The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 829: Admonish

| | |  -> ->   Ye Xi looked at the sky and summed it up.

   According to the Great Yuan Wu, perhaps the planet they are on was constantly hit by the fragments of the North Star Star before life appeared.

   The North Star should be a massive star, which is as easy to attract comets as Jupiter. And because Beichen Star is close to the planet they are on, these stripped fragments are easily captured by the gravity of this planet...

   It's not right... It is unreasonable that the fragments of the North Star Star will escape the gravity of the North Star Star, but will be captured by the planet they are on. It is more likely... Those meteorite fragments did not fall from the North Star Star at all, but come from other comets!

   Origin stone, a mineral with mysterious radiation power, may not only be unique to Beichen Star, but may also exist in other comets! It's just that the ore in Beichenxing is very much.

   He thinks this explanation is more reasonable.

   But this is not important.

  Because no matter whether the source stone comes from Beichen Star or Comet, there is no big difference. Anyway, it is impossible for them to go to Beichen Star to dig the source stone.

   Ye Xi looked at the direction of Beichenxing in the sky and smiled.

   The wind violently rolled up his animal skins, and hit his cheeks coldly.

   Ye Xi continued to summarize.

   The difference in life level between the West Continent and the East Continent was similar, but because of the eccentric meteorite rain tens of thousands of years ago, the beasts in the West Continent evolved as a whole. Not long after becoming stronger, the chief beasts eagerly led the group of beasts to leave the Western Continent and rush towards the Eastern Continent.

   Then they ran into the Xia tribe in their heyday in the Eastern Continent with bad luck, were defeated by the Xia Tribe, and fled back to the Western Continent in embarrassment.

   And the clans who chased here tens of thousands of years ago can be regarded as catching up with that wave of meteorite rain, and they have obtained a lot of source stones in the Western Continent, so they have accumulated a deep foundation.

  Because the clans have been guarding the gateway to the Eastern Continent for a long time, obstructing the way to the Eastern Continent, there are more and more leader beasts against the clan, and the tide of fierce beasts facing the clan is also growing. The clan occupies a favorable geographical position and could have continued to defend it, but the meteorite rain in the past few years defeated this balance.

The    clan probably won't have as many source stones as the leader beasts, so in recent years, the wave of fierce beasts has become more and more frequent, and the arrogance of the leader beasts has become more and more vigorous.

   Ye Xi thought for a while, and asked, "There are 37 kinds of leader beasts in total, can you split a part of them? Let them fight inwardly?"

   Da Yuan Wu retracted his gaze towards the sky and sighed: "Before the ancestors appeared, thirty-seven kinds of chief beasts did often fight with each other for territory, but now..."

   "They want revenge and kill us. They want to break through here, leave the crowded Western Continent and go to the wider Eastern Continent, so they unite."

   Ye Xi has doubts.

   "The clans have been blocking them here, how do they know that the Eastern Continent is more extensive?"

The    clan held back very tightly. Except for that time when he saw the dry slug at Dashixu, he had never seen a fierce beast from the fierce beast sea. Many tribes did not know the place of the fierce beast sea.

   Da Yuan Wu said in a deep voice: "Because of the wave of fierce beasts tens of thousands of years ago."

   Ye Xi was surprised.

   Great Yuan Wu: "The surviving chief beasts told their offspring of the appearance of the Eastern Continent. Since then, the beautiful legends of the Eastern Continent have been circulating in the chief beasts, and it has never been interrupted."

"Especially the dry land giant chapters. Their ancestors carved the appearance of the Eastern Continent on the rock and described the Eastern Continent as an extremely vast and fertile place, which aroused the yearning of generations of dry land giant chapters. For them now, the Eastern Continent It is a beautiful place comparable to Beichen Star."

   Ye Xi was silent for a long time, and said with difficulty: "...After the meteorite rain, is the clan unable to support it? Once they break through here, what will happen?"

   Da Yuan Wu turned to face him.

   The blood-colored sunset, and the desolate evening breeze made his figure thinner and thinner.

   "This is what I have to tell you."

   "If the wave of ferocious beasts in the Western Continent breaks through here." Da Yuan Wu paused, "The tribes of the Eastern Continent will definitely be attacked by them first.

"In their eyes, the Eastern Continent is a place occupied by humans. If you want to turn the Eastern Continent into a paradise like the Western Continent, you must take the lead in destroying all tribes. They even know that the warriors are awakened by witches, and there are no witches. There are no fighters, so all witches will be killed first."

"Don't think of them as ignorant beasts that only know how to eat. Their vision is very long-term, especially the dry land giants. I am afraid that after we have been eliminated, how to develop and grow in the East Continent, and how to eliminate other leaders. Beast."

   Ye Xi's heart is heavy as if being pressed by something.

   He knows that this is a struggle for survival resources. It is **** and full of killing. There is no kindness and no luck. Only the strong and the ruthless can continue to survive.

   Because of the meteorite rain in previous years, perhaps the fate of mankind has reached a turning point.

   The two stood on the edge of the eye hole of the giant beast's bone, facing the howling wind, watching the spectacular sunset.

  The **** afterglow was scattered on the ground, and the whole ground was covered with a layer of unknown red. Looking down from here, you can see densely packed houses of clan people. It is like a belt, spreading from north to south, because it is too long, even at such a high place, there is still no end in sight.

This is the human defense line, the Great Wall made up of stone Tonight, you can see bright fires everywhere on this line of defense, and you can see thick smoke rising. , That is the last flame for the dead.

Dayuan Witch looked at the spectacular sunset and said calmly: "We can last for at least 20 years. Be prepared. Within 20 years, you must be promoted to the Ancestral Witch. You have the Ancestral Witch Bone Wand and the Xia Cangzu Witch’s. Inheritance, with extraordinary talent, will definitely succeed."

   Ye Xi was so scared that his hair was about to stand up, and he turned his head to look at Da Yuan Wu with his mouth open: "You..."

  He actually knew that he had accepted the inheritance of Xia Cangzu witch! ! !

   Seeing Ye Xi's hair on end in fright, the old man laughed a little humorously like a successful prank. The wrinkles in the corners of his eyes were layered: "Are you surprised?"

   Ye Xi saw the Great Yuan Wu look like this, and inexplicably took his heart back.

   He nodded and said honestly: "I was so shocked that I almost fell."

   They are now standing thousands of meters high, which is equivalent to standing on the edge of a cliff, only one step away from the cliff. Falling is no fun.

   Great Yuan Wu laughed loudly.

   Ye Xi waited for the Great Yuan Wu to smile and asked seriously: "How did you know that I accepted the inheritance of Xia Cangzu Wu?"

   Great Yuan Wu: "You have the breath of an ancestor witch on your bone stick."

   Ye Xi: "...Are you an ancestor witch?"

   Da Yuan Wu laughed again, shook his head and said: "No, I am only better than ordinary Yuan Wu."

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