The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 117: Lin Xiaoya

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi reached out and gently stroked his stomach, but did not answer Mu Ruona's words, but smiled softly: "Rona, in fact, you should be able to feel it. I have always maintained a sense of alienation from everything here. For the sake of leaving in the future, there will be no reluctance."

"Yes, I feel it." Mu Ruona finished this sentence, staring at Gu Xixi tightly: "I can feel it, Yin Sichen...should I feel it too?"

Gu Xixi did not answer this question.

Whether Yin Sichen feels this is not important now.

He returned to Lin Xiaoya's side again. After Lin Xiaoya used herself again and again, she also achieved her purpose.

Forget it, don't pursue it.

It was as if I used this kind of good thought to completely repay the friendship of my friends for nearly two decades.

Since then, he and Lin Xiaoya have nothing to do with each other.

Just thinking of Lin Xiaoya using himself again and again to retaliate, suddenly felt so stupid.

If it weren’t for Mu Ruona to tell her all about it, I’m afraid she’d still be silly and continue to be cheated...

never mind……

If you choose to leave the Yin family and leave Yin Sichen, you will definitely take your mother away from the sky.

Now that her mother has completely disengaged from the Gu family, she can finally take her mother away with no heart in mind.

The house that Yin Sichen bought for her mother seems to be a pity to give up...

Gu Xixi thought of this and immediately said to Mu Ruona: "Rona, I want to ask you something."

"Okay, you said." Mu Ruona replied readily: "As long as I can help, I will not shirk."

Gu Xixi took out his mobile phone and shook it, saying, "I will transfer all my money to you. I am now banned from going out. You can save this money under my mother's name. . This is my pension money for my mother."

Mu Ruona frowned: "You should keep this money for your own use. It will be half a year before the child is born!"

"It's okay, the Yin family won't be wronged for my expenses. I don't need to spend money at all." Gu Xixi grinned reluctantly: "Since I decide to leave, I always have to plan ahead. Yin Sichen's character is uncertain, I am worried He will make things difficult for you. So, it is always wrong to prepare for this in advance."

"Okay." Mu Ruona looked at the little money in Gu Xixi's account. Well, she really couldn't look at it.

Since Gu Xixi was so solemnly entrusted, she was naturally responsible as a friend.

Gu Xixi quickly transferred all the money on his card to Mu Ruona's account.

Mu Ruona also speeded up and called her men directly, and soon the news spread.

The money Gu Xixi transferred to Mu Ruona has been deposited into the account for Jian Xiao.

At the moment when Gu Xixi's funds changed, Yin Sichen, who was still chatting with several family sons, suddenly changed his face!

Several family sons suddenly lost their mind and looked at Yin Sichen.

Yin Sichen set a special reminder for Gu Xixi's account. As long as the funds change in Gu Xixi's account, he will receive a prompt message on his mobile phone.

Gu Xixi usually doesn't need any money at all, plus she is still in a lock-up period, she even moved all the money under her account!

The air around Yin Sichen instantly lowered several temperatures.

Xiao a has been standing next to him. Although he doesn’t know why the president’s face suddenly changed, he guessed it, **Fuxi is related to the grandmother.

It's been a week.

The president and the grandmother have not reconciled.

This has exceeded the previous quarrel and good cycle for too long.

Could it be that the president and grandma are serious this time?

Xiao a thought for a while, then quietly retreated and called directly to ask what happened over the villa.

When Xiaoa heard that Mu Ruona visited Gu Xixi and left soon, she instinctively realized that this matter had something to do with Mu Ruona.

Without hesitation, Xiao a immediately returned to Yin Sichen and leaned over Yin Sichen to report the matter.

At this time, Lin Xiaoya came with exquisite afternoon tea, and said with a smile, "Sorry, let you wait a long time. Si Chen..."

Lin Xiaoya's words were not finished yet. The expression on Yin Sichen's face was already frosty, and he didn't even have a word to explain. Get up and leave!

As assistant of Yin Sichen, Xiao a immediately explained to several other family elders: "Sorry, the president has something to do temporarily, and he will resemble you again to change the guilt."

Several family members looked at each other. They were talking about the crucial moment. What did Yin Sichen leave?

However, they also know that Yin Sichen is a person, don't think about any guilt, or look forward to the next meeting, can win the biggest profit of his family in front of Yin Sichen!

Lin Xiaoya saw that Yin Sichen was going, and immediately caught up: "Si Chen..."

"Go!" Yin Sichen didn't even look at Lin Xiaoya, and spit out a word coldly.

Lin Xiaoya finally stood by Yin Sichen again. Of course, she would not miss this opportunity easily. When Yin Sichen was so angry, she guessed that it was related to Gu Xixi. Lin Xiaoya immediately said: " Chen, I haven’t seen her for a long time. I suddenly miss her..."

