The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 239: Yin Sichen's counterattack

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

The Yin family looked on the surface calmly, calm and stable.

But the undercurrents below are not imaginable by outsiders.

Although Mrs. Yin had been concealing Yin Sichen, how could Yin Sichen not doubt it?

The car accident that year was so strange, how could he give up the investigation?

After Yin Sichen had his own power, he secretly investigated some secrets of that year.

But these things are related to his mother, he can only pretend not to know.

But this does not mean that the Yin family and Mrs. Yin will continue to tolerate it.

Yin Sichen can't confront her mother head-on, but she can borrow someone's hand to stop her actions.

Borrowing a knife to kill someone, ah no, borrowing flowers and offering Buddha, he played very well.

He knew that it was only necessary to launch Yin Si Yao, and he was sure that his mother would not be able to sit still.

Sure enough, she really shot!

Her shot again really angered grandma!

As long as grandma speaks and intervenes in this matter, then the mother can't do it alone.

"This fire is not enough, it seems that I have to burn another one." Yin Sichen sighed softly: "It is not that easy to make Grandma's statement completely."

"The president, Yin Siyao... do you really want to bring him back?" Xiao a said uncertainly: "The chairman once assured you that the Yin family's inheritance rights will never be left to others. But if this Yin Si Yao comes back, then you President..."

"Do you think that someone in Yin's consortium can affect my overall situation?" Yin Sichen reached out and grabbed a dart from a plate on the table without looking at it. All hit the dart board.

Xiao a was silent for a while and replied: "Although most of the shares of the Yin Consortium are in your hands, there are still a lot of things in the Yin Mansion."

"I didn't even want to use this piece, but it didn't matter if it was used for the sake of it. If Yin Siyao returns to Yin's house, grandma must give him a part of his property to appease. But... so many years Come, should he be raised and discarded? A piece of waste, even if you give him more money, what is there to worry about?" Yin Sichen raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth: "This is my mother's handwriting. !"

"Yes, President." Little a immediately stood respectfully: "I will arrange it immediately."

"Remember, since then, he is the second younger of the Yin family, even though he is an illegitimate child." Yin Sichen smiled faintly.

"Yes." Xiao a immediately turned around and left.

Xiao A did not go far, Yin Sichen's phone rang, Yin Sichen did not answer the phone, the voice of Mrs. Yin came from the answering machine: "Si Chen, you won't answer me at this time Your phone? Do you know? Your grandma is about to take back the hybrid? How long can you stay in the position of your Yin family after the hybrid returns? Son, we are the closest person anyway , I said nothing will let anyone affect your position! You can rest assured! I will return to the n city! I have to stop your grandma anyway! The Yin family can only belong to you! "

Yin Sichen reached out and squeezed the goblet, shaking it gently, but only smelled it, but didn't drink it.

The voice of Mrs. Yin continued on the phone: "Son, if that Gu Xixi is really a descendant of the Yun family, your mother will not stop you from being together! Although the Yun family is not financially strong, I found it in the y province By the way, the status of the Yun family is still quite high. But you can also barely deserve it! As long as you can make Gu Xixi return to the Yun family to recognize the ancestors, the mother will no longer oppose your marriage! However, you must Get more support as soon as possible! Otherwise, after the little **** comes back, your grandmother will definitely arrange him into the board of directors. He entered the board of directors. For us, it is the biggest threat! Your father is now missing. He Once you return, you also have the right to inherit."

"Even if you are now the president of the Yin Consortium, even if you already hold most of the stocks in your hand, your grandma will just leak a bit from the cracks of her fingers, enough for the little **** to live and eat forever. No , I absolutely do not allow such things to happen! You *** everything, you must only belong to you! Son, hear the message, remember to call me back! I hung up first, I will go back now!"

When the phone comes here, it hangs with a click.

Yin Sichen raised a faint smile in the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, what I expected!

In the face of competing for family property, his mother really temporarily put aside her prejudices and turned to Yunjia for support.

Even if she likes Ran Xiwei again, but Ran Xiwei's parents are not in the country, the foundation is unstable, and it is not helpful to the Yin family.

How could the mother put Ran Xiwei to herself at this juncture?

The immediate priority now is to stabilize the fiscal power of the family first.

Mother is still the same temper!

Yin Sichen swallowed up the red wine in the glass, put the glass on the table and turned away.

He was just a little trick, and activated Yin Si Yao, which was forgotten by everyone, and received such a surprise effect.

Or, mother, you have been so comfortable over the years that you have forgotten your son’s methods?

