The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 227: This is just a deal

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi's body suddenly froze!

Who is the other party?

How could he fall ***?

Doesn’t it mean that the police did not find the whereabouts of ***?

How can the other party know that he has been inquiring about the whereabouts?

Wait, since the other party knows who it is, he will naturally inquire about what is happening in his home.

It is not surprising that Gu Jiaqiang died in the hands of ***.

Gu Xixi hesitated for a while, even if the other party was going to lie to himself, he would have to ask himself.

I really want to know where my grandmother is now.

Where can she escape when she is just a few years old?

But why can't the police find her?

Then there is only one possibility, she was hidden!

Gu Xixi quickly replied the message: "Where?"

"Look up. Come to the rooftop." The message was sent quickly.

Gu Xixi was stunned and just wanted to say something to Mo Zixuan, and the news came again: "Come on your own, don't let others know."

Gu Xixi gritted his teeth for a while.

The other party really made his investigation clear!

Gu Xixi immediately replied a word: "Okay."

Gu Xixi stood up and said to the two people who were playing: "You are going down, I will go up to watch the stars!"

Mu Ruona waved her hand: "Go with the assistant."

"Huh." Gu Xixi just responded, and when he reached the stairs, he asked the two assistants to wait for himself here, and walked slowly to the top floor.

As soon as he went up, Gu Xixi saw an empty platform filled with flowers.

There is a table in the center of the flowers, and a lot of food is placed on the table.

The man in the white captain suit salutes himself: "Welcome to you, Miss Gu."

Gu Xixi's heart burst into flames, and he got up.

I still obediently followed the design of the other party and went to the banquet!

However, since the other party knew where *** was, he had to come, didn't he?

Who told the other party to pinch his little braid?

"Please." The captain still wore half of the mask, but this time the mask became more and more refined.

The blond hair covered one of his eyes, and the flashing light in the other eye made Gu Xi feel like a man in his back.

Good sharp eyes.

In addition to seeing Yin Sichen's eyes in his life, he met such a man for the second time.

Although this man behaves politely, Gu Xixi knows that this kind of man is actually a viper.

Either stay dormant, or you will be hit with one blow.

Gu Xixi obediently sat on the seat, looked at the food in front of him, and said, "The captain called me so much, so it shouldn't be to eat this meal with me?"

"Why not?" The captain spread his hands: "I asked the first officer to inform you in the afternoon. I will invite you to dinner tonight!"

what! Gu Xixi sneered in the bottom of his heart.

"No need, I was full just now. Let's go straight to the topic." Gu Xixi said with a low eye: "Where is my grandma?"

"Did Miss Gu do business?" The other party poured a cup of tea to Gu Xixi.

"What?" Gu Xixi asked back.

Ask yourself ***What is the relationship between whereabouts and doing business?

"If Miss Gu has done business, she should understand that there is nothing in the world that can be easily obtained for no reason. But there is one exception, that is my heart." The tea cup was pushed in front of Gu Xixi, Gu Xixi His eyes fell on the other person's fingers, and his pupils contracted.

His fingers are almost exactly the same as Yin Sichen...

But how could the other party be Yin Sichen?

If nothing else, how could he use such primitive means with himself?

Have to say, hehe, Gu Xixi, you are too naive...

After the other party pushed the tea cup over, he immediately made an elegant invitation gesture.

Gu Xixi looked up at the other person's face covered by blond hair and mask, the slightly raised lips, the inexplicable arc...

Gu Xixi had an urge to uncover his mask...

"Miss Gu looked at me so seriously, was she finally convinced by my charm?" The other side smiled lightly, the laughter was low, like the ghost of the dark night, it was simply beautiful.

Gu Xixi blushed.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she still had to admit that even if the other person was wearing a mask, she could still bring great damage to the woman.

"Miss Gu took my heart so aggressively, now I have to forcibly take away the secret I heard from me?" The captain picked up the teacup, his lips slightly sipped, and the brown tea liquid remained At the corner of his mouth, it's really an urge to lick it for the other minute!

Gu Xixi knew that the other party was deliberately seducing herself, but hell, he didn't even have the ability to resist.

"I...I didn't...I'm not..." Gu Xixi was discouraged, well, she admitted, she was not an opponent of this man at all.

