The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 926: Silver Ant Long River

   The children were bound for a day, and after liberation, all of them sang like monkeys everywhere. Li Lan Liyuan and the group of little cubs quickly got together, climbing stone hills, digging poisonous insect dens, and saiyazi playing wildly.

   "There is a scorpion here!"

   Tanuki yelled in surprise, and pulled out a blue poisonous scorpion from the gravel.

   The blue scorpion is not a vegetarian either. With a flick of the tail needle, he immediately pierced the raccoon ball.


   Liyuan let go after eating pain, his right hand quickly turned red and swollen, and a ring of small blisters formed. But he didn't panic at all, took out a small detoxification fruit from his pocket, wiped his mouth.

   Li Lan shouted: "Grab it!"

   A group of raccoon cubs chased the blue poisonous scorpion. The poisonous scorpions rushed from left to right, but the group of cubs tragically fell into the hands of bear children and was played with their tails.

   The raccoon cubs played for a while, feeling boring, threw the poisonous scorpion away, and inadvertently stepped on the snake's nest.

  In a flash, hundreds of brown desert snakes were drilled out of the seemingly quiet hole in the rock mound. They swam and fled in all directions, fast.


   "So many wow!"

   This is not only the Tanuki and the others, the children of the clan all around are shining with eyes, and they are extremely excited, as if they have found some fun toys, and they are chasing after them.

   Hearing Green Ear frowned, he issued two orders to the soldiers accompanying him.

   "Immediately clean up all the poisonous insects and poisons around, don't waste the detoxification fruit."

   "Anan, Wei Yao, Tingguang, guys should pay attention, don’t let your children run too far away from the team."

   After thinking about it, Lu Er felt that it was still unsafe, and then ordered: "Let all the pterosaurs stay outside and form a circle. Cubs are too skinny. Be careful."

   There are still a few batches of children that need to be sent. They must rush to Xicheng as soon as possible, and they must not make mistakes and waste time.



   The soldiers listened to orders.

   Wei Yao took out a heavy large stone jar from the package.

   I don't know what is in the stone jar, the waistband did not open, but lifted it up and shook it vigorously.

   In an instant, countless small bugs lurking in the gravel came out, endless, endless, and even nests of silver ants were huge in number, and after climbing out, they merged into a shining river.

   Something big seems to have crawled away deep in the ground, and several pieces of land have collapsed deeply.

   The changes made the children stunned.

   They didn't expect that there are so many bugs hidden in this seemingly deserted place!

  Because they were so shocked, the little boys didn't get to catch them at the first time. Instead, they opened their eyes and watched the silver ant migrating army quickly crawl west.

   These silver ants are so beautiful.

   They are shining silver, and they gather together as if the Milky Way is flowing to the west, shining brightly, and finally flowing quickly beyond the pterosaur circle.

   "Catch it!!"

   Li Lan kicked and shouted.

   The children also reacted to chase immediately.

   Such beautiful silver ants must grab them and hide them in their skin bags, or string them into necklaces and wear them around their necks!

   But the pterosaurs have formed a circle under the command of the soldiers, and their towering bodies blocked the children's path.

   A powerful child leaped vigorously and jumped onto the back of the pterosaur like an awakened warrior. He was about to exit the encirclement circle, but was caught by the long beak of the pterosaur and flung back into the circle again.

"Ran away……"

   Liyuan stood in the gap between the two pterosaurs, and saw the silver ant Dahe burrow into the ground and disappeared, and murmured disappointedly.

   At this moment, its flying raccoon paced up to him, bowed his head and nudged him.

   After the raccoon looked at it, Feitian raccoon opened his mouth and spit out a bunch of silver ants.


   Tanuki immediately became excited, and squatted down to catch the silver ant.

  The other flying raccoons also paced to their little master. Because silver ants are not poisonous, they more or less caught some to make the little master happy.

   The children of the Cang and Ting clan did not have the flying raccoon, they looked at them with envy, and then looked up at the big pterodactyl aggrieved and expectantly.

   The pterosaurs lowered their heads.

   A pair of ice-yellow-pink indifferent eyes looked at them.

   The heavy cargo on the backs of these pterosaurs has not been removed yet, like a thick tortoise shell.

   It’s too time-consuming to move the cargo down and load it up. There are so few soldiers in the team that can’t do it, so these pterosaurs have to carry the cargo all the time, even if they sleep at night, until they reach Xicheng.

   But Ye Xi’s witchcraft, their spirits are not bad.

   There was a pterosaur who seemed unable to resist the bright eyes of the children, and finally stretched out its claws to dig in the gravel.

   In the expectant eyes of the Ting and Cang children, the pterosaur looked like digging something and protruding its claws from the gravel. Then the claws opened, and a big ugly rock fell out.

  Ting's child: "..."

   Cang children: "..."

   The raccoon child was very happy: "Cocococo!"

  Ting's and Cang's children were angry, and they fought with Li's children.

   Although a group of children have left their hometown, it is still very lively to get together, and there is no sadness of homesickness at all.

   After a while, it was noisy and hit.

   The children noticed that clouds and vapors gathered at low altitude and gradually merged into a dense jet black vortex The clouds were very low, as if they could reach it by reaching out.

   Children are already familiar with this scene.

"It is going to rain!"


   They scrambled to rush under the dark clouds.

   These children are not thirsty. Pterosaurs can drink water on their backs, and there are even delicious fruits in the flying raccoon pouch. They just want to fill the empty water sac with some water, and play in the rain by the way.

   They chased after them, but they didn’t expect that Yunqi Vortex would see them coming and ran away...


   The little boys were not discouraged, and ran after the dark clouds all the way, and finally ran to the stone hill where Ye Xi was.

   Before the children noticed, the soldiers placed hundreds of stone jars in rows. After the dark clouds floated over the stone tank, it started to rain heavily.

   Soon the stone tank was full.

   "Please line up for me, don't jump in!"

   Listening to the green ears yelling loudly, let the group of small carrot heads line up and fill the stone jars with water.

   The little carrot heads were also obedient, and obediently took out the water sacs to line up, just jumping up and down a little unfaithfully.

   "It's pretty obedient."

   Ye Xi smiled and watched this scene, and then controlled the dark clouds to float to the original place.

   The dark clouds expanded and became thinner, covering all pterosaurs and flying raccoons, and it started to rain slightly or less.

   Raindrops fell on the dry gravel and rocks, and were quickly swallowed and disappeared, as if it had never been before.

   But more and more raindrops are falling, and the edge of the desert, which has been dry all the year round, is finally soaked and drenched, and all the red is darkened by a color number.

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