The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 235: Do you want to kiss me?

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

It is said that people who truly love each other will stay together for a long time, and they will inadvertently acquire some habits of the other party.

It seems that this sentence really makes sense.

Mo Zixuan looked at Gu Xixi curiously: "What are you doing, Xixi? What are you looking at?"

Mo Zixuan looked at Gu Xixi's line of sight, there was no one there.

Gu Xixi shook his head and replied: "It's nothing, we purchased almost, it's time to go back. Since we have our own stove, we will make our own lunch!"

"Good!" Mu Ruona responded happily: "I also like to cook my own food!"

Gu Xixi saw Jane Xiao and Myron discussing today's lunch, watching them so harmonious, Gu Xixi gently smiled.

She must contribute to two people.

Everyone returned to the ship one after another. Mu Ruona carried fresh vegetables in her hands and followed Gu Xixi happily, talking and laughing.

Shang Ke stood aside and looked at Mu Ruona so quietly without saying a word.

Gu Xixi saw Shang Ke and gently touched Mu Ruona, motioning Mu Ruona to look over.

Mu Ruona looked at Gu Xi's eyes.

At that moment, the smile was hidden.

Shang Ke only felt a sharp pain in his chest.

She can smile at others like flowers, but so cold and indifferent to him.

Mu Ruona, how can you do this to me?

Shang Ke's eyes were fixed on Mu Ruona, but Mu Ruona quickly turned away and continued to talk and laugh to the people around her.

Shang Ke watched Mu Ruona leave in such a dazzling manner, until she could no longer see it.

Mu Ruona, your ruthless heart...

When Gu Xixi signed up with Jian Xiao, it was already the tenth family, so their order number was also ten, and the stove set was also number ten.

Everyone put something on the stove, and Jian Xiao issued an order: "At noon today, our food is mainly meat, so these vegetables are all sealed with plastic wrap and all stored in the refrigerator. The meat should be separated. , These are for the game tomorrow, these are for today. There are seafood, we will eat them as soon as possible."

Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan took orders at the same time and took two assistants to execute the order.

Myron saw that the four girls couldn't bear to let them carry such a heavy thing, so he took the initiative to ask for help, carrying a huge pile of things back to his room and stuffing the food into the refrigerator.

Gu Xixi and Jian Xiao were left in front of the stove.

"Mom, tell me the truth, are you particularly satisfied with Uncle Myron?" Gu Xixi asked with a smile.

Although Jian Xiao blushed a little, she nodded.

"Mom, as long as you like it, I don't have any opinions! You can rest assured, your wedding, I'm in charge!" Gu Xixi reached out and gently hugged Jian Xiao's shoulder, and put his face on Jian Xiao's Chewing on the cheek gently, relying on Jane smile like a child: "Mom, I hope you can be happy."

Jian Xiao’s eyes were wet for a while, and he patted Gu Xi’s back and said, “Mom too. Mom doesn’t ask you to be rich and expensive, and mom only asks you to worry free all your life. Xi, although you didn’t say anything this time, But Ma knows you have something to worry about. No matter how stormy it is outside, Ma will always be your harbor here."

"Mom..." Listening to Jane's words, Gu Xi's tears didn't hold back for a while, and suddenly overflowed his eyes.

"Don't worry about the things of the Yun family. Anyway, you are the blood of the Yun family, they will not be difficult for you." Jian Xiao continued: "In the future, you can continue with the Yin family, or divorce. Don’t be afraid. No matter how hard it is, we all survived. Are we afraid of the wind and rain?"

"Huh." Gu Xixi nodded dumbly, she knew that Jian Xiao was comforting herself.

But at this time, I need such comfort.

With mom, everything is not a problem.

The two mothers and daughters took advantage of nobody and said a lot of self-talk.

Gu Xixi felt that he really had nothing to pursue in his life.

As long as Jane laughed with her life, she would be content.

Just don't know the pusher of destiny, will you let yourself achieve this wish smoothly?

Gu Xixi wiped away the tears quietly and helped Jian Xiao wash the vegetables.

The mother and daughter have worked together for more than 20 years, and they have long been in perfect harmony.

Gu Xixi washes the dishes and saw a masked face flash by the window.

It's him?

Gu Xixi immediately closed the faucet in his hand, wiped his hands, and said to Jane with a smile: "Mom, let me go out!"

Jane said with a smile: "Be careful, you are pregnant."

"Got it." Gu Xixi took off his apron and chased him out.

Gu Xixi chased outside the corridor, but there was no half figure.

It's strange, he was still just...

Where can I go in such a short time?

Gu Xixi did not find the mysterious captain for a long time, so he turned around and returned.

