The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 953: Viper Fish Gallbladder

Farewell to Jiao Jiao Jiao and Chief Tushan, the whole Xicheng seems to be even deserted.

The coldness also stained Ye Xi's face.

One day, Cangwu, who was nestled in Ye Xi’s arms, tilted his head and looked at Ye Xi for a long time, and then went back to the sea without saying a word, until he suddenly appeared again for three days, smiling and holding a dark green fleshy ball to Ye Xi. Xi: "I found what you wanted!"

The tone is quite arrogant.

Ye Xi cast his gaze to the strangely colored meatball in Cang Wu's hand, and hesitated: "What do I... want?"

Cang Wu snorted, pulled Ye Xi to the rewarding stone tablet in the trading area, and pointed to the rewarding task that ranked first.

"——Look for strange objects or news that can regenerate broken limbs. Those who provide strange objects can obtain a great waste beast core or other equivalent items. Those who provide the correct clues can obtain a great waste beast core or other Equivalent items. Publisher, Ye Xi."

Ye Xi suddenly realized that, and looked at the green fleshy ball happily and inconceivably, "You mean, this thing can regenerate a severed limb?!"

Cang Wu smiled and nodded: "Well. Are you happy now?"

This meatball is the gall of the viper beast, the viper beast is extremely rare, and it loves to drill motionless in the depths of the sea sand, which is very difficult to find. This time she searched for a long time to find a viperfish deep in the sand.

Ye Xi said sincerely, "Happy."

Phil's missing wing has always been his regret.

Now that he had a strange thing that could be repaired, he didn't want to wait for a moment, so excitedly he went to the back mountain to find Feir.

Next to the stone house on top of the iceberg.

The puppet big white cat lay lazily, Phil was sitting on a low stone pier, polishing the arrow of a bone arrow very intently, with two huge snow-white wings hanging behind.

Seeing Ye Xi coming, Feier stopped his hand and raised his head.

The puppet big white cat lazily opened one of the cat's eyes and saw that it was Ye Xi. He turned over and exposed his belly, beckoning Ye Xi to come and touch it.

Ye Xi absent-mindedly stroked two cat hairs.

He was so happy just now that he forgot to ask Cang Wu, and he didn't know whether the wings belonged to the category of severed limbs, and whether the wings were not repaired after eating.

In order not to disappoint Fei Er, Ye Xi didn't say the effect of this fish gall, just let Fei Er eat this.

"Fair, you ate this."

Feier glanced at the weirdly colored slimy gall, then at Ye Xi, and slowly frowned, for the first time an expression similar to distress appeared on his handsome and indifferent face.

Ye Xi said with a smile, her expression resembling the wolf grandmother who abducted Little Red Riding Hood: "Just eat and see, it tastes very good."

Faer looked at Ye Xi's expectant gaze, and finally caught the fish gall and swallowed it like medicine.

Ye Xi stared at Feir's neck in amazement. For the first time, he discovered that Feir's esophagus was comparable to a cormorant. The fish gall with the big fist was swallowed and smoothly slipped into his stomach.

Ye Xi said nervously, "How do you feel?"

Fei Er glanced at Ye Xi strangely: "What does it feel? It doesn't taste good."

Ye Xi choked, thought for a while, and decided to go back and ask Cang Wu again.

In the emerald stone house, Cang Wu lazily leaned against the fireplace and said to him: "It's not that fast. It takes 30 days to grow an arm, 40 days to grow a thigh, and wings... About ten days. ?"

After Ye Xi went back, he told Phil of the news.

Sure enough, the viper's guts gradually started to work, and Phil felt his missing wings itchy slightly, as if something was about to grow.

After half a month, Phil's wings were completely repaired.

Not only that, they became more powerful, and each feather was as white as snow, and as sharp as a blade. Phil tried to fly around, and it felt great to be back in the sky.

A few days later, Phil brought the puppet big white cat to look for Ye Xi.

Ye Xi saw the bag tied around the neck of the puppet big white cat, and was startled: "You don't want to go to the sea of ​​fierce beasts?"

"No, we go back to the polar region."

"Why? Is it... uncomfortable being in Xicheng?"

Feier's blue eyes were crystal clear by the sunlight, and he said briefly: "No, I want to return to the Feather Race to fight for the position of clan leader."

"Why do you suddenly want to fight for the position of clan leader?"

Phil did not answer.

Ye Xi was silent for a while: "...decided?"


Ye Xi exhaled and patted Feir on the shoulder.

Although they are friends, he will not force each other to change their decision.

Ye Xi raised his hand and solemnly drew a blessing witch pattern on the center of his eyebrows for Fei Er.


I also want!

The puppet big white cat squeezed over, and it lowered its fluffy head in front of Ye Xi, meowing in a delicate and tender way, indicating that it would also paint this.

Ye Xi smiled lightly and said, "Naturally, I won't forget you." It was his life-saving grace. If it hadn't caught himself from the ice river, he wouldn't live now.

Ye Xi is holding a bone stick in one hand, and the emerald light in the other hand painted a blessing witch pattern on the puppet big white cat.

"The position of the patriarch is not as important as your life. If you can't beat it, remember to flee." Ye Xi said to them seriously, "Xicheng will always be your backing."

After sending away Phil and the puppet big white cat, Ye Xi couldn't help sighing.

He has been saying goodbye these days.

Farewell to the tribe, farewell to the elders, farewell to the war beasts, and farewell to friends. They went to the dangerous battlefield and returned to the dangerous group, and they might never go back. But he couldn't fight alongside them, he could only stay in Xicheng, and all he could do was blessings of witchcraft.

Cang Wu touched Ye Xi's sad eyebrows, his expression also became melancholy.

After finally coaxing it, why are you upset again?

Ye Xi was afraid that Cang Wu would run away without saying a word, and smiled at her: "I'm fine."


The distant sea of ​​beasts.

The flock spread its wings and did not hesitate to rush towards an ancestor-level bird of paradise, and it faced the fierce. Every feather of the flock of cats exuded a brilliant purple light in the sun, not only not weaker than the bird of paradise, Even the degree of beauty is not lost to Bird of Paradise.

In the high sky, the wind was scorching, and two huge ferocious birds were caught in a The bird of paradise avoided the white flames of the flock and gave the flock a claw.

The broken feathers fell, and the wings of the bird had three **** deep claw marks.


The flock screamed through the golden cracked stone.

The injury did not make it afraid, a pair of phoenix eyes burned, and the fighting spirit became more and more boiling.

It has never fought such a strong opponent, and has never fought so easily.

As the flock of birds became more and more fierce, the bird of paradise gradually fell into the wind, and another ancestor-level bird of paradise also came to join the battle. Surrounded by the two birds of paradise, a group of emerald rays burst out of the body of the flock of flocks in crisis of life and death. , The light shook two birds of paradise.

On the first day after arriving at the battlefield, the power of the guardian witch pattern that Ye Xi painted for the flock was consumed.

(End of this chapter)

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