Now, with the help of Pandora, the goddess of light, the combination of two powerful men who possess the power of the late main god, plus the hundreds of thousands of true gods and countless demigods in the capital of the gods, will greatly improve the super god-level magic of the capital. The power of the defensive shield.

If Pandora, the goddess of light, leaves~

Only he is the main god, so the super god-level magic defense shield will naturally be weakened.

As a result, it will be more difficult to resist the attack from the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

Holy Lord Gladstone said quickly: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, two of the six main gods of the Holy Empire have just been promoted to the realm of the main gods, and their strength is not strong."

The goddess of light, Pandora, glanced at him and said, "¨々Even if it's just a new lord god, that's the lord **** who holds great divine power, and his strength far exceeds the level of the peak of the upper gods!"

Hear this.

The dazzling lord Gladstone also twitched his eyelids.

Indeed, it is a fact!

Compared to him, the newly promoted main **** is weak, and the two together are not his opponents.

But you must know that he is the main **** in the middle period, and also the lord of the empire. He possesses the artifact of the country lord, and his strength is barely comparable to the main **** in the later period.

His power is naturally far stronger than that of the newly promoted Lord God.

However, the Lord God is the Lord God!

Regardless of whether it is the realm of the main **** that has just been promoted, its divine power has been upgraded to the level of great divine power, and it can easily suppress a peak high-level god.

For the glorious empire~

Two newly promoted main gods join the camp of hostile forces, which is definitely a great increase in danger.

Originally, Holy Master Gladstone had a 70% chance of holding on to the battle of Gods, but now, his hope is only 50%, or even lower.

If Pandora, the goddess of light, leaves again~

Then his hope can be said to be directly zeroed.

It will not take three or five days at all, the super god-level magic defense shield of his imperial capital will be broken by the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

When the war breaks out~

Even if the war of gods starts and the army of the abyss demons enters the Endless Continent, it is basically impossible to stop the Holy Empire and the castle forces from slaughtering their glorious imperial capital.

Therefore, he absolutely did not want the goddess of light, Pandora, to leave.

Even if it pays some price, he must keep the goddess of light Pandora in his imperial capital, and let the goddess of light Pandora make the last effort with him.

Think about it.

Lord of Glory Gladstone said: "Your Highness Goddess, Aurora Goddess Sylvia used to be your good sister..."

The goddess of light Pandora interrupted him and said, "Now, Sylvia is also my good sister!"

"That's even better!"

Holy Lord Gladstone said quickly, "I wonder if His Royal Highness Goddess can persuade Aurora Goddess Silvia not to participate in this war for your sake?"

"It's basically impossible!"

The goddess of light, Pandora, shook his head and said, "Silvia has joined the camp of the Holy (Li's) Empire, and now she is a believer of His Majesty Lin Yi, who belongs to God!"

"I believe that His Majesty Gladstone knows what it means for a believer to be of God!"


The Lord of Glory, Gladstone, had an ugly expression.

Believers belong to God, which means that as long as it is Lin Yi's order, no matter what order or resistance exists, it can't stop the goddess of the aurora Sylvia from executing the order.

under the influence of faith

Aurora Goddess Silvia will not be swayed by the proposal of Light Goddess Pandora at all.

You can even say~

Compared to belief, sisterhood can be said to be irrelevant.

In the heart of Aurora goddess Silvia~

As the Lord of Faith, Lin Yi is the most important one.

Take Grantham, the **** of death, for example~

After becoming a believer of Lin Yi, he not only participated in the battle between the Holy Empire and the evil **** camp, but also invited his sister, the goddess of death, Griffin, to give up the **** of death in front of countless gods. Join the Holy Empire.

This is the horror of faith!

Believers, everything is guided by faith!

Nothing else matters.


The goddess of light, Pandora, said with a flat expression: "Your Majesty's proposal is meaningless! In addition, my reserves of divine power are insufficient, and it is difficult to deal with a protracted and fierce battle of the main gods!"

"I need His Majesty Gladstone's help!"

Hear this.

Holy Lord Gladstone understood immediately.

His intuition was correct!

Sure enough, he needed to pay some price to keep Pandora, the goddess of light.

If he refuses, even if the goddess of light, Pandora, stays in his imperial capital temporarily because of her previous promise, and the war starts, she will not do her best.


"As long as I can help His Highness the Goddess, it is my duty to shine on the Empire!"

Holy Master Gladstone asked, "I don't know how many divine power crystals your Highness Goddess needs?"

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Chapter 449 One hundred million! Careful thoughts of the goddess of light! Got scammed again! Brilliant and lonely!

"One hundred million!"

Pandora, the goddess of light, is also welcome.

A number that made Gladstone's scalp feel numb.

