The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 962: Towering bone tower

Everyone is evacuating.

Xicheng people are also at large.

Some fled on a moa, some fled on a blue scale pterodactyl, and some war beasts were parasitized and had no choice but to flee with their feet.

The Jiao Jiao dashed through the crowd, opened his blood basin, and swallowed all the Xicheng people without war beasts accurately and swiftly, and finally threw his tail like a black lightning into the sea.

It knows the submarine passage left by the Gun people.

Escape there to return to Xicheng faster.

The bird is too large and not as accurate as the Jiao Jiao. In the chaos, he only grabbed some treants with his claws, and flew away with these slow-moving treants.

However, a group of ancestor-level birds of paradise broke through the light curtain and stood in front of the flock.

The flock does not want to fight with them, just want to leave.

But the pack of wolves trapped the tigers, even if the flocks tried their best to break through the siege, they could not get rid of them. They fought from mid-air to high-altitude, and then fell from high-altitude to the ground. The feathers of the buzzards continued to tear and fall, and the blood fell like rain.

The treants in their claws were all dead because they faced the ancestor beasts without protection.

The flock let go of its claws, but still fell from the tree man's body.

A pair of scarlet phoenix eyes stared at the surrounding birds of paradise, extinct angrily attacked, suddenly raised their necks, and erupted with a whine that was so sharp that it penetrated the golden cracked stone.


The chirping sound resounded across the sky, reaching far away, and the retreating group of Xuyang birds paused in the air.

The flock of birds is the purple Huyang bird, originally the leader of the birds, the leader was killed, the flock of Huyang birds wanted to turn around and kill them back to help the birds.

"do not go!"

The warriors of Xuyang hurriedly stopped them with horror.

In this situation, looking back is a dead word, there is no second possibility.

The Xicheng people who had retreated some distance also heard the hum of the humor. She turned her head and saw the scene in the sky, her pupils shrank: "No, the flock is surrounded!"

Chief Tushan immediately ordered Man Kuilong to turn his head: "Let's go back!"

All Xicheng people turned around without hesitation.

The flock is Ye Xi's war beast. If the beast dies, the owner will be greatly hurt, so even if they sacrifice themselves, they have to go back to help the flock.

However, the strength of Xicheng's team was too low, even if they tried their best to rush back, they would not be able to help Yan Yun the first time.

The helpless flock and the eleven birds of paradise fought frantically, the sky was deformed by the billowing white flames, the rain of blood fell, and the feathers flew.

The flock was unable to fight so many birds of paradise, and was quickly choked by a bird of paradise.

Seeing that the hook-like claws of the bird of paradise were about to pierce into the throat of the bird of paradise, at the moment of life and death, with a "puff" sound, the bird of paradise exploded into a ball of blood and blood, and the flesh and blood became the purple feathers and red eyes on.




The surrounding birds of paradise exploded one after another.

The sky is like a grand, **** firework blooming.

In the blink of an eye, all the birds of paradise around the flock died.

Looking at the bone tower, there is endless reverence and vibration in his eyes.

"It's Da Yuan Wu who made the move..."

Then she woke up suddenly and yelled in horror: "No, let's get out!! Get out!!"

As the Great Yuan Wu took action against the Bird of Paradise, the light curtain that blocked the wave of beasts also broke because of the interruption of the magic power. The dam disappeared, and the flood that was blocked by the dam poured head-on, instantly flooding the small frontline Cangkang like a man's arm as a car.

The Xicheng team immediately turned around and ran wildly.

The tide continued to flow over behind him.

Seeing that the Xicheng team was about to be submerged, the severely wounded flock spread its **** wings and swooped toward the ground. It opened its beak and spit white flames at the front beast, burning the front beast to death.

The people in Xicheng responded very quickly, and they shouted: "Let's go to the back of the flock!!"

"Jump up!"


The huge flock swept low to the ground, and the Xicheng warriors and beasts jumped onto the back of the flock.

The flock only stayed on the ground for a short breath.

By the time it took off, the body was already covered with people and beasts, just like being covered by a colony of ants. Those who climbed up were not only the Xicheng team, but also some fierce beasts from the wave of fierce beasts.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Chief Tushan roared.

The flock flew very fast, and the Xicheng warriors struggled to hold on to the flock's feathers to prevent themselves from falling from the air, and at the same time, the furious beast that climbed up was killed or thrown off.

As the flock flies, a fierce beast like rain falls from its back.

Chief Tu Shan looked around: "Are they all up?"

Beneath her belly, Hulu shouted with difficulty: "Help me! I am here!"

It turned out that Hulu had no time to jump on the back of the flock in order to catch his beast, brown bear, and only had time to hug one paw. At this time, he was holding one of the flock’s paws with one arm, and the other hand was tight. Holding the brown bear's feet.

And the stupid brown bear still has the neck of a moa in his mouth.

Moa's feet were again caught by a pottery warrior on the left and right, and one of the pottery warriors' feet was also held by another person, swinging a long string like a swing.

The moa's neck rattled and rattled, it was about to be torn off, and its eyes rolled.

Several Zhu Wus propped up the defensive shields to withstand the high-speed winds.

