The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 119: I haven't touched her

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yin Sichen also seemed a little surprised to see Gu Xi here.

Before Yin Shichen had time to speak, Lin Xiaoya rushed out of the study in an embarrassed manner.

Gu Xixi looked at it, and Lin Xiaoya's clothes couldn't be called clothes. Basically, she couldn't take them off again.

"I didn't..." When Yin Sichen saw Lin Xiaoya coming out, I didn't know why, but even a moment of panic explained to Gu Xixi.

However, before he had finished speaking completely, he heard Gu Xixi say in a calm voice: "I'm sorry, I didn't intend to eavesdrop on your movements deliberately, I just felt a little thirsty and wanted to go down and drink a glass of water. That’s it. Please continue!"

After Gu Xixi finished speaking, he would leave when he turned around.

Gu Xixi's movement finally angered Yin Sichen completely.

Yin Sichen strode forward, grabbed Gu Xixi's wrist, and arbitrarily took her back to the bedroom, kicked her foot, and closed the door fiercely!

"What are you going to do!" Gu Xixi struggled hard, but Yin Sichen was so powerful that she was not Yin Sichen's opponent at all.

Struggling for a long time, Gu Xixi could only give up in vain.

Looking up, Yin Sichen's lipstick marks on his face became more disgusting.

Gu Xixi turned his head fiercely and stopped looking at Yin Sichen.

Gu Xixi's actions angered Yin Sichen again. Yin Sichen suddenly lowered his body and whispered in Gu Xixi's ear, "Give me another woman, are you so happy?"

"Isn't that what you like?" Gu Xixi replied hard.

"What are you talking about?" The four words squeezed out of the teeth, and Gu Xixi didn't have to look up, he already knew that Yin Sichen's face must be ugly to the extreme.

What to install?

If he doesn't like Lin Xiaoya, how can he allow Lin Xiaoya's lipstick marks to appear on his face?

Yin Sichen's skill is so clear, but he is very clear!

"Yin Sichen, have you played enough?" Gu Xixi replied calmly: "You let Lin Xiaoya live in, isn't it to let me see my position clearly? As you wish, I won't let you have Any troubles. Even, I will continue to act as a loving couple with you in front of the media to wash you white..."


Gu Xixi was so excited that he interrupted what he was about to say.

Yin Sichen's fist hit the wall behind Gu Xixi's ear.

If Yin Sichen's fist is offset by half a point...

Gu Xixi's pupils suddenly widened and looked at Yin Sichen in horror.

Why is he angry? Who should be angry?

The thief shouted to catch the thief, ah no, it was a rake...ah no, whatever is better... In short, shouldn't he be happy? Hasn't he been with Lin Xiaoya this week? Before he married himself, he seemed to like Lin Xiaoya very much and was willing to marry Lin Xiaoya, right? how? I just made a human relationship, did you use such a big fire to yourself?

Looking at Gu Xixi's increasingly unruly eyes, Yin Sichen suddenly felt powerless.

He can strike at people all over the world, and he can mercilessly eliminate everyone who doesn’t look good!

But she couldn't stop her...

"What the **** am I going to do before you..." Yin Sichen finished his sentence, his eyes suddenly dimmed: "Forget it, I won't force you anymore. Whatever you want to do, it's up to you!"

After finishing speaking, Yin Sichen let go of her hand and turned and walked into the bathroom.

Walk into the bathroom... wait? This is my bathroom!

Gu Xixi reacted suddenly!

Lin Xiaoya has lived in. Why does Yin Sichen take a shower in his bathroom? His study also has a bathroom!

As soon as Yin Sichen entered the bathroom, she looked up and saw the lipstick marks on her face.

Yin Sichen suddenly figured out why Gu Xi's eyes were so unruly...

"Damn!" Yin Sichen hit the glass with a punch!


The whole bathroom mirror shattered instantly.

Gu Xixi heard the movement of the bathroom outside, pushed open the bathroom door, and saw Yin Sichen's injured blood stains at a glance.

"What did you do?" Gu Xixi screamed suddenly: "Aunt Zhang! Come over the medicine cabinet!"

Aunt Zhang has stretched her neck all the time to listen to the movements upstairs and heard Gu Xi's voice. Aunt Zhang just blew in like a wind.

When Aunt Zhang's eyes fell on the wound on Yin Sichen's hand, she also screamed, "Master! Why are you so painful!"

Aunt Zhang has worked at the Yin family for so many years. It can be said that she grew up watching Yin Sichen.

In Aunt Zhang's heart, Yin Sichen is like her own child.

In the past few days, the wind and clouds between Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi are all in her eyes, anxious.

But the master's business is not easy to be a servant.

Seeing Gu Xixi panicked for his injury, Yin Sichen felt relieved for a moment.

She... still care about herself?

Gu Xixi didn't observe Yin Sichen's expression at all, and said to Aunt Zhang anxiously: "Aunt Zhang, the wound is so serious. Let's ask the doctor to examine him and take care of the wound. What if glass remains in the body? do?"

