The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 306: Ran Xiwei seduce Qiao Qi

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Qiao Qi lazily smiled and came to Ran Xiwei's car.

Ran Xiwei took the initiative to open the car door for Qiao Qi. After looking at Qiao Qi, he found that Yin Sichen and Shang Ke had not followed, and there was a flash of joy in his eyes.

Qiao Qi didn't miss the happy look in Ran Xiwei's eyes, as if there were no bones, and sat in the co-pilot position all at once.

"Die Yi called me just now and said you were wronged when you auditioned just now?" Qiao Qi looked at Ran Xiwei with a smile.

Ran Xiwei's eyes were red, and he bit his lower lip violently. He glanced at Qiao Qi's face with a grudge, and said softly, "I'm out of luck, I'm insulting myself, and who can blame? Gu Xixi and Mu Ruo? Na doesn’t like me, it’s something everyone knows. I grew up with Si Chen and Shang Ke together. They hate me and understandably. But we are just good friends, but they want to misunderstand me... …"

Qiao Qi looked at Ran Xiwei's performance with a smile.

Oh, I said a few days ago that it was true love for Yin Sichen, and I became a good friend again today?

This change is quite big!

Qiao Qi suddenly came in and wanted to see what Ran Xiwei wanted to do.

"No way, Si Chen invested a lot of money on the condition that Gu Xixi could make the production. I didn't refuse it either, right? Mu Ruona had a good relationship with Gu Xixi, she had to bring Mu Ruo Na, I can’t help it, right? Besides, Mu Ruona is still Shang Ke’s deputy, should I always give Shang Ke a face?” Qiao Qi reached out and gently grabbed Ran Xiwei after these few words Put the hair on the chest under the nose and smell it lightly: "Good fragrance."

For normal people, Qiao Qi's move was already furious.

A friend's wife cannot be bullied, nor can his wife's girlfriends**!

Qiao Qi's action is blatantly **!

When Ran Xiwei saw Qiao Qi taking the initiative to **self, instead of being angry, he gave Qiao Qi a cute look: "Nasty, I am a little hungry."

After saying this, Ran Xiwei deliberately gave Qiao Qifei a look.

Who is George? Immediately understood the meaning of this look, immediately reached out and grabbed Ran Xiwei's right hand.

Sure enough, Ran Xiwei didn't mean to refuse at all.

"Since I'm hungry, shall I invite you to dinner?" Qiao Qi smiled deeply, expressing the image of a **** vividly.

"Okay, as compensation for my grievances, I want to eat well." Ran Xiwei deliberately pointed at Qiao Qijiao.

"Okay." Qiao Qi smiled deeper.

Ran Xiwei smiled and started the car directly, and soon left with Qiao Qi.

Yin Sichen took off the headphones and said to Shang Ke: "Let's go, it seems there is lively today to watch."

Shang Ke was still blank: "What's hilarious?"

Is he still falling out of love? As buddies, don’t you plan to come and comfort me?

Yin Sichen, regardless of whether Shang Ke was falling in love or not, directly dragged Shang Ke into a huge video room.

Upon entering the door, he directly picked up the remote control on the table and directly opened the video.

On the curtain on the wall, a candid camera angle appeared immediately.

Qiao Qi and Ran Xiwei were none other than the person being photographed.

"Xi Wei?" Shang Ke suddenly looked at the object of the candid shot, and then he was stunned. He temporarily put aside the stubborn love.

"Si Chen, what does that mean? You candidly photographed them?" Shang Ke, a two-horse, who is working hard at work, how can he be emotionally mentally retarded to this degree?

Yin Sichen found a comfortable posture, leaned on the chair, and said slowly: "I have always suspected that Ran Xiwei's disappearance for six years is not as simple as you said. I originally wanted to make Yin Si medicine try out Ran Xiwei Yes, but Yin Siyao’s stupid thing, who was swindled by Ran Xiwei, the money was scammed, and he didn’t even succeed! I thought I had no chance to know the secret, but I didn’t expect that she would even target Joe. On him. I discussed a thing with Qiao Qi and asked him to help me determine a thing."

"Are you sure?" Shang Ke is still at a loss.

"We will know in a moment." Yin Sichen smiled deeper, with a calculation of the eyes under the narrow eyes, which made people shudder.

Qiao Qi in the car has always been lazy leaning on the seat, his eyes seemingly smiling at Ran Xiwei.

Ran Xiwei drove the car silently, and naturally felt Qiao Qi's eyes.

Ran Xiwei's eyes are bound to win.

"Where do you want to eat?" Ran Xiwei glanced at Qiao Qi with an eye-catching look.

"Let's say, today I invite you, you can just click." Qiao Qi's fingers pinched his chin, the other hand's fingers rested restlessly on Ran Xiwei's thigh, as if inadvertently touched.

Ran Xiwei's eyes brightened.

