The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 152: Yun Family invites Gu Xixi

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi sat on the sofa and just wanted to sleep for a while.

The phone rang quietly.

Gu Xixi glanced at the call from Mo Zixin.

Ok? At this time, as a best man, shouldn't he accompany Qiao Qi to drink?

Gu Xixi answered the call: "Hello?"

Mo Zixin's voice came from the phone: "Xi Xi, I'm really sorry for today's things! It's all my fault. I didn't communicate this with the Yun family in time, which caused such a misunderstanding! Xi Xi, The Yun family wants to apologize to you personally for the matter just now, so I want to invite you to visit the Yun family. I don’t know what you think?"

Going to Yunjia as a guest?

Gu Xixi stunned.

When Gu Xixi visited some old houses of the Yun family yesterday, the commentator said that the Yun family is the cultural guide of the y province.

Even the powerful people may not be able to enter the Yun family, let alone other ordinary people.

Those who can be invited by Yunjia are basically academic scholars at home and abroad.

That's really a joke about Hongru, there's no contact between them.

For a misunderstanding, the Yun family invited themselves to be guests...

Is this a bit too solemn?

Gu Xixi hesitated.

Mo Zixin then said on the phone: "You don't need to make a decision now. This time Qiao Qi's marriage will hold a three-day banquet here. So, you can think slowly."

I hung up the phone and lost my sleepiness.

Gu Xixi couldn't figure out what Yun Family meant.

I have already explained it clearly, it seems that there is no need to find myself anymore?

In other words, if you apologize, you only need to convey it through Mo Zixin.

There is absolutely no need to stimulate the teachers like this.

Does it mean that there are other purposes for this apology?

No wonder Gu Xi thinks more about this matter.

After all, with a face exactly like her daughter, it is really easy to make people misunderstand that she is deliberately approaching Yun Family.

Gu Xixi is not the kind of person who likes to take advantage.

She also didn't want to use her face to find Yunjia as a backer.

Therefore, Gu Xixi hesitated.

After hanging up Gu Xixi's phone, Mo Zixin quickly called Yunjia.

Knowing that Gu Xixi did not agree to the invitation of the Yun family, Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun called a sorrow and anxiety, and were anxious to get angry. Even the party behind the wedding was not interested anymore, and directly found an excuse to go home and discuss countermeasures. Too.

While Gu Xixi was in K City, the Yun family said that Gu Xixi should come home.

Even if you just recognize a righteous girl, you must not miss this opportunity.

Plus at this time, Mrs. Yun confessed to her husband that she once secretly went to N City to see Gu Xixi, and determined that Gu Xixi was a good girl, and some details of her life were almost in sync with Yunhao, Yun Mr. is even more determined about this idea.

Since you can't sleep, Gu Xixi simply went out for a walk.

Pick a quiet place and stroll around at will.

As soon as Gu Xixi went out, she saw a girl standing at her door, looking at herself timidly and uneasy.

As soon as he appeared, the other party seemed to be taken aback.

Gu Xixi stunned, the other party's eyes dodged, even had a meaning of wanting to escape.

"Are you?" Gu Xixi raised his eyebrows and looked at each other.

The girl finally found the courage and introduced herself: "Hello, I am Yunmeng Ying. I am... I am here to apologize for the Yun family."

Gu Xixi smiled gently: "It's okay, I didn't care about it."

Gu Xixi finished this sentence and saw that the other party was still standing there, thinking for a while, and said: "If you are free and willing, go with me to the garden. I want to go for a walk."

Yunmeng Ying nodded immediately.

Yun Mengying looked at Gu Xixi's back and silently followed.

When she came, she patted Mrs. Yun's chest and praised Haikou, saying that she would persuade Gu Xi to be a guest.

But when she faced Gu Xixi, she suddenly hesitated.

If the other party simply cares about it, it's easy to say.

But don't forget, she still has an identity and is the wife of the president of the Yin Family.

For the wife of the president of a top consortium across Europe, Asia and Africa, what is the bottom line of the Yun family to challenge others?

Gu Xixi did not speak, and Yunmeng Ying did not speak.

The two were walking in the garden in silence one after another.

"Am I really like Yunchao?" Gu Xixi thought for a while, or would he take the initiative to break this silence, otherwise what would it mean for the two dull gourds to walk around?

Yunmeng Ying was startled, and nodded subconsciously and replied, "It's very similar, but not very similar."

"Tell me." Gu Xixi smiled and turned his head to look at Yunmengying.

Yun Mengying didn't dare to look at it so blatantly, and thought about it and said, "Sister Qiu's health is very bad, she can't walk so carefree from childhood to age. Sister Jie is not sick for a year. Few days, most of them spent in the ward. Mom and Dad said that the sister-in-law was born with congenital deficiencies from birth. Some doctors once said that the sister-in-law could not live for sixteen years old. The medical collection of the book saved the sister-in-law until the age of 21. Ah, yes, I forgot to tell you, I was under the name of the sister-in-law's parents. Because the sister-in-law died, I was named. In the name of adoptive father and adoptive mother. My biological father and my sister's father are cousins."

