【metoo! 】

[I became a **** in this war, thank you Lin Yi! 】

[I haven't become a **** yet, but it's coming soon! My intuition tells me that after destroying the army of the Dark Empire, I can condense a godhead! 】

[The war order of Lin Yi has brought a brand new future to our castle forces! 】

[After the battle of gods comes, I will continue to follow the big boss Lin Yi! Only by following the big boss Lin Yi and the army of the Holy Empire can I feel safe! 】

[With Lin Yi and the angel army of the Holy Empire, even those demons from the abyss world, I am not afraid! 】

【What is the devil? For us, it's still just an experience monster! 】

[When we were on the Valkyrie Continent before, under the leadership of the Holy Empire, we killed all the demons there! Now back to the Endless Continent, the result will still be the same! 】

[Following big boss Lin Yi is always right! 】

【Agree +1】

[By the way, have you noticed that the number of Dark Empire professionals on the battlefield seems to be very small! Wasn't there information before that the number of Dark Empire professionals involved in the war reached hundreds of billions? But looking at the entire battlefield, the dark professionals surrounded and blocked by us may not even be ten billion! 】

[I am also curious, where did the professionals of the Dark Empire go? 】

[Did they all run away? 】

Soon, a top castle lord replied

[With the help of divine power, I traveled through the entire battlefield and found that the number of dark professionals surrounded by us was indeed less than 10 billion, which can be said to be very few! As for the other Dark Empire professionals, as you said, they all ran away! 】

【I saw it too! 】

[Indeed, a large number of Dark Empire professionals are retreating! 】

[Obviously, they were afraid, knowing that they were not the opponents of our castle forces, so they chose to give up this war and run away! 】

[It's not just the ordinary professionals of the Dark Empire who are running away, the saint-level powerhouses and demigod powerhouses in the high-altitude battlefield are also running away! 】

【No wonder...】

[I said why the army camp of the Dark Empire suddenly collapsed and its strength dropped! It was directly killed by our army. It turned out that the professionals of the Dark Empire ran away! 】

[As soon as they withdraw, the army of alchemy puppets and the army of undead slaves on the battlefield will have no backbone and commander, and naturally cannot resist the charge of our castle army! 】

[Originally, according to the strength of the army of the Dark Empire, it is completely possible to sustain the war until tomorrow, but because of the escape of those dark professionals, the strength of the army of the Dark Empire has plummeted, and it is normal that it cannot resist our attack! 】

[Those guys are really digging their own graves! 】

[Do you really think that if you escape from the battlefield, you can escape back to the Dark Empire alive? 】

【They think too much! 】

[Those castle lords and rangers who have become gods on the battlefield, now it's up to you! Use divine power to directly block their retreat! 】

[Hundreds of billions of dark professionals, all of them are elites from the dark empire, this is an incomparably huge amount of experience, they must not be allowed to escape! 】

[Even if you don't kill them, let them surrender, become our troops, and continue to fight for our castle forces! 】

[I have just become a god, and I am not qualified to join the different space battlefield, but it is easy to intercept some professionals who are not at the peak of the demigod peak! 】

【I'll go as well! 】

brush brush brush...

Just for a moment.

There are a large number of figures rising into the sky on the battlefield.

The number is completely over two million!

All of these figures exude the aura of gods. They are all gods from castle forces, including castle lords, rangers, and castle troops.

Of course, these two million gods are not the sum of the number of gods in the castle.

Up to now.

The number of gods in the castle force has reached nearly four million.

This is without counting the number of gods in the Holy Empire.

You must know that before the war with the army of the Dark Empire, the number of gods in the castle force just exceeded three million.

In one day, the number of gods in the castle force increased by nearly one million.

Here you can see~

How terrifying the speed at which the strength of the castle forces increases.

Of course, this also depends on more than ten trillion castle troops fighting **** battles on the battlefield and killing countless enemies, which allows the castle masters behind them to gain massive experience points.

Without their contribution~

The strength of the castle masters hiding in the back of the battlefield is impossible to improve so fast.


the other side~

The gods of more than two million castle forces turned into aurora and rushed to the distant sky.

Their **** positions are generally in the realm of lower gods.

Arguably the weakest god.

But compared to those saint-level powerhouses, demigod powerhouses, and hundreds of billions of ordinary professionals who escaped from the Dark Empire, their strength is extremely terrifying.

More than two million gods can completely slaughter hundreds of billions of Dark Empire professionals.

Of course, they certainly can't do such a thing.

