The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 154: First visit to Yunjia

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi heard Ran Xiwei's words, and a sneer appeared again in his heart.

Without Yin Sichen's advice, wouldn't Ran Xiwei say this?

Yin Sichen was also listening to him. He didn't mean to block Ran Xiwei at all. It can be seen that this is what Yin Sichen meant?

Why bother?

Even if you don't show affection in front of yourself, you will know yourself.

Yin Sichen now seizes himself, isn't it because he didn't give Ran Xiwei a good face?

So he feels hurt...

Ha ha... This moment of seeing through the truth is really cold.

However, it does not matter.

I will bless them well.

Gu Xixi did not look up at Yin Sichen, and naturally missed a small cluster of capers and hopes that had just popped out of Yin Sichen's eyes.

"Well, I don't need others to take care of me. I'm fine, I can handle everything by myself." Gu Xixi replied calmly: "So, I will not delay the time of the two, I wish you a happy time!"

After finishing this sentence, Gu Xixi carried the food box and turned around resolutely.

A flash of smile flashed through Ran Xiwei's eyes.

Yin Sichen's eyes were faint, a sense of suffocation abandoned, so that his good mood disappeared instantly.

Gu Xixi her...... Why became so indifferent?

Yin Sichen took a step forward, he wanted to ask Gu Xixi what happened, what made her so cold in a day!

But he hadn't spoken yet, Ran Xiwei had stopped him, and said anxiously: "Oh, look at my memory! Si Chen, didn't Qiao Qi let us go to the wine cellar to take the wine? We won't go there, over there I'm really anxious! Let's hurry up and go! Today is Joe Ge's wedding day, let's not delay the business."

Ran Xiwei couldn't help but pull Yin Sichen and turned away.

Yin Sichen took a deep look at Gu Xixi's back. He decided to talk to Gu Xixi.

He didn't like this feeling very much.

How can he be given up only if he gives up his share of others? !

Gu Xixi carried the food box back to his room, looked at the exquisite snacks in it, and felt warm in his heart.

Because of this box of dim sum, Gu Xixi alienated the Yun family's heart.

Not to mention, it’s just that heart that is careful for the health of yourself and your baby, even if a stranger does it for you, it’s soft enough.

Not to mention the Yun family?

When visiting the old house of Yunjia yesterday, Gu Xixi actually admired Yunjia quite.

Now that the Yun Family has actively released the goodwill, if you don't continue, you will be too cold-blooded.

But this dim sum is really delicate and beautiful.

Prettier than those of last night.

Each dim sum is made into delicate flowers.

Even if it is displayed as a piece of art, it is also very beautiful.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Gu Xixi looked up and saw that Mu Ruona came with two maids, carrying four large boxes, and brushed Gu Xixi with a table of food.

"Worried that you are hungry, let the chef cook a pregnant meal for you alone." Mu Ruona couldn't help but marvel at the delicate dim sum in front of Gu Xixi: "Wow, this dim sum is so beautiful! Give me a try chant?"

Gu Xixi smiled and pushed to Mu Ruona: "Choose whatever you want."

Mu Ruona did not treat Gu Xixi politely, picked up a pair of tweezers and carefully took one, put it in front of her eyes and watched it several times before giving it to her mouth reluctantly.

"Well, it's delicious! It's so delicious!" Mu Ruona's eyes lit up suddenly, and all kinds of admiration: "This is the most beautiful and beautiful snack I have ever eaten! Compared with this, other things are worth everything. It's weak! The chefs here are just as good as the food they make, and they don't taste as good as this one!"

Gu Xixi nodded in agreement.

Now she also ate several so-called star meals.

Those foods are truly beautiful.

But compared to Yun Family's dim sum, it is really not enough.

Not to mention, do those master chefs have Yunjia's superb medical skills?

Even if someone would make medicinal diet, are there such high-quality medicinal materials?

Even if there are high-quality medicinal materials, is there an ancient medicine prescription of the Yun family?

No wonder Mo Zixin said, this is the only one in the world!

Mu Ruona ate one, and immediately flirted at the two maids who delivered the meal, and said, "Come on, let Shang Ke tell me I won't pass! I'm here to eat with me!"

Mu Ruona held the food box and happily ate the snack.

"Since you like to eat so much, will you come to Yunjia with me tomorrow as a guest?" Gu Xixi said with a smile: "It will be enough to eat at Yunjia!"

"Go to Yun's house?" Mu Ruona's hand stopped suddenly: "What are you going to do?"

Gu Xixi told Mu Ruona about what happened today, and reached out to stroke the baby in her belly: "Since I have eaten other people's snacks, of course I have to go out and thank them. Moreover, you know, tomorrow they will Very busy, no one would be willing to take care of me who likes quietness. It would be better to just go out and go to the Yun family to see. If you want to join in the excitement, I will go by myself."

