The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 166: Was it secret?

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

It is not too early for Yin Sichen to return.

Seeing Gu Xixi was asleep, Yin Sichen's heart softened instantly.

Unable to wake up, Gu Xichen, Yin Sichen slowed down and lightened her movements. After washing, she held Gu Xixi cautiously and fell asleep.

Seeing Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi's room lights go out, Ran Xiwei standing outside the window suddenly burst into tears.

Standing on the side, Shang Ke said helplessly: "Xi Wei, otherwise you should give up! After all, Gu Xixi is pregnant with the Yin family's children. Even if you come back with Si Chen, there will still be a gap between them. A Gu Xi."

Ran Xiwei suddenly turned around and hugged Shang Ke, and wept bitterly and said, "Shang Ke, I know it all, but I can't do it! Shang Ke, you know, how much I love Chen Chen back then! Suddenly let me accept this ending, I can't stand it! Shang Ke, what should I do? I really can't forget Si Chen, I really can't let Si Chen go! I can't live without him!"

Shang Ke didn't expect Ran Xiwei to take the initiative to hug himself, and he froze for a moment.

However, Shang Ke did not reach out and push Ran Xiwei away, so he gently patted Ran Xiwei's back, comforting her non-stop.

Mu Ruona finished washing, ready to close the curtains to sleep.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Shang Ke and Ran Xiwei outside the window.

Looking at the picture of two people embracing, I don't know why, Mu Ruona suddenly felt strange in her heart.

Mu Ruona didn't even know why she felt strangely uncomfortable.

Shang Ke is his boss, whoever he loves and who is intimate with him, what does it have to do with himself?

But when thinking of Shang Ke's next person is Ran Xiwei, Mu Ruona couldn't be more comfortable.

His fingers flicked and pulled the curtains hard, blocking his sight.

Forget it, just him!

The boss has always been towards Ran Xiwei.

Who asked them to grow up together?

Anyway, I am an iron-hearted helper!

The white lotus like Ran Xiwei has never been his own dish!

Shang Ke didn’t know that this scene had been Mu Ruona, and said to Ran Xiwei after she was about to cry; “Xi Wei, I always wanted to ask you a question, but you kept evading and refusing to face it. Tonight I I really want to hear you tell me, where have you been in these years? But no matter how much you give Si Chen a little news, he will not let you down! When you were together, so many people were happy to see it done. . I also sincerely wished you, but why did you suddenly say goodbye?"

A trace of confusion flashed in the bottom of Ran Xiwei's eyes, and he pushed away Shang Ke, turned his body, and said Ai Ai: "Shang Ke, don't ask me."

Shang Ke said, "Xi Wei, do you have any hidden words?"

As soon as Ran Xiwei was asked, the tears were even more violent.

Seeing Ran Xiwei like this, Shang Ke was even more sure that Ran Xiwei was suffering.

Shang Ke was originally optimistic about Yin Sichen and Ran Xiwei, and now seeing that Ran Xiwei was so desperate for Yin Sichen, he even more filled up the picture of Ran Xiwei bearing Yin Shachen's humiliation for Yin Sichen.

"Xi Wei, we grew up together, can you still trust me?" Shang Ke said solemnly: "No matter what, I will help you! Tell me the truth, where have you been in these years? "

Ran Xiwei made a struggling expression, biting her lips and crying for a while before she said with a relieved expression: "Yes, I really have a hard time!! Shang Ke, I was like Si Chen back then In love, how could I be willing to leave him? The reason why I suddenly disappeared is because... because I was injured and severely disfigured, I absolutely cannot allow such things to happen to me, so I went abroad secretly Carry out a facelift. Because my injury is so severe, I can only proceed slowly. Si Chen is crazy about looking for me, I don’t know, but I was in the operating room at that time, and I couldn’t do it at all. Respond."

Shang Ke stayed.

"Not to mention, Si Chen is so perfect, how can I let my broken body accompany him?" Ran Xiwei continued: "Shang Ke, you don't know how much I care about Si Chen. The more I care about him, The less I want him to know my past. Shang Ke, can you understand me? I really love him so much that I can't live without him!"

Shang Ke was really convinced.

"Okay, since you are not good at speaking about this matter, let me speak!" Shang Ke said firmly: "I believe that Si Chen was sincere to you. After you disappeared, he seemed to have lost his soul, and it was full of the world. Looking for you! So, I believe he knows this and will definitely change your mind!"

Ran Xiwei heard Shang Ke say this, and he was relieved in his heart.

But she was still a little uneasy, and said deliberately: "Ah, look at me, how can I tell you all these things! Now Si Chen has rested, we still..."

"No, you have to tell him about this matter. Well, don't worry about it, leave it to me! It's not too early, you go back and rest!" Shang Ke pushed Ran Xiwei away from the spot involuntarily.

