The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 181: Car outside Yunjiamen

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

Seeing the room full of people looking at themselves with a nervous expression, Gu Xixi reluctantly explained: "The kid kicked me just now."

At this time, people in the house remembered that Gu Xi is now a pregnant woman!

The few people replied in a hurry: "Miss Gu is too polite! You only need to say hello for such a trivial matter. Where else do you invite us to eat? For this meal, let's ask Miss Gu! If Miss Gu is unwell, , Please go back to rest as soon as possible!"

"Yes, yes, Miss Gu, don't worry about this matter. Please rest assured, my store will agree to Yunjia's jewelry brand! Please don't have any thoughts."

"Yes, my store will also accept the Yunjia brand."

Watching everyone express their opinions, Gu Xixi showed a smile.

Gu Xixi actually knows that even if he doesn't want to rely on Mo Zixin, he still has Mo Zixin's light.

no way.

This is a world of connections.

Yin Sichen stood outside for a long time.

At the moment Gu Xixi stroked his stomach, he clearly saw Gu Xixi's maternal side, so tempting.

He hasn't seen Gu Xixi's smile for several days.

However, at that moment, Gu Xixi exuded a smile from the heart, and the hope and careful protection of the child deeply touched the heart of Yin Sichen.

Gu Xixi really can't stay long outside, she also knows that although this meal is saved by her own, but she is here, the other party may not be able to have fun.

Therefore, Gu Xixi directly said: "You don't have to be polite with me! Everyone can attend this dinner, I am already very happy! Although the initiator of this dinner is not me, but I have already told everyone that this meal I ask. I’m sorry, I’m a little uncomfortable, so I’ll say goodbye first. If there’s anything unsatisfactory, please forgive me.”

Those people were polite and asked Gu Xixi to go back to rest.

Gu Xixi nodded at Mo Zixin and said to Mu Ruona: "Rona, please drive me back. Stay with me tonight!"

Mu Ruona hesitated and lowered her voice and asked, "Do I really want to go? I have been staring at them in that villa these days! If I leave, will no one stare?"

Gu Xixi gently smiled and shook his head. Despite the bitterness in his eyes, the smile on his face was bare, but Gu Xixi still calmed himself.

Today Yin Sichen and Ran Xiwei have already spoken about this.

What else can you imagine?

"Let's go, even if I'm talking with me." Gu Xixi reached out and took Mu Ruona's hand, his eyes firmly said: "Anyway tomorrow is a weekend, the Yin's consortium doesn't go to work, you have nothing to do, do you? ?"

Mu Ruona thought for a while, and decisively followed.

She hasn't eaten Yunjia's food for several days, she really is very worried!

"Do you really need me to send you?" Mo Zixin looked at his female assistant and shook her head helplessly.

Just now in the bathroom, she didn't do anything.

Sure enough, it's not a handy assistant...

"Not needed." Gu Xixi replied with a smile: "Maybe I need your help and aftermath, so please."

Now that Gu Xixi has already mentioned this, Mo Zixin has nothing to say. He can only ask Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona to leave.

Mu Ruona drove Gu Xixi in a sports car and drove slowly towards the Yun family.

On the way, Mu Ruona said while driving: "In fact, nothing happened between Yin Sichen and Ran Xiwei these days. Ran Xiwei wanted to lean on Yin Sichen, but Yin Sichen did not take care of her."

"Rona, I don't want to mention him anymore." Gu Xixi said calmly: "Since the separation has been decided, then I don't want to know what will happen in this process."

"Okay..." Mu Ruona said helplessly: "How are you doing these days?"

"It's not like that..." Gu Xixi sighed: "When I come to Yun's house, some people are happy and some are sad."

"I remember that Mr. Yun seemed to have claimed that the relative's child was his daughter. Then you went to Yun's house..." Mu Ruona hesitated and continued, "Have nothing happened between you and her?"

"This is what I want to tell you." Gu Xixi's expression was solemn: "It's inconvenient to speak over there, and I can't call you to call you out. I can only call you to Yunjia." Yun Mengying is a child of Dad’s brother’s family. Strictly speaking, she does have Yun’s inheritance rights. But now, I recognize my mom and dad, Yun Mengying’s position is a bit embarrassing.”

"Yes, especially if Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun treat you as if they were yourselves. Isn't Yun Mengying's position embarrassing?" Mu Ruona answered while driving, her eyes swept unexpectedly, and she was stunned.

She was followed by a car.

Mu Ruona knew this car.

