, I never saw Gu Xixi, and Yin Sichen's eyes were suddenly full of eagerness.

"Shang Ke was hurried back by you?" Qiao Qi elegantly lit a cigarette for himself, and when he handed it to Yin Sichen, Yin Sichen hesitated a little and refused.

Since Gu Xixi became pregnant, he has rarely smoked.

He worried that the smell of smoke on his body would be detrimental to Gu Xi and the children.

"Well. It's estimated to be home now." Although you can't smoke, you can chew gum.

"It seems to be a good couple!" Qiao Qi looked at Yin Sichen and said, "Okay, I'll get off here. I have to go to the crew to take a look. I said, investors, When are you visiting class?"

The corner of Yin Sichen's mouth slightly raised: "When you should go, you will go."

For three consecutive days, the cast selection was in full swing.

I thought that several crews had chosen the shooting location in n city at the same time, so after the crew had chosen their characters, they immediately turned on the camera and tried to finish shooting. ,

The venue fee here is not cheap!

Who is n city is also a big city in China, the scenery is good, there are many places suitable for filming.

Therefore, many domestic crews will subconsciously choose n city and s city when choosing the shooting location.

Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona as airborne producers, after checking the selection of actors, other things were left to others, regardless.

According to the agreement, the two still have to make a small role in the play.

Therefore, the two people at this time are holding the script with relish.

This drama is a great drama of the Republic of China, and various house fights are the favorite of mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

Because Ran Xiwei devoted herself to Qiao Qi, although she didn't get the position of No.1, she also played a little girl of No.7 or No.8.

This little maid has a lot of drama, so there are a lot of lines.

Today's drama happened to be the scene of the little maid's master who was found because of his cousin**.

Gu Xixi sat on a chair with a stomach on his stomach and looked at the camera with the director.

Coincidentally, Mu Ruona's role today is the third aunt who is cousin with her cousin.

Gu Xixi saw Mu Ruona dressed exquisitely, and when she walked from outside, she couldn't help but chuckled.

Don't really say, Mu Ruona is so dressed up, it really is a kind of Republican fan!

Exquisite facial features, slim figure, g-cup chest, the standard configuration of a proper wife!

When the director started shouting, Mu Ruona's tea cup fell **** the ground, and the hot tea splashed on the face of Ran Xiwei who was kneeling on the ground as a little girl. Green ony jade pointed to Ran Xiwei and shouted: " You don’t know the sky is thick, I let you recognize you dare to mouth? Come on, palm!"

The next second, a little girl from the side rushed to Ran Xiwei, raised her hand and gave Ran Xiwei a slap!

Ran Xiwei had never been treated like this. He was slapped in the face and was anxious, forgetting that he was filming, stood up, and shoved the other person with his face in his face: "Dare you beat me!"

"Ka!" The director exclaimed angrily: "What's going on? What's going on?! Will he still act?"

Ran Xiwei was an excited spirit, and then remembered that it was filming!

Damn it!

Does this character have the face of being beaten?

Ran Xiwei was wondering, inadvertently looked up, just to meet Mu Ruona's expression of gloating, Ran Xiwei suddenly understood what!

This is her private enmity!

Mu Ruona looked at Ran Xiwei provocatively, and answered her with her eyes: Yeah, what's wrong with me as a private enemy? Don't you like to install white lotus? Give you a chance to make you fit enough!

Ran Xiwei was really trembling with anger!

But she can't resist now!

She has no other choice but to endure!

Ran Xiwei quickly apologized to the director: "Sorry, sorry, I forgot the script!"

The director said with a black face: "Come again!"

Gu Xixi sat on the side, watching Mu Ruona's smug look, and couldn't help but shook her head with a smile.

No wonder Mu Ruona went to the screenwriter early to ask for a play, but it was added here!

She is a producer who has been airborne by the head office and has a guest role.

She asked for a play, and the screenwriter couldn't help it!

Several times in a row, after Mu Ruona fell a dozen cups, Ran Xiwei was slapped a dozen times, and finally passed this one.

Now everyone in the crew knows that this little actor has offended the producer!

This is to make her secretly!

Everyone sees it clearly, but no one dares to say it.

This is production!

Who dares to offend!

After finishing this, Mu Ruona came to Tingting and sat down beside Gu Xixi, smiling and said: "Look at me for revenge, happy or not?"

