The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 308: Confrontation

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi didn't really like this mischievous Miss Jiang family.

But for Jiang Yihai, she is willing to try to forgive and accept.

As Jiang Yihai said, in any case, the Yin family and the Jiang family always belong to the same family.

Gu Xixi said softly, "Okay, they are all a family. What do you say so much out of sight? It's just that I'm heavy now. I can't go to the Jiang family as a guest anymore. Please ask my cousin and cousin not to be angry. ."

Seeing Gu Xixi forgive Jiang Huiyin, Jiang Yihai was really relieved.

"Why? You need to take care of your body now." Jiang Yihai said with a smile: "Oh, are you going to the crew in a while? I will send you over? Huiyin, wait here for me for a while, I will go Come back when you go."

Jiang Huiyin nodded his head in a disgusting way.

Then he watched Jiang Yihai walk out side by side with Gu Xixi.

As I walked to the door, the carpet under my feet suddenly stumbled.

Gu Xixi stumbled, subconsciously reached out and grabbed Jiang Yihai walking beside him.

Jiang Yihai responded faster, reached out and grabbed Gu Xixi all at once.

"Be careful." Jiang Yi Customs blurted out.

Gu Xixi took Jiang Yihai's hand, and then he stood firm again.

Seeing that his palm was still in Jiang Yihai's hand, Gu Xixi then quickly pulled out afterwards, apologizing: "I'm sorry, my belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the road under my feet is also more The farther you come, the more you are almost accidentally involved."

Jiang Yihai's eyes flicked, and the moment he just supported Gu Xi, his heart almost flew out of his throat.

He was afraid that it was true... cared about...

"I'm fine, I just have nothing to do with falling. You have to be more careful." Jiang Yihai's eyes became more gentle.

Gu Xixi didn't even see Jiang Yihai's eyes, looked down at the road under his feet carefully, and said, "Forget it, I'll take a taxi back home. You don't need to send me."

Jiang Yihai insisted: "This is not okay. If you bump a little, it is estimated that the Yin family will eat mine."

Gu Xixi chuckled, only to find that Yin Sichen didn't come over to find herself today...

Inexplicably, my heart was lost...

It seems that he has something more important?

Yin Sichen now certainly has very important things to do.

He suspected the mystery for a long time, and it was about to be solved. He was more serious than ever.

And Jiang Huiyin stood in the room, watching Jiang Yihai's heartfelt care and maintenance, and watching Jiang Huiyin's heart kept sour.

She had bullied others before, and she would never be blamed.

But since this Gu Xi appeared, everything at home seems to have changed subtly!

It doesn't matter if others change, but my brother also changes!

Doesn't my brother say that Yun's favorite person in his life is only Yun?

Why should Gu Xixi be so good now?

What's the difference between my brother's eyes watching now and when he looked at Yunhao?

No, no!

That can only be his brother, no one wants to get involved!

Jiang Huiyin saw Jiang Yihai and Gu Xixi turned their backs on themselves, and the viciousness in his eyes no longer covered up and blocked, staring at Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi... If you dare to take my brother, I will make you regret it for life!

Gu Xixi didn't know that Jiang Huiyin's hatred for himself had risen to another level, so he slowly followed Jiang Yihai and left the restaurant.

Gu Xixi actually really wanted to go back alone, but Jiang Yihai insisted that Gu Xixi could only get in Jiang Yihai's car, and Jiang Yihai sent himself back to the crew.

The battle on the other side has now reached a crucial moment.

Ran Xiwei pretended to accidentally spilled the red wine, and then made a panic expression to go to the bathroom to wash away the red wine.

Qiao Qi didn't know this little trick, he said very well: "Since this is a room, there should be pajamas? You probably can't wipe off the red wine with this dress, or let someone send it for dry cleaning. ."

Ran Xiwei finally waited for this sentence, deliberately made a struggling expression, and then nodded timidly and agreed.

Ran Xiwei quickly took a shower in the bathroom and sprayed perfume.

She didn't wear pajamas, but only wrapped a bath towel, which only covered the key parts.

Qiao Qi sat lazily there, just watching Ran Xiwei come out of the bathroom.

I just took a shower and sprayed perfume. I wear so little to say, and I deliberately got the whole body dripping with water.

If a man does not understand the hint when he sees the scene in front of him, it is really in vain!

Qiao Qi really stood up, strode forward, pulled Ran Xiwei into his arms, closed his eyes and sniffed in Ran Xiwei's ear, and said, "The smell of this perfume is very suitable for you."

Ran Xiwei's body leaned on Qiao Qi's body as if he had become boneless. His eyes were sentimental. It was as if the man holding her was not her good girlfriend's husband, but a lover who had been in love with her for many years.