This is one of Yin Sichen's countless cars.

Compared to other sports cars, this car may not be worth much.

However, this car is really out of print. When it was built, it cost a lot of money. Not to mention, it was carried out several times for comfort.

When did Yin Sichen transport this car?

Ah no, what does he mean to follow behind him and Gu Xixi?

Didn't he just say that he was going to take Ran Xiwei home to see the wound?

What is he going to do now?

Mu Ruona thought for a while and did not intend to tell Gu Xi this matter.

Why did you just bully when you were in the bathroom, and now you want to follow me?

Where can there be such a cheap thing?

Gu Xixi really didn't find that Yin Sichen was silently driving behind, and continued to say to Mu Ruona: "You said, what method should I use to let Yun Mengying understand that I don't care about Yunjia at all? What about the property? Actually, I really haven’t thought about grabbing anything from anyone. I just want to have a family. I really want to have a family that can avoid the wind and rain."

Speaking of this, Gu Xixi sighed and continued: "However, these days, Yun Mengying's attitude toward me seems a little alienated. She probably worried that I would take his position?"

"Actually, you don't have to worry about such a thing." Mu Ruona replied easily: "This kind of problem is actually not a problem at all."

"How to say:" Gu Xixi looked at Mu Ruona doubtfully.

"You once told me that after you gave birth to this child, the Yin family will give you a sum of money, right?" Mu Ruona replied: "Although the money is temporarily sealed, but it will be called to you sooner or later, right? ?"

Gu Xixi nodded.

"That's right. You can tell the Yun family that you actually have money. As long as your child comes to this world safely, you are a person with tens of millions of property. Although the Yun family also has money, most of the Yun family's property It is an intangible asset, which basically exists in the form of patents, medicine, etc. These things are not inherited if you want to inherit! As long as you do not touch these academic things, you have no intentions!" Mu Ruo Na simply replied: "So, you don't have to worry about this issue at all."

In fact, Gu Xixi didn't really want it at first.

But now it seems...

Well, the money was originally for myself.

This is also part of the contract.

When the contract ends, it is the time to honor it.

What Ruona said makes sense, if she has a certain net worth, maybe she will live smoothly in the Yun family...

Gu Xixi was immersed in his entanglement and did not find Mu Ruona looking at the rearview mirror absently.

Yin Sichen has been silently following in the back, Mu Ruona speeding up, he also speeding up, Mu Ruona slowing down, he also slowing down.

Anyway, everyone is a super high-performance car, and Yin Sichen's car skills really don't say that Mu Ruona can't get rid of him.

At the Yun's house, Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona entered the gate and went back to the room to rest.

Yin Sichen's car was parked in the distance, he didn't move, so he quietly watched Mu Ruona's car disappear in front of her.

With Mu Ruona's explanation, Gu Xixi's worries really eased a lot.

Finally, Gu Xixi was indeed ready to adopt Mu Ruona's proposal.

Sure enough, after Gu Xixi intentionally or unintentionally told Yunmeng Ying that she had no intention of Yunjia property, and did not want to touch the ancient books and medical techniques of Yunjia, Yun Mengying's attitude towards Gu Xixi was much better instantly.

One week passed by the time.

Gu Xixi was trimming the camellia in front of her with scissors.

A maid next to him couldn't help but say to another person: "It's strange, that car is coming again!"

"Hush! Mr. and Mrs. didn't talk, don't talk nonsense!" Someone else stopped her.

Gu Xixi asked curiously: "What are you talking about?"

The two maids did not dare to say anything.

Gu Xixi deliberately increased his tone: "Why? Because I am not the surname Yun, so I can not answer my words?"

The two maids were suddenly taken aback, and quickly replied, "Miss, we really don't mean this...Yes, that's the case... Just seven days ago, there was an extra car outside the house, and it was not fixed every night. I will come over, just stop at the door, and then drive away before dawn. I don’t know who it is, I will do something like this! I don’t know if it’s a Miss Yun’s suitor? We are guessing. , Who is this person?"

Gu Xixi was startled, not knowing why, a bad thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

It won't be him...

Gu Xixi put down the scissors in his hand and turned to walk outside.

The maid took the scissors and followed.

As soon as Gu Xixi walked to the door, he saw a car quietly stopping at the door.

Gu Xixi just knew at a glance that this was Yin Sichen's car.

Because Yin Sichen once told her that his license plates are all regular.

The cars in the special section of city n and city s are all his cars.

Gu Xixi looked at the car, and his heart was mixed.

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