The single leaf was lying on the neck of the bird, he leaned forward, his left hand grasped the bird's feathers, and his right arm dropped. With a sound of "chicks", the long vine whistled down his arm like a snake, and entangled Hulu under the belly of the flock.

After confirming the entanglement, the single leaf was pulled up with a thick neck.

"Why is it so heavy!"

Shan Ye squeezed a sentence from between his teeth, his arm muscles broke up, and he shouted, finally dragging the long string onto the back of the bird.

Hu Lu was paralyzed on the back of the flock.

Everyone was panting hard together, looking at the clan territory that was fast backing away behind them, and seeing the doomsday scene, everyone's eyes were deeply blank.

The Continental Bridge... is it going to be broken?

Bone tower in the eye hole.

Da Yuan Wu looked down at the bottom with a bleak expression.

Cang Kang had been submerged by the beast, and countless lizards crawled on him, wrapping him into a giant black ball with no gaps. The remaining clan fighters did not have the strength of Cang Kang, and most of them had already died in battle. All the stone houses were completely destroyed, and the territory that the clan had guarded for countless years was swallowed.

Dayuanwu closed his eyes tightly, and the back of his hand trembled with blue veins.


Ancestors...! ! !

Suddenly he raised his arms high, facing the sky on his back, almost roaring witch curse pouring out, and a strange and terrifying power began to permeate.

Behind the territory.

The dry loess is loosening.

A white hand bone suddenly stretched out of the ground!

Magic power poured down like a mist of ink, and the ground was covered with blazing black witch patterns, flowing endlessly like a living snake. An ancestral skeleton crawled out of the ground, and the loess fell with the action.

As soon as all the skeletons climbed out of the ground, they rushed towards the tide of beasts frantically!

Clan warriors, as long as they are level six or above, are burned into a skeleton and buried behind the territory. After so many years, the number of skeletons is terrifying, and these skeletons are not just for memory.

"It's a pity, this witchcraft didn't have time to teach Ye Xi."

A faint regret appeared in Dayuan Wu's eyes, and then these always gentle eyes changed, their eyes turned white backwards, and they were covered with hideous bloodshots, becoming terribly cold.

At the same time, the bone stick in his hand buzzed and trembled endlessly, so hot that blue smoke appeared.

The surging magical power continuously dissipated and penetrated into the ground, and the bones buried deeper were awakened and crawled out, and then rushed toward the tide of fierce beasts with their legs.

Black and white blended, and the wave of fierce beasts was temporarily blocked.

Cang Kang, who was surrounded by fierce beasts, suddenly noticed that he was around clearly. When he looked sideways, he found that there was a group of skeletons fighting, slaying fierce beasts. This strange sight made him stunned for a while.

But then, a shuddering, unspeakable thought suddenly struck him.

"It's the bones of the ancestors... the ancestors are fighting with me!!"

Cang Kang instantly burst into tears.


The bones of the clan warriors killed a large number of fierce beasts, and some leading beasts were beheaded by the bones. However, after years of erosion, the hard bones became brittle.

A skeleton was trampled and broken by the beasts, bitten, and eventually turned into bone fragments and bone debris, and was trampled in the dust by the tide of beasts.

In the sky full of dark clouds.

A fierce bird roared towards the top of the bone tower.

In the long struggle, the chief beasts hated the Great Yuan Witch. The chief beasts did not rush to the Eastern Continent, but drove the fierce beasts to continuously attack the bone tower.

The bone tower exudes a bright light.

Like a star that never goes out.



All fierce birds, whether they are the true species of Great Wilderness or the fierce birds of the ancestor level, cannot get close to the bone tower, without exception, they explode into a **** flower tens of meters away from the bone tower.

The chief beasts looked at the bone tower, their eyes were fierce and hateful.

More and more fierce bird pterosaurs were summoned. The sky was crushed and covered by countless things, and the sky was raining blood.

As time passed, the power of magic gradually weakened.

The distance of tens of meters was gradually compressed, ten meters, five meters, one meter...Finally, the exploded flesh and blood splashed on the old man's wrinkled face and dripped onto the gray hair.

The chief beast on the ground is also driving the fierce beast to climb the bone tower.

The towering white bone tower was covered by various creatures, and the sacred place in the past was covered with densely packed things, like black sludge spreading upward.


The bones of the clan ancestors were all crushed, and there were no clan warriors around.

After exploding the power of his whole body to kill a leading beast, Cang Kang finally exhausted his strength and half-kneeled on the ground with a bone spear, breathing heavily. His right arm was torn from the elbow, his skin and hair were all blood, the muscles of his whole body were shaking, and he was in a panic.

Because the leader beast died, all the beasts that were controlled around also dispersed, but soon, other beasts flooded in overwhelmingly.

A behemoth as tall as a hill came oncoming.

Cang Kang wanted to lift the bone spear, but he had no strength anymore. He panted with red eyes and supported himself with the last bit of strength and stood up straight.

The eyes were obscured by darkness.


The soles of the giant beast's feet stomped heavily.

The top of the bone tower.

Dayuanwu retracted his gaze and sighed softly, then opened his arms.

The fierce wind rolled up his shabby robe.

The sky began to burn, emitting a magnificent and colorful light like an aurora.

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