The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 194: Yin Sichen's wrist

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mo Zixin's sentence, however, made the village head's heart instantly lifted up.

The village chief naturally knew what Mo Zixin was.

The family background is extremely complex and profound, and the immediate family members are intertwined in the military and political system.

Although no one directly governs Yuanshan County, it is undeniable that as long as the Mo Family spoke, no one in the Yuanshan County would dare to give Mo Family a face.

y province covers an area of ​​more than 300,000 square kilometers.

Although the Mo family is not the governor, it is already the emperor of the y province.

The Mo family spoke more often than others.

Mo Zixin suspended his appetite, and continued: "But this matter seems to be the decision above, the Mo family is not easy to intervene."

The head of the village suddenly sinks.

Yuanshan Village has been taking root here for hundreds of years. Where does it mean to move?

The village has moved away, what about the ancestral temple here?

The village chief's eyes suddenly fell on Gu Xixi, looking at Gu Xixi pleadingly.

Gu Xixi seemed to understand why people in Yuanshan Village were so enthusiastic about themselves.

They are used to it, so please go to the Yun's family when something serious happens?

However, this matter, I really can not help.

However, why haven’t you heard about the migration of Yuanshan Village?

Why move?

Isn't it good that they live here?

What Gu Xixi didn't know is that this is a sincere expression of Yin Shichen's cooperation with Yin Shichen and the Mohists.

In order to retain Yin Sichen, the great **** of wealth, y province decided to migrate all the distant mountain villages through which the pipeline route passed to other places to make room for construction works.

This news made the villagers of Yuanshan Village feel all kinds of uneasiness.

The Yun family really asked Mo Zixin for this matter.

Mo Zixin looked at the face of the Yun family, which only suppressed the matter, but the condition was to start work in Yuanshan Village.

But Mo Zixin's proposal was also rejected by Yuanshan Village.

The situation stiffened at once.

Yin Sichen continued: "Since the people in the province are going to let you migrate, are we still asking for help?"

This is Yin Sichen!

Always so arrogant.

But others have to admit that Yin Sichen really made sense.

And Yin Shichen does have arrogant capital.

Yin Sichen's beautiful fingers crossed the mouth of the cup and placed a sniff under the nose. Having judged the color and year of the tea, he said gently: "The best tea in the village head's house is also the case. The economic benefits brought about are not necessarily great. For y province, the village head you said, is it important for a village, or is it a huge project with hundreds of billions of dollars? The early stage of this project is the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars. The future It will also bring yd province no less than 5 trillion gdp every year. Village head, you said, do I need to ask someone from Yin Sichen?"

The head of the village instantly became a little bit sallow.

But he had to admit that Yin Sichen was right in saying that it was really special!

It is now that y province asks for Yin Sichen, not Yin Sichen is asking for y province.

"That's why I said, you really misunderstood the village chief. It was just that my wife heard that the scenery in Yuanshan County was very good, especially the architecture of Yuanshan Village was unique, so she moved her mind to play while she was resting. I am today. I accompanied my wife on an outing, and President Mo! They are all invited guests! We are just here to play, not to discuss the deal with the village chief!" Yin Sichen took a light corner of his mouth to match the corner of his eyes The evil eyebrows, the whole person is shining, don't want it, it is difficult to let others ignore him.

Mo Zixin also answered in a very coordinated way: "Yes, we just came to play."

"So, if the village chief looks down on them, just throw it away. Anyway, I have a wealth of money in the Yin Consortium. I want as much as I want for such things, and I want as much as I don’t have. How much. It’s not my style of Yin Sichen to ask for help.” Yin Sichen's expression of beating.

When Yin Sichen finished singing the red face, Mo Zixin immediately began singing the white face: "The village head, you really misunderstood! We came here this time, we really came to the outing! It is not our style to venture to disturb, these gifts are just a little small A small tribute does not mean anything else."

Gu Xixi froze.

What is the rhythm of the two of them?

Mu Ruona sat next to her, teasing her cup of tea with interest, and then said, "What am I saying? We have so many people appearing in Yuanshan Village, it must be more thoughtful!"

Mo Zixuan also cooperated and said: "Yeah, I knew we would not follow."

Gu Xixi reacted a little, and said softly with a smile: "It seems that I was wrong, I should not propose an outing."

Listening to the words of the five of them, the village head was a bit uncertain about their attitude.

Yin Sichen put down the teacup in his hand and said with a smile: "The village head assured that when we came, we brought enough equipment, we can sleep in the suburbs, and will not disturb the life of the villagers."

The head of the village changed slightly.

Since Gu Xixi is in Yuanshan Village, if Gu Xixi is allowed to live in the suburbs, he will be scolded by the people in the village!