Yin Sichen's footsteps suddenly stopped, so he turned back slowly, and cold eyes swept Lin Xiaoya.

Lin Xiaoya has never seen Yin Sichen's terrible sight, and finally began to tremble.

After Yin Sichen’s cold eyes swept twice, she seemed to think of something, and coldly dropped the words: "Keep up."

After finishing these two words, Yin Sichen left like a wind.

Lin Xiaoya had a cold sweat on her back. She thought she was going to be sentenced to death by Yin Sichen completely, but she didn't expect the peak to turn around. Did Yin Sichen let her keep up?

Seeing that Yin Sichen and Xiao a were about to disappear in her sight, Lin Xiaoya reacted and trot and followed.

Gu Xixi had just sent Mu Ruona away. Before he could return to the room, he saw a Hummer rushing into his eyes with extreme domineering power.

When Gu Xixi saw the person in the car, he was startled.

Why did Yin Sichen come back?

But immediately, Gu Xixi saw Lin Xiaoya down with Yin Sichen's arm...

The tingling sensation at the bottom of my heart floated up again, and the painful Gu Xi distractedly looked away and stopped looking at the couple.

"Young grandma..." Little a stepped forward and looked at her a little embarrassedly. "The president said that Miss Dina and Grandma were good friends. I heard that Grandma was bored at home recently, so I specially sent Miss Dina to accompany me. Grandma as a companion..."

Let Lin Xiaoya live here?

Gu Xixi quickly looked up at Yin Sichen.

She never thought that Yin Sichen would let Lin Xiaoya live in this home!

He clearly knew everything between him and Lin Xiaoya, but he still let Lin Xiaoya live in... I understand, Yin Sichen, you are telling me in disguise, is she the future hostess of this house, right?

I understand.

Gu Xixi's eyes suddenly became embarrassed.

Yin Sichen saw Gu Xixi's embarrassment for a moment, and felt a pain in his heart.

But when he thought of the pictures that Lin Xiaoya showed him, he couldn't help but get angry!

It turned out that Gu Xixi had such an idea from the beginning when he married him.

Haha, yeah, how did you forget that Gu Xixi almost went away with Zhao Ze on the day of his wedding!

The difference now is just running away at the wedding and running away after giving birth?

She probably knew that Zhao Zegang's company had been destroyed by herself. Zhao Zegang is now in need of money, so Gu Xixi transferred all her money to support Zhao Zegang?

Ha ha ha, Gu Xixi, how exactly does your heart do it?

My Yin Sichen has never been so patient with a woman!

I have done so much, but I still can't warm your heart? Are you still going to fly high with Zhao Zegang?

Gu Xixi! you are vicious!

Thinking of this, Yin Sichen forcibly removed the distress from his heart and said coldly: "Anyway, there are enough rooms in the house. You won't care, ma'am, right?"

At this time, Lin Xiaoya was going crazy.

She waited for this day, has been waiting too long, too long!

She finally waited for the moment to enter the room!

Everything that belongs to Gu Xixi really belongs to her!


Gu Xixi, I'm really sorry! I will receive everything from you!

After finishing this sentence, Yin Sichen never looked after him again, and walked directly to the house with Xiao a.

Gu Xixi only felt the brain buzz, and there was only one sentence in his mind that kept asking himself: Why? Why should I do this?

Lin Xiaoya took a step forward, handed the suitcase to Aunt Zhang, stood in front of Gu Xixi, and said: "Xi Xi, I'm so embarrassed. I didn't do it on purpose, don't be angry with me. it is good?"

Lin Xiaoya reached out to pat Gu Xixi's shoulder, but Gu Xixi patted it off.

Seeing Gu Xixi's resistance, Lin Xiaoya's mood is not too good!

"It's true, Si Chen said, it's not ridiculous to live outside. If I want to live at home, it's really troublesome!" Lin Xiaoya deliberately stood in front of Gu Xixi to show off: "Also, we are after all The ex, after reconciliation, the feelings will be better than before. I never knew that Si Chen could be so gentle and considerate...oh ha ha ha ha... sorry, not intentionally to stimulate you. Anyway, you will sooner or later I’m going to leave! I’ll settle in as the future hostess."

Gu Xixi felt that his heart had been sinking and sinking...Sinking into the abyss of darkness.

At that moment, Gu Xixi suddenly discovered that when his heart was like an abyss, it was really cold.

Aunt Zhang couldn't bear it anymore. She took a step forward and said to Gu Xixi: "Young grandma, you have been standing for a long time. Would you like to take a break? The old lady is still very concerned about you."

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