The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 156: I'll take my wife back

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Hearing Gu Xixi saying this, Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun looked at each other happily.

Gu Xixi did not know that this sentence has evolved into another meaning in the ears of Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun.

Gu Xixi looks like a cloud.

Mo Zixin is Yun's fiance again.

The gift that the two of them gave together is not a gift that symbolizes the daughter-in-law's gift together?

Mo Zixin also thought of it, blue eyes flashed, did not hide the glimmer of joy in his eyes.

Mu Ruona teased her lips, they really wanted to.

Gu Xixi doesn't like Mo Zixin.

Although Gu Xixi doesn't seem to care about Yin Sichen on the surface, in his heart, the man he most admires is Yin Sichen...

Oh, yes, what is Yin Sichen doing now?

Mu Ruona continued to tweet on Weibo, and then saw Yin Sichen forward Gu Xixi's Weibo...

Mr. Yin, you are so willing to show your favors.

What about Ran Xiwei?

Don't you regain your old love and old feelings?

Yin Sichen reposted Gu Xixi's Weibo, this time she should know what she meant."

As the president of the Yin's consortium, she personally reposted her Weibo, should she also get angry?

Tossing away a group of people celebrating the wedding, Yin Sichen sat on a beach chair holding a mobile phone to watch.

"Xiao a, didn't you say you forwarded Weibo? Will the people you forwarded receive a reminder? Why hasn't Gu Xixi responded yet?" Yin Sichen reached out and poked the screen twice, but the screen remained unchanged.

Xiao a wiped cold sweat and said: " theory, it should be discoverable..."

Yin Sichen pondered for a moment, his eyes suddenly provoked, standing upright, and said with great enthusiasm: "Since my wife is a guest at Yun's house, as a husband, is it reasonable to pick up his wife home?"

"Yes, President." Xiao a continued to wipe cold sweat and answered.

"Very good, go to the Yun's house!" Yin Sichen's mouth floated with an arc of evil spirits, his long legs stretched out, and he turned away.

Xiao a immediately followed up: "President, are we going forward lightly or..."

Yin Sichen turned around and asked Xiao a: "Do women like to have a good face outside?"

Xiao a hesitated and answered: "Yes..."

"If you want to be grand, you need to be grand!" Yin Sichen said undoubtedly.

Seeing Yin Sichen coming over, Ran Xiwei hurried up: "Si Chen, where did you go just now? We are all waiting for you! You have missed several rounds..."

"You drink, I'm going out!" Yin Sichen didn't look at Ran Xiwei, and walked directly out.

Ran Xiwei groaned in his heart, where is he going?

Are you going to find Gu Xi?

No, she finally opened the distance between the two. She must never let Yin Sichen go to Gu Xi!

"Shen Chen! Today is the first day of the carnival. Are you going to leave like this?" Ran Xiwei said anxiously: "Qiao Qi finally got married."

Yin Sichen quickly looked down at Ran Xiwei, his narrow and long eyes slightly raised, and the eyes under his eyes shone with searching eyes: "Really? Qiao Qi asked you to tell me these things?"

"No... not..." Ran Xiwei's eyes dodge Yin Shichen's visit.

Yin Sichen turned coldly: "Xi Wei, don't cross the limits of your friends. You know, I have limited patience!"

Yin Sichen dropped this sentence, no longer ignored Ran Xiwei, turned around and left.

Xiao A's eyes flashed a clear smile, politely nodded at Ran Xiwei, and immediately followed Yin Shichen's footsteps.

Ran Xiwei saw that she had not succeeded in stopping Yin Sichen from looking for Gu Xixi's footsteps, and immediately stomped her feet angrily, saying to herself: "I don't believe I will lose to her! Just wait and see!"

After Gu Xixi visited the courtyard of the Yun family, he couldn't help but admire and said: "No wonder I heard people say that the Yun family is the cultural strategic place of the y province. Now I finally understand the meaning of this sentence completely !"

Gu Xixi reached out and touched the huge bookshelf with a longing look.

In the morning, after visiting the Yun Family's garden, pharmacy, medicine garden and huge book collection pavilion, Gu Xixi was simply dumbfounded.

In particular, the huge book collection pavilion in front of me is almost an advance of his meaning to the library.

When I am studying, I often go to the library to borrow books.

I have always felt that the library has enough books.

But when I was standing in front of this four-story building with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, I realized how shallow my previous knowledge was!

All these four floors are all kinds of bookshelves.

Each category has a dedicated person to take care of it to ensure the cleanliness and maintenance of each collection.

The most amazing thing is the many solitary books and rare books of Yun Family.

Many books are really collectibles in the outside market.

These books are kept in a safe and secure collection here.

Gu Xixi's heart floated with awe, and he didn't even dare to use money to measure the value of these huge collections.