"I heard that there is a hotel where French food is good. Do you want to try it?" Ran Xiwei's voice became softer.

"Okay." Qiao Qi replied with a wink: "You just decide."

Qiao Qi's fingers suddenly began to restlessly and slowly touched towards the inside of Ran Xiwei's thigh.

Ran Xiwei just tapped on the back of Qiao Qi's hand with his right hand, but he didn't say anything to stop it.

Now, both people's thoughts have been cleared.

Seeing this scene, Shang Ke was unbelievable!

"How could this be?" Shang Ke always felt that his three views kept being pulled down.

Yin Sichen said with a sneer, "Yeah, how did it become like this? You don't want to know, why did she become like this in the past six years?"

Shang Ke immediately turned to look at Yin Sichen: "What did you find out?"

"She cleaned her tail very clean, and found no strong evidence for the time being. However, there are still a lot of clues leaking out. Today Qiao Qi is not easy, but he is going to devote himself!" Yin Sichen smiled even more. The depth of the: "I suddenly look forward to what will happen next..."

Shang Ke finally calmed down slowly and began to use his brain to think about the problem.

In fact, aside from Shang Ke of Erha, he is really a good man.

He looks handsome, he is rich and powerful, and he is dedicated.

Ah, well, Erha's attributes instantly lowered his average score.

However, Shang Ke, who calmed down, was definitely not a straw bag.

After analyzing Yin Shichen's words before and after, Shang Ke's eyes also showed a trace of indifference: "She is indeed not the Ran Xiwei that we knew before! The former Xi Wei would never do such a thing."

"So, we have to figure out why she is so anxious to find a man!" Yin Sichen raised a cold smile at the corner of her mouth, and did not show Ran Xiwei's ugly scene to Shang Ke. How could this guy believe himself? The fact?

Ran Xiwei, there are absolutely hidden secrets!

Suddenly looking forward to this secret!

Shang Ke swept the decay a moment ago, and also pulled a chair, sitting on the side, watching the scene in front of him quietly.

As for Qiao Qi doing this, is it fair or unfair to Die Yi?

Oh, who is blaming yourself?

This Ran Xiwei was given to Qi Qi by Dieyi's dead piston!

Ran Xiwei quickly drove to a hotel.

The French cuisine here is so sincere. Even if Qiao Qi doesn't come to N City often, he knows where the French cuisine is delicious.

However, this French meal has an advantage, not in the hall, but in the private room.

As for what's left in the private room... Ha ha ha, is this needless to say?

Qiao Qi pretended to know nothing, and let Ran Xiwei take him to this place.

Qiao Qiren is tall and has a familiar face in the entertainment industry, so most of them go out with sunglasses to cover their faces.

But this time, Qiao Qi did not block it, but let his face be exposed.

Ran Xiwei's eyes flashed from Qiao Qi's body. Although Qiao Qi was a bit older... However, compared with those old men, it was already good and could not be better.

And what about George Rich?"

Although it is a bit worse than Yin Sichen, but in terms of connections, he did not lose to Yin Sichen at all.

In the entertainment industry, which one does not know a few big guys?

Ran Xiwei looked in the mirror again and made sure that there was no problem with his makeup. Then he got out of the car and took Qiao Qi's arm to walk in.

People who come here to eat are basically with a purpose.

Or ordinary people come out to eat, who eats in the private room? Watching a **meal... how to see how it feels wrong!

Entering the hotel, Ran Xiwei took Qiaoqi into a room.

As soon as the room door opened, Georgie suddenly blew a whistle and said, "I don't see it, Xiwei, you still have a sentiment!"

Ran Xiwei smiled instantly when she smiled suddenly: "You just don't hate it."

How could it be annoying? ?

The entire room is decorated like a sea of ​​flowers.

A small dining table, surrounded by flowers, how to see how romantic.

It just seems that the order is a bit wrong?

Doesn’t it mean that the men arranged the rooms to invite the women to dinner?

This sequence is just the reverse!

Qiao Qi is also sure now that Ran Xiwei is so impatient that there must be another purpose!

Ran Xiwei, who has always been respectful and superior, suddenly asked for filming, which was not normal.

Now she can't wait to devote herself to Qiao Qi, which is even more abnormal.

"How could it be? You invited me so hard to eat, how could I be willing to let you down?" Qiao Qi took it all together and pulled Ran Xiwei into his arms.

Sure enough, Ran Xiwei didn't have any resistance, but snuggled into Qiao Qi's arms proactively, and said with carelessness: "Yeah, yeah, people just want to bribe you well and give me a better role!"

And the two people who were watching the candid relish with a meaningful look.

Ran Xiwei's tail is finally coming out.

Just when Yin Sichen and Shang Ke admired this scene of Ran Xiwei and Qiao Qi, Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona also met an acquaintance.

However, the difference is.

Ran Xiwei is full of purpose, and the people Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona met did not have any purpose... good people.

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