The moment Ran Xiwei turned around, the tears on his face instantly disappeared.

There was a sly smile in the eyes.

Shang Ke, I haven’t seen you for so many years, you are still like that... believe me...

Since this is your initiative to help me, how can I live up to your deep friendship?

Ran Xiwei walked lightly and left the place.

Standing still, Shang Ke carefully sorted out what Ran Xiwei said.

He thinks Ran Xiwei is worthy of forgiveness!

At that time, Ran Xiwei was so young and beautiful, and lovely, naturally a pair made with Yin Sichen.

There was a reason to leave without saying goodbye, and this reason can be forgiven!

Gu Xixi is also good, but compared to Ran Xiwei, Shang Ke is still instinctively eccentric! !

He would rather give Gu Xixi a sum of money and let Gu Xixi give up Yin Shao's position.

Although Shang Ke knew that it was unfair to Gu Xixi, he was still partial to Ran Xiwei.

Shang Ke finally dialed Yin Sichen's phone.

Yin Sichen's sleep was very light, and at the moment the phone was on, Yin Sichen opened her eyes.

Shang Ke's name appeared on the screen. Yin Sichen knew that Shang Ke should be in a hurry to find him, so he connected the phone: "Hello?"

"Is it convenient? I have something to tell you now." Shang Ke's voice was slightly suppressed: "Si Chen, I have something to tell you in detail."

Yin Sichen hesitated and nodded and said, "Okay, I will go out immediately."

Gu Xixi sleeping Zhengxiang, Yin Sichen hesitated, or lowered his head and kissed Gu Xixi, then slowly pulled out his arm and left the room.

As soon as Yin Sichen went out, he saw Shang Ke standing and smoking.

The lights of the street lamp hit Shang Ke, and a group of ink shadows appeared.

Yin Sichen always felt that Shang Ke was very worried tonight.

Shang Ke rarely smokes unless he is in anxious mood.

"Shang Ke, why don't you go to sleep in the middle of the night?" Yin Sichen joked halfway: "Qiao Qi is not as spirited as you are."

"Si Chen, I have something to tell you." Shang Ke smothered the smoke in his hand and looked at Yin Si Chen with a straight face: "Before that, I have a question to ask you."

Yin Sichen nodded: "Talk while walking."

Shang Ke nodded, and the two walked side by side.

The two Xinchang figures walked side by side, gradually blurring.

"What is it that makes you so anxious?" Yin Sichen said with a smile: "Why? Decided to fight Mu Ruona?"

Shang Ke smiled bitterly: "Si Chen, don't interrupt, I ask you, are you serious about Gu Xixi?"

Yin Sichen was startled, and he looked at Shang Ke a little bit incomprehensiblely.

Of course I am serious.

Otherwise, why should you care so much about her feelings?

He was so innocent, when did he care so much about a woman's thoughts?

"If you are serious about Gu Xixi, then what is Xiwei?" Shang Ke directly looked at Yin Sichen's eyes and said: "What I want to tell you this evening is about Xiwei. Xiwei was back then. Suddenly leaving you is actually a bitter. Si Chen, did you clearly say that you broke up?

Yin Sichen took a joke away and looked at Shang Ke with a solemn expression on his face.

"I have been asking why Xi Wei suddenly left you. She refused to tell me at first. But she finally told me the truth tonight. Xi Wei suddenly disfigured. She didn't want to face you with her incomplete self. , More afraid of your questioning, so only one person can flee and hide in a corner of silent healing. Then, she watched your madness looking for her all over the world, seeing you stumble, seeing you being forced to take over at home Your career, watching you step out of the shadow a little bit."

"She had wanted to give you a surprise. Unexpectedly, she had just returned to China and was told that you had married another woman... Si Chen, Xi Wei never changed her heart. The person she loved has always been you. Big, I'm watching you come over. Si Chen, tell me the truth, have you been fond of Xiwei since childhood? How long have you been with Gu Xixi? How long is it for two months? Only two months , Have you changed your mind? Is Xiwei really not important in your heart?"

"Xi Wei is very distressed for you and doesn't want to embarrass you, so she chose to retreat to her good friend's position and watch you happy. But are you really happy? Can you really be indifferent if you see Xi Wei crying?" Shang Ke sighed and said, "Si Chen, you are doing this, it is really unfair to Xi Wei! Although things were wrong in the past, Xi Wei was also bitter. If she had you at the time, then her facelift might be Can't hide it!"

"She asked you to tell me this?" Yin Sichen said coldly.

"No, I'm going to tell you myself!" Shang Ke said firmly: "Si Chen, do you want to give yourself a chance, and give Xiwei a chance! Let you see your own heart and see Who is the woman you like! You are so good to Gu Xi, just because she is pregnant with your child. In just two months, how could you fall in love with her? You are just responsible!"

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