The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 292: Little handsome masseur

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

"Okay, you can do whatever you want here. As long as you have money, there is no service you don't want. Even if you find a group of little handsome guys to come over and serve, there is no pressure." Mu Ruona took off as soon as she entered the door. Jacket, stepped on the soft carpet, throw the jacket on the sofa casually, and pressed the communicator: "Give us a package for our room."

Gu Xixi also followed: "What is a set meal?"

"Of course, I have to find someone to massage! Stupid!" Mu Ruona glanced blankly at Gu Xixi: "I hurried back, so hard, do not find someone to relax me, how can I be worthy of your sincerity? !"

Hearing Mu Ruona teasing, Gu Xixi's mood seemed better.

After a while, four people knocked on the door and came in... fresh and tender.

Gu Xixi was taken aback, really a handsome boy!

Mu Ruona seems to be accustomed to it for a long time, and said to Gu Xixi: "The service here is like this. The male customer is the waitress, the female customer is the male waiter. Otherwise, how can the charges here be so high? What? Rest assured, they don’t just come here to brush their faces, but their technology is trustworthy. Come, press me, I’m going to be exhausted. I’ve been in a dozen countries, and I’m almost exhausted. !"

Mu Ruona turned around and went to a massage beside him**. He immediately got down, and two little handsome men passed by, knelt down to massage Mu Ruona's whole body.

Gu Xixi looked dumbfounded.

The remaining two handsome guys came over respectfully and said to Gu Xixi: "Where does the lady need a massage?"

Gu Xixi waved his hand and just wanted to refuse.

Mu Ruona said comfortably: "She is now seven months pregnant, so you should relax her shoulders, neck and limbs. By the way, don't you have a physical therapy to maintain the peace of mind? She comes with a set."

Gu Xixi didn't wait for the reaction, and was already pulled up by two little handsome guys, sitting on another lounge chair, kneeling on both sides, taking off his shoes for Gu Xixi, and began to massage. .

"Hey, hey... I'm not used to it..." Gu Xixi turned to look at Mu Ruona, who was lying on the massage** and was about to fall asleep.

"Sometimes you get used to it. You, you just restrain yourself too much! As a grandmother of Yin Family, you hold yourself at home every day, and you are not afraid to hold yourself down! So many high-level clubs, you don’t come out Turn. You can rest assured that the waiters here are not messy. They all check their health regularly every month to ensure health. Of course, if you like one of them, you can also propose **they ...But I am not interested..." Mu Ruona said more and more outrageously, Gu Xixi's ears were all red.

Gu Xixi lowered his head, and he saw the young man kneeling on his side massaging his shoulders and necks. His eyes were very sharp, and he couldn't help but ask him: "How old are you this year? How could you do this line?"

"If I go back to my wife, I am nineteen years old. I haven't been to school since I was fifteen, and I have learned this technique for three years. You can rest assured that you and your baby will not be hurt." Liang Jingjing replied.

Gu Xixi just thought that this boy was really beautiful, and he looked like a girl.

The little handsome guy also felt that Gu Xixi seemed interested in him, so he massaged Gu Xixi more vigorously.

Gu Xixi saw Mu Ruona's so comfortable enjoyment, and he no longer resisted the other party's service, allowing the other party to massage each finger to himself.

That really feels... so comfortable...

As soon as he relaxes, Gu Xixi feels sleepy, and the confused one falls asleep.

The door opened when I didn't know when, and a tall figure came in from the outside.

The four handsome guys were about to speak, and the other party made a silent gesture immediately.

The little guys said nothing immediately.

The man came to Gu Xixi, moved a chair to sit down, reached out and took over the work of the little handsome guy, and slowly kneaded and pinched the acupuncture points of the whole body to Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi was sleeping soundly, and didn't feel that the person who had massaged her had changed, but I felt that the masseur's strength seemed to be much heavier...

"Um...light..." Gu Xixi muttered while sleeping, "Don't touch my ring..."

The movement of being massaged suddenly.

The slender and perfect knuckles gently stroked the ring on Gu Xixi's fingers, kept looping with Gu Xixi's fingers, and held them together.

Gu Xixi was sleeping better.

It seems that these days, the lost things are back...

Slender fingers gently brushed Gu Xixi's long hair scattered on his cheeks, after all, he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed gently.

"Don't tell her that I've been here..." The slender figure quietly left: "She probably hasn't slept well these days, so let her sleep well."

Gu Xixi's sleep is so long and satisfying.

When I woke up, I looked down and saw that the two handsome boys were still massaging her calves.

