The same is true for the five main gods, including the main **** of destruction, Elliot, and the goddess of death, Gryffindor, who took back the natal main artifact that once belonged to them.

There were only tens of thousands of gods present.

Each person took two artifacts, less than 100,000.

As for the artifacts in the Divine Artifact Mountain, there are as many as one million pieces, from the nearly 1.5 million evil gods.

The rest of the artifacts are already considered unowned.

Because all their masters have fallen, they did not get the chance to be resurrected by the Holy Empire, just because their strength is too weak.

When everyone got back their natal artifact.

Lin Yi put away the remaining artifacts.

Some of these artifacts can be distributed to the gods of the empire, while others with low attributes and serious damage can be sold to local forces.

Now, the battle of the gods is imminent!

I believe that many local forces are trying their best to improve their strength.

Artifacts are one of the ways to improve your strength!

Especially those local empires and truth forces, although they have a large number of divine power crystals, but not many artifacts... Just because the god-level metal of the endless continent was given by the gods who believed in the gods long before the ancient times. Mined clean.

The local **** of truth, it is difficult to refine new artifacts.

It can be seen from the fact that Snow Queen Dolores traded artifacts with him, and Elf Empress Amelida bought a large number of artifacts and semi-artifacts from him...

The local forces are very short of artifacts!

And the millions of artifacts in Lin Yi's hands, as well as a larger number of artifact fragments, are definitely not worrying about sales.

As long as he is willing to sell, someone will definitely buy it.

"Go down!"

Lin Yi waved his hand.

"As ordered!"

The five main gods, including the main **** of destruction, Elliott, immediately retired with tens of thousands of gods.

After leaving the Imperial City Square, they found some free residential houses and aristocratic courtyards in the core city, and moved in.

Lin Yi's imperial capital is 10,000 kilometers in diameter.

The south, south, and northwest occupy the corners of [Kalami Prairie], [Boliri Heights], [Death Swamp], and [Wild Wilderness].

The area is very huge!

Not to mention tens of thousands of gods, even tens of millions of gods can live there.

"With Elliott, Agustin, Sid Arthur, Gryffindor, and the goddess of darkness Gabriela, the number of main gods under my command has reached a full fourteen!"

"Count me in~"

"That's the fifteen main gods!"

An empire-level force with fifteen main gods is absolutely terrifying.

You must know that the number of main god-level demon masters in the entire abyss world is only twelve.

In the central area of ​​the Endless Continent, the combined main god-level combat power of all local empires does not exceed ten.

And the Holy Empire~

A single force has fifteen main gods!

What is this concept?

Not to mention the gods of the outside world.

Even Lin Yi himself had an unreal feeling.

Two months ago, when he first came to the Endless Continent, he was only a Tier 0 mortal, and his subordinates only recruited two Tier 3 winged angels.

Two months later today~

He is already the top god, chasing after the half-step **** king.

And under his command, he has fourteen main gods, an army of hundreds of thousands of true gods, and an army of more than one billion empires.


There are more than a million gods who believe in the beast gods following him.

This is pretty scary!

If nothing else, the Lord God possessed by the Holy Empire alone is enough to sweep any god-level force in the Endless Continent.

You can even say~

Even the Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss only had the chance to escape when facing the Holy Empire.

Just because Lin Yi alone can defeat the alliance of the Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss.

If you add the other main gods of the Holy Empire, it will be enough to suppress all the twelve demon masters of the abyss.

Even if the body of the abyss demon emperor comes, it may not be able to save the twelve demon masters of the abyss.

After all, Lin Yi's imperial butler, Anasta, has also been promoted to the level of a half-step **** king.

The abyss demon emperor came, and most of them had to retreat in despair.


"My Holy Empire can no longer fear anything! 3.7"

This sentence, Lin Yi can fully declare to the outside world, and I believe that no force will dare to stand up to refute him.


In order to pit the abyss demons once when the battle of gods comes.

Lin Yi still decided to hide it for the time being.

So as not to scare the snakes!


Lin Yi glanced not far away.

The construction of the [God-level Angel Reincarnation Pond] of the creator angel Tisia has come to an end.

I believe that soon, a brand new [God-level Angel Reincarnation Pool] will appear in front of Lin Yi.

During the introduction, Lin Yi will have seventeen [Angel Reincarnation Pools], of which thirteen are [God-level Angel Reincarnation Pools].

Lin Yi didn't wait.

With a flicker of his figure, he appeared outside a courtyard behind the Imperial Palace.

The other courtyard is shrouded in a powerful magical prohibition.

With Lin Yi's divine power, he could force his way in.

He didn't do that though, because it would interfere with Anasta's promotion.

He is standing in front of the gate of the courtyard~

Waiting quietly for Anasta's promotion to end.

At this time, the aura emanating from Anasta has completely climbed to the peak, far beyond the level of the peak god.

Even Lin Yi himself couldn't help but feel a little small in front of this powerful aura.

Because, this is the power of the law of the God King!

Beyond the level of the Lord God's law, it belongs to another realm.


Don't know how long it took.

Finally, the aura that was strong enough to shake a vast star field gradually disappeared.

Finally disappeared!

at the same time.

A figure appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Behind her, there are eighteen angel wings exuding divine light, and her face is even more beautiful and flawless.

It is the great butler of the empire that Lin Yi has not seen for a long time - Anasta!

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Chapter 442 Anasta at the half-step god-king level! A gift from the big housekeeper! Holding hands directly?


Anasta called softly.

The moment she saw Lin Yi, a beautiful smile appeared on her delicate and flawless cheeks.

The eighteen angel wings behind it exude a dazzling divine light.

The mighty divine might on her body has subsided.

But there will still be a very terrifying aura emanating from it.

That kind of breath comes from the law of the **** king that she has mastered!

Even Lin Yi himself felt a hint of depression.

Compared with the Half-step God King, the Peak Lord God is also a realm behind.

In terms of strength, the peak lord **** is far less than the half-step **** king.

Because, the half-step **** king already has the law of the **** king!

It is considered to have stepped on the threshold of being promoted to the High God King!

However, even after becoming a Half-Step God King, it is still not an easy task to break through the realm and be promoted to [Supreme God King].

Take Anasta for example~

She has practiced for tens of millions of years in the illusory Angel God Realm.

The most powerful angel of the angel family!

none of them!

Even the God of Punishment Angel created by the "God of Creation" himself is not as powerful as Anasta. She is the manager and controller of the Angel God Realm.

She led the army of the angel family and swept the entire illusory universe.

Conquered countless worlds!

Even the master gods of the peak level, who fell into her hands are not known.

Compared to Anasta in the Angel God Realm, the main gods like the Titan Lord Patrick and the Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss are completely weak.

In the illusory universe, she can be said to be invincible.

But even so, her realm is still at the realm of a half-step **** king, and she has not been able to advance to the level of the supreme **** king.

It can also be seen from this~

How difficult it is to become the [Supreme God King].


Even if she is not promoted to [Supreme God King], Anasta is already extremely powerful now.

Having mastered the law of the God King and became a half-step God King, she has returned to her strongest state when she was in the Unreal Angel God Realm, and her strength is even stronger!

The reason why Anasta is stronger than before~

It was because of the help from [Holy Light Temple].

[Holy Light Temple] can increase the attack and defense of all units of the Holy Empire by 20%.

Twenty percent bonus, which is very scary!

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