Aunt Zhang also panicked: "Good, I'll go to the doctor..."

Yin Sichen suddenly withdrew his hand and replied casually: "No need to be so troublesome, just wrap it up."

Aunt Zhang couldn't help but say: "No, the wound can't be treated casually, in case of purulence, it will be broken!"

At this time the housekeeper had brought the doctor over.

Gu Xixi just wanted to stand up to make room for the doctor, but before she could stand up, Yin Sichen was held down with her uninjured hand: "You are here, nowhere to go."

Gu Xixi heard Yin Sichen's overbearing words, but he wanted to resist, but then he thought that he was injured now, he couldn't guilty of breathing with a wounded person, so he didn't resist, and sat there properly.

Seeing Gu Xixi obediently sitting beside him, Yin Sichen's corner of his eyes dissipated a little.

Yin Sichen held Gu Xi's hand in one hand, no matter how she resisted, she didn't let go.

Gu Xixi saw that there were so many people, and it was not obvious that he was struggling. He could only let Yin Sichen hold his hand like this.

The doctor treated Yin Shichen very quickly, cleaned the broken glass slag, and quickly applied the medicine.

"President, these hands can't see water in the past few days, remember to change the medicine every day." The doctor said while bandaging: "Be careful not to press this hand while sleeping."

"Huh." Yin Sichen's eyes swept Gu Xixi's face, and Gu Xixi's face looked strange to him.

What does he mean?

Wouldn't he intend to let himself bathe him and change his medicine?

Well, yes, Yin Sichen planned this way.

After the others were gone, Yin Sichen's Da La La said to Gu Xixi, "Go and bathe in water."

Gu Xixi thought that his ears were listening.

what did he say? Let yourself go to the water to bathe?

Lin Xiaoya is in the next room now, shouldn't he go to Lin Xiaoya's room to take a shower and sleep?

Why take a bath here?

Gu Xixi froze for a long time, froze without moving.

Yin Sichen looked after Xixi in a daze, got up and went to the bathroom himself, ready to drain.

While he was dealing with injuries to his hands, the housekeeper had someone clean the bathroom thoroughly and quickly replaced it with a new bathing environment.

Gu Xixi saw Yin Sichen walked into the bathroom, and then it reacted. He quickly stopped Yin Sichen: "You are crazy! Did the doctor tell you not to hear it?...Forget it, I will give you water !"

Gu Xixi couldn't see Yin Sichen's style of death anymore. He gave Yin Sichen a lot of water.

Gu Xixi just turned and left, Yin Sichen's lazy voice rang from her: "Do you think I can take off my clothes with one hand?"

Gu Xixi's eyes widened instantly.

What does he mean?

What did he want?

Let me take a shower in the bathroom, let me undress him? Will you let yourself bathe him later?

Well, yes, Yin Sichen planned this way.

Yin Sichen raised an eyebrow at Gu Xixi: "It's not just a casual woman, you can take off my clothes!"

Gu Xixi's heart was sullen for a while, yes, it was not casual, the ex-girlfriend could take it off!

However, Gu Xixi went back and forth, Gu Xixi walked over and slowly reached out to untie Yin Sichen.

Yin Sichen looked down at Gu Xi's fingers like this, and unbuttoned the shirt one by one.

Each time a button was picked, Yin Sichen's heart beat violently.

It seems that Gu Xixi picked up not his buttons, but his heart...

The sight shifted and landed on Gu Xixi's neck, which had become pink, and Yin Sichen's mood suddenly brightened.

Sure enough, anger is also you, and joy is also you...

Gu Xixi was not happy at this time.

She was originally standing by to stand here and undress Yin Sichen.

Every time a button is picked, the perfect body hidden under the shirt will be revealed.

Yin Sichen’s good figure is enough to make all the women in the world scream madly, even Gu Xi can’t be spared...

Therefore, every time Gu Xixi unbuttoned a button, his ear was red...

"I didn't touch her." Yin Sichen felt the heat of his chest rising all the way, and his throat knot slid abruptly, and the difficult opening explained: "I won't touch her."

It is really hard for him to let the president of the Tang Yin consortium explain this kind of thing to a woman.

Therefore, after his difficult psychological construction, he only said such a low energy sentence.

Gu Xixi's fingers gave a meal.

what did he say?

He... didn't touch Lin Xiaoya?

Hasn't he been with Lin Xiaoya all these days? how is this possible?

Also, the **sound they just made in the study... is this always wrong?

"I fell asleep in the study just now, and I thought it was you who held me..." Yin Sichen seemed to guess Gu Xixi's thoughts, and his eyes fluttered: "Unfortunately, it's not you..."

I don't know why. It was already heart-shattering like Gu Jing. After hearing Yin Sichen's lame explanation, Gu Xixi obviously felt that his heart was thrown with a stone.

Ripples rippled up.

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