The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 145: White lotus

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Dieyi asked in surprise, "How do you say that?"

"No one welcomes me! Am I really doing something wrong? Sorry Dieyi, I shouldn't have said these things to you. I know, it's all my fault! I was too small and too willful to know how to cherish, Blindly wanting to pursue freedom. But for so many years, I really know that I was wrong!" Ran Xiwei whined and cried softly, "Die Yi, I didn't mean to take back Yin Sichen, I just wanted to use my friend's Identity is with him, but, but..."

"But what happened? Did Yin Sichen say something about you?" Dieyi asked with concern.

Dieyi has a good relationship with Ran Xiwei, and she naturally stands on Ran Xiwei's standpoint.

"No, Si Chen is very good. I'm just guilty, because I made the relationship between Qiao Qi and Shang Ke a little bit stiff. Dieyi, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." Ran Xiwei wiped tears nonstop Crying and saying, "I just can't help it. I just want to humblely stand in a position that others can't see, just look at Si Chen happiness."

"Hey, silly girl, why do you?" Dieyi said with a sigh: "I don't understand why Qiao Qi spoke for Gu Xi so much. I also think you and Yin Sichen are the best match. Ah! When you left, it was not a breakup, just a temporary leave. Yin Sichen married Gu Xixi, just for this child. By this time the child was born, they divorced, how good are you to marry Yin Sichen? !"

"Die Yi! Don't say that, I will feel more guilty!" Ran Xiwei wiped her tears and looked like an aggrieved daughter-in-law: "Just now Shang Ke almost quarreled with them because of two sentences he said for me. Dieyi, I don’t want you to hurt Qiao Qi for me. I know that you used a lot of energy to marry Qiao Qi! As your friend, how can I make you embarrassed? Forget it , All the pain just left me alone, I don’t want you to fight for me!"

The more Ran Xiwei said, the more Dieyi felt that Gu Xi was too much.

It is clear that the person whom Yin Sichen loves is Ran Xiwei, why didn't he divorce, and complete Yin Sichen and Ran Xiwei?

Anyway, sooner or later she will leave the Yin family and leave Yin Sichen.

How can such a selfish **** occupy the place that originally belonged to others?

"You can rest assured, I will help you!" Dieyi patted her chest and said: "We are good sisters, who do I not help you with?"

Ran Xiwei burst into tears and smiled: "Die Yi, fortunately there are you by my side, otherwise I don't know what to do. Die Yi, I really like Si Chen!! None of our first love was back then. In my heart, Si Chen is irreplaceable by others! I believe that in Si Chen's heart I can't also replace! Die Yi, but what to do? That Gu Xixi is pregnant with the Yin family, I can't... I’m so painful, I’m so tangled!"

"It's okay, don't you just wait another five months? At that time, I'll help you!" Dieyi comforted Ran Xiwei and said, "Okay, don't cry! You still have to be my bridesmaid! Tomorrow Yin Sichen also It will be a best man. I will throw the bouquet to you then, OK?"

"Hate, Dieyi, you can't make fun of people!" Ran Xiwei, who was crying just now, suddenly became ashamed.

Gu Xixi looked at the dazzling array of foods in front of him, and determined again and again: "How many dishes did you prepare? With so many, how could we finish it?"

Mo Zixin smiled lightly: "Not many, there are more than one hundred varieties for two people."

Mo Zixin finished this sentence and turned to ask his assistant: "Did Miss Gu's tastes be remembered just now?"

"Yes, President Mo, remember it clearly." The assistant replied immediately and respectfully.

"Very well, when Miss Gu left, pack one each." Mo Zixin nodded.

How embarrassing to eat and take!

Gu Xixi looked at Mu Ruona and suddenly shook her head slightly.

Mu Ruona felt nothing, and said: "It's okay, let President Mo be the friend of the landlord!"

Mo Zixin calculated Gu Xixi so much, let him ask for a meal, it is too cheap for him!

Don't think that you can't see it, Mo Zixin's look at him is different.

Even if Mo Zixin treats Gu Xixi as Yun's substitute, then he is good to Gu Xixi, then that can't obliterate his covetment of Gu Xixi!

As a friend of Gu Xi, how could you not protect her?

Gu Xixi was eating, the phone rang, Gu Xixi picked up the phone and looked at it, his eyes suddenly fixed.

It was a message from Yin Sichen: "Where?"

Seeing these three words, Gu Xixi felt that his chest was blocked.

He is now happily outside with his first love, White Lotus, remembering the past, and why do he care where he is?

Gu Xixi didn't want to return this information, but he didn't return to his own heart and had something to worry about.

After thinking about it, I responded with two words: "Eating."

Yin Sichen's message came back again: "Come back early."

"Well." Gu Xixi's words were getting less and less, and Yin Sichen suddenly felt that the wine in his mouth was tasteless.

