The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 922: Before leaving

   Gun Haizi took Ye Xi back to the Cang clan territory as quickly as possible.

   At this time, the Cang clan was very busy, people and beasts were coming and going, the gaps in the house were full of things, and Cang Kang was standing on the stone roof in the dust and commanding dispatch.

   The team is about to leave in the morning. They are making the final preparations. Everyone will start to work before dawn.

   Seeing Ye Xi, Cang Kang was greatly relieved and asked with a smile.

   "How are you playing in the sea?"

   Ye Xi was a little embarrassed.

   Cang Kang probably thought he was a playful person.

   "It's okay." Ye Xi changed the subject after saying a word, "I'll say goodbye to Da Yuan Wu."

   "Don't go to the bone tower, Da Yuan Wu is not in the bone tower, he is in the open space to the east."

   "The Great Yuan Witch actually installed the bone tower?!" Ye Xi was shocked.

"Yeah, maybe Da Yuan Wu wants to say goodbye to the children. You don't need to rush to find Da Yuan Wu. If you have a chance before you go, you should go back to your stone house and check what you want to bring. Right."


   "By the way, let Old Swift take you this time, how about it?"

   "Of course it couldn't be better, thank you Master Cangkang."

   "Master Xi Wu is too polite."

   Cangkang hurriedly finished talking with Ye Xi, and immediately commanded everyone.

   Ye Xi saw that Cangkang was so busy and didn't say much. After saying goodbye to Cangkang, he jumped off the roof and prepared to go to his residence.

   Gun Haizi does not go to his stone house with Ye Xi, he is going to the open land east of the clan.

   There are also several clan warriors who left with the children this time. Those clan warriors will be stationed in Xicheng in the future. And among these soldiers are some of his old friends, he has to say goodbye to them.

   After all, I don’t know when to see you again.


   Ye Xi walked towards her stone house alone.

   Before he saw the stone house, he first saw a huge red-brown pterodactyl.

   This pterodactyl squatted on the open space in front of his stone house with the wing membrane closed. It had a strong aura, and the stone house behind him was tightly blocked. The originally very spacious open space seemed extremely cramped because of its existence.

   There is also a group of Cang Warriors busy beside it.

   With their upper bodies naked, they continuously brought in various stone boxes and boxes from elsewhere.

   "Brother Ye Xi!"

   There was a clear and pleasant cry.

   "Brother Ye Xi, you are finally back!" Azhi jumped to Ye Xi with a cheerful smile on her face. Obviously, she was in a very good mood because she was going back to Xicheng today.

   Ye Xi looked at the ice pink big stone box in her arms: "What is this?"

   Azhi opened the stone box.

   is full of fresh mulberry leaves.

   This ice-pink stone box should be made of some kind of strange stone, and I can feel a little chill when I get close.

   Cang Xin came out from nowhere and explained: "The clan has prepared a lot of mulberry leaves for her. This kind of stone box can preserve the mulberry leaves for a long time, and it won’t rot even for a few years."

   Ye Xi turned around and greeted with a smile: "Master Cang Xin will leave with the team?"

   Cang Xin: "I will not leave."

   If Cang Kang died in the tide of fierce beasts, she would be the next Cang clan leader to be prepared. She would immediately take over the baton and be responsible for leading the entire clan, so she could not leave.

   This was also expected. Ye Xi was surprised, and after a few words with Cang Xin, he asked, "Who owns the other stone boxes?"

   Cang Xin: "Nature is yours."


"so much??"

   Cang Xin: "Didn't the Great Yuan Wu say that he would give you a part of the source stone, beast cores, and other things like strange flowers and weeds?

   Ye Xi exhaled gently.

   He knew that the clan would give him such useful things as the source stone, fierce beast core, etc., but he didn't expect that the clan would send so many things. I am afraid that these things would not fit in a few stone houses.



   Two fierce Cang fighters passed by carrying a large stone box. Footprints were left on the ground where they walked. One can imagine how heavy the stone box was.

   Cang Xin said, "The stone tools inside are for you to use or give to your people. Master Xi Wu will look at the arrangement."

   Ye Xi said gratefully: "You are interested, thank you."

Most of the stones of the    clan stone tools are collected from the Dashixu.

   Although the Feathers and Jiuyi tribes also collect stones in Dashixu, the history of the clan is much longer than those of the two. The top batch of stones in Dashixu may have been collected by the clan early.

   Therefore, this gift is also extremely precious, and its preciousness is no less than that of the source stone.

   Cang Xin: "You are welcome, Master Xi Wu, go to the house to tidy up. We dare not enter your stone house without your permission, so the things in the house have not been tidyed up."

   "Okay, I will go now."

   Ye Xi walked around the huge brown-red pterodactyl and walked into his stone house.

   There are many things in the stone house, but these are prepared by the clan for him, and he is not going to take them away. After thinking about it, Ye Xi held up a pot of Chuisi Begonia that the lord of the Li clan had paid him.

   Cang Xin waited for him at the door.

   Seeing Ye Xi, he took a basin of Chuisi Begonia and said, "That's it?"

   Ye Xi nodded.

   Cang Xin didn't say much, and brought Ye Xi to the side of a small stone box that had not been sealed, put the Chuisi Begonia in it, carefully covered the stone cover and secured the stone box with a string.

   Another hour has passed since everyone was busy.

   Everything is moved in and packed.

In order to prevent things from falling during the flight, the soldiers stacked stone boxes and wooden boxes and other containers together, covered them with huge animal skins, and then tied them tightly with ropes to form a six-meter-high and ten-meter-wide one. Giant cuboid.

   Then all the soldiers squatted Arm muscles swelled and lifted things up the pterosaur back.

   The pterosaur folded its wings together and lowered its body to the ground.


   "Let's work hard together!"

   The soldiers yelled and moved a little bit on the back of the pterosaur.

  Their strength is also big enough. Even though the weight of this cuboid is amazing, it actually lifted like an ant lifting an elephant, but the cuboid turned over when it reached the back of the pterosaur.


   Something slammed into the ground with an explosive sound, and a clearly visible circle of dust shook away.

   This pterosaur was almost smashed into its paws. Fortunately, its paws shrank quickly, otherwise it would suffer a work injury.

   Cang Xin made a decisive decision and calmly issued an order: "Go and call a few people over, no, find a few birds over and let them move together."

   Birds can grasp the top of the cuboid, so it is not easy to roll over.

   Ye Xi said: "No need to be so troublesome."

   Everyone looked at Ye Xi.

Azhi's eyes were gleaming, thinking that Ye Xi was about to use some novel witchcraft, but he heard Ye Xi say: "First put a rope under the thing, and then let it lie down on it, you stand on its belly. Tie the rope to fix it, isn't it enough?"



   Everyone stared at each other.

  Because the things prepared for Ye Xi are extremely expensive, the containers are all stone boxes made of good stone. Even if this pterosaur is extremely large, pressing it on it should not crush them.

   So it seems... OK?



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