The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 259: Inviting Gu Xixi to enjoy the flowers

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Everyone walked into the house in turn.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Xixi felt a warmth.

Soon someone brought warm-up soup to let Gu Xixi drive away the cold.

Gu Xixi took a sip of the soup and immediately praised, "Aunt Ma's warming soup has a unique taste. Yesterday, I got the tea brought by Uncle from South Africa at my grandmother's tea. Seeing me being greedy, I said that taking me to my uncle's house was an addiction. Don't you give me a try this time?"

After finishing this sentence, Gu Xixi deliberately and charmingly blinked at Mrs. Jiang.

One sentence dispelled the uncomfortableness of the family just now.

Mrs. Jiang nodded secretly in her heart. No wonder Si Chen would like this girl. She was indeed sensible.

"Look at this girl's ingenuity, you are all talking. Where dare you be an aunt? Yihai, go and pack the tea that your father brought from South Africa. Don't let your brother and sister say that we are stingy. , Not even willing to give tea bags." Mrs. Jiang said with a smile.

"Okay, Mom." Jiang Yihai immediately happily did this in person.

Seeing Gu Xixi so sensible, Mrs. Yin finally got a hint of smile in her eyes.

It seems that this daughter-in-law is not useless.

"Listening to Si Chen said, Uncle took a big project in South Africa, how is the folk customs there? Does Uncle still adapt?" Gu Xixi took the initiative to raise the topic, looking concerned.

Although Mr. Jiang met Gu Xixi for the first time, he saw that Gu Xixi did not have any jerky delays and was very natural and harmonious with the Jiang family. He also liked the girl a little.

"Jiang's career in South Africa is not a day or two. This little thing will not fail me." Mr. Jiang said with a smile: "Since you like the tea over there so much, I will bring you back next time. "

"Okay, then I'm welcome with your uncle!" Gu Xixi said with a smile: "Si Chen has always said that his tea-tasting skills are learned from his uncle, want to drink really authentic good tea, I have to learn from my uncle. If I want to get really good tea, I have to ask my uncle! I didn’t believe it before, but yesterday I drank grandma’s tea, I can’t believe it! Uncle is really good! Blessing, you can drink the best tea in the world every day!"

Gu Xixi said a few words, and then coaxed Mr. Jiang to dance with Mrs. Jiang's eyebrows.

"Xiaoxue, your daughter-in-law is amazing!" Mrs. Jiang said to Mrs. Yin: "Small mouth is so sweet, don't you be fierce to others."

With a little smile on her eyes, Mrs. Yin said, "Where do I dare to be fierce to her? You don't know, Si Chen is afraid of her in her mouth, and she is afraid of falling in her hand."

Gu Xixi immediately said: "No! Si Chen is most worried about Ma! Last night, Si Chen also told me that the weather was cold, and the formula that Mom used all the years should be changed. Can't stand the cold anymore."

Regardless of whether Yin Sichen has said this, when Madam Yin heard Gu Xixi say this, her expression has completely softened.

Jiang Huiyin was sitting next to him, watching his parents so happy with Gu Xixi, he was even more dissatisfied.

Where is that Gu Xixi?

Why do my parents treat her so pleasantly?

But with a face that looks exactly like Yun Zhuo, you really think of yourself as the Miss Yun Family?

"Mom and dad, aunt, I suddenly felt a little tired. I went back to the room and rested." Jiang Huiyin said this, and turned away with anger.

Mrs. Yin looked at Jiang Huiyin's back. After Jiang Huiyin left, she said to her brother-in-law, "Huiyin is also in his 20s this year? Isn't the female college student left?"

Mrs. Jiang and Mr. Jiang looked at each other, and the expression on her face was a little reluctant.

Mrs. Jiang said: "Don't mention it, this child's mind... is really unpredictable. She has been arranged for several blind dates, and she didn't go there once. It’s unreasonable to make trouble. Come on, look at her aunt, don’t worry about her!"

Gu Xixi smiled and shook his head: "How come?"

Gu Xixi did not forget what happened that day.

But that thing can't be said casually, so today she has been acting normally.

Mr. Jiang just stayed at home for a while and left the house.

Anyway, Mrs. Yin is not an outsider, so it is enough to have Mrs. Jiang alone.

Gu Xixi's first visit to Jiang Man was naturally full of curiosity.

Jiang House and Yin Family Mansion and Yun Family are in different patterns.

The Jiangfu family is more modern, without the far-reaching depth of the Yin family, nor the antiques of the Yun family. Everything is a design with a modern design.

Different styles of house architecture naturally have different beauty.

Gu Xixi was looking at the energy, Jiang Yihai walked over from the side: "Is my brother and sister still adapted to this style?"

Gu Xixi looked at Jiang Yihai in surprise: "Why do you ask?"

