The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 891: Liuyun Waterfall

As if knowing that he was disgusted, Howling Beast shook and grew his hair violently, and suddenly water drops splashed around like raindrops.


Horny yelled in disbelief.

He didn't expect his war beast to be so courageous, he dared to deliberately throw water on Yuan Wu and the ninth-level warrior.

The horns, who had never lost their temper at his war beasts, were really angry, his face was sullen, and he regretted that he was usually too spoiled with war beasts.

Ye Xi smiled: "It's okay."

The war beast had a bit of character and was quite cute, and the water did not splash on him.

When he walked out of the room, he was enveloped in a humble faint light. If you look closely, you can find that the rain can't touch him, and the water thrown by the howling beast is naturally the same.

The howling beast Xiaobai saw that his master was so angry, his heart was guilty, and his head dropped slightly as if he had done something wrong, but he stepped on his hoof subconsciously and mooed.

Ye Xi smiled and flexed his fingers to give it a brain collapse: "It's quite temperamental!"

Knowing that Yuan Wu couldn't provoke him, Xiao Bai didn't lose his temper anymore, and obediently suffered a crackling brain collapse.

Ye Xi pressed her palm to Xiao Bai's head.

Xiao Bai lowered his head obediently, so that Ye Xi could settle down.

Soon, a hazy blue glow appeared on Xiaobai's body, and the water on his hair instantly evaporated into water vapor. After the steam spread out, Xiaobai's wet white hair had changed. It must be dry and elegant.

Ye Xi stood up and rode on the Howling Beast: "Go, go to Gunshi."


Xiaobai screamed mentally, and then leaned back, bending her knees with her four legs, and her body collapsed like an arrow from the string. The next moment, with a whistle, the whole beast turned into white lightning and rushed to the south frantically. It looked more crazy than a stab in the ass.

To describe it in one sentence, it is as static as a beast and moving as a mad cow.

Under the rain curtain, listening to Green Ear looking at its back, he said in surprise, "Aren't you running slowly?"

The horned howling beast is just a fierce king-type beast. This speed is quite good among the howling beasts of the same level, and it is estimated that few can compare it.

"Hehe." Jiao Da was complacent with praise, "Usually feed me carefully, Xiao Bai is also proud."

Listening to Lu Er also casually boasted and nodded: "I'm leaving too."

After all, the giant white-haired kangaroo ran away not far away.

When the kangaroo listened to the green ears rushed to the vicinity, he immediately threw out his long tail, curled the ears of the ear with the tip of his tail, and then skillfully stuffed him into his own nursery bag.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The giant white-haired kangaroo, with green ears, hopped toward the south without rush.

It can jump close to a kilometer in one step, and it is the true species of Great Wilderness. Even if it didn't show the real speed, it quickly caught up with Ye Xi riding a king-type howling beast.


The howling beast Xiaobai snorted irritably, two wisps of white steam spewed from the cow's nose, and then he slammed into it and started to speed up. The **** copper bells and big eyes that appeared when he was running, bloodshot more and more.

Ye Xi sitting on the back of Howling Beast obviously felt that its body temperature had risen, and it was simply burning his life to speed up.

"It looks more like a cow, with a bull-tempered temper, and refuses to be compared."

Ye Xi thought with a smile.

He tilted his head and looked aside.

Even though Howling Beast Xiaobai had already increased his speed, the giant white-haired kangaroo with green ears still looked leisurely, hanging his paws and jumping forward at his own pace.

Ye Xi felt the unconvinced mood of howling beasts under him and the frantic beating heartbeat. After thinking about it, he stretched out a finger.

A little green light shines on the fingertips.

Ye Xi drew a huge blessing witch pattern on the back of the howling beast's head.

The witch pattern was completed and the light disappeared, and the howling beast Xiaobai instantly felt an endless power pouring into his body. It made a long moo, and then lowered its head, speeding up and rushing forward. The speed was raised more than half a half, it was a rabbit And the gap between the cheetah.

The giant white-haired kangaroo who was still following leisurely, suddenly found that the little howling beast was gone, could not help standing in a daze, looking around with **** eyes.

