Looking coldly at the core executive.

The core executive hurriedly lowered his head: "Your Majesty forgive me!"

Holy Master Gladstone snorted coldly, but in the end he didn't say much.

Because what this core executive said is true!

He really has to prepare a way out for himself!

Otherwise, the empire will be destroyed, and you will fall, then it will be completely over.

Chapter 458 Intermission? Ready to run! The limits of the laws of the world! News from the Pantheon!

High outside the city.

The goddess of light, Pandora, and the angel of punishment, Angela, fought back and forth in the other-space battlefield, which was extremely fierce.

But if you look closely, you can see that the battle between them doesn't do any real harm.

Even if they fight for a few days and nights, the two of them are probably unharmed.

The most important thing is~

Their own divine power is also preserved.

Obviously, until the end of the battle, their divine power will not be excessively consumed.

To put it simply~

This is a show!

A show dedicated to the Radiance Empire!

The goddess of light, Pandora, would never fight Angel of God's Punishment Angela to the death. She just wanted to fulfill her promise to the Radiance Empire and 'help' the Radiance Empire to hold back Angel of God's Punishment Angela.

Moreover, the goddess of light, Pandora, did not have the intention to fight Angela, the angel of punishment, to the death.

Lin Yi told her personally at the beginning~

She is not the opponent of Angel of God's Punishment Angela.

Originally, she didn't quite believe it. After all, she was an ancient **** who had practiced for hundreds of thousands or nearly a million years, and was the second group of ancient gods who believed in the endless continent.

As for Angela of God's Punishment, it has only been a month since she was conceived by Lin Yi to the present.

The years of practice between the two are millions of times apart.

Under such circumstances, she is not the opponent of Angel of God's Punishment Angela?

She doesn't believe it!

However, after having a friendly 'contact' with Angel of God's Punishment Angela, she believed that she was really not the opponent of Angel of God's Punishment Angela.

Although he is also the main **** who has the status of the late stage, the divine power of Angela of God's punishment Angela is obviously stronger than her.

This is because the Angel of God's Punishment Angela has two sources of divine power laws.

Holy and Thunder!

And the goddess of light, Pandora herself, has only one source of divine power law, which is light.

Of course~!

The divine power of Angela Angela is much stronger than that of Pandora, the Goddess of Light.

As for combat experience...

In the battle of the main **** level, combat experience is not very important.

After all, the battle of the main **** is very simple and rude, and it is directly collided with the sea of ​​origin of the law.

Whoever has a strong source of law is basically the victor of the battle of the Lord God.

Besides, Angela, as an angel of divine punishment who stepped into the realm of the Lord God directly after being conceived, her combat experience is also very amazing.

Completely no less than Pandora, the goddess of light.

In terms of artifact equipment, Angela of God's Punishment Angela also comes with its own main artifact, which is no less powerful than the main artifact of Pandora, the goddess of light.

A combination of these factors

It is basically impossible for the goddess of light, Pandora, to defeat Angela, the angel of punishment.

Because in terms of overall strength, Angela of God's Punishment Angela is stronger than Goddess of Light Pandora.

Therefore, the Goddess of Light will naturally not make fun of herself in front of Angela, the Angel of Punishment.

Of course, for Lin Yi~

Pandora, the goddess of light, is also full of gratitude.

She knew that Lin Yi was only looking at the face of Anistora, the goddess of fate, plus her "brother-in-law", that Lin Yi would agree to accompany her to play this kind of play.

If it was someone else, Lin Yi would definitely not do this.

Even if you do, you have to get paid.

After all, there is no such thing as selfless dedication in the world.

Lin Yi also saw that Pandora, the goddess of light, was his 'sister-in-law', otherwise, he would not have helped him.

Those soft 'brother-in-law' sounds made him very happy.

Of course, Lin Yi's promise to accompany Pandora, the goddess of light, in this scene was not purely voluntary labor. Laying a good emotional foundation with Pandora, the goddess of light, will make it much easier to do things in the future.

For example, in the future, he will rule the endless continent and suppress the major gods.

The goddess of light, Pandora, will also be on his side.

It is even possible to directly bring the light gods to join his holy empire, and join his camp just like believing in the beast gods.



On the battlefield of different space.

The power of the Lord God 'slammed' collided.

