"Just because the Holy Empire is too powerful!"

"Eight main gods come out together, enough to sweep the entire Thai "May 10" Tan God Realm, and smash this ancient and powerful God Realm to pieces!"

"To know……"

"There are only twelve Demon Lords that rule the abyss world!"

Night Lord Webster's face is ugly.

The eyes are full of shock and disbelief!

It was not until he came to the Holy Empire that he knew how terrifying the strength of the Holy Empire was.

That is not at all a terrible force that one or two local empires can fight against together!

we can even say……

Even if all the native empires in the central region of the Endless Continent were united, it would not necessarily be able to destroy the Holy Empire.

After all, the Holy Empire has two peak gods.

And the lords of these native empires, the most powerful ones can only be compared to the late period of the main gods, such as the ruler of the natural elf empire - the elf queen Emerida.

Emerald's **** position is the late stage of the main god.

Compared with the peak of the main god, it is a realm worse.

And if Emerida is facing Lin Yi, the pinnacle **** who masters the law of time and space divine power, then her strength can also be called weak.

The pinnacle main **** is synonymous with invincibility in the endless continent.

Perceiving the terrifying aura of divine power in the imperial capital of the Holy Empire, the Lord of the Night, Webster, instinctively had a desire to retreat.

His **** position, the middle stage of the main god.

With the identity of the lord of the empire and the lord artifact in his hand, he mobilized the power of the people of the kingdom, and his strength was barely comparable to the general late lord god.

But in front of Lin Yi.

That belongs to the weak.

"I really regret working with the Holy Empire at the beginning!"

"If there is no cooperation this time, my Dark Empire will not send a large army into the territory of the Radiant Empire, and it will not be dragged into the quagmire of war!"

Night Lord Webster rubbed his forehead.

He really regretted it!

He and his high-level empires are bent on destroying the Radiance Empire, ending the grievances that have been entangled for hundreds of thousands of years, and occupying some territories belonging to the Radiance Empire to increase the strength of their own empire.

In fact, this is almost becoming a reality!

However, because the true gods of the empire on the battlefield were deceived by the glorious empire, they took the initiative to declare war on the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

Everything is irreparable!

Thinking about it now, he really regretted participating in this war.

It's a pity that things have become a foregone conclusion, and it is useless for him to regret.

The only solution is for him to try his best to persuade Lin Yi, the ruler of the Holy Empire, to end the war and not let the casualties and losses of their empire expand further.

Far away battlefield~

The war did not stop for a moment.

Every moment, a large number of imperial gods and imperial professionals were killed on the battlefield.

The longer the delay, the greater the loss of their empire!

Therefore, at this moment, Lord Webster's mood is very anxious.

Just at this time.

A portal exuding dazzling divine light appeared in front of Webster, Lord of the Night.

This is a space portal!

Behind the door is the imperial capital of the Holy Empire.

In order to prevent the information of the imperial capital from being peeped by the twelve demon masters above the blood moon, Lin Yi did not open the super god-level magic defense shield of the imperial capital, but opened a portal for the Lord of the Night Webster. .

Look at the space portal in front of you~

The Night Lord Webster just hesitated for a moment, then walked in.

Although the terrifying aura of divine might in the Holy Empire made him instinctively want to back down, in order to save the true gods and professionals of the empire on the battlefield, he bravely passed through the space portal.

Anyway, this is just the incarnation of his god.

Even if he dies, the loss to him is not great.

thought here.

He also felt a lot more at ease.


Imperial Palace of the Holy Empire.

Lin Yiduan sat on the highest throne in the hall, looking down at Webster, Lord of the Night, who appeared on the hall.

Webster didn't like this feeling very much.

Because he is also the lord of the empire, the owner of the throne.

But now, he can only stand in the hall, looking up at Lin Yi in the high place.

This is a comparison of strengths!

No matter how reluctant the Lord of the Night Webster is, he can only be forced to accept it.

Unless he can be promoted to the level of a half-step **** king, or directly promoted to a **** king and master the supreme divine power, then Lin Yi has to look up to him.

"His Majesty Webster has come from afar, what is the matter?"

Lin Yi smiled and stared at Webster, Lord of Darkness in the hall.

In fact, long before the Dark Lord Webster set foot in the no-man's land of the wilderness, he had already sensed Webster's breath.

