The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 464: Dissatisfied

Ye Xi silently came to the back mountain of Xicheng.

A cemetery has just been opened here, and thousands of corpses are placed next to the pit, waiting to be buried.

In fact, none of the tribes had special cemeteries before. If someone died, they just found a hidden place to bury in the wild. But this time Ye Xi couldn't bear the children being buried in the wasteland, so he opened a cemetery in the back mountain.

The cemetery was dead and the trees were cleared away.

There are only one pit after another neatly arranged on the hill.

Many people were holding the corpse and crying loudly, suffering from the death of their loved ones, especially the parents whose children died before they cried.

But there are also parents who just look at the child's body in a daze, and do not cry. Because the children living in this wild prehistoric land are extremely easy to die, they are used to it, and they are used to watching their children die one by one.

Ye Xi didn't cry either, but stared at Xiao Mudou's body motionlessly.

Xiao Mudou wore a slightly larger tiger skin jacket. The fluff called his small chubby face. It was still cute. The blood on his face was wiped clean. He closed his eyes quietly, as if he was just asleep. That's it.

The chilly spring breeze passed.

Ye Xi slowly felt stiff all over, and even his fingers seemed to be numb, unable to move.

At this time, the gray-haired Tushan Witch slowly walked over with a bone stick. He had just returned from medical treatment and hurried over to take a last look at the dead clan.

"Xi Witch..."

Tu Shanwu looked at him worriedly.

Ye Xi laughed hard at Tu Shanwu.

Tu Shanwu looked at Xiao Mudou's corpse and sighed slightly: "...Blame me for not protecting him."

Ye Xi shook his head: "You have done your best."

The old man did his best to protect the people, and the fragments of defensive dominoes were all stabbed into blood. It's just that the Great Waste Relics whispered too much in the lake when they were dying, and the distance was so close, the Tushan Witch could not completely block the damage.

Tu Shanwu sighed slightly when he saw Ye Xi's sadness and self-blame.

He has lived for too long and has become accustomed to seeing life and death, but Ye Xi is different. He is too young and has too little experience. It is common for him to not accept the departure of his tribe.

Tu Shanwu thought for a while, and persuaded: "The sound is very sudden, Xiao Mudou did not suffer when he died, don't be too sad..."

Ye Xi lowered his eyes.

In a daze, he seemed to be able to hear the milky voice of Xiao Mu's soy milk, asking him what was the most beautiful line of the code.

At this moment, he deeply realized what life impermanence is.

He thought that Xicheng was thriving and developing steadily, everything would get better and better, and the child could grow up safely... As a result, it was a blow to the head, which smashed him to the head, causing pain.

Ye Xi looked at Xiao Mudou for a while, picked up his little corpse with his own hands, and put him in the dirt pit.

Xiao Mudou's parents Ling and Zhu, with red eyes, sprinkled soil on Xiao Mudou, and eventually the pit became a small mound.

Ye Xi squatted in front of this small grave, his heart seemed to be beaten severely by a big clock, and there was a dull pain. After a long time, he spoke hoarsely.

"Little Moudou, I didn't protect you..."

If you reincarnate again, you must remember not to go to a small tribe or a small town like Xicheng. Instead, you choose to go to a place like the Eight Great Tribes so that you can grow up safely.

Ye Xi left the Houshan graveyard depressed and returned to Xicheng.

People came and went in the dilapidated city of Xi, and everyone was busy cleaning Starscream's body.

Ye Xi walked to the broken moondial where only the base was left, and stood silently for a long time.

The people who cleaned Starscream didn't dare to speak when they saw this. After quietly cleaning the nearby Starscream's corpse, they immediately retreated to the distance. Only the White Turtle Great Witch walked to Ye Xi's side with a bone stick.

He didn't speak, but stayed quietly beside Ye Xi.

After a long time, the White Tortoise Witch finally spoke carefully: "What are you thinking?"

Ye Xi was silent for a moment, and whispered, "You know, these Starscreams are just the beginning."

"The poisonous insects and beasts have all been hungry for the whole winter, and it is normal for a fierce thing to attack Xicheng in the future..." The white turtle witch suddenly reacted and took a breath, "You, do you mean... source The power of the stone?"

Ye Xi nodded slightly.

"What do you think we should do in the future?"

This was the first time Ye Xi was at a loss in this world, even seeking solutions from other people. He really didn't know how to ensure Xicheng's continued survival.

Fortunately, the White Tortoise Witch didn't let him down. He pondered for a moment and said decisively.

"Master Xiwu don't need to worry, the ground is dangerous, but the underground is much safer! We can let the Angora people dig deeper holes and hide in the ground whenever there is danger, so that we don't have to be afraid even if the ground is upset! "

Ye Xihuan's eyes gradually focused, without vetoing, but only said: "There may be mutant fierce insects in the ground."

"It must be much less than the ground."

"If you live underground for a long time, your body will get worse."

White Tortoise Witch calmly said: "We can still live on the ground at ordinary times, and we can hide in when we are in danger."

Ye Xi: "...Do you want to predict danger by divination?"

Bai Guiwu nodded: "Yes."

Ye Xi frowned and walked back and forth a few steps, unable to think of a better way for a while, raised her head and stared at the white turtle witch: "Can you guarantee that all the dangers are predicted?"

The White Tortoise Witch replied in a courteous manner: "Master Xi Witch, please rest assured, we are not like the Witch Witches who can bless the soldiers, nor like the Witches who can easily heal the wounded, nor that the Witches have the power to curse. Relying on the skill of divination to lead the tribe to continue to survive."

Ye Xi let out a breath slowly.

He was too cautious. The White Turtle Witch could detect the arrival of natural disasters before he became a great witch. Now that his strength has been greatly enhanced, it should not be difficult to predict the attack of evil things.

Ye Xi finally had brilliance in his eyes: "I will work hard for you in the future."

"Dare to talk about hard work."

The White Turtle said humbly.

Ye Xi left the broken moondial and strolled in Xicheng. He watched the busy people coming and going around him. They were busy dealing with Starscream's corpse, repairing the collapsed stone house, and clearing the broken stones on the ground.

Everyone is very busy.

He originally thought that after this painful blow, the people of the tribe would be like the grasslands in the past in the rainstorm, with their faces gray and desperate, and there was no glimmer in their eyes.

but no.

They were not overwhelmed by the suffering, nor did they see the slightest confusion in their eyes. Everyone continued to struggle for survival.

The cold body is getting The body seems to be refilled with strength.

He raised his head, looked at the big and small sun in the blue sky, and slowly clenched his fists.

He refused to admit defeat!

No matter how cruel this savage land is, no matter how difficult it is to survive, he will not give up! !

They are weeds under the rock, and there is a glimmer of hope that they can survive tenaciously!

One day, the city of Xi under his feet will be as powerful as a giant.

Newborn babies can grow up safely under its protection, and the gray-haired old people can naturally and easily die of old age. No matter how horrible insects and powerful beasts are, they can’t hurt the people who live here!

Xiao Mudou, if you want to reincarnate, don't go to other tribes. Reincarnate in Xicheng in a few years! Uncle Ye Xi promises that you will grow up safely, I promise!

Ye Xi stared at the vast and deep sky, and there was a certain irresistible power in his eyes.

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