The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 142: Playing cards

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mu Ruona also screamed, "Wow, it's an exaggeration! I said how the villa was built so big, there are so many interesting things hidden in it! Come on, I'm so worried, Qiao Qi's wedding is over for me I don’t want to go! There are so many fun here!"

Gu Xixi smiled and said, "Okay, whatever you play with, I will accompany you when I will be fine!"

Mu Ruona laughed: "Awesome! It really is my friend!"

Gu Xixi sat comfortably on a seat, and the maid immediately introduced, "The game on this table is called Hero Kill, and it requires at least five people to play."

Gu Xixi looked at himself and Mu Ruona, there were only two people, and they could only get up and leave with regret.

At this time, Mo Zixin walked in from the outside and was surprised when he saw Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona: "You too?"

"Oh, enough people together, we can play the landlord!" Mu Ruona cried happily.

Mo Zixin also laughed: "I just walked around casually, I didn't expect to meet you here! Since you want to play cards, I will play with you a few."

Gu Xixi smiled and nodded.

It’s okay to pass the time to play cards and save time for those unhappy things.

Now don't think about anything yourself and focus on your children.

The maid immediately prepared a brand new set of playing cards and gave them to three people.

The maid shuffles very easily, shuffles, cuts, and divides quickly.

Gu Xixi picked up the card and suddenly uttered.

Mu Ruona smiled and said, "He is a landlord!"

Mo Zixin nodded with a smile, reached for his card, and slender fingers flicked across the face of the card.

How to hit him already knows.

However, as soon as he looked up, he saw Gu Xixi's dazed state.

Um... well, she didn't even get the cards right, it is estimated that the card skills can't really take the shot...

Mo Zixin already had his mind in mind.

"I'm a landlord!" Gu Xixi thought about it and threw a set of cards.

Mu Ruona has never seen anyone with such bad skills!

Mu Ruona teased her lips: "Are you sure you want to fight like this?"

Gu Xixi answered blankly: "Yeah, otherwise how to fight?"

Mu Ruona shook her head: "I'm happy with you!"

Mo Zixin's blue eyes couldn't hide the smile, Gu Xixi was really different from Yunhao.

The whistle is extremely smart, although she doesn't play cards very much, but as long as she gets the cards, she automatically lists several ways to play cards.

Gu Xixi... Well, she is really not suitable for playing cards.

Mu Ruona sighed, forget it, no longer beat her.

If Mu Ruona doesn't fight, Mo Zixin won't fight.

Then... Gu Xixi won so strangely.

Gu Xixi, who won, was still at a loss: "Ah? I already won? I really won! Oh too!"

Seeing Gu Xixi's reaction afterwards, Mu Ruona suddenly began to doubt her choice: Was she soft-hearted and made this friend, wouldn't she really lower her IQ?

Mo Zixin couldn't help but look at the endurance.

Although she was different from the chatter, the throbbing heart became more and more obvious when she saw the expression on her face.

Mo Zixin could not understand whether he was throbbing for this face, or throbbing for this person...

At this time, Ran Xiwei's voice came from the door: "Si Chen, I was not convinced the last time the game console lost to you."

"Huh." Yin Sichen always said coldly.

Gu Xixi heard Yin Sichen's voice, and the smile on his face instantly converged.

Really, wherever they go, they follow.

Even if it is show affection, is it necessary to show in front of yourself?

Gu Xixi felt panicked for a while.

"Don't fight, it's meaningless, you all let me, how boring." Gu Xixi grunted.

"Why don't we go play hero killing." Mu Ruona also saw Yin Sichen and Ran Xiwei walking towards this side, and the hero's killing position happened to be in the opposite direction from where they came.

"Although we do not have enough people to play online games, the computers here are all connected." Mu Ruona continued: "We wait for the two game players to go online and join us to play in groups."

"But I won't..." Gu Xixinne replied.

"It's okay, just because the number is not enough, I will teach you." Mu Ruona put down the card in her hand, pulled Gu Xixi around the seat and left.

Mo Zixin also said with a smile: "It just happened that I haven't played this game in a long time. I am with you."

"Good." Mu Ruona nodded.

Yin Sichen saw Gu Xi as soon as he entered the door.

Before he took the initiative to say hello, Gu Xixi had been pulled away by Mu Ruona.

From beginning to end, Gu Xixi didn't look up at him.

In the heart of Yin Sichen's heart, the fire was rubbing.

He was looking for her all over the world because he was worried about her. But she turned out...

Mu Ruona sat Gu Xixi in front of a large round table and asked the maid in charge of the round table to open a notebook for the three people.