Gu Xixi smiled and said: "It is clear that you are very happy to avenge yourself?"

Mu Ruona narrowed her eyes and said, "As soon as I saw Ran Xiwei's face, I wished to tear her pitiful! Although I was separated from Shang Ke, the thought of Shang Ke tied me up for this woman. In the utility room, this hatred will have to be reported sooner or later."

After finishing this sentence, Mu Ruona suddenly smiled and said to Gu Xixi's stomach: "However, **** son, godmother, just listen to those words just now, don't take it seriously! I still have the nature of your godmother Mellow kind people!"

Gu Xixi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Don't make a fuss?" Gu Xixiao laughed out of breath: "Is there a person with integrity and integrity like you? You don't want to see how Ran Xiwei's face is red!"

Mu Ruona blinked and said to Gu Xixi: "Do you want to go to a good show?"

"What a good show" Gu Xixi looked at Mu Ruona doubtfully.

Mu Ruona pulled Gu Xi directly and approached the dressing room from behind.

Because the venue is tight, the dressing room is a temporary tent.

Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona wore the dumplings slowly and leaned over.

Gu Xixi was a bit curious about what would be fun to watch.

Mu Ruona made a silent gesture to Gu Xixi, and then slowly opened the corner of the tent, and the two quietly looked inside.

Hey, there really is something to see!

Gu Xixi did not expect to see this in the tent... uh... the most powerful scene!

I saw Ran Xiwei held in his arms by an old man with a short stature, and put his hands up and down.

Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona looked at each other.

Ran Xiwei's taste has dropped... quite quickly!

Anyway, it was the original rival!

The value of Yin Sichen's face is simply very difficult to surpass, so Ran Xiwei will put the target on Yin Sichen's body, no surprise.

Who is Yin Sichen who has money, right, status and value?

Later, the transfer position hooked up with Yin Siyao, which can be said in the past.

Although Yin Siyao is dandy, his face and figure are inherited from the Yin family's blood. Although he is not as evil as Yin Sichen, he is also handsome.

But how did this bald uncle with Zhu Gongcai explain?

Ran Xiwei lay half-pressed in the arms of the bald-headed uncle and cried repeatedly: "Brother Zhu, don't worry! This is the dressing room! Someone will come! Wait for the evening..."

Ran Xiwei's words came out intermittently, Gu Xixi blinked with Mu Ruona, Mu Ruona decided not to miss such a good opportunity, took out her mobile phone and recorded the scene inside.

When the bald-headed uncle heard Ran Xiwei say this, he unwillingly reached out and squeezed Ran Xiwei's chest severely, saying, "Little hoof knows to uncle Uncle!!!"

Ran Xiwei glanced at the bald uncle in a variety of ways and said, "Brother Zhu, the stock I told you last time..."

The bald-headed uncle smiled and said, "Did I not say that? As long as you satisfy me, those stocks will be transferred to your name!"

Ran Xiwei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he took the initiative to lean on the bald uncle's body. Jiao Didi said: "That night...I'm waiting for you in the room?"

Uncle Bald really patted Ran Xiwei's **** with great satisfaction and walked away happily.

After the bald uncle left, the demeanor on Ran Xiwei's face disappeared instantly, and instantly changed into a greasy face.

Ran Xiwei wiped the place touched by the bald uncle fiercely.

She was so disgusted at the bottom of her heart that she still had to smile at each other.

What is this for?

What is the stock mentioned in her mouth?

In order not to be found, seeing the bald-headed uncle came out, Mu Ruona quickly put away her phone and pulled Gu Xixi quickly away.

The two had just turned around and walked for a few steps, then they heard the tent behind him draw and someone came out.

Then the two men pretended to have just passed by and glanced in the direction of the bald uncle.

Mu Ruona's brow furrowed instantly: "This man is so familiar, it seems that he has seen it somewhere."

Gu Xixi is also a thoughtful look: "I also feel familiar. The key is the tonnage of this belly, familiar!"

The two men thought hard for a long time, and Gu Xixi flashed a flash of light in his mind, reaching for Mu Ruona's arm, and whispered: "I remember! He is a shareholder of the Yin's consortium, and I participate in the shareholder I met him at the conference! How could he meet Ran Xiwei here?"

Mu Ruona's face changed slightly, and she said to Gu Xixi: "It seems that Ran Xiwei is aiming at the Yin's consortium?"

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