Sometimes, when the quantity reaches a certain level, qualitative changes can also occur.

In the face of an army composed of four million gods, even the upper gods have to escape, because once surrounded by four million gods, the upper gods will also die.


two hours~

The gods of the castle forces have basically all assembled.

As for the army of mortal arms, it has also assembled about ten trillion numbers.

Today, the size of the army of the castle forces has reached 18 trillion, which is the total size after adding the trillions of troops newly recruited today.

Eighteen trillion troops, half of the castle arms have completed the assembly.

In addition, a large number of castle lords are coming one after another with their armies.

In the assembled army of ten trillion arms, the number of arms of the Holy Empire is nearly one billion.

Compared with the beginning of the war, the scale has increased five times!

Before declaring war with the Radiant Empire, the size of the Holy Empire's imperial army was about 200 million. After a series of wars, the size of the Holy Empire's army did not decrease but increased, and it skyrocketed five times.

This is because~

In the previous war, a large number of professionals from the Glory Empire chose to join the Holy Empire.

As they swept across the cities and noble territories in the core area of ​​the Radiance Empire, more professionals from the Radiance Empire came over.

When the scale was the largest, it reached more than 1.4 billion!

The reason it's now reduced to a billion is because the others have all died on the battlefield.

However, this is not a huge loss.

On the contrary, it is beneficial to enhance the overall core combat effectiveness of the Holy Empire army.

Because the dead arms are basically the weakest, and their potential is also very low.

Most of the troops that survived were elites.

Has a wealth of combat experience, and high growth potential!

It can be said that the overall combat effectiveness of the Holy Empire's army has not decreased but increased.

"Master Kadis~"

A top-level castle lord with the status of a median **** appeared in front of Kadis, and said very respectfully: "The army has not been fully assembled, and there are many castle lords who choose to stay in the battlefield in the core area. Obviously not planning to participate in this war!"

By his side, there are many powerful top castle lords and top rangers.

All have the position of the median god.

There are about a hundred people.

Among them are Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Death Knights, the Goddess of Dreams of the Kingdom of Elves, Yixue of the House of Ice Elves, etc...

In the camp of the entire castle force~

They can be said to be the most powerful group, standing at the peak of the castle power.


In front of Lin Yi's eighteen-winged Seraph Archangel Kaedis, they still did not dare to show the slightest disrespect, and all bowed and saluted.

This is the fear of the Lord God!

"I see!"

The eighteen-winged Seraph Archangel Kaedis nodded slightly, she held the scepter belonging to the Seraph, and the eighteen angel wings behind her all exuded dazzling divine light.

Behind her, there are densely packed angels.

Gather into a huge army of angels!

At a glance~

All of them are beautiful and powerful angels, eighteen-winged angels, sixteen-winged archangels, fourteen-winged angels, twelve-winged angels...there are too many.

That scene is simply not too shocking!

Kadisse said blankly: "An army of 10 trillion scale is enough to capture the imperial capital of the Radiant Empire! Those castle legions that are rising one after another, don't have to wait, let them go to the Radiance Empire on their own!"

"You lead the army of troops under your command, follow the Lord's Sky City, go straight north, and attack the Imperial Capital of Radiance!"

"As per your order, Lady Candice (Your Majesty)!"

The top castle masters and top rangers present respectfully answered their orders.

Just at this time.

A top castle lord said cautiously: "Dear Lady Kadis, according to reliable news, the goddess of light, Pandora, has come to the imperial capital of the Radiant Empire!"

"If nothing else happens~"

"The goddess who rules the light goddess wants to help the Radiance Empire fight against our castle power!"

"Is there such a possibility that the gods of the light gods will also come to the imperial capital of the glorious empire to fight with me?"

The voice fell.

He suddenly felt a gaze swept over.

His eyes were filled with the power of the terrifying Lord God, which made him tremble all over, and almost fell to his knees.

Kadis said indifferently: "You don't need to pay attention to the things at the level of the Lord God, I will solve the problem later! The Almighty Lord descends the oracle and destroys the Radiance Empire. This is something that no one can stop!"

"Yes, Lady Kadis!"

The lord of the top castle with the mid-level **** position of the median **** quickly retreated.