But Gu Xixi turned around and saw the familiar captain's uniform appeared in front of his eyes.

Gu Xixi quickly looked up at the other party. The other party's eyes seemed to be smiling, and Gu Xixi looked dizzy.

"Are you looking for me?" The captain spoke softly.

Gu Xixi even blushed with disapproval.

The corner of the captain's mouth slightly curled up, a perfect arc, and a perfect girly trick.

"What's the matter with me?" The captain suddenly stepped forward, narrowing the distance between the two.

Gu Xixi panicked and took a step back, his back against the wall suddenly.

The captain continued to step forward and controlled Gu Xixi between himself and the wall.

Looking down at Gu Xi, the smile on the corner of the mouth grew bigger and bigger: "Why? Don't you dare to say? Or can't you?"

"I..." Gu Xixi rolled his eyes. Now that the distance between the two is so close, can he reach for his mask while he is not paying attention?

Just think about it!

Gu Xixi suddenly tipped her toes, reaching for the captain's mask.

But before her hand could reach the mask on the other person's face, she had already grasped her finger at once, with ten fingers clasped, and immediately stuck it against the wall.

Gu Xixi quickly reached out and pushed away the other party's body, trying to pull away some distance.

But the opponent's body is so hard, this little strength of his own is not the opponent of the opponent at all.

The smile in the captain's eyes grew larger and larger, slowly lowering his body, and the distance between the two was getting closer.

"Why? Do you want to kiss me?" The captain's playful voice rang in Gu Xi's ear.

Gu Xixi closed her eyes gently.

Ah... failed...

Why is his vigilance so strong?

"Nothing!" Gu Xixi answered angrily.

"Really? That's really a pity." The captain's nose squirted Gu Xixi's ear, Gu Xixi felt the familiar trembling feeling.

It's getting weird, isn't it?

Why does his body react to his touch naturally?

It should have been this way.

As if...a long time ago, I responded to each other in the same way.

As if...I was one with him.

But how is it possible?

The captain smiled gently: "I am looking forward to your performance tomorrow."

Gu Xixi summoned his courage and asked, "Why are you doing such a game?"

"Because, you really want to take part in a competition with your mother! Isn't this your childhood dream? Although it's a little late, it was realized after all, isn't it?" The captain replied softly.

"How do you know my childhood dream?" Gu Xixi looked at each other dumbfounded.

"Because I like you!" The captain replied with a chuckle, clearly his voice was so careless, but strange, he just heard his seriousness.

He even held such a competition on board for a dream of his childhood?

Is it ridiculous?

Everything is just like dreaming, but it is so real.

"Who the **** are you?" Gu Xixi asked directly: "I always feel very familiar with you, but I'm not sure."

"Since you're not sure, then don't be sure." Slender fingers brushed Gu Xixi's lips and gently lifted Gu Xixi's cheek, forcing Gu Xixi to look at himself: "I like yours today It looks beautiful."

Gu Xixi's cheeks turned red again.

"My lovely little beauty, I look forward to your performance." The thin lips finally fell and gently kissed Gu Xi's forehead: "Goodbye."

After finishing these two words, the captain let go of Gu Xi and turned away.

Gu Xixi froze in place, reaching for his forehead.

Hell, this kiss...more familiar.

But it is impossible! Absolutely impossible!

He will definitely not be Yin Sichen!

Yin Sichen is definitely not such a **** girl!

He has always been so cold and arrogant, so cold and decisive, how could he do such a thing?

But why is this kiss so familiar?

Gu Xixi, you are going to be driven crazy!

What exactly is going on!

When Gu Xixi recovered, the captain had already gone away.

Gu Xixi had no choice but to turn around and return to the restaurant.

As soon as he entered, Gu Xixi saw that the whole family was watching himself.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Gu Xixi touched his forehead guilty, did he leave a trace when he kissed his forehead just now?

No, nothing.

"Come on, why are you so blushing? Are you hot?" Myron asked.


Gu Xixi immediately reached out to cover his face, ah, yes, so hot!

It’s the captain!

What's the matter?

I was so nervous that I was blushing.

"No... nothing!" Gu Xixi replied: "It may be a little hot, hehehe, you know, pregnant women are always afraid of the heat."

Gu Xixi's guilty explanation.

Others looked at Gu Xi with an expression.

"Ah, it depends on what I do? Hurry to wash your hands and help cook!" Gu Xixi quickly diverted their attention: "You see other people's homes, they all start to fire and cook! Everyone pre-advances for tomorrow's game It's hot!"

Others responded with anger.

Gu Xixi suddenly thought of the sentence he just said: Is this not your childhood dream?

How did he know that this was his childhood dream?

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