The territory of the Qu family.

A group of people happily gathered around a giant beast's autopsy under the heavy rain.

Between the sparks and flints, white light flashed through the wind and rolled up.

"Something swishes past?"

A big man wearing a short skirt of snakeskin and standing on the corpse of a giant beast looked up. He shook his bloodied hand and looked around questioningly. He found that there was nothing around, only the rain swaying.


The thin guy next to him didn't care about being authentic.

The big man in a snakeskin skirt suddenly opened his eyes in shock and pointed at the thin man, his voice stuttered: "You, your face is bleeding!"


The thin man touched his face suspiciously, there was blood in his hands, and he couldn't tell whether it was the monster or his own. He touched it again, then hissed with pain.

His cheeks were bleeding from scratches.

"There are footprints!" Another fat man wearing a nose ring noticed shallow hoof prints on the muddy ground with sharp eyes, "There should have been some beasts running past!"

The thin man became angry: "He's fucking! Which guy is okay to run around in the territory! I found it, I'm fucking..."

The big man in the snakeskin skirt said nervously: "What nonsense, running so fast must be the true species of the Great Wilderness. Even if you find you, what can you do, be careful it will come to you."

The fat man with a nose ring pointed behind the thin man and exclaimed, "The beast is back!"

"I..." The thin man almost didn't breathe in a breath, tightened his back and quickly said without turning his head. "I'll give him a salute to him and ask him to run slower in the future. After all, it is not safe to hit something."



The people around burst into laughter, the fat man slapped his thigh and laughed wildly, his nose trembling, "I lied to you, hahaha!!"

The corners of the thin man's mouth drooped, looking at them blankly.

What a laugh, he didn't believe that they would have the courage to punch people and spit a few times when they saw the real species of the Great Wilderness, maybe they were more persuaded than him, hum.


Soon Howling Beast Xiaobai carried Ye Xi to the Gun's territory.

It was also raining in Gun's family, and the rain here was much heavier than that of Howe's, and the heavy rain crackled down.

After the howling beast ran wildly just now, its body temperature was very hot. When the rain fell on the howling beast, it was immediately evaporated and turned into plumes of water vapor. Because Ye Xi was sitting on the Howling Beast, he could still feel its frantically beating heart, loudly and intensely.

Ye Xi jumped off the back of howling beast.

Howling beast Xiaobai is just a fierce king-breed beast, but it has just ran faster than the true species of the Great Wilderness. Even with the blessing of the witch pattern, it is very incredible and powerful.

The current Howling Beast Xiaobai is like a racehorse that has just finished the race, and needs to be physically cooled, otherwise it will be very bad for his body.

But with Ye Xi there, it won't be so troublesome.

Ye Xi put his hand on Xiao Bai's body casually, and input a gentle healing power. Soon Xiao Bai's body temperature dropped, and his heartbeat also stabilized.

"This is the Gun's territory."

Ye Xi looked around.

The Gun's territory is located at the southernmost end of the clan's territory and is also the territory closest to the sea.

The sea cannot be seen here, because there is a steep and towering mountain range between the Gun’s territory and the sea. The mountain is like a huge barrier, which firmly blocks the water vapor from the sea. Because of the existence of this mountain, So the clans backed by the sea are always so arid.

But at this moment because of the rain witch curse the water vapor from the sea is constantly being torn away.

On the other side of the mountain range, large groups of water vapor clouds continue to climb along the cliffs. When they reach the top of the mountain, they will rush down like incense, and then be absorbed into the whirlpool cloud.

He looked over now, and the mountain wall was like an endless stream of waterfalls, which was astonishingly spectacular.

In addition to the mountains covered by the Liuyun Waterfall, another distinctive feature of the Gun’s territory is the colorful snakes everywhere.

These giant snakes are about the same size as Jiao Jiao, with a gorgeous peacock blue skin with a few black spots on them, twisting and twisting on the ground, and some climbing towards the mountain.

Take a closer look, they actually have two rows of small claws on their abdomen, allowing them to grab the steep rock wall and climb to the top of the mountain with strength.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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