The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 197: Yunjia and Yuanshan Village

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi smiled slyly and said, "Why do you have to wait to go back? Isn't it good to ask now?"

Gu Xixi took out his phone from his bag and said slyly, "Will you tell me that if I call Dad, will he tell me?"

Yin Sichen smiled.

He saw Gu Xi's side for the first time.

It seems that his little mole still has a lot to discover...

Gu Xixi directly dialed Mr. Yun's phone: "Dad, I am in Yuanshan Village now."

Mr. Yun on the phone responded and seemed to have guessed that Gu Xixi would make this call.

Gu Xixi publicized the phone so that Yin Sichen could hear the sound.

Yin Sichen held her breath and listened silently.

"Does this bracelet my mother gave me have other meanings? I just got a statement from the village head just now that it was a promise from Yuanshan Village to Yun Family." Gu Xixi said softly: " I am now standing in the ancestral hall of the Han nationality, where I saw a portrait..."

Mr. Yun on the phone even sighed.

"Xi Xi... This bracelet was originally intended for the whistle, but the whistle is already... You are now my daughter, so this bracelet is nothing to you. I know that these days you have been for Yuanshan Village Things are annoying, so let your mother give you this bracelet. If it is useful, you can use it. Things are dead, people are alive. My mother and I are like this in this life, Yun The future of the family is not in my hands, do you understand what I mean?"

Mr. Yun's words made Gu Xixi stunned: "Dad..."

"What do you want to ask?" Mr. Yun asked directly.

"Dad, I'm curious about what happened more than three hundred years ago. The portrait hanging on the wall... who is she? Why is she like me, ah no, like Yunyi?" Gu Xixi couldn't help asking. Road.

A long sigh came from the phone.

"It's true that only I can answer you." Mr. Yun sighed again on the phone and said softly: "She's Yun Zixiao. She used to be a famous military commander in the history of the Yun family. You know, Yun The generations of scholars in the family have such a different kind, but they do not like poetry but love dancing. The Yun family at that time was already a hundred years old, and having such a daughter naturally caused the elders to have a headache. But the children of the Yun family Many, not less than her, also acquiesced in her behavior."

"In the late Ming Dynasty, wars broke out. Wu Sangui opened the door of the country and greeted the Qing government for entry. Since then, the war has been endless, and the people do not talk about life. The Yun family at that time was also affected and had to be transferred again and again. But even if the Yun family was so hideous, it still failed Evade the cleaning of the Qing army's minions. Finally, Yun Zixiao came forward and directly organized an army to resist the cleaning of the Qing court's minions."

"The army contacted the people of the five ethnic minorities in Yuanshan Village at that time. With her wisdom and tactics, Yun Zixiao confronted a prince of the Qing Dynasty for a long time, which greatly delayed the advancement of the Qing army and also served the people of this side. Winning a moment of tranquility. At that time, Yun Zixiao has become the most admired existence of the local people. With the suppression of other places, this has become a difficult bone."

"During the battle, the prince actually fell in love with Yun Zixiao. He released the water several times and passed Yun Zixiao. At that time, the people who love Yun Zixiao were not only the prince, but also one of her men. The generals. One day, this prince took advantage of everyone's lack of attention and sneaked into the big camp, deliberately taken a person who pretended to be Yun Zixiao directly and bravely. The generals heard that Yun Zixiao was taken away, and his mind was one. Hot went to track, but fell into the other party's trap. At this time, everyone knew that this prince did not take Yun Zixiao away. The real Yun Zixiao was tricked by this prince to lie to other places."

"When this happened, the prince threatened Yun Zixiao with the lives of these generals, and forced Yun Zixiao to surrender and marry him as a princess. The prince's proposal caused great public outrage. The prince said that if he did not agree to this Conditions, he will slaughter everyone. Yun Zixiao compromised, she threw away her weapon in public, and she grabbed her hand in exchange for a decent life for the generals."

"All resistance sergeants, seeing their goddesses willing to be restrained for their lives, were all excited and vowed to rescue Yun Zixiao. But Yun Zixiao told everyone that this battle will end sooner or later. Because the Qing Dynasty has already leveled the miles and miles of the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty is dead. Everyone no longer needs to make unnecessary resistance. Yun Zixiao guards the lives of thousands of soldiers in order to save everyone's lives, and high-five with the prince. , I swear that I will never touch the knife again in this life, I swear that I will never return to the Yun family in this life, I swear that this life is willing to be an ordinary woman in the backyard, with the proviso that the lives of these tens of thousands of soldiers are spared, and eternal life cannot be investigated.

