The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 232: Feng Shui rotation

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi didn't know, and after sleeping, the sky outside changed.

Gu Xixi measured the abdominal circumference and fetal heart rate with the help of the assistant, and passed the data to the Yun family, and also passed a copy to Mrs. Yin.

This is what she promised to Mrs. Yin.

Every day, send her body data regularly, so that Mrs. Yin can rest assured.

"Miss is five months old, but she is not fat at all, and she will soon regain her shape after giving birth." The assistant said to Gu Xixi with a smile: "Madam said, as long as you eat this special blend on time Good pastries and nutrition will be passed on to the children, and will not make adults fat."

Gu Xixi smiled and nodded, and sat up from **.

As the month gets bigger, the belly becomes more and more obvious.

A few days ago, I still felt a little bit pregnant, and now I can clearly see a protruding outline trace.

Looking at the mirror, Gu Xixi can see that his belly has become convex like a small pot.

But from the back, Gu Xixi's waist is still so slender and soft. If you don't know that she is pregnant with five pregnant women, she thinks she is still a girl.

The assistant chose a brand new cotton and linen long skirt for Gu Xixi, woven Gu Xixi's long hair loosely into a centipede, and hung it behind him.

This dress was delivered early by Jian Xiao.

Yesterday she went out shopping with Myron. She didn't buy much for herself, but she bought a lot of clothes and comfortable shoes for Gu Xixi.

As soon as Gu Xixi opened his eyes, he saw the clothes that Jian Xiao bought for himself. The warmth in his heart could not be restrained.

"What about Ruona and Zixuan?" Gu Xixi drank the porridge handed over by the assistant and said softly, "Have they got up?"

I will give them another medicine today, basically the wound will be fine.

"Mr. Mu and Ms. Mo got up very early, and are waiting for you outside now!" The assistant finally pinned a hairpin to Gu Xi's ear, and gathered up the scattered long hair.

Gu Xixi now looks like a college student who has just entered school, with a pure face and no traces of years.

"Wait for me? Ah, hurry up!" Gu Xixi remembered it. When the two left last night, they made an appointment to see the underwater world with themselves in the morning.

Gu Xixi stood up in a hurry, reached over and took over her handbag and said to the two assistants: "You guys have fun today too. Today you can go to the bottom of the boat to see the tropical fish under the sea. This is a view not seen in the north!! "

There was a happy look in the eyes of the two assistants.

"Go." Gu Xixi hurried towards the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan also wearing light-colored loose clothes.

Mu Ruona's linen woven trousers and slim black t-shirt, which matched her gcup's chest, was simply too cruel.

But Mo Zixuan is a white gauze dress, wearing a denim coat.

Well, the wind in the morning is not small.

"Sorry, let you wait for a long time. Has your wound got better? Do you want me to give you some medicine again?" Gu Xixi asked.

Mo Zixuan smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, my brother sent someone to take care of me yesterday! We've already taken medicine. Let's go, let's go quickly, and we won't have a good position late!"

Mo Zixuan and Mu Ruona took Gu Xi's hand and walked towards the bottom of the boat.

Gu Xixi always felt that the atmosphere between them really changed.

The two seemed to have reached a certain agreement, and there was no more breath of fighting.

So weird.

However, they get along well, which is a good thing for themselves!

After all, they are all their friends!

The three happily went to the bottom of the ship.

By the time they reached the viewing room, there were already a lot of people sitting.

The bottom of the ship is designed as a 270-degree wide-view transparent window, which can see all the sights of the sea floor in real time.

The ground is also completely transparent.

Walking on it, you can see the schools of fish passing by under your head.

That feeling is almost straightforward.

The captain brought Gu Xixi into the room, the structure is similar to this.

But not as big as here.

Seeing such things as hilarity, it turns out that the more people, the more interesting! !

"Wow! It's really beautiful!" Mu Ruona also exclaimed, reaching out and touching the wall.

Seeing a shark violently rushed towards herself, Mu Ruona let her subconsciously release her hand and took two steps back.

Gu Xixi laughed with Mo Zixuan and teased Mu Ruona together.

Mu Ruona recovered, and laughed with the two of them.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the crowd, suddenly stood beside Mu Ruona, reached out and grabbed Mu Ruona's shoulder, and shouted loudly: "You dare to resign!"

Gu Xixi turned back at the same time as Mu Ruona, and she saw Shang Ke's face green and staring at Mu Ruona with her eyes open.

Mu Ruona said to Gu Xixi and Mo Zixuan: "You go to watch the excitement first, and I will pass on after saying a few words to him."

Gu Xixi nodded with Mo Zixuan, reached out to pat the back of Mu Ruona's hand, and followed the crowd a little further.

Gu Xixi understands that this is a matter of Mu Ruona and Shang Ke, Mu Ruona does not intend to let others intervene.