As for the core high-level executives of the Radiant Empire in the main hall, they lowered their heads one by one, not daring to look directly into the eyes of the Lord of Radiance Gladstone.

But their shivering bodies also exposed their inability to calm their hearts.

Although their glorious empire has developed for 100,000 years, and they have inherited the light faction of the Age of Faith and the ancient times, they will still bleed a lot if they take out 100 million crystals of divine power at one time.

They are rich, but it does not mean that they have infinite crystals of divine power.

"One hundred million..."

Holy Master Gladstone gritted his teeth and said, "It's really too much! Your Highness Goddess, for the past 100,000 years, although we have mined a lot of divine power crystals from the end of the world, our consumption is also huge!"

"The practice of gods, the refining of artifacts..."

"It all needs to consume a lot of divine power crystals!"

"In addition, this time the Holy Empire and the castle forces are attacking, we need to reserve a huge amount of divine power crystals to maintain the power of the imperial capital's super-god-level magic defense shield!"


Holy Master Gladstone said with a wry smile: "I can only ask your Highness Goddess to forgive me, my empire can only take out 50 million crystals of divine power at most!"

In fact, let alone fifty million crystals of divine power~

Even a million crystals of divine power are enough to satisfy the consumption of the goddess of light, Pandora, in a fierce battle of gods, and there is even a lot of excess.

But the dazzling lord Gladstone knows~

The goddess of light, Pandora, is not referring to a 'consumption issue', but a reward issue!

As for 'combat consumption', it's just an excuse.

If the Radiance Empire wants to let the goddess of light, Pandora, stay, it has to pay a huge price.

Otherwise, even if the goddess of light, Pandora, stays in the Glory Imperial Capital for a while because of [Titan: Battle Flag of Glory] and the promise she made before, there is a high probability that Jie Shi will not be able to do anything.

This is not what the Glory Lord Gladstone wants to see.

He hoped that the goddess of light, Pandora, would also do her best.

That's why he gritted his teeth and paid 50 million crystals of divine power as a reward for Pandora, the goddess of light.

"Fifty million?"

The goddess of light, Pandora, frowned.

After a long time, she nodded and said, "That's barely enough!"

"Thank you for your understanding, Her Royal Highness!"

The Holy Master Gladstone breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, a core high-level executive was asked to open the treasure house of the empire and obtain the divine power crystal from Pandora, the goddess of light.

As for the goddess of light, Pandora, he secretly thought: "My brother-in-law attacked the Radiance Empire, and one of the purposes was to get the crystal 540 of divine power reserved by the Radiance Empire to prepare for the next battle of the gods."

"I'm almost taking fifty million away!"

"If I'm too greedy, my brother-in-law will definitely be dissatisfied with me!"

"I picked up 50 million crystals of divine power for nothing. I have to admit that I really made a lot of money this time!"

The goddess of light, Pandora, is in a very good mood.

Even his eyes narrowed.

The light gods under her rule, like other religious gods, such as the goddess of nature, are very poor.

can say~

in the whole belief system.

Except for the Titan pantheon and the Dragon pantheon, none of the other pantheons are rich.

There are tens of millions of gods who believe in gods, not lacking in artifacts, but lacking in the crystallization of divine power.

Because the crystals of divine power reserved by the gods of faith were almost consumed as early as the age of ancient gods.

In these 100,000 years, they are far away from the Endless Continent, there is no new source of divine power crystals, and the divine power crystals in their hands are naturally less and less.

Everyone is so poor!

The same goes for Pandora, the goddess of light.

She is also poor!

Fifty million crystals of divine power are enough to solve her urgent needs.

She didn't dare to be too greedy.

After all, in case she trapped too many divine power crystals of the Huiyao Empire, and when the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces captured the Huiyao Imperial Capital, the divine power crystals obtained were too scarce, and Lin Yi would definitely come to her for trouble.

Therefore, she chose 'show mercy'.

"This time, please, Your Highness, Goddess!"

On the throne at the highest point of the hall, the Lord of Light, Gladstone, looked at Pandora, the goddess of light, with a sincere expression.

If it weren't for the imminent disaster of the Radiant Empire, he would not have paid such a huge price.

Not to mention 50 million crystals of divine power, even if it is 500,000 crystals of divine power, he will not give it.

In front of the rare cultivation resource like Divine Power Crystal, no matter who they are, they are very stingy.

Just because the crisis of the glorious empire is imminent~

That's why he is so generous!

Of course, if he knew what the goddess of light Pandora was thinking now, he not only wanted to get the 50 million crystals of divine power back, but also had to fight with Pandora, the goddess of light.

Because, the goddess of light, Pandora, was tricking him the whole time!

First, he swindled his top-quality main artifact [Titan: Battle Flag of Glory], and now he has swindled 50 million crystals of divine power.

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