The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 896: proposal

   The magic power invaded the neck of the stone plate like a snake.

   This time the magic power is not dark green, because it doesn't have any curse corrosive effect, but it is green, mild, with a slight healing effect.

   When these magical powers penetrated the skin and reached the worm eggs located on the cervical vertebrae, one of the worm eggs had completely hatched, and was twisting the small body that had not grown up, and was moving forward.

   But it did not succeed.

  Because a gentle and powerful force wrapped it up.

   It seems to be wrapped in a sticky ball of rosin, and it cannot break free.

   Shipan's chest was violently ups and downs, his breathing was heavy, and he felt the tendons in his neck jump suddenly.

   He lowered his eyes vigorously to look at his neck, but he couldn't see it at all, so he raised his head and looked around for help.

   At this moment, the Cang clan lord, Gun clan lord, and others all surrounded him, and everyone's eyes were on him. But they looked at his neck, and no one noticed his gaze.

   Some of these people's eyes were amazed and some were surprised. Looking at these eyes, the hair on the stone pan became more and more straight.

   Ye Xi carefully controlled Wu Li.

   The pores at the neck of the stone plate have been opened by a blood hole about the size of a sesame seed, and blood drops slowly oozing out. This sesame-sized blood hole grew bigger and bigger, and finally became the size of red bean grains, and blood flowed.


   Gun soldiers exclaimed.

   I saw the **** little hole in the neck of the stone pan, and a white worm head faintly appeared. The worm wanted to get back into the warm flesh, but was pulled out by Wu Li a little bit.

   After half of the worm's head came out, Ye Xi stretched out his empty hand, directly pinched the head of the larva of the larva, and dragged it out of the flesh with two fingers.

   The stone pan looked at the **** fresh larva pulled out of his neck, his eyes widened slightly, and he later realized he went to cover his **** neck.

   "This...has been hatched?"

   Ye Xi looked away from the head worm, and said to him: "It just hatched, but it hasn't eaten yet, don't be afraid."

   Shipan felt a chill and tight scalp, feeling lucky and scared for his intact brain. The neck was so close to the head, as long as it was a little later... Thinking of this, Shi Pan was sweating coldly.

   Ye Xi: "Take your hands away."

   The stone pan moved away the **** hand covering his neck.

   Ye Xi's fingertips emit a blue glow.

   After this soft light touched the blood hole, less than a breath, the blood hole on the stone pan’s neck was healed, and the pores were even smaller than before.

   The Bi-color Xiguang has not retreated, and dived into the flesh and blood along the skin. But after getting into the flesh, the magic power quickly turned into a dark green cursing magic power. The remaining half-hatched worm egg turned black and wilted instantly, and then shattered into countless small fragments, washed away by blood. Without a trace.

   Ye Xi retracted his hand.

   "Well, the eggs in your body have been cleaned up."

   Shipan repeated his thanks: "Thank you Master Yuan Wu! Thank you Master Yuan Wu!"

   Ye Xi calmed down for a while, then stood up and looked at the larvae on his fingers.

   This head larva just broke out of its egg, and it was small like a white fleshy thread. Under the light of the torch, it looked tender and harmless. No one can think that it will be so terrible when it grows up.

   Cangkang was also very emotional. He watched Ye Xi’s fingers keep struggling with the cephalococcus and said: "When I was young, I also went to the cephalococcus's territory."

   Ye Xi looked at him in surprise.

   It turns out that the Cang clan leader has also performed that extremely dangerous task.

"I ran into a triangular mammoth that was parasitized. Do you know how long the cephalococcus parasitized in the head of the triangular mammoth?" Cang Kang smiled, gestured and said, "So a white fleshy python."

   Ye Xi imagined the scene for a moment, and felt a little sick.

   "This thing is quite long."

The Cang clan leader: "Yes, don’t look at it when it was small when it emerged from the egg. In fact, even mammoths that are infinitely larger than it are not opponents. The cephalopods are terrible, facing it, we Be very careful."

   Ye Xi nodded.

   Clan Lord Cang looked at the larvae in Ye Xi's hand: "Pinch this thing to death."

   Ye Xi explained: "I want to bring it back to Xicheng, so that my people can see it."

   Especially the people of the stinging tribe, they must be very excited to see this strange parasite.

   "I don't recommend that you take it back." The Cang clan leader looked slightly solemn, "If it is accidentally lost, have you thought about the consequences?"

  鲧 clan leader also came.

   "Xi Wu still don't stay alive for the head worm."

   "Don't mind, it's not that we don't believe you. It's just that this stuff is horrible."

   Cangkang said: "Many years ago, our clan once had a curse witch in order to study cephalococcus, leaving dozens of cephalococcus live worms in the territory."

"As a result, the stone jar containing the live insects burst during an attack by the leader beast. The dozens of substitute cephalococcus ran out and parasitized into the body of the beasts and people, causing great trouble to the clan. No live worms are allowed."

   "I don't want Xicheng to encounter such a thing."

   Ye Xi was dazed.

   can make the clan so solemn, it seems that he still underestimated the power of the replacement head.

   "Okay, thank you two clan leaders for reminding."

   Ye Xi squeezed his fingers and made a like a squeezed grape, the larvae of the cephalopods were squeezed into a mass of white worm pulp and worm juice.

   Cang Kang let out a big breath.

   There is a Gun fighter very intimately holding a piece of clean animal skin.

   Ye Xi took it and slowly wiped his hands with animal skins.

   Wiping and rubbing it suddenly stiffened.

   Ah... he should leave a worm life to verify the power of the worm powder!

   Cang Kang: "What's wrong?"

   Ye Xi was silent for a moment, and said, "Is this blunt-headed sea snake okay?"

   Cangkang: "It's big, and the white loquat soup doesn't show the effect so quickly. Or the worm eggs are eroded by its gastric juice, and not all eggs can hatch."

   Ye Xi turned around and looked at the bottomless giant hole of the black hole: "I want to take a look at the territories of Tou Yan."

   Cang Kang: "No, it's too dangerous!"

   He looked at Ye Xi disapprovingly, wondering why Ye Xi suddenly made this request. Ye Xi, as the heir to the ancestral witch, is the only variable in the future to reverse the situation. Anyone can take risks but he can't.

The head of the    Gun clan smiled and rounded it off.

"Oh, the most troublesome thing about cephalococcus is parasitism. Xi Wu is a Yuan witch. It’s not easy to know if there are worm eggs in the body? The cephalococcus land is not too dangerous for him. If you don’t rest assured, this way, How about I personally **** Xiwu to a trip?"

   He felt that Ye Xi was a Yuan Witch who came as a guest from outside after all, and they had just taught them such an important Yu Witch curse. They couldn't refute his face twice. Risking a danger to go to the land of the head worms, it is also considered to be a rain witch curse.



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