Sitting beside, Shang Ke frowned and said, "This is the Romanic Emperor you coveted for a long time, why are you not excited at all?"

Although this bottle of wine is the wine that Yin Sichen had coveted for a long time, at this time, Yin Sichen felt that his tongue seemed to have lost the ability to taste. In addition to Gu Xixi's smile and smile in his mind, Gu Xixi left the back.

This made Yin Sichen panicked for a while.

So that nothing tasted.

Qiao Qi, sitting next to him, said leisurely: "Si Chen is in Cao Ying's heart and is in the Han. Shang Ke, you learn from others with Si Chen!"

"What am I learning! Boring! Come on, let's drink!" Shankola drank Qiao Qi non-stop.

Yin Sichen's eyes have always been on the mobile phone, and since Gu Xixi sent that word, no more information has been sent.

Yin Sichen suddenly felt anxious.

He wanted to throw away two bad friends and go directly to Gu Xi!

Qiao Qi and Shang Ke gradually drank a little bit more. Shang Ke's tongue was a little bit bigger, and he continued to drink Qiao Qi when he was not convinced.

Qiao Qi kept awake all the time.

Qiao Qi saw that Yin Sichen had always been absent-minded, and immediately said, "I also drink with Shang Ke. If you don't worry about her, go find her."

Yin Sichen is sitting here, just waiting for this sentence!

Yin Sichen stood up all of a sudden, and then realized that he was too excited, and immediately guilty said to Qiao Qi: "I'm sorry Qiao Qi, I just..."

"Okay, I don't need to explain anything. I'm not Shang Ke, and I don't think Ran Xiwei is suitable for you! I think Gu Xixi is a good girl. Your kid has a good vision and cherish it." Qiao Qi interrupted Yin Sichen's words Say: "Go! You are here anyway, it's like sitting on a needle."

Yin Sichen also laughed.

Shang Ke really drank too much, shaking, his eyes blurred.

"Go." Qiao Qi nodded: "I take care of him!"

Yin Sichen just left with confidence.

Yin Sichen quickly called Gu Xixi: "Where? I'll pick you up!"

"Pick me?" Gu Xixi stunned, why did he come to pick himself up?

"Well, I haven't eaten yet, go out with me to eat something." Yin Sichen drove one of the three sports cars Lamborghini Gallardo, which is a car, and the performance has been improved to the maximum limit. space.

Gu Xixi's heart moved slightly, although she told her not to agree, but the body has responded next: "Okay, I'm waiting for you at No. 3 Chenghuang Road."

Hanging up the phone, Gu Xixi raised his head and said to Mo Zixin: "I'm sorry, I may have to go back first. Si Chen wants to pick me up."

Mu Ruona also stood up, ready to leave with Gu Xixi.

"Ah, by the way, Mo Zixin, could you please send Ruona back? Si Chen came in a sports car and can only sit in two people..." Gu Xixi said to Mo Zixin apologetically.

Mu Ruona rolled her eyes and reached out her forehead with a little care: "Heavy color light friend! Forget it, you have served! You two are good to go, don't care about me! Anyway, Mo will never ignore me, right?"

Mo Zixin heard that Gu Xixi was leaving, and there was a trace of loss in his heart.

Especially when I heard that Yin Sichen came to take care of himself, I felt very uncomfortable.

Although Mo Zixin knew that Gu Xixi was the legal wife of Yin Sichen, he really did not have the right to interfere too much.

But he still felt that his own treasure was coveted by other men...

"Of course, President Mu is at ease. I just lost myself, and I didn't dare to lose President Mu, right? But if I took President Mu out, I had to send it all back." Mo Zixin gracefully Answered: "Come here, send Miss Gu."

Gu Xixi didn't go to the eyes of Mo Zixin, her heart was surrounded by an inexplicable joy.

Yin Sichen didn't go to Qiao Qi and Shang Ke to drink Ran Xiwei to celebrate the last single night, but came to find himself to eat...

Does this mean that he is actually very important in his heart?

Thinking of this possibility, Gu Xixi couldn't help jumping.

Gu Xixi said goodbye to Mo Zixin and Mu Ruona, quickly got off the elevator and waited for Yin Sichen at the appointed place.

Yin Sichen just walked out of the villa in a car. When he heard Gu Xixi agreed to eat with him, the whole person instantly felt refreshed and watched the ordinary scenery around him become alive.

The caper that has never been before!

He suddenly wanted to see Gu Xi now!

At this time, Yin Sichen's phone suddenly rang, and Yin Sichen opened the car communication smoothly: "Hello?"

"Si Chen..." Ran Xiwei's voice softly sounded: "I'm really sorry, I'm delaying your time. My stomach suddenly hurts. I didn't bring a family doctor this time, and I don't remember the name of the medicine I used to take. What is it! Dieyi is going to marry someone tomorrow, I am embarrassed to trouble her, can you please take me to buy medicine?"

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