Because of pregnancy, her calves began to appear slightly puffy.

When at home, the maid at home will give her a massage every day.

Unexpectedly, these two little guys, the massage method is really good, even let the insomniac sleep, so sweet sleep.

Gu Xixi turned his head to look over, and Mu Ruona slept there like a pig, and couldn't help smiling lightly.

She is probably exhausted, right?

After Gu Xixi woke up, he let the two waiters and handsome guys stop and slowly stood up and said: "Okay, no need to massage anymore, you go to rest."

The four waiters immediately got up and left quietly.

Some of the guests who come here for massages are really too hard to relax, and quite a few are purely for the purpose of **.

However, these two distinguished guests today seem to have not had a good rest during this time, so they came to relax.

Gu Xixi waited for the four waiters to leave before reaching for his cheek.

It's strange, it seems that someone in the dream has kissed himself...

But how is it possible?

Those little waiters have no such guts.

Everyone who can come to this high-end club has a status.

These little waiters did not dare to cause trouble.

It seems that it is really a dream?

Gu Xixi took a deep breath and planned to go out to breathe.

Mu Ruona had the habit of having a drink after waking up. Gu Xixi thought for a while and went out to inquire about the location of the wine cellar, planning to pick Mu Ruona a red wine.

The wine cellar is located on the ground floor of the high-level club, which is the negative three floors underground.

The low temperature in the ground can ensure the stability of the liquor.

As soon as Gu Xixi arrived at the wine cellar, he reported his room number, and he immediately received a passable number plate.

This wine cellar is for all consumers, as long as you report the room number, you can record the consumption in this room, and then just check out together.

At this time, many people have come to choose red wine.

It seems that everyone's habits are similar.

Talking about things here, how could it not be a drink?

Why don’t you drink a cup here?

Why not relax with a drink here?

So... more and more people come here to pick red wine.

Gu Xixi stood in front of a row of wine racks, sorted by vintage and winery, and found Lafite.

I have to say that this private club is really super-trenchy. The wines of Lafite Winery have displayed a whole shelf.

However, they are from recent years. Red wines over a hundred years old are still not listed.

However, even so, with the exquisite craftsmanship and quality assurance of Lafite Winery, even the red wine of that year is in short supply.

It is natural that this private club can collect so many red wines!

Gu Xixi caught the real Lafite in 1985. The weather conditions in this year are very similar to the picking in 1982. Therefore, the taste of this red wine is as smooth and velvety as velvet, complete in structure and rich in flavor. , Elegant and long, no less than the same wine of the 1982 vintage, full of mellow, both instant tasting and long-term cellaring.

Gu Xixi knew that Mu Ruona liked tasting red wine very much, so she did not hesitate to reach out for this red wine.

When Gu Xixi reached out and touched the bottle, a hand was suddenly stretched out in the diagonal thorn, and Gu Xixi's hand was pressed at once.

"Wait, this wine is my fancy. Can this lady cede it?" A slightly harsh voice rang from the side.

Gu Xixi turned his head to look around, and when Gu Xixi looked at the coming person clearly, his face suddenly became less beautiful.

It’s really a narrow road.

Isn't this after the song that has been with Yin Sichen these days?

I didn't expect to look so glamorous on TV. In private, it turned out to be so... crude and overbearing.

Gu Xixi was too lazy to care about such a woman, let go of the bottle, and turned to see the real Lafite in 1992.

This red wine has a deep purple color, exquisite tannins, balanced structure, full-bodied fruity notes, accompanied by spice and oak flavors, it makes people's lips and teeth fragrant.

I still like this taste quite a bit, should I try it with a sip?

Gu Xixi stretched out his hand to take this 92-year-old Rafi card.

But he didn't wait for Gu Xixi to reach out and take it off. After that song, he reached out and pressed Gu Xixi's finger.

"I'm so sorry, I also liked this red wine." The singer looked at Gu Xixi with full of sarcasm and said: "This lady, you have such a big belly, is it bad to drink?"

Gu Xixi looked at each other speechlessly.

He shook his head slightly, released his hand, and turned to pick other red wine.

Gu Xixi drew a Rafi deck in 1999, and sure enough, waiting for Gu Xixi to draw it, he said shamelessly after the song: "Ah, what a coincidence! I'm also looking for this red wine! "

Gu Xixi still can't see that the other party is deliberately finding fault, so he is really brainstorming.

Gu Xixi stared at each other, "What do you want?"

"How?" After the song, she shook her long hair and exquisite makeup was a disdainful face: "Of course, please this lady, don't appear on occasions that should not appear."

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