"Ms. Gu denied that she didn't take my heart, or that she wouldn't take my secret from me?" The other party didn't intend to let Gu Xi go at all, saying step by step.

Gu Xixi's eyes were dodge, and he no longer dared to look at each other's eyes.

Especially meow, so enchanting eyes will really addictive in minutes, okay!

"Then how did you tell me where to fall?" Gu Xixi deliberately ignored the other party's words and went straight to the subject.

"Well, are you asking me to ask for conditions?" The captain smiled more brightly: "Then invite you to accompany me for this dinner."

Gu Xixi was silent for a moment, the captain's soft laugh slowly spread in the air: "This is a deal, steal my beautiful lady."

Gu Xixi reached out and picked up the knife and fork, and slowly cut the food in front of him, believing the other party's transaction.

A gust of wind rose.

The floral scent around me instantly came out.

Gu Xixi drank a sip of tea, only to discover that the tea tonight turned out to be a herbal tea with a beauty and nourishing effect.

Coupled with the flower-themed dinner tonight, aside from the strange atmosphere between the two people, it is really beautiful.

I really don't know how many women this captain has conquered with this trick!

I'm afraid he shouldn't bother, as long as he smiles at a woman, is it enough to let the other moth put out the fire?

Just as Gu Xixi was thinking about it, the captain spoke softly: "Don't you want to know how my heart was stolen by you?"

Gu Xixi looked sideways at the flower basket on the table, so he didn't want to know this...

"It seems that Miss Gu really doesn't want to know..." The captain deliberately made a sad expression: "But I want to tell Miss Gu!"

Gu Xixi coughed gently.

I have been in love twice in my life.

When Zhao Ze was pursuing himself, he didn't chase it so much, he agreed.

Compared with other classmates, my first love is boring and boring. Apart from eating, shopping and watching movies together, I have nothing.

Then another relationship, probably Yin Sichen, right?

It seems... These two feelings were forced by myself.

So I have never experienced such a serious process of being a sister...

The man in front of him was obviously very clear about his own merits, even if it was a look, a provocative action, it was full of extreme temptation and confusion.

Properly a good girl!

Right now he is using his rich body language and blushing language to express himself, and he clearly wants to refuse, but why is he eager to continue talking?

Ah, what the hell!

"I've already eaten. Can you tell me what I want to know?" Gu Xixi turned his face, not wanting the other person to see his red cheeks.

What a shame!

I am married, pregnant, and even blushing because of this man's few words...

The captain flicked a finger and scooped up a piece of ice cream for Gu Xixi.

Under Gu Xixi's inexhaustibility, when he reached for it, he accidentally swiped his finger across the back of the other hand.

A current spread across the body instantly along the fingertips.

Gu Xixi's body shook, but did not see the other party's body also followed a stiff.

Ok... so strange familiarity.

Why does my finger really feel inexplicably familiar when it touches the back of the other hand?

This is not scientific.

I have always been a person with emotional cleanliness.

Only when you fall in love with each other will your body react.

But the captain had only met himself twice. From this morning to the present, the time spent together was only an hour.

How could you fall in love with him?

It's ridiculous.

Gu Xixi bowed his head in a panic, ate a bite indiscriminately, but did not notice that he accidentally ate the ice cream on his face.

The next second, a hand gently lifted Gu Xi's chin.

Gu Xixi raised her head in anxiety, but only had time to feel the other party's breath fluttering.

The cheek was hot, and the ice cream accidentally rubbed on the cheek has been licked and cleaned by the other party.

"Well, it's sweet." The mellow voice softly sounded in Gu Xi's ear.

Gu Xixi's face brushed instantly red.

She didn't know if the other person said that ice cream was very sweet, or her face...

Gu Xixi only felt that his brain was blank, and he had no idea what to do.

She has never encountered such a thing!


Even Yin Sichen, he has never treated himself with such a proactive attitude!

He has always been so forbearing and restrained. The hottest time was when he was in Yuanshan Village. After he took the initiative to dance for himself, he still took the initiative to join him!

However, it is indeed the first time that such a state of affairs is encountered now!

Gu Xixi's eyes finally met each other's eyes.

What a look!

Full of temptation, confusion, tenderness, drowning, domineering...

This look is so full of extreme attraction that Gu Xi forgot to divert his attention.

But why is that weird familiarity sweeping again?

Gu Xixi swallowed hard, hiding his gaffe.

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