The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 219: Grandma Gu died

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Now Gu Xixi couldn't help but ask who checked out.


If someone settled the wrong account, wait until the other party finds himself!

Gu Xixi stopped the car on the road and took a taxi back to the door.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered the house, I saw that there were several more policemen in the house, all of whom were interrogating Jane Xiao.

Gu Xixi waited for someone to return, and immediately caught the attention of several policemen.

"You are Gu Xixi?" A policeman said to Gu Xixi that his ID was bright: "Do you know Gu Jiaqiang next door?"

Gu Xixi nodded: "I know, that's my adoptive father."

The police nodded: "When was the last time you saw him?"

the last time? Gu Xixi remembered it all by himself.

It seems to have happened a few months ago?

"What happened to my father?" Gu Xixi couldn't help asking.

"He... was pushed down to the ground and was penetrated by the broken glass ballast on the ground." The police hesitated and answered the question.

Gu Xixi took a breath.

How could this be?

The following people also opened their eyes wide, their faces unbelievable.

Although Gu Xixi hated Gu's family, he did not expect them to die.

Gu Xixi took a deep breath and said, "Can you tell us the details?"

The police nodded.

Although he saw Gu Xixi for the first time, he knew Gu Xixi's identity, so he was polite.

No way, the identity of Mrs. Yin’s consortium president is too scary.

Gu Xixi sat in the chair brought by the assistant and listened carefully to the police.

"Only half an hour ago, we received a report and went to the building next door. When we arrived, your adoptive father Gu Jiaqiang had died due to excessive blood loss. The suspect should be Gu Jiaqiang's wife and Mother. At present, two people are running and one is in custody." The police explained briefly: "According to the pregnant women in custody, they disputed because your grandma suddenly had a lot of money in hand, and three people were fighting for this. Ownership of the money is in trouble. Under the push, the glass bottle on the table fell and fell to the ground. When your adoptive father Gu Jiaqiang couldn't prevent falling, he just penetrated the carotid artery."

Gu Xixi took another breath.

Although he didn't see the scene with his own eyes, he could guess the scene at that time... fiercely only by imagination.

Unexpectedly, his 20,000 yuan turned out to be his father's lifeline.

This result, Gu Xixi never thought of it.

The police continued to ask: "Gu's life has always been very tight. These 20,000 yuan are said to be from you. Is this the case?"

Gu Xixi nodded and did not deny: "Yes, this money is me... to ***. When I came back today, my grandmother was tumbling in front of my mother's door, which many neighbors can testify. I really She didn’t want her grandmother to continue to disturb her mother’s life, so she gave her 20,000 yuan. But I didn’t expect this to happen.”

The police nodded, and apparently they had investigated today's farce before coming.

Gu Xixi sighed.

It's really man-made fortune and bird for food.

I really didn't expect that Gu's family would kill someone for 20,000 yuan.

It is no wonder that in that year, for the sake of such a small profit, he almost forced himself to death.

Although this case, you can stay out of the case, but after all, that was the father who called him twenty-three years.

"Where are the people now?" Gu Xixi asked, "Now the second uncle's home is broken down, the cousin is not there, the stepmother is in custody, the grandma is running away, and I want to collect my father's body."

The police said: "Now it is stopped in the ice storage of the funeral parlour, and can be activated after the case is solved."

Gu Xixi nodded sadly.

Although Gu Jiaqiang didn't have much affection for himself from a young age, but after all, people who had been sheltered from the wind and rain.

You should be the last one to be filial piety.

"Oh, if grandma is caught, will it be sentenced?" Gu Xixi asked.

The police closed the book in his hand and laughed very formally.

It was only because of Gu Xixi’s special status that he had to answer this question: "It must be decided according to the actual situation of the case. Whether it is intentional or negligent homicide, it will be sentenced. Although the deceased is her son, she is still To bear legal responsibility."

Gu Xixi breathed a stagnation.

Yes, no matter what the reason, Gu Jiaqiang died in her hands, which is also true.

"So, what about my stepmother? What will happen to her?" Gu Xixi remembered that the stepmother had been pregnant for seven or eight months. I'm afraid it was about to give birth?

"This will be implemented according to specific legal provisions. Mrs. Yin Shao, thank you for your cooperation." The police ended the conversation.

On the other side, the conversation with Jian Xiao was over, and the policemen said goodbye.

After sending the police away, Jian smiled and sighed: "Come on, you said that the house was ruined if you ruined it?"

Gu Xixi stretched out Jane's hand and smiled helplessly: "Mom, their family's affairs have nothing to do with us! We can live our lives just fine."

