Under their 'operation'~

The dark gods were outraged and furious.

Finally declare war on the armies of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

Of course, this is all in the past.

Regardless of whether there are spies or not, the fate of the True God Legion of the Dark Empire is doomed, including the hundreds of billions of Dark Professionals in the core area.


on the ground.

Hundreds of billions of professionals in the Dark Empire led more than 5 trillion alchemy puppets and undead servants to fight against the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

When the war just started

The armies of the Dark Empire prevail.

After all, it is the party that started the war and has the initiative in the battlefield.

At first, several legions from the castle forces were surrounded by the army of the Dark Empire, resulting in the annihilation of the entire army, and the number of castle troops killed in action reached tens of billions.

The only good thing is that~

The castle lords and the rangers have long been informed that they are going to war with the armies of the Dark Empire.

Therefore, the castle masters and rangers who lead these castle legions are not too close to the army camp of the Dark Empire.

After the war started, they fled with their core units.

Moreover, they also used the [World Chat Channel] to pass the news of the war in the Dark Empire to all the castle lords and rangers.

after receiving the message.

The war machine of the Holy Empire and the Citadel was in motion immediately.

In a short period of time, the castle legions in various regions were assembled, and they were surrounded by the army of the Dark Empire.

War broke out from the first few legions...

It took less than two hours for the final full-scale war of hundreds of legions to break out.

In just two hours, the thirteen trillion armies of the Castle Force entered the core area occupied by the Dark Empire and fought against the six trillion Dark Army.

It can be said that the reaction speed of the Holy Empire and the castle forces was so fast that the ruler of the Glory Empire, the Glory Lord Gladstone, was surprised.

And this also made the core high-level leaders of the Holy Lord Gladstone and the Radiance Empire have to suspect that the Holy Empire and the castle forces had planned it.

They are just waiting for the right time.

Now, the time has come.

Naturally, the war broke out in an all-round way!


"Destroy the professionals of the Dark Empire!"

The more than ten trillion army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces attacked the army camp of the Dark Empire from all directions, and the war entered a fever in an instant.

High in the sky, there is an overwhelming army of castle flying troops.

Countless giant dragons, bone dragons, ghosts, phoenix guards, gargoyles, winged men and other flying arms, headed by the four [Sky Cities] of the Holy Empire, fought against the sky army of the Dark Empire.

Originally, there were three [Sky Castles] in the Holy Empire.

But this morning, a new [Sky City] was created by the [War Weapon Workshop] of the Holy Empire, and joined the battlefield at the same time.

Four [Sky Cities], all magic cannons were activated, and the sky army of the Dark Empire was frantically bombarded.

In just an instant, a large number of airships of the Dark Empire were blown up.

There were also countless flying cavalrymen turned to ashes in the dazzling beam of the magic cannon.

Of course, the war airship army and flying cavalry army of the Dark Empire are also fighting back, using magic cannons and various magic scrolls to frantically kill the flying troops of the castle forces.

They had no choice but to target the cannon muzzle and attack target of the [Sky City] of the Holy Empire at the flying armies of the castle forces.

boom boom boom...

High in the sky is a dazzling beam of light like a dense net.

Interspersed and intertwined with the entire sky.

Every moment, countless creatures fell, and the corpses fell from the sky to the ground like raindrops.

In addition to the flying arms and legions of the two camps fighting each other, the Holy Empire, the castle forces, and the holy-rank powerhouses and demigod powerhouses from the Dark Empire are also fighting wildly at high altitudes.

Holy rank domain, demigod law...

A burst of dazzling divine light collided.

The space within a radius of a million miles was beaten constantly.

Thousands of miles of clouds have long been torn to shreds.

What can be seen is that the overwhelming figure is fighting at high altitude, and the scene is extremely shocking.

Compared to the high-altitude battlefield...

The ground battlefield is even more tragic!

After all, the most numerous and largest camps on both sides are also the ground legions.

Different from the Radiant Empire, the Dark Empire belongs to the evil camp. In addition to the human professionals, their legion camp is composed of dark puppets and various undead creatures.

Zombies, carrion, undead knights, headless knights, abominations, ghouls, ghosts...

And so on undead creatures.

Gathered into a piece of undead Wang Yang, sweeping towards the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

If it were the army of the Radiant Empire, it would definitely be very fearful.

Because, with the size of the undead army of the Dark Empire, it can already be said to be a natural disaster of the undead, enough to sweep across their empire's territory and cause the empire to overturn.