Gu Xixi nodded to understand.

After Yun's death, the lineage of Yunjia's heirs was considered a last resort.

It is the practice of many large families to select a child from the side branch to pass over and inherit the Yun family's property.

Therefore, Gu Xixi instantly understood.

Since Yunmeng Ying is the heir of the current Yun family, she took the initiative to find herself. The meaning here is a bit intriguing!

When Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun saw themselves, she should be able to see the gaffe clearly.

If you are close to the Yun family, under your own innate conditions, you only need to keep this face that looks like Yunhao enough to let Mr. Yun's family pay attention to themselves for life.

His own existence can be said to be a big threat to Yunmengying.

Coupled with her identity as the wife of the president of the Yin Family, from this point of view, if you are willing to intervene in the Yun family, then Yun Mengying and her own vs, she has no chance!

Even if he left the Yin family in the future, he divorced Yin Sichen.

But his son is bound to become the fourth generation heir of the Yin family.

The identity of the birth mother of the fourth generation heir of the Yin family alone is enough for Yunmeng Ying to eat a pot.

Therefore, her motives are more intriguing.

Before she came, she should have thought about these questions, right?

Facing Gu Xixi's meaningful expression, Yunmeng Ying suddenly panicked.

"Sister Xixi, I don't mean anything else. Really!" Yunmeng Ying explained eagerly: "I just saw my mom and dad happy for you, so I couldn't help but ask for it. Ah, I Is this OK for you?"

"Yes." Gu Xixi just smiled and continued to move forward: "You continue to talk."

"My sister is very smart and is the most outstanding existence of the Yun family. My sister's words are always very few, and I often sit there alone in a daze. If it is not the President Mo, the sister may be more silent. She except for school every day In addition, she is quietly reading or painting in the room. It is not that she does not want to go out, but cannot go out. The pollen outside will become a deadly weapon. So there is no flower in the Yun family."

Gu Xixi stunned.

It turns out Yun's life... so hard!

On the surface, it looks very bright. As the Miss Yun family, she is at the peak of her cultural status.

However, it dragged a body that was critically ill.

This gap is almost straightforward.

Under such circumstances, Yunhao can learn eight languages ​​and is good at literature and painting. It is really difficult for her to have a strong heart.

Well, when it comes to being strong, she seems a bit like herself.

No matter how difficult the situation is, you can get through quickly.

Ah, I think too much.

"Well, you continue to say." Gu Xixi nodded, showing great interest.

"Sister Xixi, what else do you want to know? Why don't you ask me?" Yun Mengying asked back.

Gu Xixi smiled and said, "Actually, I don't want to know anything. You came to my goal to convince me to come to Yunjia as a guest?"

Seeing Gu Xixi directly point out his intention, Yun Mengying's face was slightly red.

"Actually, it's not necessary. You apologized just now, and I accepted it." Gu Xixi continued: "It's not necessary to go to the Yunjia as a guest."

Yunmeng Ying was immediately anxious: "Sister Xixi, don't you think I'm here to invite you not enough grade? If so, I can ask President Mo to come and invite you!"

Gu Xixi heard this sentence and immediately stopped, raising her eyebrows and said, "What does Miss Yun mean?"

Yunmeng Ying looked at Gu Xixi in a grievance, and said, "Sister Xixi, don't be angry. I just want to invite you to look at the parents who lost their daughters. Sister Xi is now also a mother, would you please agree?"

Gu Xixi continued to raise her eyebrows.

Not waiting for Gu Xixi to speak, Mo Zixin's voice rang from the side: "Meng Ying, don't be fooling! Go back!"

Yun Mengying saw Mo Zixin coming, suddenly aggrieved and deflated, and turned to leave.

Gu Xixi looked at Yunmengying's back and seemed to guess what.

Mo Zixin said apologetically: "I'm sorry, those words don't mean uncle and aunt."

"I understand." Gu Xixi nodded and said, "She is deliberately retreating. In fact, she doesn't want me to be a guest at Yun's house, so she said this deliberately, making me disgusted with Yun's house. She would be like this Do what you expected."

Mo Zixin seemed relieved: "If you think so, I'll be relieved."

Gu Xixi smiled.

Although I have never participated in this kind of family fighting, but in the two years I have worked in the Yin's consortium, are there fewer intrigues in the logistics department?

Everyone is a set on the surface and a set on the back.

It is precisely because of his humble position that colleagues do not look down upon themselves and will not win themselves.

Therefore, I have seen too much too much dumping and secret fighting.

Yunmengying's little trick is nothing compared with the company's colleagues.

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