The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 905: The smoking cave mouth

"we are back!"

There was a shout from above.

I saw two fierce birds clutching huge skin bags and prey flying down from the gap in the top of the mountain.

The soldiers gathered around happily, and Cang Xin ended his contemplation and stood up.

A Zhu and Shipan jumped off the back of the fierce bird, untied the animal skin bag and began to divide the water bag. The water sacs of the Cang Warriors were almost the same, and everyone didn't care who owned them, and each took a few bags at random.

Only Ye Xi's water pouch is special. It is a handicraft carefully made by Xicheng craftsmen, especially delicate.

A Zhu held it in both hands and returned it to Ye Xi.

Ye Xi's Ting Lu Er casually threw a white loquat fruit for A to cook, then swept him up and down, and said with some envy, "Did you wash it through with a stream outside?"

A Zhu stroked his wet hair and raised his eyebrows.

Like I said, don't ask such obvious questions.

After eating the white loquat fruit in two bites, Ah Zhu rounded his arms and waved his hand to throw the fruit core from the gap in the top of the mountain.

"Give me some more."

A cooked right listen to the green ear canal.

This time, most of the white loquat fruits in the team were placed in Ting Lu Er.

Listen to Green Ear toss him five white loquats. A Zhu threw two white loquats to his fierce bird, and the other three white loquats to the stone pan.

Although everyone has only been on the cephalococcus site for a short while, the possibility of worms and eggs in the body is extremely small, but they still dare not take it lightly. Not only people, but also fierce birds have to eat.

Cang Xin announced: "First take a rest here, and after eating, we leave here."

Everyone has no objections.

The soldiers who had already inspected the eggs began to divide the prey meat.

Both Ah Zhu and the stone plate have peeled their prey and cleaned them by the stream. Now they only need to cut the meat and roast it over the fire.

There was no firewood around, a Cang warrior rode out on a mount, and when he returned, he dragged back a withered shrub. Then he broke it directly into small pieces of dry wood with his hands. His posture was relaxed and his voice was crisp, as if he was breaking tofu.

The crowds in the cave were working in twos and threes.

The fire gradually rose.

The temperature of the originally shady cave rose, and the red flames reflected on the mountain wall and the faces of everyone, and the familiar aroma of barbecue was permeated.

Ye Xi looked at the jumping flames, and suddenly began to wonder.

At the beginning, I made an appointment with Cang Wu to go back one month at the latest, which counts as days. Now half a month has passed, and I don't know if she is in a hurry.

The submarine channel is almost certainly made by the Gun clan, but he has not investigated the grievances between the Gun clan and the Gun Clan. He directly asked the Gun clan that he might touch the restricted area. The consequences are immeasurable. Maybe he can visit Dayuan once. Wu Wu, please tell him the answer?

At least Da Yuan Wu would not attack him.

By the way, he is going to take the children back to Xicheng this time, maybe Cang Wu has to go back through the submarine channel alone.

After leaving Xicheng for so long, the tribe must have begun to worry.

In Ye Xi's mind, Tu Shanwu frowned and looked at the distance. After a while, the scene of Duan Ling looking at the beach blankly appeared again, thinking about it, and guilt began to spread.

At first he just wanted to find Cangwu, but he never expected that he would finally find the Sea of ​​Beasts...


A crisp sound close to my ear interrupted Ye Xi's wandering state.

I saw Old Swift stepped on a thick branch with his foot, and then grabbed the broken branch together.

Ye Xi was taken aback and smiled: "Are you going to make a fire?"


Old Swift answered.

Ye Xi got up and helped the old Swift to chop the thick branches together, and the old Swift gang set up the fire.

After seeing the fire, Old Swift squatted down next to him, stretched out his right wing, and simmered on the flames.


A big question mark suddenly appeared in Ye Xi's mind.

Listening to the green ears laughed loudly: "Does it want to roast its wings?!"

Cang Xin walked over, with a smile in his eyes: "It's afraid that the eggs on his body will not be cleaned, so he will roast it with fire." The old Swift is a fierce bird of the ancestor level. Its feathers are not that easy, but the eggs are It's very fragile, and it will be over if burned by fire.

Ye Xi was stunned.

It turned out to be a cleanliness bird!

After the old Swift burned the left and right wings once, he gathered the steaming wings, and then raised his paws and started to step on the fire. After squatting the fire, he actually rolled on the fire and made the ground all over. Mars.


"Choo Choo Choo!"

Seeing that their predecessors did this, the other Swifts all learned how to make a fire and bake their wings.

In the fairly spacious cave, dozens of blazing flames suddenly lit up, the walls of the cave were glowing red by the fire, and the temperature was rising.

Dozens of fires were emitting white smoke, they floated upward together, and finally gathered together in a curled manner and floated out of the cave above their heads.

The little gray eagles guarding the entrance of the cave watched the entrance of the cave actually smoke like a volcano.


All the little gray eagles tilted their heads together, and their golden brown round eyes were full of doubts.

The little gray eagle in the distance flew over and landed on the swaying tree branch at the entrance of the cave, followed by another, another, and another.

Finally, the tree canopy at the entrance of the cave was full of small gray eagles. All the small gray eagles were gathered together, their heads lowered, and they looked into the cave curiously.

"It's so hot!"

In the cave, the green ear fanned depressedly.

A Zhu beside him smiled, stretched out his fingers to stick a strand of wet hair to the side and flung out a few drops of water, but this time it was not stream water, but hot sweat.

"Wash it for nothing."

Cang Xin crossed his arms and sat in the middle of the flames, closing his eyes and saying nothing, as if he hadn't heard A Zhu's complaint.

Ye Xi was also hot, with sweat on her white forehead.

Now the fierce falcons have joined the grilling ranks, and the temperature in the cave has soared again. However, he also understands these fierce birds. If the eggs are hidden in the feathers, it is really difficult to find them. It is best to use high temperature to inactivate the eggs that may exist.

It's just that the white smoke and flames in the cave made him dazzled and dizzy.

When he raised his head inadvertently, Ye Xi suddenly found that the entrance of the cave was full of Xiaoying's heads looking down. He slapped his spirits, and people immediately became energetic.

Ye Xi was dumbfounded by these curious little eagles.

Cang Xin opened his eyes with a loud and powerful voice, and said to all the fierce birds: "Okay, you can put out the fire."

The Swift and the Falcon, who were rolling on the ground, got up from the sparks. The Swift and the Falcon, who were addicted to grilling their wings and roasting, were reluctant to give up. After a while, they put out the fire.

The fire went out, but the temperature in the cave did not drop so quickly. Ye Xi couldn't stand such a hot temperature, so he painted a cold witch pattern on the ground.

The temperature in the cave cools down suddenly.


Listening to Lu Er let out a refreshing sigh, UU reading www. Other fighters on also felt comfortable.

Ye Xi chanted the witch mantra in a low voice again, and a strong wind rolled up the thick white smoke in the cave and poured into the hole above his head.

The little gray eagles squatting at the entrance of the cave and looking at the lively, caught off guard a gust of soot-laden wind roaring from the entrance of the cave.


The feathers of the little gray eagles were blown into tights, tightly clinging to the flesh, their eyes glaring round and bells, like extremely frightened owls, with their long legs and claws clinging to the branches. .

After the wind blows, a bunch of kitty feathers explode, and the tail ends are all soot, like a dirty hairball just shaved out of the ashes.

The little eagles looked at each other, all withered, and a little eagle tilted its body and fell from the branch.

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