It wasn't until the eyes that fell on him were removed that he dared to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead with his hands.


"Is this the main **** who holds great divine power?"

"In front of her, I'm as weak as an ant with no resistance!"

The heart of this top castle lord was extremely frightened.

She was completely shocked by the might of Kadise's main god.

see this scene.

The other top castle lords and top rangers present were also more in awe of Kadis.

Don't dare to disobey her orders in the slightest.

Soon, the army set off.

Headed by the four [Sky Cities] of the Holy Empire, and the large-scale Angel Legion, followed by the mighty imperial army and the army of the castle forces.

All the castle creatures were shrouded in divine power and flew high in the sky.

Although the scale of the assembled castle force has reached ten trillion, with the help of millions of gods, the "high-altitude march" of ten trillion arms is not a problem at all.

With the help of gods, the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces immediately slaughtered towards the capital of Emperor Huiyao in the north at a terrifying speed of 540.

Their current location is about five million kilometers away from the Imperial Capital of Radiance.

If it is an ordinary person, without the help of external force, he will never reach the imperial capital of the Glory Empire in his entire life.

But the gods are different.

A distance of five million kilometers is nothing at all.

It can even be said that it is completely overkill for the gods to transport a mortal-level army at the cost of consuming divine power.

However, the current castle power has no shortage of gods!

Millions of gods can easily bring the assembled army to the imperial capital of the glorious empire.

"This evening at the latest, we will be able to arrive at the Imperial Capital of Radiance!"

"Who is going to ask Mrs. Kadis, whether to attack Huiyao Imperial City overnight, or wait until tomorrow after we recruit a new round of castle troops?"

"Who's going? You're going?"

"I dont go!"

"I'm not going either! Although Mrs Kadis is an angel, she is a god-level angel who holds great divine power. She can kill me with a slap, so I won't ask!"


"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't ask! Anyway, the army of our castle forces is dominated by the army of angels. If the army of angels does not move, we will not move!"

"If the army of angels launches an attack on the Imperial Capital of Huiyao, then we will also attack together!"



the other side.

millions of kilometers away

Inside the Imperial Palace of the Radiant Empire.

The Holy Lord of Glory, Gladstone, urgently summoned the core high-level officials of the empire to come.

Soon, a group of high-level core executives of the Radiance Empire with powerful divine power entered the hall, and saluted the Glory Lord Gladstone, who was sitting on the throne, in unison.

Holy Lord Gladstone waved his hand.

Then he said with a serious expression: "The army of the Dark Empire has been destroyed, and the Legion of True God, the Legion of Professionals... have all been wiped out!"

"The Holy Empire and the castle forces have won this war!"

"Now, they have assembled a large army and killed them towards our imperial capital!"

"Headed by the six main gods of the Holy Empire!"

hear this~

Especially the last sentence.

The core executives of the Radiant Empire who were present suddenly changed their faces.

Everyone's expressions and eyes became terrified.

The six main gods, besieging their imperial capital together, doesn't this force them to death?

They are not the Holy Empire, they can counter-kill the five main gods of the [Evil Gods Faction] on the battlefield of the Star God Battle. Their strength is much worse than that of the Holy Empire at that time!

Facing the powerful attack of the six main gods~

They feel no hope at all!

Despair and fear filled their hearts!

Even if they are all high-level gods and famous in the central area of ​​the Endless Continent, they are now scared to death.

For fear of death befalling their heads!

Chapter 448 Terror Attacks! The end of truth is light! The importance of the goddess of light!

"Your Majesty, what can we do here?"

In the hall, a core high-rise stood up.

Worried questioning.

Originally, there were only four main gods sent by the Holy Empire to the battlefield.

Although the four main gods can still sweep over their glorious empire and bring disaster to their empire, they have already prepared all-round defensive measures.

Hundreds of thousands of true gods, as well as more than one billion demigods, gathered in the Radiant Imperial Capital.

In addition, they used countless defensive devices and magic scrolls.

It is used to enhance the defensive power of the Radiant Imperial Capital.

In addition, there are Holy Lord Gladstone and Goddess of Light Pandora who have entered the level of the main god. With the two of them sitting in the town, there is a high probability that they can protect the super-god-level magic defense shield of the imperial capital.

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