The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 215: Twins

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi's mood also became tense as Jane smiled.

Jane sighed and continued, "The other child is incredibly strong."

"The Yun family were startled up and down, not knowing what to do. Mrs. Yun suddenly walked out of the room and ordered Mrs. Yun to have peace of mind. All the doctors of the Yun family put down their things and comforted this. At this time, Mrs. Yun found me in private and asked me to leave Yun’s house. The farther I went, the better. I didn’t understand what Mrs. Yun meant.

But I was raised by Mrs. Yun, and her words are orders for me. At that time, your dad worked in a small restaurant in K City, and was responsible for sending some seasonal vegetables and fruits to the Yun family. "

"I know he likes me, so I agreed to his pursuit and came here with him thousands of miles away. I got married to your father and kept waiting for news. Because I knew that Mrs. Yun suddenly let I left, there must be something to explain to me to do. Sure enough, one day suddenly someone knocked on the door of Gu's house, holding you and a sum of money still in the baby, together with a letter from Mrs. Yun In my hand."

"The letter stated that Mrs. Yun, the pair of children, could only survive one. The Yun family chose another one, this one... Depends on destiny." Jane smiled into a deep silence after saying this sentence Among.

Gu Xixi was cold all over his body.


It's really nice to say, to put it plainly, isn't it just to let yourself die?

"So does Mrs. Yun know that she is pregnant with twins?" Gu Xixi's voice was so soft that she couldn't even hear her.

"It is said that when Mrs. Yun was giving birth, someone told her that a child had no breath in her stomach and only survived one." Jian Xiao replied gently: "And some people gave her a glance. The scented baby, and then the scentless baby was buried in Yunjia's grave."

Gu Xixi closed her eyes gently: "So, I am the one who was abandoned, right? Why did my mother let me survive?"

Jane smiled and said: "After all, it is a life. Not to mention, you were so healthy."

Gu Xixi smiled bitterly, yeah, he was really healthy all the time.

From small to large, it seems that he has never been ill.

Even if he suffered more, it seemed that he could recover from a sleep.

"The Yun family wanted me to die in Gu's house?" Gu Xixi said lightly.

In the twenty-three years of Gu's life, Gu Xixi has lived so memorably every day.

From small to large, either stick or scold or don’t feed or dress.

In the year of the college entrance examination, in order to go to college, Grandma Gu was even thrown into the mountains...

Little by little, Gu Xixi did not dare to forget.

It is precisely because of too much suffering in the Gu family, when Zhao Zegang pursued himself, he was shocked. How can Gu be able to distinguish whether the other party is sincere or fake?

As long as someone can help himself escape this **** on earth, he will firmly grasp this life-saving straw, and he will not let go of his death.

Jian Xiao sighed: "So, why do you need to know these things?"

Gu Xixi sighed and suddenly didn't know what to say.

But why?

You and Yun are twins, and you are twins. Your body is the healthiest, then Yun is bound to be the weakest.

However, why would the Yun family leave Yun Wei and choose to sacrifice themselves?

At this time, there was a knock on the kitchen door, followed by Mo Zixuan's voice: "I'm very sorry, but I accidentally heard your conversation. Maybe I can explain this one or two about this matter."

Gu Xixi looked at Mo Zixuan in surprise.

Mo Zixuan came over carrying a plate of fruit, placed it on the coffee table, and sat across from Gu Xixi and said, "This matter is a secret of the Yun family. Fortunately, because my brother and sister are unmarried. Because of the husband and wife, so I know a little."

Gu Xixi nodded and looked at Mo Zixuan.

"I don't know what do you think of your destiny?" Mo Zixuan smiled slightly and continued: "The history of the Yun family is actually much larger than we thought. To put it awkwardly, the largest library in China now has nothing to do with it. It’s not officially owned, it’s the Yun Family. The number of books in the Yun Family is unknown to outsiders. Because most of them are not for outsiders to see, all we can see is the tip of the iceberg. You’ve seen the cloud The house’s library, isn’t it? You can imagine the true book collection of the Yun family."

"A few ancestors of the Yun family used to be officials in the dynasty, and Yun Zixiao as a fujin. Oh, well, don't you know? The Yun family actually gave birth to a queen, and he was still an emperor. So, Under the circumstances, countless people gave their collections to the Yun Family to show their favors. It can be said that in the heyday, the Yun Family really put all the cultural classics that can be collected at that time into the bag. The emperor said this matter He holds an indifferent attitude. A scholar, no matter how much he reads, will not subvert his world. Moreover, the Yun family is very obedient, never attached to the prince, does not cultivate his own party, and is dedicated to reading and teaching."