The village head immediately said stiffly: "Several people are really kidding! The visitor is the guest! How can I let the guests live outside? I have already packed up the room, please don't say anything."

Yin Sichen's answer from Congruliu: "Then it's disrespectful. How about these gifts as our return to stay?"

Yin Sichen said so, how dare the village head refuse?

When Gu Xixi stepped into the room, this just reflected it!

Ah ah, Yin Sichen, you are simply too good!

Crazy bully hangs up!

Then dragging can make the village head without complaint, it is simply a god.

Yin Sichen watched Xiao a bring the luggage of the two people in and said to Gu Xixi immediately: "The people in the village will be very enthusiastic about you in a while, so be careful."

"I know." Gu Xixi nodded: "I also find it strange that the people in the village treated me a bit too enthusiastically. I don't know what it was for."

"This secret may soon be unlocked." Yin Sichen stretched out his hand and looked at the tip of his nose, said intimately: "I didn't expect my little mole to be so flattering, how could this be good? "

Gu Xixi didn't expect Yin Sichen to guard Xiao A** himself, his face flushed suddenly.

Bad guy, little a is still there!

Xiaoa looked at the nose and looked at the heart, an expression that I didn't hear anything and saw nothing.

Gu Xixi did not accept Yin Sichen's words and asked directly, "How do you plan to deal with the three patriarchs?"

Yin Sichen was sitting next to Gu Xixi, playing Gu Xixi's finger, and said absently: "Of course, it's a matter of mind, this little thing, can't help me! You can play with confidence. , I’ll worry about the company’s affairs."

Gu Xixi thought of the cooperation between Yin Sichen and Mo Zixin just now and couldn't help but asked again: "Are you disgusting with Mo Zixin?"

"It's for making good money!" Yin Sichen punished Gu Xixi's finger punitively: "This project can bring Yin's consortium an annual income of not less than one trillion yuan. Why should I live with the money? ?"

one trillion!

Gu Xixi's eyes widened instantly!

"Don't you say that your assets are only 100 billion yuan?" Gu Xixi couldn't help asking.

Poof... Yin Sichen smiled suddenly at the flower.

"My little mole is really naive and lovely! My personal net worth is over one hundred billion, but I have never said that the assets of the Yin consortium are only one hundred billion!" Yin Sichen smiled helplessly: " Come on, do you know, how rich is your husband?"

Looking at Yin Sichen's half-joking and half-serious look, Gu Xixi shook his head blankly.

For her, whether it is 100 billion or trillion, is that a lot of money, okay?

"Okay..." Yin Sichen sighed: "You just need to spend money happily, and let me come to make money."

Gu Xixi's blank expression, how rich is Yin Sichen?

After Yin Sichen went out, Gu Xixi couldn't help but ask Xiao A: "Small a, how much money does Yin's consortium have?"

Xiao a looked at Gu Xixi for a while, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "Young grandma, what is your concept of oil?"

Gu Xixi shook his head blankly.

"If I say that Yin's consortium directly controls an oil field, can you understand what it means?" Xiao a thought about it and asked.

Directly control an oil field? How much is that?

Gu Xixi shook his head blankly.

Xiao a sighed and continued: "In addition, the Yin's consortium has several mines in Africa with iron ore, tin and trace minerals. It has countless lands, estates, companies and Ross in Europe. The Child family is very close and has a close relationship with the royal family."

Gu Xixi was still dazed.

How much are these?

Xiao a said with a little fate: "Young grandma, you should continue to spend money happily, don't ask anything else!"

Anyway, you don’t understand!

Gu Xixi really admitted a bit.

Forget it, it is a good thing that your husband has money.

I don't care about this anymore.

After a short break, someone came to knock on the door and invited Gu Xixi to eat out.

Gu Xixi changed his clothes and followed him to the main hall.

When Gu Xixi arrived, everyone was already there.

A large round table was placed in the main hall, and the round table was filled with all kinds of food.

The aroma is tangy.

Gu Xixi suddenly became interested.

She is interested in these things with strong local style.

The village chief warmly greeted everyone to take a seat.

Gu Xixi sat next to Yin Sichen, saw Yin Sichen frown slightly, and immediately lowered his voice and said, "Why? Still don't want to eat?"

Yin Sichen sighed and said, "Look at your face, you will eat it."

Gu Xixi chuckled.

Sure enough, after the village head greeted everyone for dinner, Yin Sichen really started eating the food here.

Gu Xixi suddenly thought that Ran Xiwei said that Yin Sichen never eats outside food because of her, so now Yin Sichen starts eating outside food, is it for herself?

Does this mean that Ran Xiwei began to become unimportant in Yin Sichen's heart?

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