As the **** of space and time~

It can easily perceive any creature that is close to the Holy Empire.

No one can avoid his perception of time and space, not even the Twelve Demon Lords of the abyss world.

Seeing Lin Yi speak first.

The Lord of the Night, Webster, no longer bothered about 'looking up' and 'looking down', he said bluntly: "Your Majesty Lin Yi, the war in the distant battlefield is a misunderstanding, I hope Your Majesty Lin Yi can Order, stop this war that should not have happened!"

"Of course, for the losses caused by this war to your empire and castle forces, I, the Dark Empire, are willing to bear the burden to make up for our faults!"

Webster took the initiative to subdue and questioned Lin Yi without a fever.

Because he knew it would only backfire.

As the pinnacle **** Lin Yi, he won't give him face.

If he dared to question Lin Yi, or told Lin Yi to stop the war in a tougher tone, then Lin Yi would never give him a good look.

After all, the majesty of the Peak Lord God cannot be desecrated.

The voice did not fall.

The Lord of the Night, Webster, told all about the cause and effect of the conspiracy of the Radiant Empire, the assassination plan, and other events.

The point is that their dark empire is also a victim.

"Is there such a thing?"

Lin Yi looked surprised and said, "I didn't know that, in the distant battlefield, the army of my Holy Empire and the castle forces have already started a war with the army of your Dark Empire!"


Lord of the Night Webster's expression froze slightly.

He suspected that Lin Yi was pretending to be confused with him.

But looking at Lin Yi's expression, it doesn't seem to be fake.

In addition, everyone is a master **** with great divine power, and Lin Yi is also a peak master **** who is enough to look down on the entire endless continent. There is absolutely no need to pretend to be confused.

"Your Majesty Lin Yi doesn't know about this?"


Lin Yi nodded.

He was telling the truth, he really didn't know.

All he knew was that the Eighteen-Winged Seraph Candice reported to him about what the Angel of Destiny Claire saw in the future picture.

In addition, he also ordered that once the army of the Dark Empire engages in trouble, there is no need to show mercy and fight back directly.

However, he didn't know that the two camps went to war so quickly.

Since Kadisse left the imperial capital and returned to the battlefield, in addition to recruiting the usual units, he has been retreating to understand the origin of his own divine power law.

to him.

The outcome of the distant battlefield is doomed.

Neither the Dark Empire nor the Radiant Empire can change their ending.

Naturally, he would not pay attention to the distant battlefield all the time.

All he had to do was wait for the news of victory to come back.

Lord of the Night Webster said in astonishment: "How could your Majesty's angel not report such an important battle to His Majesty?"

Lin Yi glanced at him and said, "Is His Majesty Webster telling me that my angel has ignored my existence?"

This guy actually provoked his relationship with the angel family.

Make him distrust his angels?

I really don't know what to think!

"Your Majesty Lin Yi, don't get me wrong!"

Night Lord Webster said: "I'm just a little surprised!"

Lin Yi said: "I have given all the power to my eighteen-winged Seraph Kadis to lead the matters concerning the war..."

"Your Majesty Lin Yi!"

Lord of the Night Webster said: "This war is not good for both of us. I hope that His Majesty can order the end of this war for the sake of our cooperation and transactions!"

"I believe, as the Lord of the angel family's belief..."

"Your words are the will of allegiance to the army of angels!"

"As long as you say a word, the war in the distance can end!"


Lin Yi said with a calm expression: "I have already said that, I have already handed over the war to Kadis! As for whether there is a misunderstanding between the Dark Empire and my Holy Empire, Kadis knows better than me!"

"If His Majesty Webster wants to end this war, then go to the battlefield and talk to my commander in chief!"

"Your Majesty Lin Yi!"

Lord of the Night Webster gritted his teeth and said, "I am willing to take out 100 million crystals of divine power to make up for the loss of your empire and the castle forces in this war. I only hope that His Majesty can immediately order it, and the war will end!"

How much is 100 million crystals of divine power?

A lot, a lot!

Webster can come up with it, but he is also very distressed...

No less than cutting rou on his body.

But as long as they can rescue the 200,000 imperial true gods trapped in the different space battlefield, as well as hundreds of billions of mortal-level professionals, even if they lose 100 million crystals of divine power, it is worth it.

after all……

Divine Crystals are only consumables.

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