After they walked away, Mu Ruona looked up at Shang Ke indifferently and said, "I don't think I have kidnapped my boss, it has the meaning of keeping me alive."

Shang Ke's eyes flashed instantly: "You know I didn't mean to treat you like that!"

"Yeah, you didn't do it on purpose, you deliberately! You can do anything for Ran Xiwei! Even if it hurts me, help Ran Xiwei! Since this is the case, then I will obediently quit and fulfill your loyalty." Mu Ruona looked at Shang Ke calmly, her eyes falling on Shang Ke's hands: "So many people here, do you still want to hold me again and tie me in the cluttered room?"

Shang Ke was stunned, he did not expect things to develop to this point.

He let go of his hand unconsciously, his eyes still unbelievable.

"You have to protect Ran Xiwei, I have nothing to say. You still have nothing to say for Ran Xiwei to hurt me. After all, you grew up together, I am just a deputy of you. Understandable. So, Mr. Shang, please understand me too. Now I feel that I am no longer qualified as the vice president of Odyssey, so I formally submitted my resignation to the board of directors. I still ask Mr. Shang for approval."

"Shang always pays attention to my father and has always taken care of me. I don't know how to be grateful, so I will return all the houses and cars allocated by the company. As for my things, I will go to the company to clean up the other day. "Mu Ruona looked at Shang Ke with a cold expression, and said coldly: "From today, Mr. Shang has nothing to do with me. Please ask Mr. Shang to respect my personal space and human rights."

After Mu Ruona said this, she took a step back quietly and opened the distance with Shang Kela.

Shang Ke looked at Mu Ruona abruptly: "Are you really so ruthless?"

Mu Ruona sarcastically looked at Shang Ke: "I am ruthlessly determined? Have I kidnapped you, Mr. Shang? Or have I imprisoned you, Mr. Shang?"

"You know, I am sincere to you..." Shang Ke gritted his teeth and said, "I never cared about a woman."

"I'm sorry, I refuse." Mu Ruona calmly replied: "You have the right to love, and I also have the right to refuse! Your love, I can't stand it."

Shang Ke's figure flickered, and he didn't expect Mu Ruona to talk to him in such an alienated tone.

Mu Ruona's eyes were slanted, and she saw Ran Xiwei, who was not far away spying on the development of the event, and a sneer appeared in the corner of her mouth.

This Ran Xiwei, it really is a ghost!

"Mr. Shang always has to bring green plums and horses wherever he goes, and the feelings are really deep!" Mu Ruona's mouth piled a very ironic smile: "Since the two are here to play together, then I will not disturb Mr. Shang There is room for Miss Ran. I hope my resignation application will always be signed as soon as possible!"

Mu Ruona turned and left.

Behind him came Shang Ke's roar: "Mu Ruona, do you want me to sign the resignation letter! You only want to be an Odysse one day, you do not want to leave me!"

Mu Ruona's heart sank a little.

When so entangled, when will it be?

Ran Xiwei saw Mu Ruona go, three steps and two steps, rushed to Shang Ke's side, reached out and shook Shang Ke's arm gently shaking, red eyes, tears almost burst out of the eyes.

Ran Xiwei bit her lip, a baby was very wronged but looked at Shang Ke with an expression that the baby didn't say.

Shang Ke was originally annoyed by Mu Ruona's affairs, but when he looked down at Ran Xiwei and looked at him with an aggrieved expression, his anger dissipated a lot unconsciously.

"Shang Ke, is it because of me again that Mu Ruona is about to resign? Should I really not be back?" Ran Xiwei looked at Shang Ke tearfully: "I just came out with it! You just came out! Will you be mad at me?"

"What nonsense!" Shang Ke couldn't help comforting her when she saw Ran Xiwei crying: "This matter has nothing to do with you. It's me and Ruona's own business."

Ran Xiwei looked at Mu Ruona's back, and said thoughtfully: "Rona is a good girl, she must not misunderstand you for no reason! It must have been that Gu Xixi said in Ruona's ear. What bad things about you. Ah, yes, it must be because you came forward for me, and then Gu Xixi said in Mu Ruona's ear how you are with me, so Ruona will misunderstand us!"

Shang Ke's eyes sharply cast into the distant Gu Xi.

That's right, it must be like this!

Mu Ruona followed him from college, she has a better temper than anyone else!

It was only recently that Mu Ruona began to alienate.

It must be that Gu Xixi is playing tricks!

Not only to **** Xi Wei's boyfriend, but also to deliberately break up with Ruo Na!

This woman is abhorrent!

Shang Ke's eyes glanced at Gu Xixi's back, and said to Ran Xiwei: "Xi Wei, you can rest assured. No matter how much the price is paid, I will not let Gu Xixi stay beside Si Chen! You are right Such a woman only needs a lesson to know that the sky is thick and thick!"

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