Then, the goddess of light, Pandora, and the angel of punishment, Angela, both retreated.

Then look at each other.



Battlefield below.

The nine trillion army of the castle forces remained motionless.

They did not participate in the war, just because their strength was too low.

Their mission is to enter the Huiyao Imperial Capital after the super-god-level magic defense shield is broken, and wipe out those Huiyao people who refuse to surrender.

As for the attack on the Radiant Imperial Capital, it was the five main gods of the Holy Empire, as well as the six million gods of the entire castle camp, and an army of trillions of elite troops.

Under their constant attack~

The super god-level magic defense shield of the Radiant Imperial Capital is also constantly shaking.

The energy is dropping sharply all the time!

If it weren't for the billions of demigods, hundreds of thousands of true gods, and even more god-level alchemy puppets and sealed fetishes in the Radiance Empire, constantly replenishing their energy, this round of super-god-level magic defense shields would have been too early. It's already been blown up.

In addition, the divine power crystals and power stones consumed by the Radiant Empire are also massive.

Every moment, a large number of divine power crystals and energy stones are thrown into the core of the super-god-level magic defense shield to provide energy support for this magic circle.

The true gods and professionals of the Radiant Empire are doing their last efforts.

In their hearts, they didn't want to see the Radiant Empire turn into ruins in this war.

Even those who are ready to surrender do not want to see this happen.

At most, they will only choose to surrender when there is absolutely no hope.

Before the super god-level magic defense shield has been broken, it is almost impossible for them to surrender.

Besides, the Holy Lord Gladstone would not allow it.

Who dares to express the idea of ​​surrender~

The Glory Lord Gladstone would definitely kill him first.


The top floor of the star-gazing tower.

After hearing the words of the core high-level executive, Lord Gladstone said: "You also go to the center of the imperial capital to provide energy for the magical defense shield of the imperial capital 々"!"

"As for the evacuation, I will consider it separately!"

"Yes, Your Majesty Gladstone~!"

A group of more than 20 core high-level executives who possessed powerful divine power retreated one after another.

Some people stop talking~

But looking at the gloomy expression on Gladstone's face, they didn't dare to say anything more.

They did not communicate with each other until after they were far away from the star-gazing tower.

"It seems that His Majesty is ready to evacuate!"

"Not what I expected!"

"After discovering that the goddess of light, Pandora, betrayed us, I knew the empire was dead! Even His Majesty Gladstone couldn't stop it!"

"Since the empire is doomed, it is normal for His Majesty to evacuate!"

"Evacuation is better than destroying the empire together!"

"We have done everything we can, but there is no way. The strength of the Holy Empire and the castle forces is too strong, and it is simply not something that our Radiance Empire can compete with!"

"Now, His Majesty is ready to evacuate, so we will also depend on the situation and be ready to leave this battlefield at any time!"

"The only thing I'm worried about is~"

"Even if we give up resistance and choose to evacuate, the main gods and angel gods of the Holy Empire will not be what we want!"

"They, but they are determined to destroy us!"

"Especially the god-level castle masters and rangers of the castle forces, look at us with fiery eyes, and regard us as a tool for them to improve their status!"

"They will never let us escape easily!"

"Not now!"

"The square space is blocked by the storm of divine power, and the power of the world law of the endless continent is also shrouded. We can no longer tear the space in place and enter the void world."


"Why is the law of the world always helping the Holy Empire?"

"You know, we are the native creatures of the Endless Continent!"

"This is not a favoritism!"

"Instead of being besieged by the Holy Empire, those angels and gods are also unable to tear apart the space. They must be far away from the battlefield before they can move the space!"

"It can only be said that the power of the gods is too powerful!"

"If there are no restrictions, the entire central area may be smashed into ruins!"

"Especially the five main gods of the Holy Empire attacked the super god-level magic defense shield of our imperial capital together. The power fluctuations caused by the collision are really terrifying!"

"Leaving it in an extraterritorial world, it can definitely easily destroy a galaxy!"

"The world law of Endless Continent is not restricted, then the central area is finished!"

outside world.

The terrifying power of the Lord God kept hitting the super-god-level magic defense shield of the Radiant Imperial Capital, and the fluctuations of the divine power that escaped shook the space layer by layer.

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