The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 920: Light film


   Cangwu looked sideways at Ye Xi.

   Ye Xi lowered his head, and started talking about the forest fire and the Tingshi.

   He didn't conceal Cangwu's thoughts, and he explained the roots behind the chief beast, the wave of fierce beasts, the plan of the ancestral witch, and the sea caves. It took an hour to talk about it.

   When all was finished, Ye Xi looked at Cangwu a little nervously.

   He didn't avenge the shark human race, but reached a cooperation with the clan. I don't know if Cangwu will blame him.

   Cangwu was still thinking, but after seeing Ye Xi's anxiety, he immediately smiled at him: "It seems that the Haikulong issue can be resolved."

   Ye Xi was greatly relieved.

   Cangwu: "You said using corals to make up, do you want to make up this sea hole with red sand coral?"

   Ye Xi smiled approvingly: "Yes."

   Cangwu touched Ye Xi's cheek: "Okay, I see, you go back to the clan, I will finish the rest."

   "Awu, do you want to go back to the sea area of ​​the scorpion race and go to the red sand coral island to get corals?"

   Cangwu nodded: "Yeah."

   "It's too much time to come and go. When I come back, there are all sea monsters." Ye Xi took out something from his arms, "What do you think this is?"

   Cangwu's eyes lit up instantly, and he was surprised: "When did you pretend?!"

   Ye Xi's palm was a guide spar sealed with red sand coral!

   "As we are about to leave the coral island."

   Because there are two people's names on the red sand coral pillars, he quietly made a guide spar, thinking that he would have time to see it later, but unexpectedly came in handy and saved them a lot of effort.

   "Is the coral in this spar still alive?"

   After Cangwu's surprise, his mind quickly calmed down.

   Ye Xi: "Don't worry, their vitality is very tenacious. Although they are dormant, they are guaranteed to regain their vitality after coming out."

   Cangwu nodded, staring at the sea hole beside them.

The    sea cave is really too big. The widest part is more than sixty miles long. If the red sand coral is reproduced slowly from the edge, the coral will collapse to a certain length, and then fall into the sea cave.

   Red silt corals have weight and cannot reproduce in suspension. They need to grow on something.

   Ye Xi saw that Cangwu remained silent, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

   "I was thinking that it is not enough to have red sand coral. The surface of the sea hole needs to be supported. Why don't I use shark silk to weave a net here."

"No need to."


   Ye Xi held the bone stick without chanting the witch curse, and squeezed it casually.

  The bottom of the stick seemed to have touched the entity, the sea lightly trembled, and a layer of blue light swayed away from the bone stick as a starting point.

   After a short while, the entire sea cave tens of miles wide was covered with a translucent light film.

   This layer of light film looks extremely thin, almost transparent, but if you look closely, you can find that sea water cannot penetrate the light film and surging back and forth.

Many fluorescent plankton settled down and attached to the light film. The light film was attractive to them, and they were unwilling to leave after falling. So the light blue light film was mixed with fluorescent blue, and the whole light film showed a peculiar appearance. Magnificent and moving colors.

   Cang Wu looked back vigilantly.

   The pupil looked at the distance and swept back and forth.

   Ye Xi deserves to be her partner, and immediately thought of what Cang Wu was worried about, and explained: "Don't worry, it won't attract sea monsters, but it will attract these little things."

   He learned this trick from Da Yuan Wu. It’s not a new witchcraft, it’s a more flexible use of witchcraft, which is very practical.

   Cangwu completely relieved, and said with joy: "It seems that you have all arranged."

   Ye Xi smiled lightly at her.

"let's start."

   He crushed the guide spar.

   After touching the sea, the dormant red silt coral seemed to come alive. The pottery-red miniature hydras immediately unfolded, blooming like flowers, stretching out like a big lazy waist after a long sleep.

   Ye Xi's palm glows slightly, injecting vitality into this small red sand coral, allowing them to rejuvenate faster.

   Soon, the vitality of the red sand coral reached its peak. He no longer nourished them with witch power. After breaking them apart and gently crushing them, he threw them towards the light film under his feet.

   The red sand coral is actually composed of countless small pottery-red mini hydras. The hydra resembles an anemone, only the size of a sesame. After being rubbed, they are scattered on the light film, which is more inconspicuous than fluorescent plankton.

   Ye Xi chanted witchcraft with a bone stick.

   The light film transpires with misty sunlight.

   All the small hydras are greedily devouring fluorescent plankton.

   Their fluffy tentacles continue to stretch, stuffing fluorescent plankton into the body, and then a small transparent blister quickly grows in the center. The small blisters exploded quickly, and the newly born super mini hydra came out.

   Often, hundreds of newborn small hydras can be born in a small blister.

   The newborn small Hydra is attached to the light film. It grows almost as long as it sees water when it breathes in and out, and grows almost as big as an old Hydra in a few blinks.

   They also stretch out their fluffy tentacles, greedily catching the fluorescent plankton on the light film.

   After eating, there is another round of small blisters, and a new round of Hydra is born.

   Soon the blue-green light film seemed to be moldy, and the pottery red patches became more and more. It was a change from nothing, exponentially multiplying.

   Ye Xi kept chanting witchcraft.

  Witchcraft cannot replicate life. His witchcraft only raises the life level of to make them reproduce faster and faster.

   Cangwu looked at it for a while, and swam far away with his silvery tail.

   When the red sand corals multiply more, the fluorescent plankton on the light film will not be enough for them to swallow. She has to find some suitable meat to feed them.

   Cang Wu looked for among the sea monster corpses piled up in the sea.

Red sand coral likes the mixture of fish and snail meat. She quickly picked a dead corner stone. The corner stone was too large to drag. She cut a few tons of meat with her nails and dragged it next to the sea hole, and then quickly dragged it. The carcass of a big fish came back.


   Cang fog silver shark tail continuous shooting.

   Her strength is as strong as a mountain is hammering, and the corner stone meat is hammered into mud in two or three strokes. The fish corpse is only intact with the skin, and the meat inside is muddy with bone spurs.

   Cangwu flicked his tail and lifted all the flesh to the light film.

   The muddy flesh turned into a sea of ​​snow.

   There are many tons of meat mud, but it is too little for a light film that is dozens of miles wide.

   Cangwu immediately went to drag the new snail meat and fish carcasses.

   Ye Xi watched Cang Wu's busy back and stopped chanting, then turned to look at the giant webbed lying not far away.

   This big guy has been guarding his vicinity, and his two huge indigo apricot eyes sometimes look into the distance, sometimes Ye Xi, and sometimes Cangwu.

   It hasn't seen a shark yet, and it has cast more eyes on Cangwu than on Ye Xi, the object of protection, like seeing some kind of magical creature.

   "Can you help?"

   Ye Xi asked.

  The four big fins of the sea giant fins stand up.

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