"For Yun Zixiao, the Yun family wrote a letter and offered to enter the dynasty as an official, helping to coordinate the conflict between the Manchu and Han dynasties. The Qing emperor was overjoyed and agreed to this condition, releasing all the soldiers, but in order to ensure that they would not Fight back, live in Yuanshan County for life, and should not go out. If anyone dares to leave Yuanshan County and put soldiers under pressure, regardless of the mass murder of men, women and children. The released soldiers are grateful for the sacrifices made by Yun Zixiao for everyone. The Han refugees lived in Yuanshan Village with themselves, and only allowed Han people to serve as village chiefs in the past. The ancestral temple hung a portrait of Yun Zixiao to show respect and importance to the Yun family."

"On the day of Yun Zixiao's marriage, tens of thousands of people were kneeling on Shili Street. Yun Zixiao came out in a red dress, heroic, and knelt down with three heads in the direction of the Yun family. He resolutely turned and turned his horse, Waving a long whip, it disappeared into the sight of everyone. The Qing emperor really did not have any words, and after confining everyone to Yuanshan Village, he did not send troops to kill one person. I believe that Yun Zixiao is desperately trying to turn around. ?"

"Yun Zixiao married the prince only a few years later, and died young because of depression. It is said that the prince wielded his sword and cut off his hair and escaped into the empty gate on the night of Yun Zixiao's death. Some people say that Yun Zixiao is not really gone, but reincarnated. Yun Zixiao's life is the Yun Jia most remembered, and she is also the Yun family she can't put down the most. In the year Yun Yun was born... …"Mr. Yun finished this sentence, but he paused.

Gu Xixi had been listening silently, not knowing why, when she looked at the portrait on the wall, there was a trace of grief in her heart.

This pain is so obvious.

Helpless and helpless.

Tears fell asymptomatically.

At that moment, Gu Xixi suddenly felt the mood of Yun Zixiao.

Yun Zixiao, a talented person capable of writing, can only be confined in a small world. Is this probably the biggest and cruelest torture for her?

Although the prince moved his heart to Yun Zixiao, it is a pity that he did not understand what love is.

Penalty is not love.

Mr. Yun continued: "At the moment when Yun Yi was born, it is said that visions appeared in the six ancestral halls of Yuanshan Village. Yun Zixiao on those six paintings seemed to be alive, and his eyes were breathtaking. magic."

Gu Xixi remembered that he was almost hypnotized by the eyes in this portrait, and nodded silently.

"After growing up Yun Yun, she is more and more like Yun Zixiao. People in Yuanshan Village come to Yunjia to deliver things every year in their young years. They probably think of Yun Zi as Yun Zixiao." Mr. Yun sighed here Suddenly, "Unfortunately, her life is short, how could she be Yun Zixiao?"

Gu Xixi felt the tender touch on her cheek, and when she looked up, Yin Sichen was gently wiping her tears.

Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen finally knew why the people in Yuanshan Village were so enthusiastic about themselves.

This turned out to be the case.

"Dad, what about this bracelet?" Gu Xixi continued to ask.

"When Yun Zixiao left, the villagers spontaneously prepared this bracelet and gave it to Yun Zixiao. They promised that no matter how many years have passed, as long as Yuanshan Village is still there, as long as they see this bracelet, they promise to be effective forever." Yun The husband continued: "This bracelet was later handed over to the Yun family, and the Yun family passed down from generation to generation. In my generation, it was originally intended to be passed to the whistle. But whisper... Now this bracelet is in your hands, it is also considered to be I went to the place I should go. You are so much like the chatter and Yun Zixiao, you are the best person to own this bracelet."

Gu Xixi stunned, reaching for the bracelet on his wrist.

Unexpectedly, this bracelet has a history of more than three hundred years.

No wonder when mother took it out, she was so careful.

The value of this bracelet is not the age, but a promise!

Gu Xixi suddenly understood that this was a kindness released by the Yun Family to himself.

The Yun family knew they were in trouble, they were all scholars, and they would not know how to deal with businessmen.

But they know how to love their children.

Although Gu Xixi was not their biological daughter, they were still treated as biological daughters.

No matter how important things are, they are not as important as Gu Xi.

Thinking about this, Gu Xixi's eyes were hot again, his nose was sore, and he could not help crying: "Dad, thank you! 1"

At this dad, Gu Xiyi called willingly.

Whether a person treats you well or not depends not on whether you will say it but on whether you will do it.

Mr. Yun never said that I would like to be kind to you, but in the details of some things, it is a matter of running things silently, taking care of Gu Xi.

How can Gu Xixi not be moved?

In the first twenty-three years, what kind of day did you live, and the love that had been barren for so long suddenly suddenly compensated yourself all at once.

How can you not move?

Mr. Yun heard Gu Xixi's voice and smiled comfortably: "Well, you know our heart, it's enough! Xixi, you are a clever kid, I won't say anything. Yun family will never say anything. Is your backing."

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