The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 893: Gun Haizi

   "Won't it be too strenuous?"

   Ye Xi thought of the blunt-headed sea snake he saw just now, and he already had the answer in his heart, but he still looked at the clan master of the Gun clan with suspicion and motioned him to solve his confusion.

   Sure enough, the Gun clan master replied: "Because we have blunt-headed sea snakes, don't look at them as silly, but when it comes to drilling holes, nothing can beat them."

   Ye Xi lowered his eyes.

   Blunt-headed sea snakes, blunt-headed sea snakes, just by hearing this name, you know that they mainly live in the sea.

   How strong is the drilling ability of the blunt-headed sea snake? Is it capable of drilling a super subsea tunnel that can cross the ocean?

"what happened?"

   Gun clan asked Ye Xi in doubt.

   Ye Xi was about to speak.

   "Xi Wu!"

   A familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

   The two turned their heads and found that the Cang clan leader was striding forward with a smile.

   Gun clan leader was a little surprised, and immediately saluted the Cang clan leader: "I have seen Master Cangkang!"

   "Master Cangkang."

   Ye Xi also put away his thoughts, smiled and greeted the Cang clan leader.

   Cangkang smiled with great interest and said, "What did you talk about just now?"

"Oh, I'm talking about this cave." Ye Xi smiled at the Gun clan master next to him, and said to Cang Kang, "Just now, the Gun clan owner said that it would not take much effort to create such a huge cave, because there is a blunt-headed sea snake. I was surprised. ."

   Cang Kang: "I didn't disturb you, right?"

   Gun clan leader: "How come, I also chat with Xi Wu casually, and then take Xi Wu to visit our ruined place by the way."

   "Broken place?" Ye Xi shook his head and smiled. "My lord is joking. If you are a broken place, there is no place to be good."

   Cangkang jokingly said: "Gun Haizi likes to say such things, he is cunning, deliberately drawing you to praise them here! Don't be polite to him, just call him Gun Haizi."

   "Also, don't call me Cangkang, if you don't mind, call me Cangkang!"

   Gun clan master was slightly surprised.

   Is Master Cangkang too kind to this Xi Witch, too unassuming? Even if Xi Wu taught them the rain witch curse, it doesn't deserve Master Cangkang to be so kind, right? It's kind of flattering.

   Isn't it... what else is special about this Xi Wu?

   Ye Xi paused.

   He didn't miss the surprise in the eyes of the Gun clan master just now.

   It was only one night before the Great Yuan Witch had a conversation with him. Most clan heads did not know that he was the heir of the ancestral witch, nor did they know that all the children of the clan would be sent to Xicheng.

   However, he believes they will know soon.

   I just don't know how they will react when the time comes, whether they show favor like him or strongly oppose it.

   "Master Cangkang is looking for the Gun clan leader for something?" Ye Xi started the topic.

   Cangkang didn't mind Ye Xi didn't change his words, and said: "No, I came here to thank you specially, thank you for teaching us the Yu Witch Curse."

   For something as important as teaching witchcraft, he must personally express his gratitude to Ye Xi on behalf of the entire clan. At first he was not in a hurry, but he heard that Ye Xi went to the Gun's on a howling beast.

  The Gun clan has always hated and hated the tribesmen. Even if Ye Xi taught the rain witch curse, he was not sure whether the Gun clan would have any conflicts with the tribesmen in the past, so he rushed over immediately.

   Ye Xi smiled gently: "When I was in the Howe family, the witches of the clans had already thanked me, Master Cangkang was kind."

   Cangkang: "You're welcome, it just so happens. I'm familiar with this cave. Come on, Gun Haizi and I will show you around!"

   Ye Xi looked at the head of the Gun clan.

  The Gun clan leader was called by Cangkang Gun Haizi from the left and Gun Haizi from the right, causing the muscles of the corners of his mouth to twitch, but seeing Ye Xi's eyes, he immediately showed a kind smile.

   Ye Xi retracted his eyes: "Then bother you two."

   A group of three people stepped on the soft animal skin carpet in the hole and continued to walk forward.

   This cave extends in all directions. Like a maze, the openest passage is more than ten meters high and twenty meters wide. There are many towering stone pillars in the middle, which is like an underground castle.

   Cangkang is very good at adjusting the atmosphere. While taking Ye Xi to visit, he said something interesting about the Gun's cave.

   "A few days ago, I heard that a child of the Pi's got lost here. It took three years to successfully get out of the hole."

   "In three years, he didn't starve to death?"

   "If you don't die from starvation, the people in our cave will eat it." The head of the Gun clan knew more than the head of the Cang clan, and he heard the words.

   "Then he didn't ask others for directions?"

   "I heard that the child is very stubborn, and I don't believe that this hole is really such a big hole. I don't want to ask. I have to come out by myself."

   "Isn't the child's father in a hurry?"

   "His father Amu gave birth to many babies. I heard that he is still alive, so I don't care about him..."

   Passing through a narrow passage, the wind suddenly became stronger, and then a few steps forward, the vision suddenly opened up.

   There was a huge black hole in front of it, hundreds of meters in diameter. As for the depth...then I don’t know, I can only feel the cold and humid wind blowing up.

   Ye Xi stood on the edge, looking down at this bottomless pit, feeling like looking at the abyss, with a familiar suffocation.

   Thinking about it again, this suffocation is very similar to the feeling he felt when he first saw the sea cave.

  The chatting stopped suddenly.

   Cangkang turned his head and said to Ye Xi, "Go down and take a look?"

   The Gun clan leader on the side was shocked when he heard these words, and he stopped talking, but it was because Ye Xi couldn't speak Ye Xi: "Good."

   "But how do I get on?"

Cang Kang pointed to the far side of the cave wall below and said, "Look, is there a hole there, but there is actually a hole underneath. In fact, as long as we are not afraid of far, we can go all the way to the bottom of the hole. But then we have to Walk for several days."

   "You don't have to be so troublesome today." Cang Kang looked at the clan leader of the Gun clan, "Child Gun, call two swallows over."

  鲧 clan leader is constipated.

   He looked at Cang Kang, then at Ye Xi, finally bent his little finger to his lips, and blew a loud whistle.

   After two breaths.


   The three small Swifts flew down from the top of the cave and glided around the cave at a high speed.

   Cangkang jumped on Swift's back.

   Ye Xi also picked a Swift randomly, bent his knees, and jumped onto the back of a Swift gliding.

   You must know that the three-headed Swift is flying around the cave wall at a speed of 100 meters per second, just like three high-speed rotating fan blades. It is not easy to accurately jump on the back of one of the Swifts at a distance of tens of meters, and it is easy to fall into the bottomless abyss when they make a mistake.

  , of course, is a trivial matter to the three people present.

   The small body of the Swift was trembling when Ye Xi stepped on it, and then folded its wings, a headed green onion, head down toward the deep hole of the black hole, as fast as a sharp black arrow that was off the string.

   The Gun clan master who stayed in place was helpless, and finally jumped on Swift's back.

   Three Swifts flew to the bottom of the pit together.


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