The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 944: Dazzling

After eating and drinking, Ye Xi walked around the trading area casually with Ting Lu Er. Over the past few months, a lot of new things have been added to the trading zone.

For example, mattresses made of latex.

The rubber trees planted in Xicheng have a huge area, and the cut rubber used to make shoe soles has a large surplus, so it is used to make mattresses. Latex mattresses are much more comfortable to sleep than animal skins. It's midsummer, and no one wants to sleep on the hot and fluffy animal skins, so the mattress business is extremely hot.

Another example is Lengwuwen bone slices.

Ye Xi doesn't hide his personal secrets, and Xicheng witches always draw cold witch patterns.

In the hot summer weather, Xicheng Wu dared not arbitrarily draw the cold witch pattern for the whole Xicheng to cool down, so he tossed out a weakened version of the cold witch pattern bone piece. This kind of bone fragments has a general effect. Even if it is placed in the water, it cannot make the water freeze, but it can instantly cool the room when placed in the room. It is the new favorite of the trading area.

Of course, most of the cold witch pattern bone slices circulating in the trading area are painted by witch disciples, and the witches and witches will not spend time on this fierce beast.

When the two of them wandered around the trading area, they saw many clan children robbing these two items. Because the supply was less than demand, it caused chaos for a while, making the flame fern above their heads ready to move.

Ye Xi didn't take Lu Er to walk for too long, there are still many things that need them to be busy.

It was busy until late at night that Ye Xi returned to the emerald stone house where she had been away for a few months, took a good bath and then went to sleep.

Early the next morning.

The flock on the red phoenix tree uttered a sweet cry.

The sun rises in the east, and the sunlight quickly turns from red to white, from dark to bright. Large swaths of sunlight penetrate into the iceland stone windows, cast into the empty bedroom, and hit the cold stone bed.

However, Ye Xi on the stone bed was still asleep with his eyes closed. Even if the sun was so full that the skin on his face glowed, Ye Xi showed no sign of waking up.

No way, the outside living environment is too poor compared to Xicheng, and the quality of sleep is not comparable, so even Ye Xi couldn't help but fall asleep.

I do not know how long it has been.

The sunlight cast in the bedroom changed strangely, and saw that the incandescent light was dyed with emerald color bit by bit. In the end, even the ice island stone windows were illuminated with a light green glow.

On the stone bed, Ye Xi's thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as I opened it, my eyes seemed to be stabbed by light, and my pupils couldn't help but shrink.

All sleepiness disappeared, Ye Xi turned over and got out of bed in a daze.

What a rich source of energy!

The source stone of Xicheng was placed in his stone house. Originally, the source stone energy in his bedroom was very strong. Even the naked eye could see the green light. In Wu’s sight, the source stone energy was even more like smoke and mist, like A layer of luminous and flowing emerald veil covered everything.

But now, this light yarn-like source stone energy has suddenly become a turbulent ocean current!

Rich to violent, heavy to rushing, almost sweeping everything.

Being in such a rich source stone energy, the body and spirit are at the extreme, but his sight is too irritated, and he almost can't see things around him clearly.

"Bang! Bang!"

The heart beating in the left chest.

I was stimulated by this early in the morning.

Ye Xi closed her eyes.

Ordinary people are okay. For witches above the level of the great witch, the emerald light is really radiant to the extent that it obscures the line of sight.

He didn't know how to adjust his vision, and Da Yuan Wu never taught him such knowledge.

After standing there for a while, Ye Xi decided to walk out of the room with his eyes closed.

At the door.

Ting Lu Er and a group of clan warriors are surrounding the stone box to remove the source stone.

One after another, the huge source stones broke free from the shackles of silkworm cloth, like top jade with the stone skin removed and gems removed from the dirt, blooming with a thrilling brilliance.

There were many Xicheng people in the distance, all of them were short of breath, and their eyes were blood red, but they did not dare to approach Ye Xi's residence.

Hearing that Lu Er saw Ye Xi coming out, he said casually: "Are you awake?"

Ye Xi opened his eyes.

The energy rays of the source stone are too bright. There are a few large source stones even two meters high, which is incredible. Ye Xi closed her eyes again when she was stimulated, and she felt blinded by the flash. But he finally opened his eyes.

Ye Xi: "Why did you bring so many source stones?"

Listening Lu Er shrugged and said lightly: "Almost all of our source stones are here."

Ye Xi took a deep breath.

He once again felt deeply that the clan really pressed Bao on him.

Hearing that Ye Xi hadn't spoken for a long time, he said with a hippie smile: "It's all for you, am I moved? I'm okay if I tear it down here now?"

When in the clan territory, for fear of attracting a wave of fierce beasts, no one dared to dismantle so many source stones.

But there is no need to be afraid in Xicheng. Whether it is a super tribe in the Eastern Continent or a fierce beast, the clan people don't put them in their eyes, and they have no scruples.

Facing so many source stones, listening to the green ears is also tickling. I want to know how strong the energy is after untying the silkworm cloth, so I can't wait to tear it down early in the morning.

Ye Xi also knew this very well: "Take it all down, it's safe here."

The chief Gongtao hesitated for a while, then walked over and whispered to Ye Xi: "Master Xi Wu, when you were away, Jiugong sent several waves of people to sneak into our Xicheng, and they were all killed by Lord Feir. There are so many source stones... I am afraid that Jiugong will be more unbearable. There are other super tribes..."

Ye Xi said indifferently, "They dare not, don't care about them."

After pondering for a while, Ye Xi changed his mind again: "Are there nine workers in the trading zone now?"

"Yes! There are about two hundred nine workers in our trading area." Chief Gongtao paused and explained in shame, "These people didn't cause trouble when they were in the trading area, so we didn't act on them."

In fact, it is afraid of causing greater conflict.

They were afraid that they would really provoke Jiugong, and Jiugong will attack Xicheng, and Xicheng will not be able to hold it. Therefore, in this regard, it is inevitable that there is a sense of holding back.

Ye Xi: "Let the nine workers in the trading zone send a few talkable afternoons to see me. In addition, other super tribes and big tribes, let them send representatives."

"There is a meeting in the Senate in the afternoon. In addition to them, the chiefs and witches of all tribes in Xicheng also need to attend. I have something to tell you."

Chief Gongtao was stunned: "Yes!"

Why should people outside Xicheng also come here?

He looked at the exaggerated number of source rocks around and looked at the busy clan warriors, and then thought of the children, vaguely aware that this matter may be related to these people from the sea of ​​fierce beasts.

Obviously it seems to be a good thing now.

Whether it is the source stone or the child, it is beneficial and harmless to Xicheng.

But Chief Gongtao had a frightening feeling. This feeling even cooled his brain that was inflated by the source stone. He didn't dare to ask more and retired.

After Chief Gongtao left, Ye Xi said to Listening Luer: "Come to the afternoon meeting, too."

Hearing Lu Er unexpectedly: "Can we go too?"

"It's okay." Ye Xi smiled. "What I said is related to you, why can't you go."

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