"It is this family motto and attitude of the Yun family that makes the Yun family's position more and more stable. More and more classic collections are continuously being given to the Yun family. Such a huge collection of books is naturally Collected all kinds of works of the Jingshi subset, including divination and astrology. Mrs. Yun is a horoscope family, she is keenly aware that there will be an opportunity for the Yun family. This opportunity is a good thing and a bad thing. It will allow the Yun family to return to the top, even more than the miracle created by the ancestors of the Yun family in the past, and it will also cause the Yun family to fall into the abyss, and it will never end."

"And the opportunity for this generation is between you and the sister. Mrs. Yun knows that you two can't survive at the same time, only one can stay. But I don't understand why Mrs. Yun gave up your healthy body. , But saved the sister." Mo Zixuan said softly: "As for why Yun's family is so thin, I don't understand why. But Uncle Yun and his aunt have been in love for a lifetime, but they have never had children. I don't understand The Yun family has sent you away, why is the sister still not alive?"

Yes, there are still many mysteries.

But how fate is so interesting.

The Yun family sacrificed themselves, but they returned to the Yun family in a miserable manner, and also recognized their parents.

Does this count as being in the dark...

Gu Xixi was silent.

Thinking of that day, Miss Zhao said that Yun Ge will collapse when she is suffering, and will cry.

I wonder if this is a telepathy unique to twins?

But why is she so smart, but she is so stupid?

Did Mrs. Yun think of Yun's cleverness before giving up her?

Wait, Mrs. Yun...

I have not seen Mrs. Yun in the Yun family!

Gu Xixi immediately looked up at Jane and smiled: "Mom, Mrs. Yun... Doesn't she live in Yun's house?"

Jane nodded silently.

Mo Zixuan also nodded and said, "I grew up so old that I have only seen Mrs. Yun. Mrs. Yun rarely goes out, and rarely sees people outside."

Gu Xixi's heart did not know why, flashing a very, very absurd thought.

Everything about herself is actually in the eyes of Mrs. Yun...

Gu Xixi's heart instantly froze.

If he is the abandoned son of the Yun family, what is he?

Mrs. Yun, no, it was her biological mother who had seen a premature child when she gave birth!

That is to say, some people moved their hands during production!

Someone held a dead child to show Mrs. Yun, convinced her that her child was really still in the womb, and then sent the real self away!


Why do you do this!

Who gives an explanation?

Jian Xiao saw Gu Xixi's expression change, reached out and pressed Gu Xixi's back, and said anxiously: "Xi Xi, you promised me! No matter what you hear, don't be angry! You are still pregnant The child!"

Gu Xixi woke up in an instant, reached out and stroked his stomach and said, "I know. I'm fine."

No wonder no matter how she asked Jane to laugh, she refused to tell the truth.

Because of this truth, it's really hurtful...

When he was never born, he was already abandoned...

Ha ha, is this his own life?

When he was never born, he was abandoned by his grandmother.

After being born, he was thrown into the poor mountains and evil waters, and he almost died here several times.

After growing up, he was abandoned by his first love boyfriend and abandoned by his girlfriend who grew up together...

Now, his husband has to abandon himself...

Is it doomed to be the one to be abandoned?

Gu Xixi had her eyes down, but her eyes were already red.

Mu Ruona sat quietly beside her, took Gu Xixi's finger and said, "Aren't you abandoned by everyone! Look, am I by your side?"

Jian Xiao also said: "Yeah, we are still by your side."

Gu Xixi sniffed and said, "I, I'm fine."

From the smile of Jane to determine his own life, but did not expect to lead to a bigger mystery.

It seems that this mystery can only be explained by Mrs. Yun and her grandmother.

Just as everyone was immersed in sadness, there was a knock on the door outside: "Jane laugh, are you ready? I'm all ready, when will we go?"

Jane smiled at the sound, and then he had an expression of sudden enlightenment. He reached out and slapped his head and said, "Look at my memory! I have asked someone to pick Huai Mi tea."

Gu Xixi also stood up: "Are you far? Let me drive you over?"

Jane waved her hand and said, "Not far away, just three stops, very soon."

Mu Ruona looked at Gu Xixi and said, "Since it's not far away, let's go join in the fun."

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