"Three days, plus one week!"

"That's ten days!"

"Ten days, enough for the Pantheon to fall to the Endless Continent!"

The Holy Master Gladstone looked at the core executives in the hall, and smiled rarely, and said, "Don't worry, everyone, the crisis of my glorious empire has been lifted!"

After hearing what Gladstone said.

The core executives present breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, it will not take ten days at all, and the Pantheon will fall into the Endless Continent, cracking the plane crystal wall of the Endless Continent.

Once the plane wall is cracked.

The Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss and the Burning Legion above the Blood Moon will attack the Endless Continent.

Start the battle of gods!

The abyss demons have all come in, will the army of the Holy Empire and the castle force continue to attack their imperial capital of the glorious empire?

Obviously not!

Moreover, this is also not allowed by the world law of Endless Continent.

In the face of the demons from the abyss world, even if the worlds of the endless continent are unwilling to join forces, they cannot start a civil war, otherwise they will be punished by the laws of the world!

This point, the Holy Empire and the castle forces do not know.

After all, the 'game official' hasn't released a world announcement yet.


the other side.

Above the blood moon, the twelve demon masters of the abyss world are also paying close attention to the war in the core area of ​​​​the radiant empire.

To them.

This war caused by the Holy Empire and the Dark Empire is also a big drama.

They look delicious!

After all, what demons like and do best is war and killing.

"¨々 The war hopes of this holy empire are really strong, and they have a match with our great abyss demons!"

"Obviously, the Holy Empire and the castle forces are taking the opportunity to destroy the army of the Dark Empire, and its insidiousness makes my eyes shine!"

"If the castle forces can rely on my abyss demons, it would be a good subsidiary force!"

"What about the Holy Empire?"

"The angels of the Holy Empire are creatures of the Holy and Bright camp, and they are mortal enemies with our abyss demons. Of course, they must be completely wiped out!"

"Makes sense!"

"By the way, isn't the one who appeared on the battlefield in different space, the goddess of Aurora Sylvia?"

"In the age of ancient gods, she was defeated in our hands. We blew up her divine body, and her divine soul was also shattered, turning it into a remnant soul!"

"She can actually come back from the dead?"

"Her **** position has entered the late stage of the main god, and it is even higher than the ancient times!"

"In the Endless Continent, someone could revive her? This is beyond my expectations!"

"If nothing else happens..."

"The Goddess of Aurora, Sylvia, was resurrected by the Holy Empire! This is known as the most powerful castle force, and it masters the god-defying magic that is beyond our imagination!"

"Obviously, the Holy Empire is the power of the world law of the Endless Continent specially cultivated to deal with our abyss demons!"

"It's a pity that the development of this force is too short!"

"Even if there are many main gods in the Holy Empire, they can't resist us!"

for this.

The twelve demon masters of the abyss gathered together have absolute confidence.

Their twelve main gods, the most powerful first demon, the second demon, and the third demon are all peak gods. They have practiced for millions of years, and it can be said that they are invincible.

And the other nine Demon Lords are all powerful existences in the late stage of the Lord God (Li De's).

Three peak gods, nine late gods...

With such terrifying strength, could it not destroy a holy empire?

They don't believe it!

What's more, after the battle of gods arrives, His Majesty the Abyss Demon Emperor, who they are loyal to, will also bring the Dark Titan, four element lords, and many servants to the Endless Continent.

It can be said that the Holy Empire targeted by them will surely die!

"In about seven more days, the Pantheon will fall into the Endless Continent!"

"When Jie Shi, the plane crystal wall of the Endless Continent will crack, and we can also lead our Twelve Demon Army and the Burning Legion to enter this plane world!"

"The first to destroy is the Holy Empire and the castle forces!"

"That's right!"

"The Holy Empire and those castle masters and rangers can use the power of the enemy to improve their own strength. This is a great threat to us!"

"Never let them grow up!"

These remarks were unanimously approved by the twelve demon masters present.

Because of the war of gods, it means a war of vast scale.

If they don't get the Holy Empire and the castle forces, and let those castle troops kill the demons and demons under their command, then the troops of the Holy Empire and the castle forces will become stronger by leaps and bounds.

It can be said that it does not take too long for the Holy Empire and the castle forces to threaten them.

Therefore, they have to get the Holy Empire and the castle forces first!

After that, go to attack other gods and local forces in the endless continent.

Just at this time.

The first Demon Lord Fergusis suddenly narrowed his eyes.