"What's the fun? Do you really think I'm going to watch Ran Xiwei and Yin Sichen show affection? Don't make trouble!" Mu Ruona said righteously: "I just want to look down. I don't even know that Yin Sichen is What do you think, staying with Ran Xiwei all day long, even if he wants to regain his old feelings, that's okay, at least before the divorce, should you give this serious young grandma a face? Shangkola holding me, no Let me say. I panicked, so I found an excuse to come and find you. It happened that I wouldn't make up for their excitement tomorrow. The boss loves to toss as much as I want, and I will accompany you to the Yun's house!"

One afternoon, Mu Ruona never went to join in the fun with them, but stayed with Gu Xixi in the room for an afternoon.

The two girls talked and laughed, but in fact, they passed the time quickly.

When Yin Sichen came over and wanted to chat with Gu Xixi, he realized that Gu Xixi had just turned off the lights and rested.

Yin Sichen stood outside the window and watched Gu Xixi close the curtains and turned to leave. In the narrow and long eyes, there was a trace of unidentified friendship.

The second day of the wedding.

Gu Xixi wears a more formal long red dress, her hair is combed into a bud, and it is topped with three freshly picked red orchids.

The selected jewelry is also orchid-shaped.

Dressed up in such a jewelry, Gu Xixi looks like a flower fairy.

Mu Ruona couldn't help but sigh: "Come on, you are really suitable for such a elegant dress, it is simply beautiful! The design of this skirt is very good, if you don't look carefully, you can't see your pregnancy at all. "

Gu Xixi also smiled and replied: "Yeah, I like this skirt pretty much."

Mu Ruona took the initiative to put on Gu Xixi a small bracelet in the shape of an orchid. Although it wasn't very eye-catching, it was this modest appearance that was more and more pitiful.

Mo Zixin's phone rang: "Did you have breakfast? I was waiting at the door."

Mu Ruona made an expression like this: "No wonder people say that most women who have been taken care of by President Momo will fall in love with him. Such a super warm man, who is attentive and considerate, doesn't want to make people dislike it. !"

"Okay, let's go out immediately." Gu Xixi didn't listen to what Mu Ruona said, he answered quickly and hung up the phone, and said to Mu Ruona: "You! If you like, I'll give it to you!" "

Mu Ruona immediately made a cross jewelry: "No, I am not interested in warm men!"

Gu Xixi pulled Mu Ruona with a smile and quickly went out.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Gu Xixi saw Mo Zixin had parked there and waited for a long time.

Gu Xixi smiled and said, "I can take Ruona, can I?"

"Of course." Mo Zixin shrugged his shoulders, and Lan Eye concealed the unclear tenderness: "Mu can always come, and the Yun family is naturally undesirable."

"Really speaking!" Mu Ruona sighed and shook her head: "No wonder you can talk to Yin Sichen and call the two major male gods in the country! Yin Sichen is relying on his strong hormones and beautiful faces that make women jealous, and President Mo relied on your gentle and considerate carelessness!"

"Thank you Mu for praising, please!" Mo Zixin smiled softly and opened the car door to Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona personally.

Today he was a driver himself and took Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona straight to the Yun's house.

When the body left, Yin Sichen stood sullenly with a sullen face, narrowed the corners of his eyes, and the air around him became cold again.

Xiao a shrunk her neck and moved up: "President, my grandma just didn't see you coming..."

"Where is she going to be so beautiful? She doesn't even have an assistant!" Yin Sichen's eyes were slightly angry.

Xiao a touched the tip of her nose and said: "The young grandma told Xiao Wang that she is going to Yunjia as a guest today."

"What!" Yin Sichen was even more irritable: "Why didn't she call me?"

Little a quietly wiped sweat.

It's a bit weird that the president is angry!

"Calculate Yunjia's total assets and buy them all within three days!" Yin Sichen said coldly.

Xiao a continued to wipe cold sweat and replied cautiously: "Is Grandma angry?"

"What's wrong with her... Forget it, Yun Family will just let it go!" Yin Sichen finished saying this, lifted his foot and kicked a row of chairs on the side of the road fiercely. Look at the poor row of chairs and turn around and leave.

Looking at Yin Sichen, who turned and left angrily, Xiao A looked at the kicked row chair and silently lit a row of candles for herself.

From K City to Yun Family, it's really close.

In less than half an hour, he reached the door of the Yun family.

Gu Xixi got off the car and looked up to see the majestic and simple, red gate with a strong sense of the times.

The stone lions on both sides of the gate are so old that people feel that this is a filming scene.

Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun took some people in the family and had been waiting for a long time.

At the moment when Gu Xixi got out of the car, Mr. Yun, who was the head of the family, red eyes again.

Gu Xixi today is so beautiful that people want to cry.

Gu Xixi looked at Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun with a smile, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yun, Mrs. Yun, sorry I'm late."

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