The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 914: Luxury

   "What happened to Brother Ye Xi?"

   Ye Xi retracted his gaze, turned his head and asked Azhi: "How about the clan these past two days? Has anyone bleeds for resisting this decision?"

   "What decision?"

   Ye Xi was choked by Azhi.

   He forgot that she didn't care about the clan at all.

   Ye Xi looked around and found that the Cang clan seemed to be much less. After thinking about it, Ye Xi jumped onto the roof of a higher stone house next to him, and looked farther, but found that it was still not high enough and his vision was not wide enough, so he simply jumped onto the bone tower.

   Of course, he did not jump to the top of the bone tower, but to a height of two hundred meters, standing on a thick, snow-white giant rib, looking into the distance.

   "Brother Ye Xi?"

   Azhi grabbed the silk and came up.

   Ye Xi touched her head.

   Azhi obediently stopped speaking, and stood beside Ye Xi to bask in the hot sun, looking around boredly.

   Ye Xi looked around, his eyes finally set to the west.

   On the western open space filled with yellow dust, an astonishing number of giant pterosaurs are gathering together. Looking over it, they are densely packed with hundreds of thousands at least. Obviously, some pterosaurs were bigger than Cystacanthosaurus, but because of the distance they were too far away, they were just as big as a pterodactyl.

   The smaller ones are the busy people around them, who are so small that they are not as small as ants.

These giant pterosaurs are not unique to the Cang clan. The Cang clan does not have so many giant pterosaurs. These are all recruited from the twelve clans. The species are different. Some are blue, some are red, some are long-scaly, and some They have long feathers and some have long horns. The only common feature is their large size.

   Someone threw a thick rope on the back of the giant pterosaur, and then hung it from the other end. They wrapped the rope around the body of the pterosaur and tied the rope into a dead knot.

   Then someone carried saddle-like cushions and tied them one by one to the pterosaur's back. A dozen or twenty cushions are often tied to the back of a pterosaur.

   Ye Xi's eyes turned slightly.

   I saw someone lying on the horn on top of the horned pterosaur.

   The unicorn pterosaur's horns were as thick as a canoe. The soldier stood on it, shirtless and barefoot, and placed a little doll about three years old on the corner.

Because the unicorn was slanted and the texture was very smooth, the little doll slid back uncontrollably. He quickly opened his chubby arms, but the unicorn was too thick, even if he opened his arms, he couldn’t hold it to a fixed body, so Still sliding back.

   The unicorn pterosaur subconsciously lowered his head, making his unicorn parallel to the ground.

  The soldier picked up the little doll and put it on the ground.

He went back to the pterodactyl horn and put a layer of soft and thick animal skin on the pterodactyl horn to make the pterodactyl horn no longer slippery, and then put the little baby back on the unicorn again and tied him tightly with a rope. .

   The little doll was lying on the unicorn with her back turned upside down, her body tied to death. Even if the pterosaur raised her head and the unicorn was at a 90-degree right angle to the ground, the little doll no longer slipped.

   Pterosaur shook his head in order to make sure that the child on his body was really tight.

   A group of adults around him stared at the child who was tied to the horn, to ensure that if the child fell, he could catch it in time.

   "They are preparing for the trip."

   A deep voice came from behind.

   It turned out that Cang Kang came.

   "The child is not as stable as a soldier. If he flies faster, he may be thrown off, so I have to hurry up and put something on the pterodactyl these two days.

   The poor clan never saddled war beasts before, and now for the safety of the children, they are studying how to pretend to make the children safer.

   "How about Master Xi Wu, have you been doing well in the Bone Pagoda these past two days?" Cang Kang asked with a smile.

   Ye Xi nodded: "Very rewarding."

  His attention is still on the pterodactyl group in the distance.

The people over there are very busy, piles of things put on the back of the pterosaurs. Some pterosaurs seem to be specially used for carrying goods. There is no "dragon saddle" on their backs, but the various items are stacked like Like a small hill, the pterosaur's back looked like a long snail shell from a distance.

   People still don’t let it go. They wrap a rope around its legs, and then tie the end of the rope to an amazingly large stone box.

   The pterosaur patted its wings for a test flight. The things tied to his feet did not fall, but the goods on his back poured down like a landslide, and a group of people hurriedly cleaned up.

   "Ah." Azhi also saw it and exclaimed softly.

   Cangkang also saw the pterosaur that had dropped something, and shook his head: "It seems that the rope is not tied tightly. The other end seems to be Cangmo's. Now their family has to clean up again."

   "Wait!" Ye Xi turned his head to look at him incredulously.

   "The things on the back of this pterodactyl... won't all belong to the same family?"

   "Yes, Cang Mo prepared it for the children in their family."

   "How many kids?"

   "Five, or six?"

   "Do five or six kids have to prepare so much?" Ye Xi babbled.

   Cangkang shook his head: "That's not too much."

   Ye Xi: "Huh?"

Cangkang: "For example, the eight-year-old boy in my family is still three or four years away from awakening. He consumes at least five boxes of exotic flowers, plants and fruits, five cylinders of different springs and animal milk every year. These are all for the body. There is no shortage of basic things Adding the weight of three to four years, it seems too much."

   "Our cub is quite old, so we can prepare less, like Cangmo's two-year-old baby, so we have to prepare for at least ten years."

   Ye Xi wanted to speak but stopped.

   He wanted to say that these Xicheng could provide for the children, but he swallowed before he could speak.

Xicheng has only developed in the past few years. The foundation is thinner than the super tribe, let alone the clan. The strange flowers and grasses in Xicheng that nourish the body may not be appreciated, and there are too many children in the clan, Xicheng wants to be like The original specifications of the clan to raise clan children are basically impossible.

Cangkang said again: "The child's body grows fast. I heard that the weather in Xicheng is not as hot as ours, and there are big winters and small winters, so you have to bring animal skins and animal skin blankets. Of course, the animal skin blankets are missing. It’s okay. The ordinary animal skins won’t freeze. Just prepare one or two, mainly clothes. You have to prepare one suit every year and you have to prepare a box."

   Ye Xi nodded, but sighed in his heart.

The    clan even had to bring animal skins.

   But it can also be understood that a good animal skin clothing can play a protective role, which is equivalent to armor. It can save your life in a critical moment. The animal skin clothing worn by the children of the clan must be much more advanced than the children of Xicheng.

   "There is more preparation for the beast core."

"You said that you have a big trading area in Xicheng, with a lot of things in it, and there are new and delicious things. A father, Eminem, I don’t want their cubs to not be able to buy things there, they can only be greedy. It’s a child of someone else’s family, so beast cores can’t be missing. At least a few tanks must be prepared?

   Ye Xi was surprised: "How many... cylinders?!"

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