As a high-level demon, his pupils are also dark purple, which represents his noble status.

He said: "His Majesty the Demon Emperor has unsealed the seals of those monsters, and the four element lords and the Dark Titan Legion have also awakened!"

"His Majesty the Demon Emperor is about to come to rape!"

Hearing this, the demon masters present were immediately excited.

"Praise Your Majesty!!"

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Chapter 434 The Titan Legion in the Great Abyss! The hatred of the ancestor of the succubus! If I catch him, I will kill him! (please customize


Facing the Endless Continent, the pressure of the Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss is still very high.

After all, today's era is no better than the ancient era 100,000 years ago.

In the age of ancient gods, only the belief system ruled the Endless Continent, and the number of main gods who believed in the **** system was less than twenty at that time.

The most important thing is~

In ancient times, the most powerful main **** was only the late period of the main god.

As for their twelve demon lords in the abyss, the three most powerful demon lords have reached the level of peak gods, namely the first demon lord, the second demon lord, and the third demon lord.

Moreover, the strength of the other nine Demon Lords is also very powerful.

Because of this, the Demon God army and the Burning Legion led by them were able to capture the Endless Continent and defeat the Faith Pantheon.

However, it's different now!

A **** of truth appeared in the endless continent.

There are many lords of the empire that can rival the Lord God.

Coupled with the main gods who believe in the gods, the number of main gods in the endless continent has reached thirty.

In the face of at least thirty main gods, the twelve demon masters of the abyss are still very stressed.

After all, among these main gods, there are already peak main gods.

More importantly~

Today's Endless Continent is not only limited to the gods of faith and the gods of truth, but now another castle force has emerged, and the most powerful Holy Empire also has a number of main gods.

Lin Yi, who rules the Holy Empire, and Anasta, the eighteen-winged archangel who is famous in the Endless Continent, are even more powerful peak gods.

That is to say.

Today, the number of peak gods in the Endless Continent is only a lot more than the number of peak gods in the abyss demon system.

How can this pressure be small?

The Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss have the confidence to sweep the Holy Empire, but they do not have the confidence to sweep the entire Endless Continent.

If they start a war forcibly, then in the war at the main **** level, their abyss world is very likely to be defeated by the main gods of the three camps of the endless continent.

Therefore, they dare not be careless!

Now that they got the news from the abyss world, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as the Abyss Demon Emperor descends on the Endless Continent, they don't have to be afraid of anything.

After all, His Majesty the Demon Emperor to whom they are loyal is a half-step God King.

Moreover, under the command of the Abyss Demon King, there are also a number of servants, element lords, and the unparalleled dark titan army who make their twelve demon masters terrified.

Those Dark Titans are not Thunder Titans.

Not to mention the ordinary mixed-race Titans that appeared in later generations.

But from the Titans of ancient times!

Since the end of the ancient times, those dark titans who are loyal to the abyss demon emperor have been self-appointed in the abyss. If 510 is awakened today, it will definitely be able to erupt with terrifying ancient power!

Facing the dark titan army from ancient times~

The twelve demon masters present even suspected that the demon army of their own clan might not be the opponent of the dark titan army.

What's more, the army of all races in the endless continent?

In today's abyss world, there are three types of legions, the most powerful Dark Titan Legion, the slightly weaker Demon Lord's own Demon Army, and the weakest Burning Legion.

The Burning Legion is composed of ordinary demons.

In the age of ancient gods, the Twelve Demon Lords led the Burning Legion and swept the entire endless continent.

Now, they have dispatched their own demon army, as well as a more powerful dark titan army...

The Twelve Demon Lords believe that the Endless Continent is absolutely impossible to resist their attack, even if the three camps of Faith God, Truth God, and Castle Force are united, they cannot do it.

"As long as His Majesty comes to the Blood Moon, we can sit back and relax in this battle of gods!"


Hear the words of the First Demon Lord Fergussis.

The other demon masters agreed.

Some of them Demon Lord, like the first Demon Lord Fergussis, coveted the seat of Demon Emperor.

But in the same way, they are also loyal to the Abyss Demon Sovereign.

At least, when the Abyss Demon Sovereign is strong enough, they will never betray.

Unless one day, the abyss demon emperor becomes very weak, or they become stronger than the abyss demon emperor, then they will consider killing the abyss demon emperor and become the demon emperor who rules the abyss world.

And before that~

The Abyss Demon Sovereign is their backbone!

As long as there is His Majesty the Demon Emperor of the Abyss, they are not afraid of everything.

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