Because of the limitations of the 'game official', the gods cannot take action against mortal-level creatures, and it is okay to kill a few mortals, but if it is a one-time slaughter of hundreds of billions of mortals, then the punishment from the 'game official' will come immediately.

The first is to reduce the loyalty of its troops.

Then there are other punishments.

For example, direct obliteration!

For the current castle forces, the strength of the 'game official' is still invincible.

Unless there is a castle lord or a ranger who can be promoted to the level of a half-step **** king or a supreme **** king, it is possible to compete with the power from the 'game official'.

"Want to run?"

"Stop for me!"

The god-level castle lord is shouting.

At the same time, he directly released the divine power in his body, shrouding the dense figures in the distant sky.

Those figures are all saint-level powerhouses and demigod powerhouses from the Dark Emperor 523 countries. After they were lucky enough to withdraw from the battlefield, they quickly fled.

However, how could they be faster than the gods?

After only escaping less than 200,000 kilometers, he was intercepted by the gods of the castle power.


Those ordinary dark professionals on the ground were also suppressed and blocked by the gods of the castle forces.


There is a peak demigod powerhouse of the Dark Empire, and said angrily: "You are gods, and you actually take action against us mortals, aren't you afraid of being punished by the laws of the world?"

"Of course I'm afraid!"

A ranger at the peak of the lower gods sneered and said: "However, we are just blocking your retreat and preventing you from escaping, not killing you, the 'game official' will not punish us!"

The local creatures know that the creatures of the castle forces habitually call the world law of their endless continent the 'game official'.

This is because for the castle forces, this is a competition of all races!

is a game with a real world background!

And the endless continent world rule that dominates the castle forces behind it is naturally the 'game official'.

"The war is over!"

"Your castle forces are about to win!"

"Why do you want to kill us all?"

The strong men of the dark empire screamed in horror.

A castle lord came, exuding divine power fluctuations that were invincible to the dark professionals present, and said, "You haven't been suppressed yet, how can the war end?"

"Since I chose to take the initiative to attack the army of our castle forces, I should be mentally prepared to be killed by us!"

"Do not!"

The strong man of the dark empire said: "We are just obeying the oracles of the gods of the empire. From the heart, we are not willing to go to war with your castle forces!"

"It's just an excuse to beg for mercy!"

The castle lord sneered: "If your dark empire is more powerful, will you let go of our castle power?"

"Obviously not!"

"The Endless Continent itself is a world where the weak and the strong eat!"

"You choose to be the enemy of our castle forces and take the initiative to declare war on us, then you should pay the price for what you have done!"

talking room.

Countless figures flew from behind.

They are all saint-level and demigod-level creatures from the castle forces.

And their task is to destroy these Dark Empire professionals who are trying to escape.

Soon, war will break out!

As for the more than two million gods of the castle forces, they guarded the battlefield and did not allow any Dark Empire professional to escape again.

Of course, the units under their command, and the rangers on the battlefield...

It will not really kill all these hundreds of billions of Dark Empire professionals.

As long as you choose to surrender, you can live.

But if it refuses to surrender, there is nothing to say.

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Chapter 438 When it touches, it collapses! Just run faster than others! Both are promoted to Lord God!

The core area of ​​the Radiant Empire.

Three battlefields appeared in an instant.

In the first battlefield, in a different-dimensional space with a height of tens of thousands of meters, the army of millions of gods from the Holy Empire and the castle forces is slaughtering the remaining less than 50,000 true gods of the Dark Empire.

The second battlefield has the largest area.

The more than ten trillion armies of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, led by the castle masters and rangers, successively encircled and suppressed the alchemy puppets and undead servants in the divided areas.

There are still more than trillions of alchemy puppets and undead servants in the battlefields of all divided areas.

However, losing their master's command, their combat effectiveness can be said to drop in a straight line.

It is absolutely not the army opponent of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

Their demise is only a matter of time.

The third battlefield is located in the rear, about 200,000 kilometers away from the second battlefield.

The Holy Empire and the castle forces dispatched nearly trillions of king-level, holy-level, and demigod-level troops to encircle and suppress hundreds of billions of professionals from the Dark Empire who were trying to escape.

These professionals have given up the idea of ​​going to war with the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

Because they knew that no matter how hard they tried, they would not be able to defeat the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

So, they chose to run away!

But it is a pity that they only escaped less than 200,000 kilometers, and they were intercepted by more than two million gods of the castle power.

Countless divine powers rolled in.

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