However, the castle forces are not afraid.

Because in the army camp of the castle forces, there are also a large number of undead arms, dark arms, evil arms...

In addition, there are angels from the Holy Empire, and countless units of the light camp, madly throwing 'purification' into the undead army camp of the dark empire.

This directly led to the strength of the undead army of the Dark Empire, 100% of which could only be used for 70%.

Overall combat effectiveness was severely weakened.

In addition, the total size of the army of the Dark Empire is only half of the castle power, so after the full-scale war broke out, the army of the Dark Empire immediately entered a disadvantage.

An army of 6 trillion, against an army of nearly 13 trillion.

And in this thirteen trillion castle army, there are more than two million powerful angels, all of them are demigods.

Some high-ranking angels at the pinnacle of demigods possess the fighting power of ordinary true gods.

Under such a huge power gap,

If the army of the Dark Empire can defeat the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, that is the real hell!


"Truth is supreme!"

"Guard the glory that belongs to my dark empire!"

On the battlefield, countless professionals from the Dark Empire shouted.

All of them are fearless to death!

They led their respective alchemy puppets and undead slaves to fight with the castle troops on the battlefield.

There are a large number of castle troops killed in action all the time.

Their corpses were also quickly transformed into new undead slaves, and they continued to slay with the professionals of the Dark Empire.

In a small area of ​​the battlefield, some powerful Dark Empire professionals have an advantage, which can be said to be swept and invincible.

However, compared to the entire battlefield~

This advantage of the Dark Empire is nothing at all.

Because the number of alchemy puppets and undead slaves they were killed by the castle forces was even greater.


The army of angels from the Holy Empire, the army of light troops, and the light troops of the castle faction are always purifying the dark energy and undead power in them.

As a result, the undead slaves they transformed have not died much.

The undead natural disaster advantage of the Dark Empire cannot be brought into play at all in the face of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

As the war continued...

More and more alchemy golems and undead minions are killed.

Gradually, the professionals of the Dark Empire began to die on the battlefield one after another. As soon as they died, the alchemy puppets and undead servants under their command immediately turned into headless flies, and their combat effectiveness plummeted.

In this case, if it happened in the castle faction camp, it is actually the same.

When the castle lord dies, the castle troops will also become headless flies.

For some castle troops with low loyalty, it is possible to throw away their weapons and escape.

However, the castle lords are afraid of death, most of them are hiding in the rear of the battlefield, and they will not participate in the war in person.

Only Rangers will enter the battlefield and fight with the professionals of the Dark Empire.

the reason is simple.

Rangers have no arms. If you want to improve your strength, you have to go to the battlefield and fight with blood.

And the Lord of the castle has a huge army of arms under his command.

They don't need to take risks on their own at all. As long as the troops under their command kill the enemy on the battlefield, they can gain considerable experience and then improve their rank.


Professionals in the Dark Empire want to kill the rangers on the battlefield, and there is a chance.

But it is almost impossible to kill the Lord of the Castle.

Because their army has no strength and opportunity at all, they can reach the rear of the army of the castle forces to kill the castle masters who are guarded by a large number of powerful troops.

The castle masters, who were very afraid of death, directly put an end to the Dark Empire's plan of 'catching the thief first and the king'.

"Another team of night assassins was killed!"

"Those legion commanders of the Dark Empire really don't look back without hitting the southern wall!"

"Knowing that their assassination is unlikely to be successful, they still have to send teams of night assassins one after another to die!"

The rear of the battlefield.

There are a large number of castle lords gathered together.

There are a large number of demigod-level castle troops around them to protect them.

These demigod-level castle troops were not dispatched to the battlefield, but guarded around them to protect their safety.

Although this is a bit wasteful, there is no way, their safety is the most important.

If they die, then everything will end.

What's the use of having more troops?

Moreover, with the cooperation of those demigod-level castle arms, the gathered castle masters killed batch after batch of dark night assassin teams.

Because the army of the Dark Empire has no way to kill the battlefield~

Therefore, they can only send a large number of night assassins to try to kill the castle lords.

However, the plan of the Dark Empire is still a failure!

"This is the Dark Empire struggling to the death!"

"It won't take long, under the leadership of the army of angels, we will be able to defeat the entire army of the Dark Empire and win the victory of this war!"

"My rank has entered the pinnacle of demigods!"

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