Then Mu Ruona wanted to pass a card to Gu Xixi to explain the rules: "This card is called Wufeng Fengdeng, and it allows you and others to choose a card. This card is called kill. Whoever you want to kill, you use Who is this card playing. This card is called flash. When someone attacks you, it is used to dodge, otherwise it will drop a drop of blood..."

Mu Ruona explained to Gu Xixi the usage and rules of these cards in detail.

Then the maid made various concealments in coordination with Mu Ruona's explanation.

Gu Xixi listened for a moment, this card, a bit interesting!

Mu Ruona finished the explanation, and all three computers had been turned on.

The villa has its own local area network, any intelligent terminal can participate in this game.

Gu Xixi, Mu Ruona and Mo Zixin had just registered their accounts and sat down. The other two empty seats on the table soon became available.

"Yeah, so many people play this game!" Gu Xixi said in surprise: "I thought I had to wait for a long time, I still don't meet!"

"It's okay, everyone is playing! It doesn't matter if you lose a few games, the other party sees you as a rookie, and if you play enough, you leave, just to let you practice your hands and become familiar with the rules." Mo Zixin said with a smile: " It’s a big deal, find someone else to make up the game."

Well, it makes sense.

Gu Xixi decided decisively.

Well, I am the hero...

Gu Xixi watched as others were killing himself, and suddenly cried out, "Don't kill me!" Then swish other people one by one!

Mu Ruona really couldn't see, and took the initiative to confess her identity to Gu Xixi: "I am loyal, I protect you, don't kill me!"

"Ah?!" Gu Xixi looked dazed: "Did I just kill you?"

Poo poo... Mu Ruona and Mo Zixin are both laughing!

Gu Xixi shouted, "It's over, I'm almost bloodless, am I going to die?"

"Yes!" Mu Ruona and Mo Zixin answered at the same time.

"But I don't have any medicine!" Mu Ruona said helplessly: "If other people don't give you medicine, you will die...Huh? Why did this person give you medicine?"

A person who did not know whether it was an anti-thief or a traitor actually took Gu Xixi's medicine.

Gu Xixi looked up at Mu Ruona and Mo Zixin blankly: "Aren't they going to kill me? Why would you save me?"

Mu Ruona didn't understand, yeah, as long as Gu Xixi was killed in battle, the game was over.

Why should the other party be the Savior?

In the other corner of the chess room, Yin Sichen added his only medicine to Gu Xixi, and then he was silent.

This little mole was so stupid that he had to save her as an anti-thief!

But isn’t she stupid?

When a woman should be smart, she should be clever...

At this time, Gu Xixi sent a kill towards Yin Sichen.

Yin Sichen gave Gu Xixi the only remaining medicine, so he was killed without suspense!

Ah, if the woman just had to be stupid when she was stupid, would it be too late to take it back?

"Yeah! Finally killed an anti-thief!" Gu Xixi danced with joy.

Mu Ruona and Gu Xixi high-five to celebrate.

Mo Zixin looked up at Yin Sichen, who was sitting in the corner playing with a tablet, and thought about it...

Ran Xiwei killed Gu Xi step by step, and was immediately attacked by Mu Ruona.

The two killed and killed each other, and Mo Zixin ran out to kill Ran Xiwei, and the killed Ran Xiwei was called a depressed one!

I added three blood to myself, and didn't withstand the two people's back and forth!

Gu Xixi, this silly protagonist, just stood there happily, and killed the traitor without suspense.

The last remaining anti-thief, who lost almost no resistance, lost to Gu Xi.

Gu Xixi saw that he had won, although the victory was not trivial, but really happy!

She finally got a feel for the rules of the game.

Mu Ruona explained some of the rules and mysteries inside while playing, and Gu Xi listened with relish.

"One more game!" Gu Xixi's fighting spirit began.

Others followed suit and started.

Games one after another.

No matter what Gu Xixi is, someone always protects her...

Ran Xiwei called a crazy!

Why do people who want to beat her also beat her!

Why is everyone looking at Gu Xi!

Ran Xiwei was almost done!

After playing ten games in a row, Gu Xixi finally learned!

Ran Xiwei suddenly gave up!

"No more! What's this called! Why are you all looking at her?" Ran Xiwei looked at Yin Sichen in disappointment.

In the past, Yin Sichen was only going to her...

But now there is an inexplicable Gu Xi, and robbed of the love that originally belonged to her alone.

Yin Sichen smiled softly and said, "Because she is my wife!"

Ran Xiwei was speechless all at once.

Mo Zixin looked at the time and said, "Ah, it's already five o'clock, do you want to go out for a stroll? By the way, go out and eat something delicious?"

Gu Xixi also felt a little hungry, and immediately turned off the computer and said, "Okay, I was just a little hungry too."

Gu Xixi stretched his arms and concentrated on playing the game, and he could change his mood!

If you are not happy in the future, come and play the game!

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