Xiao a faithfully executed the orders of Yin Sichen.

When Mrs. Yin returned to China, the president had noticed that his wife was not right, and then secretly ordered herself to go to the person who monitored Yin Siyao. She deliberately disclosed the situation of Yin Siyao in front of her, and deliberately or unintentionally. Tell his wife that Mrs. Yin also gave Yin Siyao a lot of things.

Sure enough, the lady was furious and directly attacked Yin Siyao.

Mrs. Yin's actions really angered Mrs. Yin, and Mrs. Yin called on the phone to rebuke the past and threatened to bring Yin Siyao raised outside to Yin's house.

Mrs. Yin panicked.

On the surface, the CEO has always been outside, and has done nothing.

But Xiao a knows that all this is under the president's control.

The president had calculated everyone's thoughts. The president knew that Yin Siyao could not wait to return to Yin's home. She also knew Mrs. Yin's taboo against Yin Siyao. She also knew that Chairman Yin was guilty about the grandson who was outside.

The president only helped, but successfully transferred his wife's thoughts on Shao. Mrs. now can't take care of my grandma!

Grandma is finally safe!

After Mrs. Yin's phone hung up, Mrs. Yin's phone came over and said: "Si Chen, grandma will discuss something with you."

"Grandma, please tell me." Yin Sichen was so calm and calm.

"Grandma wants to take Sisi back... Sichen, Grandma promised you something, Grandma will definitely do it! You are the heir of the Yin family, there is no doubt that no one can threaten you. Position." Mrs. Yin said a little uneasy.

This grandson, in some ways, is tough, like her husband.

Her husband was so domineering and cold.

Yin Sichen deliberately pretended not to know: "Why did grandma suddenly take him back? For so many years, the Yin family has been feeding them, and it is not wrong to treat them."

"Grandma is getting old, and I want someone to be with me." Yin Laofu's popularity is getting softer: "Si Chen, the child in the belly, as soon as I was born, I gave him half of the stock in my hand. , You can rest assured that your grandmother knows. You are the heir of Yin's sister-in-law, and the pharmaceutical company does not have you, he can't threaten your position. If you can agree, grandma is willing to help you smooth out your mother and Xi Xizhi Conflicts."

This is what Yin Sichen waited for!

Grandma, it's not easy for you to hook!

Yin Sichen smiled lightly: "How does grandma plan to smooth it out?"

"Your mother is bullying like this, it's just because you don't have enough confidence. I have decided to transfer all the 5% of the bearer shares to Xi's name. In this way, Xi has the Yin family 'S stock is considered to be on the board of directors, and it will not be easy for your mother to bully her." Mrs. Yin replied.

Five percent of bearer stocks!

Grandma, you are so big!

Or, grandma, you can’t wait for Yin Siyao to return to Yin’s house?

Mrs. Yin saw that Yin Sichen did not say anything, and continued: "In addition, I promised to give Xixi Caili, also cashed it together. Gu family is gone, so the money will be the same as early as late. Si Chen, You are a smart kid, and grandma knows you know how to move forward and backward."

Yin Sichen smiled gently: "What did Grandma say? The medicine is my younger brother, and it is natural to return to Yin's house. Why should I object? Ah, yes, it will be 20% of the medicine in a few days. Is it your fifth birthday? I’m my brother and want to give him a birthday party! I don’t know what grandma feels?”

Mrs. Yin was very satisfied: "Well, you are sensible! Just do what you say!"

Hanging up the phone, Yin Sichen raised a cold smile in the corner of his mouth.

More than he knew that Yin Siyao would not threaten his position?

He also knew that Yin Siyao had been led by someone sent by his mother to become a young man with a lot of gambling and poison.

Speaking of this, the viciousness of this mother of hers is really not much to spare her!

In order to keep this position for himself, the mother is in South America, but the heart is in the country!

But how much will grandma give him? This is a thing worth looking forward to.

Grandma brought Yin Siyao back, maybe she was worried that his mother would poison him?

Things are getting more and more lively.

But the more lively, the safer it is!

Come on, I'm attentive to your kindness, do you understand?

Gu Xixi was preparing for a lunch break, but before she could lie down, the phone rang.

Gu Xixi took a look at Mrs. Yin's phone and paused and quickly connected the phone: "Grandma? Are you looking for me?"

"Come on, I'm telling you. Don't play outside for too long. In a few days, Master Yin's second master is coming back. By the way, there will be a birthday party. Your sister-in-law, but must be present." Yin The old lady said on the phone in a gentle voice.

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