Mr. Yun said with great pride: "This is just a collection room of the Yun family. The really larger collection room is actually underground. The collection there is not open to the public. All the collections there are extinct solitary books and All of them are treasures left by the ancestors. And 24 hours of infrared monitoring to ensure the safety of the collection. This library is semi-open to members of the family, so anyone can come and go with identification ."

Gu Xixi listened, admiring and admiring more and more in his heart.

I always feel that I am here today as a guest, really worthwhile.

Just as everyone was about to continue to shift positions, he heard someone outside hurriedly rushing over, staggering, or even nearly falling to the ground.

Mr. Yun couldn't help but scold and said: "What's going on? Furry?"

This man's excited voice was shaking: "Yin...Yin...Yin, the Yin of the Yin's consortium is coming...just outside the door!"

Is Yin Sichen coming?

Several people present were stunned.

Gu Xixi looked at Mu Ruona puzzledly. Mu Ruona shrugged a shoulder. I didn't know why this expression appeared.

Mr. Yun responded quickly and said immediately: "Mr. Yin is here, we naturally can't let the VIPs wait at the door and greet us quickly!"

Mrs. Yun looked at Xixi. Gu Xixi shook her head at Mrs. Yun, indicating that she did not know that Yin Sichen would come.

Yin Sichen changed into a very formal dress and brought the team directly.

As for why it is a team... It is because those who want to see Yin Sichen follow them spontaneously!

Yin Sichen directly told everyone that he was going to Yun Family to pick up his wife home.

As for whether to see them or not, you should listen to your wife.

So, this group of people followed.

Yin Sichen got out of the car and waited. Where else did others dare to sit in the car?

So when Gu Xixi followed Mr. Yun and came out, he was shocked by the sight in front of him!

I saw a black crowd at the door, and Yin Sichen was surrounded by stars.

What did he bring so many people to Yunjia for?

Gu Xixi froze at once.

Mu Ruona was also shocked.

Yin Sichen's style of painting has become abnormal?

This is not his usual style?

As a guest of accompany, Mo Zixin guessed Yin Sichen's motive, but he didn't speak.

Today he is also a guest, and he cannot naturally be the guest.

Mr. Yun stepped forward and said to Yin Sichen: "I don't know that Mr. Yin is coming, I will be far away."

Yin Sichen's eyes did not fall on Mr. Yun's body, but directly on Gu Xixi's body.

She looks better than the photos.

So beautiful, but so many people see...

Yin Sichen's heart suddenly burst into a sour water.

Suddenly he wanted to hide Gu Xixi and look at himself well.

Gu Xixi saw that Yin Sichen was staring at herself carelessly, completely ignoring Mr. Li Yun, and suddenly gave Yin Sichen a bit of an angry look.

Seeing that the expression of the little mole finally changed, Yin Sichen turned away with satisfaction, and responded lazily to Mr. Yun: "Sorry, please don't come here. It's been a long time since I went out. I'm here Go home."

Although Yin Sichen said embarrassedly in his mouth, there was no slight embarrassment in his face!

Mr. Yun was startled.

It has long been heard that Yin Shichen, the president of the Yin's consortium, behaves strangely and does not play cards according to common sense.

Today I can see it.

Gu Xixi heard Yin Sichen's words, almost suffocating.

Pick yourself up?

Thanks to what he said!

Where is there a home here?

Didn't he join Qiao Qi's carnival party with Ran Xiwei? What is the sense of presence here?

I have already concealed myself so consciously, will I not let myself go?

"Who said you're going back? I'm just here, I haven't used lunch yet!" Gu Xixi replied sullenly.

Mu Ruona looked at Yin Sichen with a smile.

She seems to understand something...

"What do you mean by bringing such a group of people?" Gu Xixi continued frowning and said: "It's rude for you not to come by yourself. How can you bring so many people?"

Mr. Yun is the master, but he dare not offend so many people, he can only make a strong smile and say: "Where and where, Mr. Yin and all of you are willing to visit the cold house, it is an honor for someone Yun!"

Yin Sichen thought about it, Gu Xixi is so beautiful today, it is really bad to be seen by so many people.

Therefore, Yin Sichen's eyes narrowed, and he said domineeringly: "Let them all go back!"

Xiao a immediately took orders and turned to execute Yin Sichen's order.

Yin Sichen looked at Gu Xixi and had already done what she meant. Should she be happy now?

Shouldn't the matter of putting her pigeons go by yourself?

The Yun family did not dare to offend these local dignitaries, but it does not mean that Yin Sichen did not dare!

Oh, yes, there is Mo Zixin next to it!

Mo Zixin nodded and motioned for the group to leave first.

As soon as the group of people saw this posture, wherever they dared to talk nonsense, wow, lala all quit.

Mr. Yun was relieved.

There is nothing more about Yin Sichen. If you let that group of people into the Yun Family’s yard, I am afraid that the Yun Family will not be able to keep the Qingyue of this scholar.

Although those people were driven away by Yin Sichen, Gu Xixi still felt a little angry.

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