"I thought you liked the Yun family's pattern more." Jiang Yihai's thin lips lightened, and a trace of longing flashed on his handsome face: "I've been to the Yun's courtyard, and it's so beautiful!"

Gu Xixi nodded conscientiously and said: "Really don't say, the Yun family is actually more livable!! The air environment over there is exceptionally fresh."

"Yeah! I thought so too. Ah, yes, although my house is modern, but I also have a garden. Do I want to see it?" Jiang Yihai finally invited Gu Xixi .

"Now?" Gu Xixi looked at Jiang Yihai in surprise: "It's winter now!"

"Yes! Since my house is modern, then my flower room is also modern! Would you like to see it?" Jiang Yihai blinked at Gu Xixi.

Jiang Yihai said this, Gu Xixi was really a bit curious, and immediately nodded and replied: "Okay! Let you say that, I also want to see how the flower house here is different from the Yun family."

"Please here." Jiang Yihai turned Gu Xixi and walked towards the flower room.

Gu Xixi's assistant Xiao Wang followed him very faithfully, taking care of Gu Xi at any time.

Without going too far, Gu Xixi saw a huge transparent flower house in front of his eyes.

As soon as I entered the flower room, I felt a warmth of pavement.

Countless flowers are blooming.

The flower house is divided into three floors, and the mountains and valleys are also built, which are scattered.

Gu Xixi looked at the path of the blue stone slab with a winding path, and the flowers on both sides took steps up. It was as beautiful as a fairyland, and he suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Jiang Yihai kept looking down carefully to watch Gu Xixi's expression.

At the moment when Gu Xixi showed a surprised expression, Jiang Yihai's heart shivered undetectably.

He waited for this day and waited a long time...

It's a pity, well, you can't see it!

But God has an eye, let Xixi see all this for you. Well, do you still like it?

Yun Xi's figure gradually overlapped with Gu Xixi. Jiang Yihai didn't know it himself, and he looked at Gu Xixi's eyes in a daze.

Jiang Huiyin outside the flower house in the distance, took this scene into his eyes, angrily grabbed the edge of the window, his eyes spitting fire, glaring at the two people in the flower house.

"Gu Xixi...Gu Xixi...You can't go if there is a way to heaven, you can break in without hell! I will never let you be by my brother!" The anger in Jiang Huiyin's eyes completely burned her reason. , Turned around and decided to leave with a haze.

"It's incredible." Gu Xixi said with a sigh: "It's impossible to make such a beautiful garden even at Yun's house. You know, Yun's body is weak and allergic to pollen, so Yun The home will only be lush, but not the red flowers and green leaves. You have done so much, should it be a lot of thought?"

Hearing Gu Xixi's voice, Jiang Yihai's thoughts were suddenly pulled back, and he responded in a panic: "Well."

Gu Xixi slowly stepped up the steps, each step will have a different scenery.

Gu Xixi didn't notice Jiang Yihai's strangeness at all, and admired while admiring: "Cousin, I didn't expect you to be really talented! This flower house is simply amazing. It's the most beautiful indoor flower house I've ever seen."

"Just like it." Jiang Yihai looked at Gu Xixi's back deeply, and said this gently.

Gu Xixi didn't hear the other meanings of this sentence at all, and nodded and said, "It's really beautiful. Xiao Wang, my mobile phone is here."

Xiao Wang immediately handed the phone to Gu Xixi, Gu Xixi turned on the camera and took photos seriously.

Gu Xixi picked a few photos and posted them on Weibo, then matched with an amazed expression.

Yin Sichen heard the news reminder and immediately opened Gu Xixi's Weibo. Seeing that Gu Xixi liked Jiang's flower room so much, Yin Sichen's mouth floated with a smile.

"Small a, are there a few flowers at home?" Yin Sichen thought about it and ordered him to continue: "Go to choose some beautiful flowers to arrange at home, ah, first ask the doctor to see if the home is suitable for placement What flower."

"Yes, President." Xiao a pointed at Gu Xiwei's Weibo, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As long as it is a matter of little ***, the president is always the first to pay attention.

Yin Sichen looked at the photos, thought about it, and said to herself, "It seems that the house should also be built with a flower room. I remember that I really like flowers. When she watered flowers on the balcony that morning , And sing happily. Um, just make a flower room with a music room effect. Um, put the piano in again, smell the flowers and play the piano, it seems not bad. Um, simply rebuild the small garden, so from You can go straight through the house, and you won't be afraid of cold in winter."

Listening to Yin Sichen had decided so many things in an instant, Xiao a sighed in his heart.

Grandma, please stop sending photos any more!

Last time you sent the kitchen of an individual, and then the president transformed the kitchen!

Now you send a picture of a flower room, and the small garden at home becomes a flower room!

Next time if you send an antique, it is estimated that your home will become an antique exhibition!

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