"Really? This is a fragrance specially made for you. You just like it." Ran Xiwei no longer needs to cover up at this time, he just reached out and started to untie Qiao Qi's buttons.

Although Qiao Qi is thirty-eight years old this year, he has always been in fitness, and his body is naturally good.

Moreover, Qiao Qi will also dress himself up, and he is also a pile of fat powder. When he stares at a woman affectionately, there are really not many women who can resist.

And Shang Ke, who spied on all this in the room, was shocked and speechless.

How could this be the Ran Xiwei he knew?

When Ran Xiwei and Yin Siyao came together, Shang Ke had once deceived himself to defend Ran Xiwei in his heart. It must be that Yin Siyao threatened Ran Xiwei with despicable and shameful means.

But what is this scene now?

No one knows Shang Kebi. Before Qiao Qi and Ran Xiwei, let alone **, they didn’t even touch one finger!

But at the moment, Shang Ke was hit hard in the face.

When Shang Ke thought that he had done so many things for Ran Xiwei, and even for Ran Xiwei, hurting his brother and Gu Xi again and again, he felt a tumbling in his stomach.


If Gu Xixi didn't say those words to herself on the boat, I'm afraid he was still in the dark by Ran Xiwei?

Shang Ke quickly turned his head to look at Yin Sichen, opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word of apology.

Yin Sichen's eyes slanted Shang Ke, and seeing Shang Ke's expression of wanting to say something, he knew what he was thinking.

Yin Sichen threw the remote control in his hand and said, "Is it still carried with my family?"

Shang Ke reached out and took the remote control all at once, without saying a word.

"It's been three days, and I still don't want to bow my head?" Yin Sichen looked at Shang Ke speechlessly: "Do you think you have returned everything to solve your problem with Mu Ruona?"

Shang Ke said frustratedly: "She still refuses to see me..."

"It's most correct not to see you." Yin Sichen said, looking sideways at Shang Ke: "Your mother has found Mu Ruona in front of her and wants her to leave you. What can she do other than do it? No matter how angry you are at home, you are always the heir of the Shang family. But if the Shang family intends to suppress Mu Ruona, she can’t even find a job to serve the dishes, and even the work life of Professor Mu. What else can it do?"

Yin Sichen seldom talks about this kind of truth with others.

But if the other party is Shang Ke, he can't help but say a few words.

"You have taken over the Yin's consortium, of course you can compete with your family. But I am just an heir, and most of the Shang family's influence is not in my hands..." Shang Ke said frustratedly: "I except Besides proving my determination in this way, what else can I do?"

Yin Sichen looked at Shang Ke speechlessly: "No wonder Qiao Qi said you are Erha, and you really look like Husky! Do you think your naive behavior can prove your determination? You only let Mu Ruona Leave you sooner! Forget it, I’m too lazy to care about you, play it whenever you want. Don’t blame me for not reminding you! Mu Ruona has become more and more intimate with Zhou Jing these days. The Mu family is also very satisfied with Zhou Jing!"

Shang Ke's face changed a bit.

Yin Sichen no longer cares about Shang Ke and continues to watch Qiao Qi and Ran Xiwei lying on the big screen.

The next second, the screen is interrupted.

Qiao Qi estimated that he had taken off his monitor.

Well, it's really not a good idea to spy on other people's movements.

Wait until he comes back.

Shang Ke didn't notice the scene on the big screen, and was still worried about Mu Ruona's affairs.

"That Zhou Jing...I will never spare him!" Shang Ke gritted his teeth.

"Why don't you let him go? You don't have a penny now, and you plan to run in front of Zhou Jing and fight with him for a knife?" Yin Sichen sneered and sincerely heartbroken for having such a haha ​​friend what.

Shang Ke is still depressed.

"Mu Ruona wouldn't like such a cowardly man, think about it yourself." Yin Sichen finished this sentence, stood up, stretched out, pressed the communicator on the table: "Give I send a bottle of bacardi."

Xiao a quickly delivered the wine and two glasses.

Shang Ke saw Yin Sichen asking for such a strong wine, and suddenly looked at Yin Sichen in surprise.

"After drinking this glass of wine, go back to Shang's house and take back everything that belongs to you!" Yin Sichen's majestic emperor's momentum suddenly bloomed, and the smile floating in the corner of his mouth was cold and tenacious: "As long as you get it All the Shang families, do you think you will still oppose who you are with? Even if Mu Ruona and Zhou Jing come together? As long as you are strong enough, then everything that belongs to you will still have to come back. To your side."

Although Yin Sichen hasn't spoken much, but every sentence can be said.

Especially when he is full of momentum, every word and every sentence is extremely persuasive and contagious.

Shang Ke was stunned and instantly understood the meaning of Yin Sichen.

Yes, as long as he is strong enough, then he can protect everything he wants to protect like Yin Sichen!

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