Jane nodded silently.

Gu Xixi didn't want Jane to continue to intervene in the matter, and immediately said: "Mom, don't you mean that Uncle McLaren is coming back today? You still have to prepare."

Jane blushed and twitched: "What can I prepare?"

Gu Xixi said with a smile: "Mom, you are still young. Maybe you can still have your own children!!"

Jane smiled a little red at the ear.

Gu Xixi pushed Jian Xiao back to the room and changed clothes. After Jian Xiao walked out of the house, Gu Xixi said to his assistant immediately: "Go, go to the funeral parlor."

Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan blocked at the same time: "Come on, you go to that place... you are not afraid..."

Gu Xixi's face was indifferent, but his tone was very firm: "Even my grandma dislikes my destiny and takes it to the ground. If I want to throw me thousands of miles away, I have nothing to fear. Moreover, my children will also bless me. Even if Gu Jiaqiang is not kind to me, I can’t be unrighteous to him. Because of reason, I have to send him the last trip. It is completely exhausted. Filial piety."

Mu Ruona thought about it and said, "Then I will go with you."

"I'll be together too. I was standing by when the sister died. There was nothing to fear." Mo Zixuan wanted to follow Mu Ruona to see her, and she didn't have any reason to go.

Gu Xixi said no more polite words, but nodded silently.

The three people only took two assistants, and a group of five people drove away in the direction of the funeral home.

As the car drove away from the cell, a silver-gray Audi quietly followed.

This Audi has always maintained a short distance, so the car in front did not find this Audi at all.

Xiao a drove the car calmly, daring not to speak at all, and could only glance at Yin Sichen from the rear mirror from time to time.

Yin Sichen's eyes kept falling on the car in front, with no expression on his face.

But the more because there is no expression, Xiao A's heart is bottomed out.

The president called the helicopter directly today. He didn't mean to return to his wife at all. He flew directly from the company to n city, and then followed him all the way.

But, President, if you don’t tell the young grandma, how would the young grandma know... You know Gu Jiaqiang, did you settle for her?

Yin Sichen kept sending Gu Xixi into the funeral parlour before he said, "Have funeral parlour all greeted me?"

"Yes, President. I have greeted in advance, and will put Gu Jiaqiang in a room alone, and will not let strange corpses or strangers hit Shao***." Xiao a quickly replied.

"Huh." Yin Sichen closed his eyes tiredly, resting on the back of the chair.

Xiao a opened her mouth and wanted to persuade Yin Sichen to take a break first, but he also knew that there was no difference between saying this and not saying it.

Xiao a can only keep quiet as much as possible, and let Yin Sichen, who has not rested for two days and nights, rest as much as possible.

As soon as Gu Xixi entered the funeral home, the other party heard that Gu Xixi came to visit Gu Jiaqiang. Although this did not meet the regulations, he took Gu Xixi into a separate room.

The others were waiting outside, Gu Xixi went in by himself.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Gu Jiaqiang lying in a transparent ice coffin, and the room was filled with cold breath.

Gu Xixi stretched out his hand to appease his stomach and said to the baby: "Son, our last trip to Grandpa, okay?"

The child in the belly seemed to feel Gu Xixi's mood. He stroked his hands and feet, and gently touched Gu Xixi's palm.

Gu Xixi smiled suddenly.

Gu Xixi slowly walked over, stopped at a distance of half a meter from the ice coffin, and his eyes fell on Gu Jiaqiang's face in the ice coffin.

His face still kept a surprised and incredible expression.

Gu Xixi sighed and said to Gu Jiaqiang: "Dad, I really didn't expect to meet again, it would be this way. ***Not reliable, you haven't seen it clearly after more than 40 years of life, can be blamed Who? That money, which was just the news I used to buy back that year, has unexpectedly become your lifeblood. Dad, your soul wanders outside. Have you ever regretted what you did?"

"There is a saying, people are doing, the sky is watching. You are my adoptive father, although I do not agree with your approach, but I have never accused anything." Gu Xixi continued: "But, I really hate I have passed you. When my mother and I were the most helpless and anxious and the most difficult, you never stood on our stand and considered and won for us! You just want to please grandma, you just want to protect your own money. Lost."

"Even if I'm not your own daughter, I still call you Dad after all. Twenty-three years ago, have you really treated me as a daughter? In your heart, what am I? My mother was still alive. Using your thoughts, but for more than 20 years, what did she do to you to Gu's family? Let's not ask your attitude towards me, why can you treat your wife indifferently?"

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